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Which class makes the overall greatest impact on a warzone/arena match?


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sorc healers can pad the score board with big numbers, especially in lowbies, but their heals/dmg is all fluff for the most part. You'll get some odd sorc doing great in a wz, but thats usually the result of their great skill combined with the other team not focusing them. In ranked, sorcs are usually the first to get focused. They are only intergral if you want to keep the other teams dps busy while your team does something useful.


OP healers are the best healer, as they can handle focus and still heal. dps-wise, PTs and smash mar/sents are where its at.


but a great sorc player is toast against an above-average dpser. a mediocre op healer will still dominate...

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I'd like to cast a vote to sniper. Great objective control in OS, but they don't have to worry about being interrupted when casting it, and additionally have an in built counter to practically all melee classes.


Stealth classes can give a clean win against a bad team, and make a good team very nervous, where objectives are concerned.


A marauder is pretty good, but I don't think they ever had anything aside from potent DCDs to let them survive and keep objectives out of enemy hands for longer.


And yeah, Balance Sages are pretty harsh towards any melee class without a leap.

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yeah i'm curious who he is too, since i'm from anchorhead. the only good sorc healers from there were peach and niktika, and you're neither


They where nothing when I played on Anchorhead, I left early on due to guild drama, and only came back just before the server mergers. That was when I made most of my characters on The Harb, and started dominating on my Merc.


I NEVER share my in game names on forums b/c people tend to be dumb about crap, it's a long standing policy of mine from back when I played SWG on Scylla, and some people started some drama with my in game friends on the forums. Also it would be quite dumb to tell you who my Sorc is considering I did state that I heal on her, if I was to do that, I would be painting a big ol' target on my head every time I queued up for a WZ.

Edited by SuperGrunt
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I'll say op healer because they're the only thing that can do all 3 of the following:


  • Heal the midfight (in regs makes a big deal)
  • Guard the node very well with stealth
  • Sap cap nodes to singlehandedly win things like Hypergates/Civil Wars pretty easily if the node guard sucks.


Edit: For warzones.


Arenas it's about the players.


What scold said

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They where nothing when I played on Anchorhead, I left early on due to guild drama, and only came back just before the server mergers. That was when I made most of my characters on The Harb, and started dominating on my Merc.


I NEVER share my in game names on forums b/c people tend to be dumb about crap, it's a long standing policy of mine from back when I played SWG on Scylla, and some people started some drama with my in game friends on the forums. Also it would be quite dumb to tell you who my Sorc is considering I did state that I heal on her, if I was to do that, I would be painting a big ol' target on my head every time I queued up for a WZ.


inb4 more excuses why he can't share his no-name


He was inb4 dude. You are a non factor in every sense. Stop making yourself look bad.

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Well if you don't have good DPS you're not going to accomplish anything unless you can get fast caps on everything. You cannot clear nodes if you cant kill anything. You can have the best healer(s) on the server but if you don't have dps to go with it you're going to have to rely more on luck to capture objectives. Only thing this doesn't cover is huttball since it's more about moving the ball but if you cant stop the ball carrier or control mid you'll be hurting as well.


Huttball - Nuff said on this one. The score can be 6-0 in just a few minutes because the winning team focused on scoring and not doing damage.


Civil War/NC - While it helps to be able to burn down targets, it's not necessary. CC and staying power go a long way on these two maps.


Voidstar - This is a DPS heavy map. CC will only get you so far here, as the fastest way through the doors is good timing and burning down the other team with as much time on the respawn timer as possible.


Hypergates - This is the one map where kills actually equal points on the board, so DPS is more important here as well. Running orbs or holding both pylons count more than kills, but neither of those is very effective without clearing the field first.


Arenas - Kills are necessary here too, but I would argue that a DPS-heavy team is gimped versus a balanced one.


I guess the point I was trying to make is that DPS is secondary. Ask just about anyone who they would rather have on their team: a good healer, a good tank, or a good DPS. They probably rank in priority in that exact order for most players. Anyone can DPS. Yeah, there is a lot of separation between the good players and the bad, but it's still just damage. This even translates to raid progression groups: the problem raid groups run into is rarely bad tanking or bad healing, it's usually not enough DPS to beat rage timers.

Edited by TheronFett
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Actually speaking as a Sorc healer, I never get shut down, and never got shot down on Prophecy of the Five, or on Anchorhead before server consolidation. I guess it kinda helps to know how to play the class though. Don't say that Operative Heals are the best just because you never see quality Sorc and Merc heals anymore now that I left your server.


Who are you? Never seen a "supergrunt" on POT5 in my life, and I've also been there since consolidation.


Speaking as a Sorcerer healer, who is almost certainly better than you, I can say that sorcerers are awful in arenas, and I have since rolled an operative healer because I recognize that fact and want to heal viably again. A nobody's opinion on how good he is at sorcerer doesn't change that fact.


Enough nonsense about your "tricks" and inability to be shut down: pics or ****.


Proof that I can outheal you, and thus, have a more meaningful opinion than you:


If you don't wanna follow the link, that is 2.6K HPS in ranked arenas. On my poorly/decently geared sorcerer, of course.

Edited by CaseyMRiley
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