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How do you feel about the upcoming class changes in 2.5?


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Shadows? Really? They needed the extra tanking abilities more than anyone. They were by far the easiest tank to kill. The changes are absolutely necessary for the Shadows.


And Sentinels simply got QoL improvements and a survivability nerf. Something tells me the Sniper nerfs are the next balance patch. This patch was the "melee" patch, and the next should be Ranged classes.


What evidence do you have of there ever being a "ranged" patch?


After all the only class to really receive improvements were snipers. My sorc has only become worse since day one.

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I myself am pretty much done with the game. Only staying subbed in case one of my friends in guild wanna do some wz's from time to time but seeing these changes don't make me wanna come back full or even part time. The combat devs are ignoring the real problems the game is facing atm. Nothing will really change every pvp match will consist of 3 op heals and 3 sent smashers.
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2.5 killed it for me.


We needed some real pvp balancing. A real re-haul of the combat.


The same classes and specs have been running pvp for the past year, and some even longer. People really wanted to see change or at least a mix up to the balancing. Sadly 2.5 changed almost nothing especially if you play something obscure like dps op, merc or sorc.


It is pathetic and depressing honestly. However we are the real fools for thinking anything would change.

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Well its easier said then done. Vengence already screws sorcs over as it is an anti CC spec and the only defense a sorc has is it's CC. We can interrupt ravage with what? bubble blind, electrocute and overload?


It's more than the ravage doing damage, its that it will further lock sors down to be focus fired and there isn't anything they can do about it unless they are heal speced (for the force speed root break)


You either take the situation as a one-on-one vacuum or you take it such that both sides have teammates. If you're in a position to be further locked down and "focus fired", then by God you're in a position for your team to CC the Veng Jugg and get him off you. Of course, this is assuming that the new root breaks upon the channel being interrupted... which it should.


Bear in mind, I in no way agree with adding a root to Ravage. I'm of the sentiment that there's already too many CC abilities in this game.

Edited by TorvinAugeri
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I rarely use cover on PvP. maybe I only used it once.

If you found yourself saying something like this, consider yourself officially bad at the game.


Being able to roll away and get into cover, so as to be unable to be leapt to or pulled, isn't something you take advantage of? As far as I am concerned, being a pretty devoted arena player, this is a gigantic nerf to scoundrel/op survivability.

Edited by SliggXx
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You either take the situation as a one-on-one vacuum or you take it such that both sides have teammates. If you're in a position to be further locked down and "focus fired", then by God you're in a position for your team to CC the Veng Jugg and get him off you. Of course, this is assuming that the new root breaks upon the channel being interrupted... which it should.


Bear in mind, I in no way agree with adding a root to Ravage. I'm of the sentiment that there's already too many CC abilities in this game.


While true, sorcs are already the most team mate depend class in the game. You need exceptional tanks and healers to keep a dps sorc up in arenas. You need constant peels to get casts off, and you even need to cast if you want to mez a target.


Thats half the reason that people focus a sorc in the first place, they aren't very independent. No matter how much damage you tunnel into a melee they cna't still output damage the without being hindered. Even without consideration to interrupts spell push back makes casting under focus fire difficult and moving to avoid the incoming damage prevents you from producing any damage.


Would having a defensive cooldown that isn't based on your allies coming to help you such a bad thing? I hate that my main class's defensive cooldown basically removes my sorc from the game.

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If you found yourself saying something like this, consider yourself officially bad at the game.


Being able to roll away and get into cover, so as to be unable to be leapt to or pulled, isn't something you take advantage of? As far as I am concerned, being a pretty devoted arena player, this is a gigantic nerf to scoundrel/op survivability.


Its a gigantic nerf to the intelligent scoundrel/op survivability.

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Being able to roll away and get into cover, so as to be unable to be leapt to or pulled, isn't something you take advantage of? As far as I am concerned, being a pretty devoted arena player, this is a gigantic nerf to scoundrel/op survivability.


