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The (Un)Official PVP venting thread.


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People who post **** about stuff they don't know anything about, on behalf of not playing the class at 55, or use anecdotal evidence, such as the performance of one top team, in an attempt to slow down class balancing, which for the record already is more or less standing still. Edited by MidichIorian
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So im in pvp chilln as a sniper right? see a lil pub purched up on the catwalk and I line him up for some high damage attack rotation...Cover>Explosive probe>Ambush>Laze target>snipe.....as soon as i put down my explosive probe on him...someone shoots him with just a basic attack (the one that costs nothing to shoot) and sets off my probe dealing a minimum of 1200 dps..when it could have dealt 9000+ With my damage rotation...for **** sakes BW make an explosive probe activate ONLY by the sniper who placed it...completely ****s my damage rotation
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You know what made me so angry last night? A freaking tank assassin who deliberately waits near the fire pit all the time and pulls me to fire whenever my resolve or Unremitting runs out. It was impossible not to lash out at that douche. Screw the huttball! i am gonna tunnel vision him down next time i see him! He's gonna rue the day he rolled a tank assassin.
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You know what made me so angry last night? A freaking tank assassin who deliberately waits near the fire pit all the time and pulls me to fire whenever my resolve or Unremitting runs out. It was impossible not to lash out at that douche. Screw the huttball! i am gonna tunnel vision him down next time i see him! He's gonna rue the day he rolled a tank assassin.


I like this guy..I can relate...

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What bothers me? My teammates misusing their pushes.


Situation 1: I pulled the ball carrier into the fire pit. Tie game with a few seconds to go. I fire pit the dude, stun him, and some idiot Sorc pushes him OUT of the fire.


Situation 2: Two node guards are near dead. I stun them and hit PFT for the snare/kill. A derp merc on my team pushes both of them out, saving their lives, and they interrupt the cap for the win.

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What really *irks* me? The fact that I suck at PvP!


I've been doing PvP for two months! (literally; this is the first game I've done any kind of PvP)


Why can't I, as a 46-year old man with terrible reflexes, be just as good as all the teens and tweens who's been doing PvP in general their whole lives and doing PvP here in SWTOR for two years, with two months worth of practice?!




Just kidding... actually, I know I'll likely get flamed for this, but I really enjoy the PvP here. Even when I suck, which is a darn good thing, since I suck all the time. Heck, I actually killed a guy three levels higher than me once a few days ago, during open world PvP, when he tried to gank me. I know, that sounds like a pretty lame thing to get excited about, but when you get to be an old fart, it's the little things that bring you joy :)

Edited by georgemattson
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Yesterday was on my Powertech tank 30 to 54 range (currently 50) and was playing Hutball. See I was the only tank in the group and we did have healers.


So we managed to get the ball and we start to move from mid towards the line. The carrier was a 53 Assassin who was getting repeatably stunned while not popping shroud or any defensive cooldowns, so there was a break and he passed to me and i managed to get past the first fire trap so to be safe I popped my shield.


But my overides were on cooldown so while I continued to move I noticed that I had no support so eventually I was in position to cross the second fire trap when 5 dps were swarming me and our healer did not see this and I was killed. So yeah why on earth don't people actually see that hutball is about scoring not bloody team death match. So annoying.

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Yesterday was on my Powertech tank 30 to 54 range (currently 50) and was playing Hutball. See I was the only tank in the group and we did have healers.


So we managed to get the ball and we start to move from mid towards the line. The carrier was a 53 Assassin who was getting repeatably stunned while not popping shroud or any defensive cooldowns, so there was a break and he passed to me and i managed to get past the first fire trap so to be safe I popped my shield.


But my overides were on cooldown so while I continued to move I noticed that I had no support so eventually I was in position to cross the second fire trap when 5 dps were swarming me and our healer did not see this and I was killed. So yeah why on earth don't people actually see that hutball is about scoring not bloody team death match. So annoying.


Well the thing is, nobody can run forward unless they HAVE the Huttball.


Hope that sheds some light.

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Post here to vent whatever PVP related thing is currently urking you.


I'll start. Nothing nuts since it was two hours ago...but....


Smashers. I will end you...


Here's what bothers me about swtor:

exploits abound

terrible balance AND lack of any real balance updates for years

very little reward for doing pvp relative to pve

poorly designed systems (tanks queueing as dps)


Edited by JP_Legatus
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OK, I'm saving our node in civil war from a cap, as I approach in stealth just after the last of my teamates die. They have 2 capping and 3 watching the entrances looking for me to come. I force speed in and punt the cappers off and start to run around the node for LOS and down around the base of the platform there, poping force defensive CDs and stims and shroud for an entire 30 seconds before being brought down.


5! of them are there, but my team should be about there to help by now, right? NOPE! Ok, so my team should be taking the other node because they can only have 3 others out there. NOPE!


I run in and help and we take that node finally, then head off to answer a call to mid and get there just as my teammate is going down. I engage and take out the lone attacker, then the other 5 enemies I had seen before come storming in. Once again, I am delaying and it repeats. This time, my team gets a 3 cap before I die though. YAY!


But no wait. Before I land I see my teammate defender calling for help at grass. I'm OMW I see the 4/5 enemies I just saw at mid coming. They cycle repeats once more, I am delaying and bobbing and weaving. "Where are my teammates?" I wonder Where is the defender that was there and had died? Trip to a respwan and on the speeder down, pulling up the map, my team decided rather than defend, once again; they are attacking a different node.


