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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Suggestion: Option to turn off experience gain


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No, being able to quest & get drops would help the twinks far too much.


So for this game there really is no point what so ever in being a quote "Twink" because you are just scaled to level 49 anyways in warzones if your under 50 so why would you want to do that. You will not be more "powerful" you will accually be weaker because you do not have the talents nor the abilities. So I doubt very many players would really do this once they know what the costs are of doing that. It is possible but I would not think it would be many.


Now for the OP, if that is what you want I personally do not care. Your idea of overpowering the content is your own fault though, and now your asking the designers to create something into the game because you do not have enough self-control to hinder yourself without the game doing it for you. I do not mean to be disrespectful but that is what it is sounding like. Pace yourself if that is what you desire and want to enjoy the content if you are say Level 44 stop runing space missions over and over every day until you start Voss. That way your not over powered. You do not need the game to do it for you.


Space mission do not change they are the same thing each and every time. The higher level onces are just harder. Furthermore if you want to make space mission more interesting try a level 3 mission using level 1 armor. That would be harder.

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Now for the OP, if that is what you want I personally do not care. Your idea of overpowering the content is your own fault though, and now your asking the designers to create something into the game because you do not have enough self-control to hinder yourself without the game doing it for you. I do not mean to be disrespectful but that is what it is sounding like. Pace yourself if that is what you desire and want to enjoy the content if you are say Level 44 stop runing space missions over and over every day until you start Voss. That way your not over powered. You do not need the game to do it for you.


Just doing all the quests in each planet, some flashpoints, with no PVP and no space missions, I've out-leveled the next planet by a lot. And we shouldn't have to restrict our playing just too keep the challenge up. The option to just turn off XP or lock it to be the max of your current planet would alleviate the issue and would not affect anyone else.

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Just doing all the quests in each planet, some flashpoints, with no PVP and no space missions, I've out-leveled the next planet by a lot. And we shouldn't have to restrict our playing just too keep the challenge up. The option to just turn off XP or lock it to be the max of your current planet would alleviate the issue and would not affect anyone else.


There have been a number of other threads recently on the same topic, a lot of them re-directing attention to this particular suggestion thread.


Given that there has been a lot of other people mentioning it, considering this is not a game-breaking bug (which I understand need most attention at the moment), for a gameplay enhancement suggestion alone this thread has managed to build to over 150 replies and over 6,500 views, and the majority of posters seem to be in favour of this in some form or another.


So when you do get round to implementing some suggestions, Bioware, can I politely request that something like this be implemented sooner rather than later? So many people would find this incredibly useful... and it wouldn't hurt anyone else who wouldn't want to use it anyway. It really is a no-brainer to please a large portion of your player-base without giving cause to upset anyone else, so pretty please can you give us an xp toggle?

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I am surprised Bioware hasn't seen it coming. It just asks for a feature which makes incoming Guild Wars 2 more attractive: if you enter with a higher level character a lower level area, YOU get scaled down in levels and mobs there treat you as an equal. You keep your skills acquired on higher levels but your HP, damage out etc. gets even out with the zone you just entered.


It makes game content always enjoyable AND solves a problem with high level players griefing low level players in pvp permitted zones.

Edited by Zamoysky
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I think part of it is some of the things you gain experience for are just plain unbalanced. Space combat being the main offender. It is ridiculous that you get that much experience for something so easy that takes less than five minutes. The other part is the things that actually give you xp. Maybe there's too many of them. For example when i was in single digit lvls I went around and 'discovered' all the crew skills to gain a whole lvl in about two minutes. There's xp for all the lore objects. There's xp for basically taking just one step and unfogging a new part of the map. Taking some of that out might help slow down the lvl prorgression.



People tend to extrapolate there own playing styles/experience into how it should be for everyone as a whole. I find the Space Combat Daily helpful and don't feel it needs XP to be less.


