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So, the devs Non-commitment to story is going to really be put to the test...


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I agree. They are making their bed, and they must lay in it. I have hopes that they will do another content release shortly after the space pvp to help increase the amount of PVE and story. I will not hold my breath on the matter.

I do not agree with the story becoming shoddy though. It is a major if not "the" major immersion factor that this game has over many other MMOs. I would dare say it has some of the best written stories for a game release in the past 5 years. I have not played every game so I can not compare directly to everything. This is also my personal opinion on the matter.

A direct correlation to this, and highly regarded as one of the best series in gaming recently would be Mass Effect ( particularly the third installment). Great game with a good story. Ending disappointed, but you can not please everyone. I know a bunch of people enjoyed it. Also Halo (particularly the fourth installment) Great game with a great story. Master Chief was not his usual, silent, stoic self. Both games I feel fail to deliver a story board as entertaining as SWTOR. Again my own opinion.


You misunderstand. The quality of writing in general in the game is great. HOWEVER, the things SINCE a bulk of the devs who were pro-class story were laid off, namely Makeb and the 2 daily areas, are severely lacking in terms of personal feel and class story tie in, and the patronizing throw in lines for Makeb to reference your class story were insultingly badly written and the intro and extro-story if you will poorly handled. Personally, I like the makeb story as a whole, but its like the writers now took out their collective wang and pissed all over the class stories, with Eric Musco joining in via Cantina Events and forums whenever he is questioned on it or feels so obliged.


Since this is the trend, there is no reason to think this won't continue. There's a better way, however, and I just feel I should point it out while there's still a chance for it to be heard, even if not responded to.

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Devs ARE committed to story.. it's just that they have moved from class specific story to faction specific story. I get that some people are bent that post 50 story is not class specific.. but to claim they are not committed to story is hyperbole.


As for what other MMOs do/don't_do.... each stands on it's own merits, or lack of. I would say however that MMO players really should have learned by now not to count their MMO chickens before they are hatched. Players continue to set themselves up for disappointment when they set personal expectations toward games.


Not interested in hearing from the resident apologist who thinks everything bioware does is sunshine and ponies. That doesn't mean I only want to hear from people who hate bioware either - just not someone who's loyalties are clearly defined regardless of what's put out.

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I will be checking out TESO when it comes out if it achieves half of what it promises it will be a good game, just seen the character creation video and I don't think anyone could deny it blows TOR out of the water. If it brings story and VO with open world content and mass PvP battles (not fight clubbing arenas) it would be hard not to enjoy it.


As for lore if they want to take a substance and make it legal I really don't care. I have enjoyed the Elder Scrolls games since Arena but this is going to be a new take on it and I will have fun learning new lore.


I don't know what the BW team have planned to keep people in TOR, I do know the SSSP isn't it as it is at best a mini game for PvPers, now if it had been JTL that would be another thing. Is there a boxed expansion in the works lets hope so with progressed class story. As it stands though TOR seems to be on a small crew and maybe its not going to try and compete with TESO. Without the sand box element to the game TOR will find it hard to compete unless it can keep bring new content or open world elements such as TESO faction sieges and warfare. Spring 2014 may prove interesting.


Seeing if they expand the SSSP to a space version of Open PvE space raiding might be something that might keep me around a bit more. But not eternally.


My big beef is really that the current class of devs are really failing to keep up with the quality of the original team in terms of story.

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Yes they will kill their game if they continue down the " we wont continue the single unique and best aspect of the game" path


And for what its worth dragon warrior now dragon quest was the best rpg of the old school. Got t free with first sub of first year of nintendo power being out back when nintendo wasnt a joke

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Yes they will kill their game if they continue down the " we wont continue the single unique and best aspect of the game" path


And for what its worth dragon warrior now dragon quest was the best rpg of the old school. Got t free with first sub of first year of nintendo power being out back when nintendo wasnt a joke


To be fair, Nintendo Power was always just a 60 page advertisement, but it was quality advertisement.


Wonderful 101 and Monster Hunter were enough for me to buy a Wii U.

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I haven't liked playing RPG's since the "early days" of PC gaming in the mid 80's (I know some people will argue with that terminology/time frame, but that's a side issue).


King's Quest

Space Quest.


Day of the Tentacle.

Sam and Max Hit the Road.

Leisure Suit Larry.


Ah, you make me cry out in nostalgic anguish.

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You misunderstand. The quality of writing in general in the game is great. HOWEVER, the things SINCE a bulk of the devs who were pro-class story were laid off, namely Makeb and the 2 daily areas, are severely lacking in terms of personal feel and class story tie in, and the patronizing throw in lines for Makeb to reference your class story were insultingly badly written and the intro and extro-story if you will poorly handled. Personally, I like the makeb story as a whole, but its like the writers now took out their collective wang and pissed all over the class stories, with Eric Musco joining in via Cantina Events and forums whenever he is questioned on it or feels so obliged.


