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Treek worth getting?


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Just came back to game, starting an Assassin. I noticed there is a new companion, Treek. Is it worth spending the $20 on him? I don't have the credits. Also, I'm asking here because it General, it seems you always get the haters of the game, so didn't want to ask them.
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Just came back to game, starting an Assassin. I noticed there is a new companion, Treek. Is it worth spending the $20 on him? I don't have the credits. Also, I'm asking here because it General, it seems you always get the haters of the game, so didn't want to ask them.


Worth spending $20 on? Not to me. Worth a million credits? Yes. Most definitely. That being said, her jabbering does tend to get on my nerves.

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Million credits is not the problem for me - legacy lvl 40 is, gonna take a long time to get that one.


If you purchase her from the cartel shop it does not require legacy lv 40. A friend of mine has her and she is a long way from legacy lv 40 but she purchased her from the cartel shop and not through her legacy.


From Dulfy (http://dulfy.net/2013/06/28/swtor-new-ewok-companion-treek/)


You can purchase Treek’s mercenary contract via two methods

Cartel Market for 2100 Cartel Coins (no legacy level requirement)

Purchase from the Cartel Bazaar for 1 million credits (requires legacy level 40) – See below


Both types of mercenary contract can be traded on the GTN but the one purchased for credits have a legacy level 40 requirement so double check before you buy!


Once the contract is purchase via any of the two methods above, it can be unlocked in your collections for 700 CC for your entire account of characters or you can spend 300k on each character to unlock it as a character perk (i.e. only unlocked on that character the perk is purchased on).

Players with legacy level 40 may find it beneficial to spend 1 mil credits to unlock the mercenary contract and then 700 CC to unlock it in the collections unless you have a lot of credits to burn.


Go to Cartel Bazaar on the south end of the fleet (north end for Republic) once Patch 2.3 arrives on live servers. You will see a droid that sells you a mercenary contract for 1 mil credits (requires legacy level 40) and using it will bring up a short conversation where you are introduced to Treek.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Just actually bothered to buy her, and I do have a question:


You guys prefer her as healer or tank?


I personnally went with tank gear for my sorc since I often play with a friend's merc who geared his as healer.


However it might be nice to know for future characters.



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Just actually bothered to buy her, and I do have a question:


You guys prefer her as healer or tank?


I personnally went with tank gear for my sorc since I often play with a friend's merc who geared his as healer.


However it might be nice to know for future characters.




she's great in either role

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If you purchase her from the cartel shop it does not require legacy lv 40. A friend of mine has her and she is a long way from legacy lv 40 but she purchased her from the cartel shop and not through her legacy.


Thanks, I know this already, I just make a point of not forking out extra cash on fluff when I'm already a subscriber. So it's legacy 40 for me, or if I get lucky and pick a non-legacy contract off of GTN. Not likely to happen though. ;)


She'd be worth the 20$ price tag if you could solo flashpoints with her. :p Since that's nowhere near the reality, I'd say she is worth the million credits, but NOT real money.

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I have a similar problem. I'm playing SWTOR for 1 year now, and I'm at Legacy Level 19 now ...



While you'd think multiple toons = better legacy xp, its actually endgame that gives the most. Daily quest being 55, thing gives a lot more xp than a level 30 quest.

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To me, Treek is indispensable. Great for levelling alts. But really really shines at 55. On the lvl 55 planet, I outfit her in absorb gear, and she tanks and barely takes damage for my sorc and sniper. She heals better than any healing companion on my dps characters, though i tend to like her better in tank stance if i have her in the tank gear. Can wipe through all the content, including the champs in the herioc area solo pretty easily. On my sorc i barely take damage as long as i interupt the champions big hitters, and use my ccs to heal tweek up a bit (and rebubble her). I play a madness sorc for a reference, run tweek in full tank absorb gear in tank stance.


just my two cents

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While you'd think multiple toons = better legacy xp, its actually endgame that gives the most. Daily quest being 55, thing gives a lot more xp than a level 30 quest.


Oh, okay, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.


But - I often wonder what sense does Treek have (when she can be "bought" only that late) when she would be good for low-level alts ?

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Oh, okay, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.


But - I often wonder what sense does Treek have (when she can be "bought" only that late) when she would be good for low-level alts ?


Well, if you get her unlocked through legacy (I'm not sure about CM version, but I think you can unlock her for legacy as well), the idea is that she becomes available even for your low level alts - afaik, you need to be level 10 to get her and need to do her quest chain only with one legacy character.

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Well, if you get her unlocked through legacy (I'm not sure about CM version, but I think you can unlock her for legacy as well), the idea is that she becomes available even for your low level alts - afaik, you need to be level 10 to get her and need to do her quest chain only with one legacy character.


You can also unlock the contract through collection for 700 Cartel Coins, which work cross server I think.

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Well, if you get her unlocked through legacy (I'm not sure about CM version, but I think you can unlock her for legacy as well), the idea is that she becomes available even for your low level alts - afaik, you need to be level 10 to get her and need to do her quest chain only with one legacy character.


There is no quest chain really. All it is, is you have to go a vendor in the Cartel Bazaar to get a Mercenary Contract then use it. Wallah, treek is unlocked.

Then for any alts you just unlock her through the Character Perks tab in the Legacy Panel

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I'm not getting Treek because Ewoks feel a bit out of place in this time period (to be fair, so does Hoth, but Endor and Ewoks are more of a stretch), and HK-51 kinda creates enough ship dwellers (I don't think Tallos has seen anything outside the ship walls and the Vaiken Spacedock hangar. Xalek and Ashara make rare appearances. Andronikos and Khem Val occasionally see some action.).
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I'm a Jedi Sage using healer build and I own Treek. So far I been keeping Treek in tank stance which works for me since I can heal her if needed. For the little bit of time I been playing with her as my new companion.


I really don't have to heal her that much cause she is able to heal her self even in tank stance. Which is enough to take some pressure off of me so I can work on killing the mobs. Some people would say place Treek in healer stance. Then just run a TK build on your Jedi Sage so you can kill faster.


The thing is I really enjoy playing as a healer spec on my Sage. After playing with Treek I would say she is well worth buying from Cartel Market. If you don't all ready have the legacy level 40 to get her that way.

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I have unlocked Treek on my collectables account, so all new characters have access to her at level 10 for free. She is totally worth it, and the only companion I use (when not role playing or doing companion quests).


From level 10 to 20, she is a powerhouse. I was able to solo the first Flashpoint with just her, on any toon. She comes standard with all blue mods and basically fights at a level 20 level, at level 10.


The only downside I can see with her, is that she's got a FULL set of customizable orange gear that you need to upgrade as you level. With some clever GTN or Planet Comms purchases though, it's not that big of a deal. But having her in fully geared mods, will make leveling as breeze.


She has worked wonders for classes which don't get their healing companion until later in the game. She was hugely beneficial for the Jedi Knight (4th companion) and Imperial Agent (4th), and great for the Smuggler (3rd) and Sith Warrior (3rd). I think the only classes she doesn't benefit tremendously at the start are the Bounty Hunter (Mako is too good) and perhaps Trooper (2nd), since you get the healing companions first or 2nd.


I will say my kids love her, just way too cute and useful.

Edited by CecilPaladin
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Is she needed : no! is she the best healer/tank in the game yes.


totally agree! I use treek more than anyone else,unless i'm heal spec.I got treek the old fashioned way,cause i don't do cash shops.Treek is pretty ridiculous as a healer if you take the time to get your presence really high.

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