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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Suggestion: Option to turn off experience gain


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I can see why people would want to turn exp off and i can also see the other side about not having it in game.

The only problem i could see is "twinks" in pvp but seen as it is a free for all with stat boots then why not let them have it.

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At 43 I am skipping content.


No heroics, flashpoints, pvp, space combat.


Only way to make sure I am staying equal to the level of the mobs I am fighting.



My brother and I have skipped content on two planets so far and stopped heroics, flashpoint, space missions and bonus missions just to stay at the same lvl as our current content AND we have to play solo or else the mobs are all dead in seconds making the game BORING AS HELL :mad:


When we were grouped together sometimes I didn't even have time to think about what skill I was going to use on a bunch of mobs before they were already ALL dead from an AOE attack from by brother and vice-versa all because we had either out leveled our content or were grouped in a duo. This game is a MSO and not a MMO for us unfortunately

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The only reason I'm against this is to prevent twinks from popping up. Especially with lvl 50 being its own bracket starting tomorrow. I wanna PVP at lvl 25 and not worry about a twink PVP guild of all lvl 49 epic crafting gear decked out rocking the WZs. It defeats the purpose of creating a separate bracket.

This is the only valid argument against an xp toggle that makes any sense to me, but there are a number of simple answers to this, any of which I would be in favour of (singly or in combination):


  • Option 1: Once you hit, for example, level 45 you are no longer able to toggle xp off at all.
  • Option 2: Once you hit, for example, level 40 you are no longer able to toggle xp off during warzones
  • Option 3: While xp is turned off, you cannot gain any Valor or other rewards from PvP play.

Any (or all) of the above would make this option seem suddenly a lot less attractive to the potential twink abusers out there, and still make the option just as attractive for the PvE completionists among us.

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I personally think that one of the main problem is the rested xp rate. There seems to be no cap at all for rested xp. I'm more of a casual player, I play about 10 hours a week and the rest of the time I rest in cantina. Most of the time, so far, as I play my approximately 10 hours a week, I can't even get rid of my rested xp while I'm doing space missions, main story and some side quests. In my case this is definitely the rested xp that pushed me in the situation of over leveling.
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Actually I went to Nar Shadaa last night and found the bonus series. It's a level 31 series that starts at the Space Port.


I know that - i skipped it on purpose :)


I personally think that one of the main problem is the rested xp rate. There seems to be no cap at all for rested xp. I'm more of a casual player, I play about 10 hours a week and the rest of the time I rest in cantina. Most of the time, so far, as I play my approximately 10 hours a week, I can't even get rid of my rested xp while I'm doing space missions, main story and some side quests. In my case this is definitely the rested xp that pushed me in the situation of over leveling.


Max rested exp is about 255k - got that a while ago on one of the chars (lvl 36 if it matters).

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Yes, I'd absolutely support an /xp off command. I'm also a content lover and completionist by nature, and between run-of-the-mill questing and some dabbling in warzones and space combat, I've become grossly over-levelled for my current planet. It really puts a dampener on the fun factor.


Please give this some consideration, BioWare.

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Personally I really love how we can level fast. I actually wish we were able to level even faster.


But I am biased because I do not want to go through the story, I just want to get to 50.


*Edit* Anyone else notice that since today when you use the single apostrophe key you get the quote symbol once the post is sent. Very frustrating for someone that uses the '' key a lot.

maybe they found a sql injection attack vulnerability in their forums...
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Yes, I'd absolutely support an /xp off command. I'm also a content lover and completionist by nature, and between run-of-the-mill questing and some dabbling in warzones and space combat, I've become grossly over-levelled for my current planet. It really puts a dampener on the fun factor.


Please give this some consideration, BioWare.

Yes, BW, please do!


Scouring this and other threads of a similar nature, it is clear that content-completionists are not the only group who are desperate for this, since so are a lot of social players who use the game as a way to meet up and play with friends.


If xp is gained at its current rates, then if one member of a group who play socially together can't get online then the others are for the most part hamstrung - if they play without their friend the chances are they will outlevel them! An xp toggle would be the perfect solution for this in my opinion: turn xp off when playing solo, turn it back on when the group is together. To quote an annoying meerkat friend of mine... simples! :)

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Just wanted to add my voice for this option. I really want to dabble in pvp, but I don;t want to outlevel entire planets in the process. Having this option would really encourage players to take their time and enjoy the SWTOR world.
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I wouldn't like to see this option in the game.


