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Did you watch Firefly? Can swtor space have that feel?


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if you ever wanted a modern idea of how a space game could be a sandboxy type exploration with a great feel, look no further than firefly.


question though is, can that feel be replicated in swtor? Firefly, they're smugglers pretty much like Hans Solo, they take odd jobs all around the galaxy and keep running into trouble in space or planet side. Every space mission would have 5 class based objective.


Jedi & Trooper - would have a jedi or law protection related theme

Sith - would have a sith objective nature to it

Smuggler - would have a smuggler based objective very close to

Bounty Hunter - which would have some bounty hunter objective

Agent - Agent related theme cross with the Sith one alot

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well if you ever want that feel go to a RP server and try to rp , you will get that lawless feeling in no time ;)


But those things you mention , is done a bit like the monthly bounty hunter event .

But sadly like all scripted quest it becomes boring after a while cause it is repeatable .


Does the game has the firefly imagination or any other Sci Fi imagination ,

Definetly , but remember imagination is really good till disturbed by other people interaction .

Cause human brain don't compensate for all the variables .


But find similair people to interact with if you want to create such setting , I know back on Progenitor people used to create rp guild solely based on there own rules and adventures and events .

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Firefly was inspired by Star Wars. The few main differences are that the bad guys won the war (revolution), there is no Force, and firefly is actually made up of Earthlings. Joss was actually worried that Firefly was too much like SW and would actually call George Lucas and ask for minor guidence.
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The main problem is technology level, yes they are in space, but it's not advanced tech, hell some of the guns are far more basic than what's currently available. They have no shields, barely working communications, and no droids,


To do this we would have to wind the clock back even further than this game does, so Star Wars The Ancient Republic is what you'ld get. Don't get me wrong Firefly and Serenity were great, but so was Battlestar Galactic, Buck Rogers, Battle for the Stars, and many more.

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Firefly was inspired by Star Wars. The few main differences are that the bad guys won the war (revolution), there is no Force, and firefly is actually made up of Earthlings. Joss was actually worried that Firefly was too much like SW and would actually call George Lucas and ask for minor guidence.


yeah, I got that feel about frirefly when I watched it... it also felt like the theme could make a great space game. It's easy to fit firefly in a star wars universe at least for the purpose of a smuggler'esque kind of game.


I would think, what would it be like if your space ship was big enough to have missions in it.

If you could dog fight other players in space, and board their ships like boarding party flashpoint and fight to commandeer them, you + your 5 companions vs theirs in the only time and place you actually have 5 companions avail.

But most of all was the idea of being able to travel through space and go to planets.. didn't care if the planets look like 1890s oklahomo farm town with hi-tech gadgets.. remember the episode where they go to protect the whorehouse and you have men on horseback galloping, and coming up behind them is their leader in a hover car.


1. they need an open space zone you can actually navigate and fly in, jump to hyper space etc

2. need to be able to spawn planets like crew skill missions have so you can do small things that vary at any time, sandbox theme here.

3. A host of missions that are dynamic and can change, should be able to sometime shave to protect your ship or try and commandeer anothers' vessel


star wars is perfect for that sort of gameplay.. they can have a vast host of planets - based on existing models and design maybe 2-5 new templates.


you can populate that planet, oro build it as and how you like, with defenses, infrastructer etc based on rrewards you get from the regular missions, you can try and invade others' plaents too, gather your forces etc, align yourself with your faction if you want their help,


able to build yourself into an economic powerhouse your faction can't do without.


create a system i your faction's core worlds that can be influenced by the military, economic, political and social dominance of the players.


Good thing about this is that thsose who don't give a damn still have their operations and flashpoints to be their main focus play and still have their dailies they can run without having any serious effect..what woud they care if some player owns half the quadrant? for places they never visit or have any desire to engage in?

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I freaking love Firefly, it makes me so very angry that it was canceled. But this is not Firefly, this is Star Wars, and I would rather the game felt like Star Wars, which to me it does.

wasn't suggesting you change the feel of star wars, but you had a fire fly feel to a space game.. i.e. yo'ud be using star warsy guns and shields, you'd just factor that in.

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not sure what you were watching but Firefly had little to no space combat.


You can already invite people to your ship and talk to them while you sit out in space while you listen to the hum of your engines. That's pretty much all that happened on board ship in Firefly.


so grats you got it!

Edited by sstanks
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Well my ideal for SwToR would be.


Current Land based mmo game - pretty much as is with continuous updates and new content.

  1. Current personal starship railed pvE combat.
  2. Incoming PvP non-railed space combat to develop pvE based fights or be a combo of both. incl multiplayer pvE 5 man pvE missions and possibly Operations that involve space combat.
  3. Space exploration sand box game - swg type, that the players themselves largely develop.
  4. Sims type sub game based on you and your companions with your ship as the main focus - this beats the pet combat copy cat - let the team that does Sims develop a game that allows you to build up planets like you do cities in Sim City but has to be in game time, and Sims for interaction between you and your companions and other players in a multiplayer environment adaptedto star wars - i.e. yeah the space ship acts as the home, but home can move about as things may change depending on whether your own fleet or on other planets, an excellent way to use the existing worlds from a civilian point of view.



- fantasy ? yes

- doable with todays' tech? off course - each of these is an add on game based on the game servers.. you gain the feature by buying the add-on.