Well,to be fair, my scoundrel is only level/valor 37, and this my first shot, both with scoundrel class and pvp...When I read about this weeks ago it made no sense to me, by just crouching, to have such inmunities like the gunslingers with an energy shield. I eventually may have used it, but I'm glad I didn't get used to it :rak_04: . As sawbones healer, we have too many powerful tools, this one seems a bit OP for me.


Now well, seeing my dps fellas, they definitely NEED this, and seeing this from this POV, yes, is a gigantic nerf.

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Revealing a secret. There will never be class balance. In a any game.

What you are been kept away is new wz and open world pvp, due to bad EAs engine, demand this to be solved! And you will have all the fun you need!

Edited by helloder
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Assassins/Shadows Needed a NERF not a buff... What in the hell are these devs doing to this game...


You're absolutely right.


I mean how can a class that has light armor dot melee AND light armor tank in the same talent tree need any buffs? I can't believe they didn't immediately remove all keybinds from all assassin players and make them all sit in a penalty box for foul play.


Since you know, there hasn't been a single assassin spec performing at the best in its slot (tank or dps) including deception since the game was released til now, we obviously need to nerf them.


What the HELL is the world coming to?? ? ?? ? :eek:

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Only bads think sins need nerf. Yes they have godlike opening burst, but if you survive that they got nothing...


you really only survive if you are a tank, an assassin, have a healer on you healing at that moment, are a healer or are a sith warrior. Not everyone plays those classes....yet. It's getting there though.

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you really only survive if you are a tank, an assassin, have a healer on you healing at that moment, are a healer or are a sith warrior. Not everyone plays those classes....yet. It's getting there though.


Or if you have brain. But I agree to a point, deception sins are the god of regs, but competative PVP? NO

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In a way I am glad they buffed op healer dps, and nerfed op dps survivability it gives me no false hope and makes my decision to shelve my lethality op in 2.4 easier to slowly come to terms with. I do slightly wonder if the combat team actually have a level55 operative though, they can borrow mine if they want I'm not using it.
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Or if you have brain. But I agree to a point, deception sins are the god of regs, but competative PVP? NO


This is exactly it. It's too bad we will probably become more FoTM now in WZs abs solo queue due to pug preception. IMO you can't balance around the lowest common denominator they should balance around the top 10% and let it trickle down. Let's see what the % dmg increase on maul is before qqing the forums up.


Not to say I agree with BWs so called balance patch that we've been waiting 8 months for. They really haven't done much to change the meta or preception of the class balance. Teams will always look for the easiest path to winning and the fact they didn't do anything to help the other 2 healing classes is sad and frustrating for those players. Same goes for other FoTY classes.


One thing BW continually is great at is making the wrong choices when it comes to PvP and no one should ever be surprised by how out of touch their choices appear nor should we believe anything they are selling until it comes to fruition. However if you believe there are now going to be monthly balance changes I have a pyramid scheme I'd like to sell you.


It's best to just accept this game is what it is, the PvP is fun for awhile if you have people you enjoy playing with but will never reach the heights it could if the Dev staff was in tune with the player base, that acts swiftly to crush any exploit and that is actually concerned with having balanced and fun game play. No game will ever be balanced however the snails pace they move changes is ridiculous. Anything that stops players from queuing up is bad for the game and slowness to change **** that's fracked up is a great way to lose players.

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Well I didn't see a PVE equivalent so I'm gona include that here too.



Tanks: This summs it up better than I could: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=687924

Healers: they were fine and still gona be fine, Merc healers could've used a heat management buff, but that's not the most important right now.


-Mara changes are awesome in all respect

-DPS sin: we'll have to wait to see if this make their sustained DPS viable in raiding...

-Jugger dps: this just a joke, most RNG spec with the lowest potential dmg from a MELEE SUSTAINED DPS spec is just sheer BS.




-PTs (not hybrid) are still just optimal but not viable.

-Sins: The new mitigation changes might make them better than Juggers, but a nerf in 1on1 for the lack of heals

-Juggs: no change, but the Sin changes might make them 2nd choice...