Mainly because when I level up my alts, I want to play some PvP as well. Being steamrolled by 49 twinks would suck in this scenario.


No lvl 49 armor has the expertise or ridiculous endurance stats to allow them to steamroll anyone. The ridiculous stats on 50 armr are the only reason their is a 50s bracket. If they would just get rid of the ridiculous 50 armor stats we wouldn't need brackets.

Edited by Dayshadow
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Just something I would like to see in the game, I like to do quests, flash point, space missions but due to this I always out level every new zone I enter (4+ levels) which makes killing mobs mind numbingly easy (not fun) ...even the heroics.


Wanted to see what others thought as well?



lol, so just strip your gear, I guarantee it will take longer. Are you serious?

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Just something I would like to see in the game, I like to do quests, flash point, space missions but due to this I always out level every new zone I enter (4+ levels) which makes killing mobs mind numbingly easy (not fun) ...even the heroics.


Wanted to see what others thought as well?


Oh, man, yesx10000000. I would love this feature. I hate being lvl 34 for 28 Alderaan....

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I'm playing with a friend of mine who can't be online as much as I can. I would love to be able to turn off the exp and go kill stuff for crafting material while he's not online.


I say, this should be implemented as soon as possible.

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- space battles - exp gained there (including mission reward) goes for "Ship Exp"


- increasing dmg to ship blasters,

- increasing number of bolts per second

- ship/armor/missile upgrade etc.



I love this idea. I like space combat but it is limited IMO ( i hope to see group space missions and maybe even a flaspoint :csw_xwing:) Beging able to get new types of ships would be nice as well or say a talent tree???

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I'm playing with a friend of mine who can't be online as much as I can. I would love to be able to turn off the exp and go kill stuff for crafting material while he's not online.


I say, this should be implemented as soon as possible.


OH Gosh yes. Im big in this point as well. I mean BW implementd a socal system why not make it more socal friendly in this way

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Agree 100%


Or better yet add an Alternate Advancement system as in EverQuest where you can siphon a chosen % of xp gain into an alternate line of skills. They have hundreds of them in 3 groups - General, Archetype and Class. Can do all sorts of things from stat boosts to alternate fast travel options etc.

Edited by TonyACT
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I would still love to see a resolution to this. This game is already too easy and when you out level all the content it is even easier. I have resorted to skipping a large chunk of quests that i want to do, not doing any space missions, or pvp, usually i will help other people with missions that i may have already completed but now i wont, i fight without my companion.

This is really killing my enjoyment of this game. Can we please get this feature ASAP so i can actually start enjoying the game!

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I would still love to see a resolution to this. This game is already too easy and when you out level all the content it is even easier. I have resorted to skipping a large chunk of quests that i want to do, not doing any space missions, or pvp, usually i will help other people with missions that i may have already completed but now i wont, i fight without my companion.

This is really killing my enjoyment of this game. Can we please get this feature ASAP so i can actually start enjoying the game!


Me too - I know there are other high profile issues and bugs left to be sorted, but I would hope this wouldn't be too difficult to implement . As has been said numerous times before, those who want this would benefit hugely from it... and it wouldn't hurt those who don't!

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Yea, the game promoted the 1-50 journey so much (and I actually do enjoy it) it would be a shame to skip most of it due to excess XP gain.


Would have been better to nerf the XP up front. All the Illum issues, etc at least of it could have been avoided or at least delayed if peeps weren't hitting cap 7 days after release.


We have complaints and posts over whole spectrum of levels now, forcing Devs to split their efforts too many times. As a result nobody is happy and patchs to fix crucial issues are slow to come.


Slowing the level progression would have minimized this to some extent. I think we can all agree- content is there. More than enough content is available.


A power leveler wanted to know why some of us wanted to explore all the planets have to offer.


What I want to know is why BW/AE created all the extra content if we weren't expected to enjoy it at level and/or provide us a mechanism to enjoy it?

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I also vote wholeheartedly for this option.


Just doing all the quests in a planet, including the heroics, makes you outpace the quests in the next planet so they are too easy and even get gray'd out. I would like to be able to enjoy all the content and still find the game challenging. Right now, the pace of leveling is making the game too easy for some of us.


A suggestion was made some time ago to allow us to level lock the characters just to the planet we are in. Your XP gain would stop when you hit the max level of the planet. I think that is a great suggestion.

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