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I ruin every game I play, brackets please


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meh.. while it's true that being 50 is a substantial advantage, it isn't as overwhelming as the OP makes it out to be. When 50s start getting better and better gear, the disparity might become larger, but right now skill is still what defines victory.


Being 50 is less of an advantage than say... not keyboard turning. I'd rather battle a level 50 mouth-breathing keyboard-turner than a level 30 who knows all the abilities of both classes and has good positioning.

Edited by HeavenlyBluE
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i dont think anyone is reacting violently or feeling threatened. i think people are just sick of whine posts. that's all there ever is anymore is whine post after whine post. whatever happened to thoughtful and constructive dialogue? posting 43,000 times about brackets or op class (which apparantly troopers, smugglers, and consulars...so 75% of all classes are OP according to the whine parade) isn't going to suddenly make bioware completely revamp something that was years in the making. the game has been out for like 10 days. go play it.


nope. just whine.

Edited by flappaWHAT
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meh.. while it's true that being 50 is a substantial advantage, it isn't as overwhelming as the OP makes it out to be. When 50s start getting better and better gear, the disparity might become larger, but right now skill is still what defines victory.


Being 50 is less of an advantage than say... not keyboard turning. I'd rather battle a level 50 mouth-breathing keyboard-turner than a level 30 who knows all the abilities of both classes and has good positioning.


That I do agree on. There is one particular level 50 BH on my server who doesn't really seem to know what he/she is doing and as such is rather easy to kill. I do however think the post was made with the premise that the level 50 player(s) actually know how to handle themselves in PvP.

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Holy crap.. i cant even believe the replies to this post even from the first one. anyone that doesnt think the thread op is right has the insight of a catfish. or clearly is a lv 50 enjoying their win/kill rates at warzones and doesnt give a damn about population or the gameplay for others.


All I know is that I can win at least every other war zone ... and that I don't care if my enemies are lvl 10 or 50, because I can still win. If you can't ... sucks to be you I guess.

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He's pointing out that level 50s are broken in PvP.


I don't see it ... you fight stronger enemies (yes), you can still win (yes). So what exactly is the problem ... Maybe facing a premade of lvl 50 players ? I don't think this thread is about that.

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at lvls 10 and 14 I had no problem whatsoever in warzones. sure higher levels were marginally more difficult to take down, but that's working as intended. winning was still easily achievable.


sorry op i'm not awesome like you making sure i properly capitalize and use proper punctuation. it's a forum for a video games and you just arent worth it.


i'm not a pro, i just don't cry about things i can't change. i deal with it...like an adult. talk with your wallet just leave the game if youre that bent out of shape about pvp in swtor. 15 lost dollars won't kill bioware though so don't expect you'll be making much difference. suck it up !

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i deal with it...like an adult.


People like you are the reason WoW sucks. Go "deal with it" somewhere else, tough guy; you won't be needed here.


By contrast, like an adult who cares about the community, I'm not afraid to point out things that I think are broken. If Joe Public here can /consistently/ dominate battlegrounds using a level 50 and half-decent gear, that indicates that there's a flaw.

Edited by JaySwfit
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People like you are the reason WoW sucks. Go "deal with it" somewhere else, tough guy; you won't be needed here.


By contrast, like an adult who cares about the community, I'm not afraid to point out things that I think are broken. If Joe Public here can /consistently/ dominate battlegrounds using a level 50 and half-decent gear, that indicates that there's a flaw.


Thing to also take into consideration is that "Joe Public" is a beta-tester, who's probably spent most of his free time in this game, the past months.. That would in my opinion give him a competitive edge.

- That being said, I do still agree with OP; brackets are needed.


Only lesson to take away from this is; Don't pvp at lowlvl :)

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True, most PvP players, at least the ones I've fought against, are at about "Window licker" on the skill-o-meter, so you'd expect a beta tester to do rather well. I don't think its too unreasonable to expect to lose on occasion either, though. To be honest, even just a "Level 50" bracket and an "Everyone else" bracket would do, at least to start with.