- will it ever happen no, far too ambitious for the low risk, milk the game for all its worth EA


would it be a profitable? I don't know, Warcraft could do something like this with 7.7 million subs.. guys would largely dominate the land based game, a lot more girls on the sim based game tied into social media.but then they atttract different people, the social environment is good, it should be a hit

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Don't you know? Everything set in space was actually inspired by Star Wars, including Star Trek or Space Odyssey.... Ohhhh wait... :rolleyes:

don't be so sarcastic, when I watched firefly, it constantly reminded me of star wars, albeit a very specific vein, It did not feel like Star Trek or Space Odyssey or any of the older sci-fi stuff

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Don't you know? Everything set in space was actually inspired by Star Wars, including Star Trek or Space Odyssey.... Ohhhh wait... :rolleyes:


You left out the 60s tv series, "Lost in Space" Star Wars was that shows main back ground. The Robot that screamed, "Warning, Will Robinson"! was based on R2-D2 and C3PO. lol


Ok all Joking aside, Firefly was a ok show. Its concept was good but not good enough, it was canceled after one season i believe. So i don't want to play a game based off of a show that was cancelled.

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if you ever wanted a modern idea of how a space game could be a sandboxy type exploration with a great feel, look no further than firefly.


question though is, can that feel be replicated in swtor? Firefly, they're smugglers pretty much like Hans Solo, they take odd jobs all around the galaxy and keep running into trouble in space or planet side. Every space mission would have 5 class based objective.


Jedi & Trooper - would have a jedi or law protection related theme

Sith - would have a sith objective nature to it

Smuggler - would have a smuggler based objective very close to

Bounty Hunter - which would have some bounty hunter objective

Agent - Agent related theme cross with the Sith one alot

Okay know what normally I love to say you are right and get everyone all "That's not true." But lets go over this...


Star Wars is about Wars in Space. Did you see anyone exploring at all? Did you see anyone in the movies jumping into a Ship and going out to explore? If you did then I really wonder what movies you watched, and are they better then Episode 1, 2 and 3?


Look you want a game that's about exploring space? There's EVE, or Star Trek Online. And speaking of Star Trek Online that's based on Star Trek... Ya know the TV show that was about exploring space! You know that whole line about seeking out to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before. That ring a bell?


Again this is Star Wars, this wasn't about that line above this was about the battle of good vs evil. You want to go meet the mud people of Grimlack 5 after getting there? Go play STO.

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don't be so sarcastic, when I watched firefly, it constantly reminded me of star wars, albeit a very specific vein, It did not feel like Star Trek or Space Odyssey or any of the older sci-fi stuff


Firefly always felt like what Brisco County Jr. would look in space. I never, ever for once thought of Star Wars, when watching the show.


Even the whole chemistry and back and forth between Mal and Inara reminded me of Dixie and Brisco, not to mention their way of living.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I would actually like to know about the rp server question as well. I'm currently on a pvp server but am yearning for a more meaningful game experience. I still want my pvp, but also want some good story lines. And by that I mean not only cantina rp. What server right now is the best for that, that has population eastern time. Thanks for the help.
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if you ever wanted a modern idea of how a space game could be a sandboxy type exploration with a great feel, look no further than firefly.


Two comments:


1) if Firefly was the end all be all of sandbox play.. why is there no MMO based on it? Because sandbox play is a limited market is why, AND Firefly is a niche lore with a cult following.. but not a broad following. (I'm a Firefly Fan btw).


2) This MMO here (SWTOR) IS NOT a sandbox MMO. People really should stop demanding it change into a sandbox IMO, and go play an actual sandbox MMO if that is what you need. ---------> EVE.

Edited by Andryah
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You left out the 60s tv series, "Lost in Space" Star Wars was that shows main back ground. The Robot that screamed, "Warning, Will Robinson"! was based on R2-D2 and C3PO. lol




More seriously......actually, the weekly episode based "space operas" of the 50s and early 60s in movie theaters was the primary creative inspiration for Lucas in all that he has done in his career. It predates all other themes that came later in TV and theater.

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Firefly in Star Wars - Unlikely


The technology of Star Wars SHOULD be way beyond the ability to pull off Firefly since someone can go from Coruscant to Tatooine in hours. That said, the scale of Star Wars has ALWAYS been under-represented to the point of stupidity.

When your average Imperial Agent / Smugger is able to call down ORBITAL STRIKES on command. You cannot really have the 'lost in the wilderness' theme.


If you want a sandbox MMO like Firely then EVE Online would work.


If you want a sandbox Single player game like Firefly then the X series of games would work - X Rebirth being the newest


Although, a potential contender exists on the horizon that could become a big MMO hit for the Sandbox / Flightsim market - Star Citizen


The chances of Bioware managing to even capture a fraction of the scale or creativity required to pull off a proper space experience is less than 0.

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It's funny how everyone wants the thing they don't have. When games were sandboxes, everyone wanted theme parks. Now that they're all theme parks, everyone wants sandboxes. Bioware needs to ignore these cries for sandbox elements and stick to their guns. This game was engineered from the ground up to be a theme park separated by tons of instances and loading screens. That's never going to change; they've invested nearly half a billion dollars to make the game we have so they're not about to do an upheaval just because fickle gamers are addicted to never being happy with what they have. SWTOR is a theme park and will always be a theme park. Accept it and move on. We need posts about improving the theme park experience instead of trying to get Bioware to paint stripes on the horse and calling it a zebra.
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