For the last 10 levels I have mostly if not all gained my XP from PvP Daily and Space Daily and run 4 - 8 Warzones a day. I have decided for now anyway, to just run Class Quests and skip side quests as well; which I dont even start till Im at planet max level or +1, because I enjoy not having to struggle much and get through it at first pass.


I am a PvP lover though and want to make sure that when I hit 50 I have 50 Valor or damn near it to be on par with all the other level 50's in PvP. I am currently level 40 with 33 Valor.

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  • 1 month later...

First post and all that, had to come here and agree with an xp gain toggle. I'm not interested in power leveling, I've never understood the people who wish to rush to max level in MMO's - to me the entire game is the journey, exploring new areas and questing through them. In my mind "power-leveling" is the equivalent to skipping to the last stage in any other traditional game - why would I want to diminish and skip 90% of my game experience ? :rolleyes:


That being said I'm currently up to the section in my personal storyline in which I must travel to Alderaan which apparently is a 28-32 zone... I'm currently 33 after finishing Tattoine. (I say "finishing" but like Balmora and Nar Shadda I had to quit about 3/4 of the way through the zone due to outlevelling) Like has been mentioned before, fighting green and grey enemies is getting pretty boring.


Being able to disable xp gain on space missions would help ALOT - as skill purchases at level up and gathering/mission crew skills are getting very expensive, I'm finding I need to do the space missions + hidden daily bonuses fairly often for the credits.

Edited by Stoibs
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  • 4 weeks later...
Personally I really love how we can level fast. I actually wish we were able to level even faster.


But I am biased because I do not want to go through the story, I just want to get to 50.


*Edit* Anyone else notice that since today when you use the single apostrophe key you get the quote symbol once the post is sent. Very frustrating for someone that uses the '' key a lot.


Then you should leave experience set to "on" rather then "off"

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So I don’t out level every area I enter, I explained it in the first post >.>


I see you have a 50, unlike you I don’t like to power level...but obviously people do so that’s why I ask for an option to turn off XP gain rather than a nerf of some sort.


I agree with you - there should definitely be an option to turn XP off! Otherwise, I am leveling so fast, I am skipping FPs and collecting sets of lower level gear is totally pointless. It's not about the feeling that I have "earned" it or anything, it's just that I'm rushing through the game and I am not one of those MMO players that tries to blast to max level while ignoring content to be...uhh...max level. Good for them - they can leave the XP set to "on"


Seriously, leveling is too fast in swtor right now and I wish I could at least go grind commendations without leveling while I wait on an FP group - or even be able to run the same FP a few times with groups w/o levelling so high that I can SOLO it...at any rate, please give us the option to turn off XP, even if it's just at certain levels (e.g., lvl 10, 20, 30, 40) so we don't level out of all the great content in this game!

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No, being able to quest & get drops would help the twinks far too much.


Then don't allow XP to be turned off while doing pvp warzones, etc - OR, if your XP is turned off, you can only cue with other people with XP turned off...OR --> Force other players to get better at PVP and gearing by allowing twinks into bgs to pwn noobs (my personal choice)


People spend a lot of time twinking a character - especially since there are bonuses for creating alts in this game, I say let twinkers twink and turn off XP and stay low level forever - it seems to me that only people who don't invest the time to research, collect the gear and l2p are the ones crying like little babies about twinks. I don't mind getting pwned by them because, if I so choose, I can spend my time making my own and getting GOOD. It's very satisfying.


From my experience, making a good twink is much easier and less time-consuming than maxing your toon in endgame. :cool:

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Too many MMO greenhorns asking for foolish things. Despite this being a story driven MMORPG, it's still an RPG which are all about character progression and development aside from story.

Disabling XP is as idiotic as a powerleveler asking to disable 'story' because he doesn't need all of that to get to 50 as fast as possible.

Both are needed in this MMO. Without one of those, I wouldn't be playing. Not even if this was single player.


Aside from that it's utter ******** that you miss out on content. I've been doing every quest on every planet, and at 36 I'm about to hit the final zone of Balmorra. Quests are green, sure. Mobs are my level though and challenging enough. Get off your high horse and open your eyes instead of suggesting random hogwash to get some community approval. The XP progression of SWTOR works perfectly, slightly overleveling you for the jump to the next planet, where the difficulty gap once again widens.


