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Full Disclosure from Bioware


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So let me get this right op, your trying to put controls on freedom of speech, ban it for certain individuals because you don't like what they say?


Or is more likely you didn't think your post through properly before you exercised your right to freedom of speech?

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I can't believe you would suggest a company like Bioware would take the time to allow their intelligent, sexy, and no doubt incredibly well-hung devs to post forum propaganda. I don't have time for this, I have to queue up for an exciting 4 vs 4 pvp arena, and then maybe I'll check out the brand new storyline on Oricon. I suggest you do the same, and don't forget to check out the brand new items on the Cartel Market.
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Maybe I am missing something, OP, but I did look it up on the internet and saw the LinkedIn profile.


Yes, that person works for BW. But I don't see any proof they are the same person as the forum poster? The names are somewhat similar, but loads of us have similar names. Hell, I lost my name in a server transfer because someone else had it. We all like to think we are original, but we're really not.


So, rather than a big conspiracy, it seems to me like someone decided 2 + 2 = 5 and picked on a forum poster who I have always thought posted some very thoughtful responses (and not necessarily all positive).


That thread looks like it was just harassment of two people - the forum poster and the employee. Of course it was closed. That doesn't prove your theory.


Or at least that's what BW told me at the staff meeting this morning.

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Maybe I am missing something, OP, but I did look it up on the internet and saw the LinkedIn profile.


Yes, that person works for BW. But I don't see any proof they are the same person as the forum poster? The names are somewhat similar, but loads of us have similar names. Hell, I lost my name in a server transfer because someone else had it. We all like to think we are original, but we're really not.


So, rather than a big conspiracy, it seems to me like someone decided 2 + 2 = 5 and picked on a forum poster who I have always thought posted some very thoughtful responses (and not necessarily all positive).


That thread looks like it was just harassment of two people - the forum poster and the employee. Of course it was closed. That doesn't prove your theory.


Or at least that's what BW told me at the staff meeting this morning.


Well 5 is pretty close to 4, so therefore 5 must be 4 being paid to disguise himself as 5, which means that 2+2=5 because 5 is really 4. Duh.

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If someone posted an image or profile and claimed it was me, I'd report it to, even if it wasn't. That's a crap thing to do.


For one thing, you post like a normal, sane human being, so no one would ever question the tone of your posts. I think that if someone was claiming you were someone you weren't, you'd probably ignore it. If someone mistakes me for Blizzard Employee or Notch, the last thing I would do is report it for inaccuracy. :p Case in point, nobody is offended with TUXs' linkedin link on page 3.



and honestly its pretty weak evidence. I mean if bioware was going to do this. Do you really think they would so moronic to to make the name similar?


Honestly yes, considering how easy it was to identify their meta-critic self reviews(which also hilariously tried to BASH The Witcher games while trying to boost Dragon Age on the same account :D)


It's not a legal issue, it's an ethical one, and BIoWare has proven again and again that they generally will try anything they think they can get away with. Is it trivial? I think so. It is amusing and scandalously juicy because the poster in question won't stop acting so hilariously suspicious? Yes. Does it impact the game? Not really. I think they should come clean, don't care that they won't, and continue to wonder why they even keep fighting the issue instead of ignoring it like any "real" forum poster would.

Edited by ImpactHound
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The "proof" was posted on the forums a few hours ago and promptly removed. I will not name that employee for obvious reasons, but I'm sure if you do a search, you will find the meta for that thread.




That was not proof. That was an accusation, using unrelated bits of information connected into a fantasy paperdoll toy.


By the way.. where have you been? It was posted a year ago. It was wrong then, and it is wrong now. :)

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and honestly its pretty weak evidence. I mean if bioware was going to do this. Do you really think they would so moronic to to make the name similar?


And.. as I pointed out yesterday....


Common sense dictates that if you were going to professionally spoof a forum.. you would use a professional for the job.. NOT a publicly known figure who is a musician and voice over artist rather then a communications specialist that apparently portrayed by some as the over-powering foil of people disagreed with. There are actually companies that provide the services (feel free to google it).


Some people have zero common sense. But that was self-evident when they prosecuted an old internet meme...for the umpteenth time yesterday. :p

Edited by Andryah
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This is getting really REALLY old.


If someone is an employee it is unlikely they would openly criticize the game and/or it's features, even if that criticism is constructive, as that sort of thing usually results in the loss of their job.


If shills are used, they are usually used to trump up reviews outside an official forum. A few companies have done this in the past. I am not aware of any evidence that Bioware has participated in this practice.