-a very slight nerf to operatives, while no changes to Merc/Sorc. GJ BW still only 1 healer to go in Arenas...


-Dot protection is a good step forward to make dot specs viable, too early to judge for me

-Mara defense nerf is not enough, samshers gona be still top dog and they nerfed the otherwise not that powerfull Carnage and Anni even further

-No Merc/Sorc change still gona leave them as the no.1 who gets marked in an Arena....

-Sin: the changes depending on the magnitude might make them OP, or just leave them as is good initial burst then sh*t sustained

-Juggs: Root for Vengeance is not enough, they are still RNG heavy, cleansable, slows/roots/pushbacks still hinders their dps most.


All in all this "balance change" is a big joke. They said they gonna monitor Arenas to see which class needs adjusting yet all the topdogs got away from the nerf hammer again and they didnt buff the underdogs enough or not at all. The Arena class picture not gona change at all (or not much) after 2.5, so I can still shelf my Arsenal Merc and Carnage Mara for months....


You do realize that both Arsenal, and Carnage are some of the top arena specs on The Bastion?

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You do realize that both Arsenal, and Carnage are some of the top arena specs on The Bastion?


In solo queue? I can see them work in team arena, but in solo as Merc you are the 2nd choice after Sorcs to kill and carange is just easy to shut down with all the random stuns/mezzes flying about. At least that's my experience after a few weeks of solo ranked

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i believe this is just lazy programming and development. Everytime, EVERYTIME, there's a balance to be made, the devs have to throw in another root or slow. Isn't there not enough of these stupid things in the game already?


See, this is a PVE game. PVE folks are use to mobs sitting in one spot and pounding on a target that does not move. In pvp, a target actually moves, so the devs, rather than develop tools to let pve folks learn how to hit moving targets have to introduce more snares, more roots and when they run out of excuses to add another snare, have an auto-hit/aim.


Its lazy programming at its best. People complain 'this spec can't dps hard enough'. devs response: when lets give you a root so you can pound on folks and they can move out of the way...

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In solo queue? I can see them work in team arena, but in solo as Merc you are the 2nd choice after Sorcs to kill and carange is just easy to shut down with all the random stuns/mezzes flying about. At least that's my experience after a few weeks of solo ranked


You know with the right timing and luck, a Combat Sentinel gets effectively 2 burst windows right? Meaning you can waste one by eating their stun, and use the nest one to make them pay?


And in case our procs don't line up perfectly, we get still get off our autocrit Bladestorm and two tiks of MaterStrike before the enemy can stun us?


IMO, seeing the Ataru form on an enemy Sentinel is a LOT scarier than seeing the Shii-Cho form.

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What evidence do you have of there ever being a "ranged" patch?


After all the only class to really receive improvements were snipers. My sorc has only become worse since day one.


No hard evidence, but lots of implications of a Ranged patch.


For one, they said they would nerf Maras and Snipers *soon*, and they're literally nerfing Sentinels in the very next major patch. But no nerf to Snipers? Implying that they're still working on it.


Then, there's Musco's post which said how they plan on bringing lots of small incremental updates, as opposed to giant, once a year buff and nerf cycle.


Finally, except the change to Balance Sages, every other change has involved melee DPS and tanks. Looking back at the last two points I raised, this implies that the next patch will involve ranged classes and healing.

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You're absolutely right.


I mean how can a class that has light armor dot melee AND light armor tank in the same talent tree need any buffs? I can't believe they didn't immediately remove all keybinds from all assassin players and make them all sit in a penalty box for foul play.


Since you know, there hasn't been a single assassin spec performing at the best in its slot (tank or dps) including deception since the game was released til now, we obviously need to nerf them.


What the HELL is the world coming to?? ? ?? ? :eek:


I agree! It's not like you have deflection, resilience, force/tech immunity, and stuns every few seconds on top of the highest burst damage of any class. That would make you the most powerful 1v1 class in the game, and buffing you would be completely asinine!


Oh wait... DERP!

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