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Did you watch Firefly? Can swtor space have that feel?


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wasn't suggesting you change the feel of star wars, but you had a fire fly feel to a space game.. i.e. yo'ud be using star warsy guns and shields, you'd just factor that in.


but using your logic..if you used "star warsy" guns and shields.....you HAVE Star Wars.


so there ya go! you got it already.

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It's funny how everyone wants the thing they don't have. When games were sandboxes, everyone wanted theme parks. Now that they're all theme parks, everyone wants sandboxes. Bioware needs to ignore these cries for sandbox elements and stick to their guns. This game was engineered from the ground up to be a theme park separated by tons of instances and loading screens. That's never going to change; they've invested nearly half a billion dollars to make the game we have so they're not about to do an upheaval just because fickle gamers are addicted to never being happy with what they have. SWTOR is a theme park and will always be a theme park. Accept it and move on. We need posts about improving the theme park experience instead of trying to get Bioware to paint stripes on the horse and calling it a zebra.


so much this.

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EverQuest, Ultima Online, etc...came before WoW


WoW was the first extremely successful themepark MMO.


it's STILL the king of the hill (whether you or I like it or not)


That's all the proof you need.


Now that everyone is putting out WoW Theme-parkesque MMO's a lot of poeple are crying for more Sandbox stuff.


the "source" is common sense and open eyes.

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if you ever wanted a modern idea of how a space game could be a sandboxy type exploration with a great feel, look no further than firefly.


question though is, can that feel be replicated in swtor? Firefly, they're smugglers pretty much like Hans Solo, they take odd jobs all around the galaxy and keep running into trouble in space or planet side. Every space mission would have 5 class based objective.


Jedi & Trooper - would have a jedi or law protection related theme

Sith - would have a sith objective nature to it

Smuggler - would have a smuggler based objective very close to

Bounty Hunter - which would have some bounty hunter objective

Agent - Agent related theme cross with the Sith one alot


I'm sorry but keep you're sandbox out of my Kotor!

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Look you want a game that's about exploring space? There's EVE, or Star Trek Online. And speaking of Star Trek Online that's based on Star Trek... Ya know the TV show that was about exploring space! You know that whole line about seeking out to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before. That ring a bell?


Again this is Star Wars, this wasn't about that line above this was about the battle of good vs evil. You want to go meet the mud people of Grimlack 5 after getting there? Go play STO.


Well, to be honest, there is currently right about zero exploration in Star Trek Online. For a game that holds the IP of 'exploring strange new worlds, seeking new life and new civilizations and boldly going where no one has gone before' it's pretty much pew-pew 100%. So you can't really re-direct people to look for exploring space there.

EVE I agree with, although it never was my cup of tea due to the UI and the way their gameplay works.


But I completely agree that this is Star Wars and SW:TOR should remain true to the franchise. People come here to play Star Wars after all.

Edited by spoljar
Fixing typos.
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Well, to be honest, there is currently right about zero exploration in Star Trek Online. For a game that holds the IP of 'exploring strange new worlds, seeking new life and new civilizations and boldly going where no one has gone before' it's pretty much pew-pew 100%. So you can't really re-direct people to look for exploring space there.

EVE I agree with, although it never was my cup of tea due to the UI and the way their gameplay works.


But I completely agree that this is Star Wars and SW:TOR should remain true to the franchise. People come here to play Star Wars after all.


I came for the war part. The planetary part. Not to fly around, sorry. And I know quite a few people who found Star Wars's appeal in the fantastic planets, the amazing weapons, the combat, and the action. Space is fine and dandy, sure, but do I want a sandbox space? Hell no. It was one of my turnoffs with Star Wars: Galaxies. Albeit, what we find appealing is unique to us, but the way the game currently is is what's appealing to, obviously, quite a bit of people, and it certanily won't be changing any time soon.


EDIT: I did misread your point in the quoted statement, but I'm still going to keep my statement here, as it's still relevant.

Edited by jedimasterjac
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If you want a Firefly-like experience, check out the upcoming Star Citizen MMO:




It's not exactly Firefly, but there's a large contingent of Browncoats there salivating for the game to come out. It also has the distinction of being the most successful crowd funded Project in history, they just passed 26 million dollars! (Note I said Project, not Game. The next most successful was The Pebble Smartwatch at $10 million.)


To anyone in the gaming industry who happens to see this. Do you need any further proof that there is a desire for Space Combat Sims to make a return?