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Maybe I am missing something, OP, but I did look it up on the internet and saw the LinkedIn profile.


Yes, that person works for BW. But I don't see any proof they are the same person as the forum poster? The names are somewhat similar, but loads of us have similar names. Hell, I lost my name in a server transfer because someone else had it. We all like to think we are original, but we're really not.


So, rather than a big conspiracy, it seems to me like someone decided 2 + 2 = 5 and picked on a forum poster who I have always thought posted some very thoughtful responses (and not necessarily all positive).


That thread looks like it was just harassment of two people - the forum poster and the employee. Of course it was closed. That doesn't prove your theory.


Or at least that's what BW told me at the staff meeting this morning.


Yup, You are missing the fact that you actually have a brain... unlike other people.

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That was not proof. That was an accusation, using unrelated bits of information connected into a fantasy paperdoll toy.


By the way.. where have you been? It was posted a year ago. It was wrong then, and it is wrong now. :)


Maybe Katy Perry?! Steve Perry? Refrigerator Perry? Andreah Mitchell?

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@Bioware-If you have employees who are posting on the forums to influence the ratings of this game, please make them disclose that fact. It has come to my attention that numerous employees who work for Bioware (including the one that was mentioned this morning, who will remain anonymous but where your moderators were quick to delete that thread disclosing her LinkedIn Profile, which was the right thing to do BTW) are trying to influence the community.


I realize that while not all the feedback you receive from the "real" community is positive and may at times reveal a truth you may not always want to hear, trying to disguise that feedback using employee postings to discredit the feedback sounds rather disingenuous.


The right thing to do for you and your company would be to either ask your employees to refrain from posting anything to these forums or to at least make them clearly identify their screen names as Bioware employees. While we certainly appreciate the fact that Bioware Austin employees will want to play their own product as a consumer, any relationships with Bioware Austin should be disclosed.




How did you get a hold of this account as well? How many friend's accounts do you have access to? Don't deny that it's you. You use the same cadence, spacing, and content in your posts.


Only you would be dumb enough to try and continue a character assassination thread that was deleted previously. While you're not directly speaking about Andryah, your innuendo cannot be ignored. I am requesting that you cease and desist. Attacking the game is one thing, attacking someone on the forums is cyber-bullying and will not be tolerated.

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Strange... this thread is still going. LOL


Yes.. many of us have SWORN up and down that person mentioned was a BW fan or employee or getting kickbacks for defending somewhat silly stuff that was blatantly WRONG. Doesn't mean they are not entitled to post the opinion they have of the game. (No I'm not an Employee)


I praise BW on stuff 5% of the time and complain another 65% of the time about stuff that is hosed up and 30% milling about on threads like this that shouldn't even be a thread (IMHO). :).


At least we get some exercise "Jumping to conclusions" around here.. LOL

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  • Dev Post

Hey everyone,


I want to do a couple of things in this thread, including addressing some of your points. First, along with my response I am going to be closing this thread. As a reminder, talking about moderation in any way (such as you mentioning prior posts which were removed) is against the forum rules. I am using this thread and the closing of it as a friendly reminder of those rules. Now, onto the specific points of the thread.


Threads being deleted

You specifically mentioned that we removed a thread where someone provided "proof" of a forum poster being a BioWare employee. This was removed for two reasons.

  1. Any thread in any context which specifically calls out a forum user for any reason counts as a call out and will be removed. This is one rule that we are very strict on as making a thread targetted at another player serves no constructive purpose.
  2. The thread itself contained false information specifcally regarding BioWare operations and as such would need to be removed.


Full Disclosure on Employee Posts

It is actually a part of BioWare // EA live policy that every employee signs that they are not permitted to post in the fashion you explained. No employee should post "incognito" in an attempt to come across as a normal forum-goer. This is similar (but inverse) to why I cannot tell players my character names, etc.


In fact, players may not realize that one of my roles is to be a gatekeeper to the forums. Developers cannot post directly to the forums, the community team has a "magic button" we have to press to approve those dev posts. That is just to make sure no one says anything they shouldn't.


I know this whole thread is a little on the tinfoil hat side, but I want to let you know that there definitely does not exist some person, or team of people, who are paid just to come on the forums and post positive things. Seeing negative posts and getting feedback, even in a negative way, is just part of running an MMO. The only people in the company who are posting on these forums regularly would be myself and the Community team, posts from the developers, and the occasional rules reminder from someone on our moderation team.


I hope that addresses your concerns.



Edited by EricMusco
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