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Regstar Guild


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I'm pretty sure I made a few


Yeah but you're allowed to..your Hype. :p Anyways don't get me wrong , they are good healers here, but compared to the healers who are active in ranked on bastion they are pretty average in comparison. Not cocky?? From how you talk in mumble you are very cocky Worf, and have no reason to be. You've beaten crap comps and now have a rating of 3k+ because of it.. woo congrats bud. My skill set? I'm pretty sure when I was active I was up on par with everyone in dps. I only roll Vigi now so I can't say anything about how I currently play. lol. :p But bashing a guild because they enjoy 8v8 is just childish. I know some of your guildies aren't happy with some of the crap you say as well. Prove me wrong I hope you guys do good when you go over there, but talking ***** like you are doing makes you look like a tool.

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Yeah but you're allowed to..your Hype. :p Anyways don't get me wrong , they are good healers here, but compared to the healers who are active in ranked on bastion they are pretty average in comparison. Not cocky?? From how you talk in mumble you are very cocky Worf, and have no reason to be. You've beaten crap comps and now have a rating of 3k+ because of it.. woo congrats bud. My skill set? I'm pretty sure when I was active I was up on par with everyone in dps. I only roll Vigi now so I can't say anything about how I currently play. lol. :p But bashing a guild because they enjoy 8v8 is just childish. I know some of your guildies aren't happy with some of the crap you say as well. Prove me wrong I hope you guys do good when you go over there, but talking ***** like you are doing makes you look like a tool.


What team do you play with on the Bastion? You seem to have such a high opinion of all of them with intimate knowledge of how good we are compared to them so you must play on a team over there, right? If you think I'm cocky, good for you, I haven't heard anyone from my guilds complain. In fact it is you talking about "crap comps", "subpar healers", etc. that is clearly full of himself.


As for your attitude and skills, well there was a reason you were kicked out of Goof Troop.


Also, stating the truth is bashing now? Just because you're a regstar doesn't mean you should be defending GI.

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What team do you play with on the Bastion? You seem to have such a high opinion of all of them with intimate knowledge of how good we are compared to them so you must play on a team over there, right? If you think I'm cocky, good for you, I haven't heard anyone from my guilds complain. In fact it is you talking about "crap comps", "subpar healers", etc. that is clearly full of himself.


As for your attitude and skills, well there was a reason you were kicked out of Goof Troop.


Also, stating the truth is bashing now? Just because you're a regstar doesn't mean you should be defending GI.


The reason I was kicked out was settled, It was over something I never said, but was accused of. Calling them out because just they enjoy something is basically bashing them champ. Well, you need to have a discussion with your guild then, because they do complain when about your attitude you aren't around. The truth is you haven't played a single good team that takes arenas seriously on this server. The only thing you're right about is me being out of line calling them sub-par healers.... I'll admit my bad on that ,I haven't seen either of them play on bastion yet so I had no right to say such a thing.

Edited by Yamahara
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I cant vouch for Xarina, havent played too much with that player yet, but Honuea is about as good as it gets for personal skillset brought to a match. There are a few players I have seen do well consistently enough, and I think I have went undefeated in four mans when cross healing with Honuea in rateds, though we have only done around 20 or so at most.


That being said, I dont think they are going to go to rated on bastion, and clean up ship first day. In fact I believe they will probably lose a good deal when they face the top rated teams...do I think its going to be like a pug stomping no, I imagine it will be competitive, they might win a few rounds against them, but really the deck is stacked against them. Having seen the numerous streams coming from the bastion, not only have the best teams perfected there play of there own toons, but they have very good synergy, and know what to expect.


What I find really funny from half the people from bastion is that when they went over, all they did was talk there game up on bastion with the slogan "we came from a pve server and look how good we are doing", and then continuosly come back to harbringer forums with the whole schtick of "you pve'ers dont know **** about pvp /flex".

Its such a hypocrite move i dont even know how you guys justify it in your heads.


Also pvp is in a better place on the bastion, but its hardly popping like crazy over there for rateds.

Edited by Haystak
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What is the point of bashing each other? All of you people arguing are in the top % of players left in the game. The Bastion has the best PvP but it still isn't thriving. It is still only a handful of teams that que regularly. Shouldn't you be happy that another decent team is coming over to play, especially if you will get extra satisfaction from "putting them in their place"?


We need to encourage people from all levels to play. There are lots of players who could improve drastically if all you allstars would stop being so exclusive for a month. Show some humility.


On a slow night try picking up a PUG or PvPers who aren't as good as you and teach them something, even for just 20 min. If more top guilds did things like that everyone would benefit. It is like pro athletes coming out to your local sports practice; it energizes things.


There is some merit to So'low's frustration regarding Ghost Infantry. When the largest PvP guild on the sever *never* puts in a team for ranked you question things. I know some people prefer WZ's and others don't have enough gear, but when things are this rough in the PvP scene you need to look to the established PvPers to start turning things around. GI could easily field multiple competitive teams but we don't even try.


It needs to start with the people who have no problem putting in teams. Some will be strong and others will be weak. Don't get embarrassed over every loss. If GI started putting in a few different teams more mid tier teams would be comfortable getting in que because they would have a chance.

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Yeshah, please do come over to The Bastion. I don't really care whether or not you guys will do well or not (You'll still do decently more than likely), just like to have more and more teams. There are quite a few over there, but the top 3 teams being MvP, DP and the Breakfast team (or as tidus referred to it 'OPFOTM's Team') tend to just roll over the competition. Be nice to see some fresh faces, and hopefully have some GG's. Good luck guise.

PS- Sataru #1 Benchwarmer NA, so much rated games played.

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My sentiments exactly. Im tired of sitting on fleet waiting for other teams to queue for ranked. Im sick of seeing 4man premades in regs when they could easily do ranked.


I cant count how many times my team has lost to Goof and Adroit, but I'd still rather queue and work together with my team and actually get better. Theres nothing to be gained from grinding pugs all night.

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On a slow night try picking up a PUG or PvPers who aren't as good as you and teach them something, even for just 20 min. If more top guilds did things like that everyone would benefit.


THIS ^^^ would be brilliant.

Excluding this past week, we (Phoenix) have put together a group most nights, and apart from maybe 3 occasions, it is just us VS So'Low/Zharina etc. And even with your crazy combos you still own us. Once you took our Scoundrel Hoarus with you and he gave us feedback we realized the big difference between how our teams play (and why you own us). So more opportunities like that, to mix groups and learn would be wicked.


Balanced ranked would also be cool cause we could play toons we otherwise wouldn't cause they aren't as strong (I love my Sage Healer but feel guilty taking her into Arena). We used to organize 16men for 8v8 Balanced, so why not organize 8 men (or 16, whoooooo) now? Everyone /cjoin harbingerranked and shout out when you wanna play. A few of us use it already, a couple more and we'll be set.

Edited by Katikai
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We need to encourage people from all levels to play. There are lots of players who could improve drastically if all you allstars would stop being so exclusive for a month. Show some humility.



PvP is a small community, don't burn bridges with people you'll be seeing every night.

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