And unlike WoW, big chunks of XP for PvP, so no sitting at level 19 and facerolling BGs forever ;D

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By contrast, like an adult who cares about the community, I'm not afraid to point out things that I think are broken. If Joe Public here can /consistently/ dominate battlegrounds using a level 50 and half-decent gear, that indicates that there's a flaw.

Thats one PoV ... other is ppl should learn to accept that sometimes you fight stronger enemies and see it as an opportunity to push themself. If you want balanced, equal, just ... you can do PvE.

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CHRISGG, correct me if I'm wrong, but you are pointing out that lvl 50s in WZ are too strong because of several reasons. Someone here also said that you were a beta tester, and as one you have a lot of experience with the game mechanics.


While I agree that adding brackets to pvp will make everything more competitive, isn't it possible your reasoning stem more from the fact that you have much more experience then the ones you are fighting? And wouldn't it make this issue temporary?

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People like you are the reason WoW sucks. Go "deal with it" somewhere else, tough guy; you won't be needed here.


By contrast, like an adult who cares about the community, I'm not afraid to point out things that I think are broken. If Joe Public here can /consistently/ dominate battlegrounds using a level 50 and half-decent gear, that indicates that there's a flaw.


What flaw? Please describe how you think their game should run?

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What flaw? Please describe how you think their game should run?


The flaw that despite Bioware's attempt to balance all levels, they're still quiet blatantly not balanced? The bolster system is a good attempt, sure, but it just doesn't quite work. Needs refinement.


Edit: Hell, use brackets AND the bolster system. That way, stats will be roughly similair-ish, abilities will be around the same level, and peopl won't have obscenely superior gear.

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How many subs are you going to lose because of this?

Why didn't you do something about it in beta?

Etc. Etc.









I don't really need to say much, screenshots are enough. You can't do anything like this so consistently (I mean this literally happens every game at least on Alderaan, I figured I didn't really need to SS and upload the 50+ games i've played and won dominantly though) on a level 30 or even 40. A level 50 is enough to turn the tides to the point that the enemy can't leave their spawn.


People who spout "Don't worry, in a month, there might be enough level 50's to fill their own games" don't know how the system works. If there is overflow (ie: one side has more 50's than the other) they will be placed into games against lower levels. Off peak, 50's will play against lower levels. This also won't even happen for weeks, and the damage will have already been done by then.


It is unacceptable that there is any potential for players who not only have more abilities and skill points, but far, far better gear to be placed in games against players who simply do not have the means at their disposal to do anything to them.


yes we all need to put threads up about adding brackets into warzones. well bolsterd lvl brackets.

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People like you are the reason WoW sucks. Go "deal with it" somewhere else, tough guy; you won't be needed here.


By contrast, like an adult who cares about the community, I'm not afraid to point out things that I think are broken. If Joe Public here can /consistently/ dominate battlegrounds using a level 50 and half-decent gear, that indicates that there's a flaw.


You aren't afraid to go on the forums and whine because you get trounced in PvP. And if that's how you spend your time, fine, but don't dress your crying up as anything other than what it is. You could simply get better at the game, but that would require effort...and you don't have time for that. you are apparantly entitled to whatever changes you want. Newsflash: bracketed PvP isn't a new and innovative thing. If it's not being implemented here, there's a reason for it. And just because you come here and cry 24/7 with all your little entitled friends doesn't mean there's going to be any change. All you do is bring the community down and turn what should be a helpful forum to a QQ fest. Instead of crying about the way things are, how about you discuss ways to ADAPT to the current PvP implementation instead of trying to change it. You're such a brat

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People are so stupid. The OP isn't bragging or something, he's trying to provide a little hard evidence to an apparent problem within the game.


A problem that everyone already knows about and will be addressed when there are actually enough 50s in the game to even support a 50s only bracket. So, yes...his intent was to brag. There is nothing wrong with that, but you should be upfront about it.

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