You're saying basically saying that full completion of a planet makes the next one hardly challenging at all. I call BS. Too many posers on these boards thinking it's cool or preferable to ask for an XP switch, so they can show everyone how storydriven they are themselves. As if that is your initiation ritual to get into the incrowd. As if.


I lol'd at this post!

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I honestly see no valid reason to implement this. If you out level your content, which I believe is 4 or 5 levels, you effectively stop gaining XP from that content, that is your XP shutoff.


You can experience all the content in the game regardless of level. As a Jedi out-leveling the content is actually a way to experience it the content as though you where an iconic movie Jedi. That is you actually block all blaster shots and one shot everyone with your saber.


Playing through normal Esseles for instance at level 35 is entertaining because you feel like a real hero, plus you still get companion affection, etc.


In summary you can experience the full story in a way that is more like a Star Wars movie by out leveling the content.


There are people who enjoy facerolling content, and there are other people to want to actually have to think a little while they are playing...

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  • 7 months later...

Wow. That's quite a bump.


I would be ok with this option. I am certainly above my content's level. This makes it so I can't grind out new schematics for crew skills (appropriate to my level), as the resources I am gathering are not the correct level.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am totally in agreement of this suggestion...


If it were added I would instantly;

* Disable my XP so my friend can catch up to my level.

* Finish all remaining Alderaan quests I skipped in fear of overleveling.

* Do space missions without fear of overleveling.

* Play more game!


Sadly, the option hasn't been added yet... WHY?

Also to those complaining about this... Why? Seriously? Why is having you and your friend equal their level bad? Why is playing quests bad? Why do you think we are craving for challenge, instead of just, you know, play at a proper lvl?

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Just started levelling up with my GF but she didn't want to play on Sunday because she had college work, which meant that I couldn't even run a low level BT because you get an xp bonus at the end...


I would like to see this option as well. But by the time it is in I will have no need of it most likely :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, my biggest reason for wanting this is...well, I have to cutout some content to stay on semi-challenging objectives. If I do a warzone or two, I'm over leveled for my quests, if I do a flashpoint, over leveled.


I'd like to be able to enjoy everything as I level at my own speed. They gave us extra boosts to EXP, that's the opposite of what I want =(

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  • 4 months later...

Would like to bump this suggestion. Coming back to the game and always wanted to see this feature.


Reason: By the time you hit mid 20's early 30's you have out-leveled the planets you are on. This is especially the case if you do war-zones and space missions. It becomes somewhat manageable if you don't do anything but pve content, but I'd prefer to not have to play that way.


Other games have this type of feature, EQ2 being a great example. You have the option to turn exp on and off, also the option to mentor down. Great for experiencing all the games content.


For those worried about twinks (not sure why, you're already dealing with low levels with purple mods this late after launch) a mentor option would work, you could just have the mentored level not count when you que for WZ's.

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Ya know...experience is no longer accumulated once mobs and quests are grey to you - so there is already an inherent "XP Switch".


Stop logging off in cantinas/fleet so you don't accumulate rested XP. Don't use XP boosts. Don't pick up daily quests that are associated with flashpoints or PvP - or just abandon the quests right before turning them in, after seeing the final story cutscene (press escape before it fades to black at the end, or just don't accept the payout).


It can be done, you don't need to have Bioware program it in for you.

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They already have +XP boosts as Cartel purchases. I would happily purchase -XP slow downs in the Cartel and it would take almost no effort at all to add it.


It is way too easy to outlevel content. And the new Makeb + GDI + Seeker content is even worse. It takes a lot less time to go from 50 to 55 than it did from 45 to 50. A lot less. And it was too fast as it was for those of us that like doing all the content (not power-leveling, just doing it all). Even playing without a comp and not gearing up between 45-50 it was too easy. It also makes the augment kits 7 and 8 pretty useless as you're not at 51-54 long enough to make them worth using. I expect most people just save their money, skip those augments and get the 55's when they get there in the one weekend it takes to go from 45-50.