Since this is the trend, there is no reason to think this won't continue. There's a better way, however, and I just feel I should point it out while there's still a chance for it to be heard, even if not responded to.


I understand this sentiment. In truth; nearly every piece of gaming expansion ever written has vast room for improvement. I do not know the team members in which you speak of so I will not feign knowledge on the matter. The collective pissing I will strike off as opinionated, maybe well deserved, but opinionated.


I do not have all the information to place from beginning to present, but the overall feedback that I witness is that most people enjoyed the expansion. Biggest complaint I hear is the lack of companion influence.

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I understand this sentiment. In truth; nearly every piece of gaming expansion ever written has vast room for improvement. I do not know the team members in which you speak of so I will not feign knowledge on the matter. The collective pissing I will strike off as opinionated, maybe well deserved, but opinionated.


I do not have all the information to place from beginning to present, but the overall feedback that I witness is that most people enjoyed the expansion. Biggest complaint I hear is the lack of companion influence.


There are people who are growing dissatisfied with where Bioware is taking story in this game. it lacks the polish it had at launch in terms of quality of story and cohesive writing. Its being asked at almost every cantina event (you don't need knowledge to read the transcripts).


Makeb was an ok expansion. I did enjoy it, however, it lacked class story and people noticed. The manner in how it referred to some of the class stories was disrespectful in its dismissiveness. Combine that with Eric's war against class story campaign when asked about class story at the cantina events and its alarming.


If you aren't hearing it as much nowadays, its because a number of people have already quit the game and moved on...

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Over the years I've learned that about a year before every MMO launch, a humongous effort is made by a special PR-team to promote the game with false promises, over-hyped features and flat out lies. WAR had especially mastered this (Remember that Paul Barnett scumbag?) but every MMO has done so, including SWTOR.


I'm looking forward to giving ESO a try, but I'm not holding my breath, when an MMO looks too good on paper, it probably doesn't turn out quite so.


I mean, from the ESO website and screenshots/video's you apparently get:

- An amazing looking free roaming world;

- Awesome indepth crafting system;

- Skill-based combat;

- Complete character customisability;

- Epic 3-way realm vs realm battles with a control mechanic over provinces;

- Adventure zones;

- Fully voiced NPC's;

- Personal Stories

- etc..etc..

its not a free romaing world. Its more instanced than SWTOR.

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I will bet my left nad that ESO will be a gigantic failure and be considered one of the biggest flops of all time.


They're marketing it to the new Skyrim crowd as "Skyrim Online", but it's nowhere near Skyrim online.


They all seem to be gigantic failures from one perspective or another. People say that about this game too.

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Makeb was good for what it was and I enjoyed it, but it has absolutely no replay value.



Not only that, but the conclusion to the Makeb Pub story makes the Republic look like bigger dumb*sses than Jar-Jar.



TESO is just more tired sword and sandal garbage. I'll pass.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Good for Elder Scrolls. I have zero interest in that game. Never played any of the Elder Scrolls games and have no intention to start. The people that play this game because they are into Star Wars aren't going to ditch this game for Elder Scrolls. The people that aren't playing this game because they are into Star Wars will eventually ditch this game for something else anyway.


People in almost every cantina stop ask about class stories continuing in some form. Eric keeps ignoring it and touting faction stories with no real compromises.


He's a community rep. He has nothing to do with developing content or deciding the direction of the game's development. So what exactly is he supposed to do about your request? The devs already know a lot of people want more class stories. That's not exactly a secret that needs to be communicated by the community reps. The devs made it clear around the time that ROTHC was released in interviews, etc. that they only intend to do faction-specific stories instead of class-stories going forward. The request isn't being "ignored" and there's nothing to "compromise" about. That have made it very clear that they prefer the lower cost and development time of designing 2 faction stories for content updates instead of 8 class stories. Basically, it costs 4 times longer and takes 4 times longer in development time to do class stories instead of faction stories. That's the decision they made.

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He's a community rep. He has nothing to do with developing content or deciding the direction of the game's development. So what exactly is he supposed to do about your request? The devs already know a lot of people want more class stories. That's not exactly a secret that needs to be communicated by the community reps. The devs made it clear around the time that ROTHC was released in interviews, etc. that they only intend to do faction-specific stories instead of class-stories going forward. The request isn't being "ignored" and there's nothing to "compromise" about. That have made it very clear that they prefer the lower cost and development time of designing 2 faction stories for content updates instead of 8 class stories. Basically, it costs 4 times longer and takes 4 times longer in development time to do class stories instead of faction stories. That's the decision they made.