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I never got a Star Wars feel from Firefly. Firefly to me was Western in space. I thought it was a very good show.


It is too bad that it was killed off by Fox (showing the episodes out of order and switching nights a lot - heck, the pilot was the last show aired :eek: ).


At least they also got to make Serenity which tied up a lot of loose ends.

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I never got a Star Wars feel from Firefly. Firefly to me was Western in space. I thought it was a very good show.


It is too bad that it was killed off by Fox (showing the episodes out of order and switching nights a lot - heck, the pilot was the last show aired :eek: ).


At least they also got to make Serenity which tied up a lot of loose ends.


But so many loose ends left forever! WHAT WAS BOOK'S BACK STORY??? WHAT HAPPENED TO INARA TO MAKE HER LEAVE THE GUILDHOUSE? WOULD ZOE HAVE HAD A BABY??? WOULD MAL AND INARA HAVE GOTTEN TOGETHER?? What about her job?? Would Kayleigh and Simon have made it? What else did River know?? Would we ever have overthrown the Alliance?? It was soooo awesome and because Fox savaged it, it never had a chance to get rubbish and make us all stop watching, so I will love it forever and ever and wait desperately for every Firefly joke that Nathan makes in Castle (wearing the costume for Halloween was just awesome).


Moving on from my trauma to the topic - I love Firefly. I do. But this is Star Wars, which I also love. They are two completely different 'verses. Whilst I would be super happy to debate in the off-topic forum about Lucas vs Whedon until the end of time, I see no need to try and confuse the two.


The point is, will Galactic Starfighter feel like STAR WARS in space, not Firefly. Will I be able to make continuous "Red Leader, standing by" jokes? Will I have a chance to hit the tiny target that blows up the Death Star? Will people vote to kick when I make another "Red Leader, standing by" joke? Can I fly the Millenium Falcon?? Will I have a cockpit view?


These things are relevant, Firefly is just a cherished memory for us to all write angry letters to Fox about. And hero worship Joss Whedon until the end of time.

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Add the following things to Galactic Starfigher and save your time programming AI


add 100+ systems with space trade stations

add cargo transporting

add player driven economy

add player driven territory warfare Empire vs. Republic

add mining

add smuggling

add player bounties

add player/guild conquering of stations

add player ships in all sizes from small fighter to capital ships

add joystick combat

add cockpit view


-> Profit

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Add the following things to Galactic Starfigher and save your time programming AI


add 100+ systems with space trade stations

add cargo transporting

add player driven economy

add player driven territory warfare Empire vs. Republic

add mining

add smuggling

add player bounties

add player/guild conquering of stations

add player ships in all sizes from small fighter to capital ships

add joystick combat

add cockpit view


-> Profit


In other words, build a completely new game from the ground up, and do so while attempting to continue making content for a ground based MMO. Also do so with a skeleton dev crew to boot.


Yeah, no

They are not going to build a EvE with star wars skin just as a expac for a existing game. Space sim is already controversial expanding it to your scale would be settting up to fail

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Two comments:


1) if Firefly was the end all be all of sandbox play.. why is there no MMO based on it? Because sandbox play is a limited market is why, AND Firefly is a niche lore with a cult following.. but not a broad following. (I'm a Firefly Fan btw).


2) This MMO here (SWTOR) IS NOT a sandbox MMO. People really should stop demanding it change into a sandbox IMO, and go play an actual sandbox MMO if that is what you need. ---------> EVE.

why can't it be both? I see an opportunity here, the land based game can continue to be theme park design like it is now, but they can actually develop a space game that can be sandbox.


I'd love it tbh, new content for the land game comes out, you enjoy it and play through it for a while, when it gets old you're back sandboxing out in space, going to the occasional land based op

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I came for the war part. The planetary part. Not to fly around, sorry. And I know quite a few people who found Star Wars's appeal in the fantastic planets, the amazing weapons, the combat, and the action. Space is fine and dandy, sure, but do I want a sandbox space? Hell no. It was one of my turnoffs with Star Wars: Galaxies. Albeit, what we find appealing is unique to us, but the way the game currently is is what's appealing to, obviously, quite a bit of people, and it certanily won't be changing any time soon.


EDIT: I did misread your point in the quoted statement, but I'm still going to keep my statement here, as it's still relevant.


isn't sandbox space much easier to design and develop? afterall its progress is largely player driven. And why would it matter to you if it won't affect the land based game? won't you just ignore it ?:

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