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They already have +XP boosts as Cartel purchases. I would happily purchase -XP slow downs in the Cartel and it would take almost no effort at all to add it.


It is way too easy to outlevel content. And the new Makeb + GDI + Seeker content is even worse. It takes a lot less time to go from 50 to 55 than it did from 45 to 50. A lot less. And it was too fast as it was for those of us that like doing all the content (not power-leveling, just doing it all). Even playing without a comp and not gearing up between 45-50 it was too easy. It also makes the augment kits 7 and 8 pretty useless as you're not at 51-54 long enough to make them worth using. I expect most people just save their money, skip those augments and get the 55's when they get there in the one weekend it takes to go from 45-50.


This would work too.


Really exp is just a number, we would just need something the would cause the number to not add to our characters total.

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Once you're about 6 levels above a mob, it stops giving you xp. So the system is ALREADY IN PLACE.


So you're a completionist and would like to get purposeful loot?

Well, guess what? You have only 12 gearslots, so you'll be getting doubles anyway. not much purpose to those..

You can now use planetary comms to buy mods for any level. So even the one or two items you don't get twice are probably worse than what you got for those planet comms already. The only thing that will still give you experience is the exploration bonus. And that won't be much as long as you stick to the vicinity of where your missions are, instead of moving ahead and explore the next planet before going back and finish your missions.

Many people actually use alll those experience bonusses, but the effect of those is actually very limited. At best, if they play smart, it allows them to skip some sidequests, but if they're going for completionist runs, they might as well not take those bonusses.


There is only 1 thing in game where you always get loads of experience, no matter your level, and that is PvP warzones. That is also the only reason why some people will want to "fix" their level for game technical reasons: to stay at the top of their level bracket. Gladly, the bolster system puts some limitations to how far ahead people can perform there, but there's definitely a gametechnical advantage there, to stay at the top of your bracket with perfect gear and all those skills and CC's that the other players don't have yet because they're 10 levels lower.


So if Bioware ever submits and introduces an option to halt experience gains, I sure hope they throw all those experience breakers into a seperate bracket for warzones. Leave the rofl-stomping to level cappers, we simply don't need those in leveling warzones.

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Once you're about 6 levels above a mob, it stops giving you xp. So the system is ALREADY IN PLACE.


So you're a completionist and would like to get purposeful loot?

Well, guess what? You have only 12 gearslots, so you'll be getting doubles anyway. not much purpose to those..

You can now use planetary comms to buy mods for any level. So even the one or two items you don't get twice are probably worse than what you got for those planet comms already. The only thing that will still give you experience is the exploration bonus. And that won't be much as long as you stick to the vicinity of where your missions are, instead of moving ahead and explore the next planet before going back and finish your missions.

Many people actually use alll those experience bonusses, but the effect of those is actually very limited. At best, if they play smart, it allows them to skip some sidequests, but if they're going for completionist runs, they might as well not take those bonusses.


There is only 1 thing in game where you always get loads of experience, no matter your level, and that is PvP warzones. That is also the only reason why some people will want to "fix" their level for game technical reasons: to stay at the top of their level bracket. Gladly, the bolster system puts some limitations to how far ahead people can perform there, but there's definitely a gametechnical advantage there, to stay at the top of your bracket with perfect gear and all those skills and CC's that the other players don't have yet because they're 10 levels lower.


So if Bioware ever submits and introduces an option to halt experience gains, I sure hope they throw all those experience breakers into a seperate bracket for warzones. Leave the rofl-stomping to level cappers, we simply don't need those in leveling warzones.


Slaughtering grey mobs is not fun at all. Again not looking for easy mode, would like a challenge as i level. Greyed out quests and mobs is not what i'm looking for.


But thank you for the: "Why don't you play like it do"/"I don't like that so you shouldn't either" response.

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