At this point, I am frustrated, but decide I need to just go with it and try to help them win the other nodes rather than fight in futility to try to defend the nodes we have. I wait at the spawn, ready to attack with my team as a unit, but as I stand there, one goes dropping down the left side to head snow, then another drops down the right side to head grass and it continued to divide.


Time is running out, and somehow it is still close with all the node swapping, so now is time for me to do something desperate. I head to the right where I see only 2 defenders and all of 1 teammate heading. Once comes out to attack the approaching attacker they can see. The other stays back by the turret. I see the fight start in the distance so I sap the lone guard and begin to cap. He breaks and I combat stealth and sap again and begin to cap. Don't have much time, I can see his team coming.


Almost there, I see a bolt come flying in. It doesn't hit me; it hits the guy sapped right next to me!!! ***!!!!!!!!!!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrragga gijagjak;ghdhg w;hieighoiOIH! ****! ****! ****! Hey. Look. One of my teammates, the one that was my distraction, won a one on one. GREAT!


I did not rage. I just said GG as we lost 20-0 shortly after, then I logged out and have not been on since.

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>Hypergate Starts

>Nobody goes to the pylon


>Civil War Starts

>Nobody goes to the terminal


>Novara coast starts

>Nobody goes to the lower bunker


>Voidstar Starts

>Voidstar Starts


>Huttball Starts

>Good guy team member gets the ball

>Nobody helps him, nobody moves forward awaiting a pass

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Respecced Smash from Carnage for the lulz.


*le me* Crush, take few steps back, Charge into a derpcluster (10% damage proc), SMASH!

*le derpsorc* Overload every single enemy out of my Smash radius moments before the smash.



I swear people push clustered enemies away from smash on purpose.

Edited by Helig
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What bothers me is the fact that I am always drawn to the pvp classes that are perceived to be weaker or less popular. So I main a DPS Scoundrel and Operative, which I started playing after 1.3. I also played a Tactics Vanguard for a long time until recently and now I don't enjoy that tree and have switched to Assault. My mando has been Assault since creation. I play Saboteur on my slinger (stong spec, but not a popular one). I have a watchman sentinel and a vengeance jugg.


Why do I do this to myself? :mad:

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Obnoxious? Yes. The developers need to take notice and ADDRESS this with celerity.


Another thing that annoys me are the nerfs to Sentinel for the overly formidable strength of Focus. It is an indelible paradigm of mmos to balance not by intuition and knowledge, but by 'the numbers'. I am tired of that. These games need to consider a two pronged approach to balance. It cannot be simply about 'the numbers'. Someone on their staff needs to be intimately acquainted with the certain classes and all specs. Between the two of them, maybe they could strike a balance.


SWTOR is fairly well balanced, but it has a LONG way to go from perfection.



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What really *irks* me? The fact that I suck at PvP!


I've been doing PvP for two months! (literally; this is the first game I've done any kind of PvP)


Why can't I, as a 46-year old man with terrible reflexes, be just as good as all the teens and tweens who's been doing PvP in general their whole lives and doing PvP here in SWTOR for two years, with two months worth of practice?!




Just kidding... actually, I know I'll likely get flamed for this, but I really enjoy the PvP here. Even when I suck, which is a darn good thing, since I suck all the time. Heck, I actually killed a guy three levels higher than me once a few days ago, during open world PvP, when he tried to gank me. I know, that sounds like a pretty lame thing to get excited about, but when you get to be an old fart, it's the little things that bring you joy :)


if you need any keybinds that are easy on the reflexes, and are willing to retrain your muscle memory; i'm down for giving my layout to you


I use the same binds for the same type of power on every MMO i play. PM me if you or whoever else reads this doesn't want to be a clicker anymore >_>

Edited by Sideblaze
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This goes out to you, Mr. No-Augmentation Wearer.


You showup to WZ, with 25k HP and wonder why you get three shot.

"TTK is ****ed up"


You get many tells that youre a drag, BUT the only real drag, is the lack of that epic mount!

"Sebulba eat mah Dust!"


So this goes out to you Mr. No-Augmentation Wearer. You put the UG in augment..


Mr. No-Augmentation Wearer.

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When I risk my behind to get the huttball after the other team scores, throw down every CD I have and look around seeing nothing but enemies. Then after getting killed and respawning seeing me entire team in our endzone fighting against 5 members of the other team while the 3 enemies that ganked me are just running in the pit and passing up.


... Seriously 3 of my team mates didn't even leave the spawn ledge. They just attacked from there. And for some reason they weren't even attacking the healer, they were attacking the PT and marauder.

Edited by sithBracer
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This goes out to you, Mr. No-Augmentation Wearer.


You showup to WZ, with 25k HP and wonder why you get three shot.

"TTK is ****ed up"


You get many tells that youre a drag, BUT the only real drag, is the lack of that epic mount!

"Sebulba eat mah Dust!"


So this goes out to you Mr. No-Augmentation Wearer. You put the UG in augment..


Mr. No-Augmentation Wearer.


i play WZ earn LOTs of credits... thats because i can't afford the augments.. pls send credits 10M as first rate


14 augment kits 90k*14=1260k

14 augments 120k*14= 1690k

so 2 miliion credits earned thanks to Pvping..yeah keep dreaming

Edited by Nebdar
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