That is very interesting. It does make sense. I think their stand point may change though if enough information goes through the right channels, and if enough money is able to be made from it. Although if they did release expansions with class specific stories and factions stories it would either be very short, or take forever to code.

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Not only that, but the conclusion to the Makeb Pub story makes the Republic look like bigger dumb*sses than Jar-Jar.



TESO is just more tired sword and sandal garbage. I'll pass.


Mostly, I agree with you...but...some developer has got to be able to do better.

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Nope said swtor was going to be my last MMO , but I have decided only other MMO I am going to try is

Blizzard new MMO , that is no ESO no wildstar , no babes and bunny in space , no more freemium aps crap .


I wish ESO best of luck , but feels like overhyped again , most people who play mmo seriously , already know they will start playing half year after release :p


When most of the bugs and kinks are worked into a acceptable form or it is dead .

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If he's said "Ain't happenin'," what else is there to say or compromise about? Until something big changes it doesn't seem to be in the cards. Live with it.


I don't have to live with it. I want class and companion story extensions, and I come on here, every single day, and say so at least once, but more likely several times.


I haven't given up, even if that fool (Musco) that's in charge of this says otherwise. If he denies the customers long enough, the game will suffer. Is there a way to go over Musco's head? Is there someone who had more final say than he?


If there is, I want contact info, and will endeavor to find it myself in the mean time, but I will not rest about this. I enjoy the game, and I enjoy what was promised to us, I love the individual class and companion stories. I don't care about their cheap generic crap, that you play for each faction and get bored with.


This game is not taking the creative directions a lot of people want. People are crying out for class and companion story continuations in many threads, people want housing, people want new classes with new stories, and they continue to ignore us.


A business that wants to stay healthy doesn't ignore it's clientele. Perhaps, it's time to get in touch with the powers that be in Disney. Someone needs to set Musco right. He's killing the game with his attitude towards class story continuations.

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I don't have to live with it. I want class and companion story extensions, and I come on here, every single day, and say so at least once, but more likely several times.


I haven't given up, even if that fool (Musco) that's in charge of this says otherwise. If he denies the customers long enough, the game will suffer. Is there a way to go over Musco's head? Is there someone who had more final say than he?


If there is, I want contact info, and will endeavor to find it myself in the mean time, but I will not rest about this. I enjoy the game, and I enjoy what was promised to us, I love the individual class and companion stories. I don't care about their cheap generic crap, that you play for each faction and get bored with.


This game is not taking the creative directions a lot of people want. People are crying out for class and companion story continuations in many threads, people want housing, people want new classes with new stories, and they continue to ignore us.


A business that wants to stay healthy doesn't ignore it's clientele. Perhaps, it's time to get in touch with the powers that be in Disney. Someone needs to set Musco right. He's killing the game with his attitude towards class story continuations.


He's just the messenger. Sadly, he's a pompous messenger.


Let me tell you a story from the Chicago Cantina Event.


So, I'm at the cantina event, crowd is a little liquored up as we start the Q&A.

Eric was asked about story content and the reply was "who liked Makeb!?" to the room. Crowd cheers.

Eric then says "and that's why we are not doing story content." End of story, right? Must be what the crowd wanted right?


One must ask then why when Eric said that last part, the crowd suddenly went dead and some people in the room had looks on their faces like they'd been suckered into that response. One must also look at how before and after that moment all throughout the night, "who likes XYZ?" was done all night, always to cheers. The problem is that in this case the knowledge of what players generally like is used to get a cheap pop from the crowd.


But it wasn't the pops that were really telling - it was that this was the one time they did it where when they gave their answer in response to the crowd, it went silent, if but for a pregnant pause.


It was an asinine way to deliver the news.


That said, Eric is still just the relayer of messages. Ultimately its the executive producer, or even EA that makes that decision. And if they cannot be swayed to include more class story, the least they can do is to not make a mockery of the class story already accomplished like they did with the Makeb tossaway lines. More deft creative writing is needed if they intend to continue forward with the faction stories only if they want to keep us story whores happy.

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That said, Eric is still just the relayer of messages. Ultimately its the executive producer, or even EA that makes that decision. And if they cannot be swayed to include more class story, the least they can do is to not make a mockery of the class story already accomplished like they did with the Makeb tossaway lines. More deft creative writing is needed if they intend to continue forward with the faction stories only if they want to keep us story whores happy.


And if they hadn't done that you'd be saying "They could have at least tossed in a line or two that nodded to the class stories!" :rolleyes: There really is no pleasing some people.

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And if they hadn't done that you'd be saying "They could have at least tossed in a line or two that nodded to the class stories!" :rolleyes: There really is no pleasing some people.


Yes, god forbid we ask for a layer of transparency. Shame on everyone who dares to ask such a thing... :rolleyes:

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