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Powertechs over buffed


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...and I would wreck that guy in under a minute with an HEGC AP. Guaranteed. Every single time.


Your DPS is gimped, with no heat management, PPA rail shot refresh procs, or CGC DOT. There's nothing you can do to seriously hurt me with your 1k DPS here.


That armor is all you have for two minutes after you blow shield, and that won't help you a bit.


Think before you post something like this. Understand hit roll mechanics and damage types. You are completely unqualified to complain about this.


I'm not complaining at all. Just pointing out what is possible.

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I'm not complaining at all. Just pointing out what is possible.


Lol! You've shown that a pyro can stack armor to 50% at the cost of having DPS far below that of your average healer.


I just don't want anyone to get confused here and think that it needs to be nerfed.


It's a silly one off spec that can run a huttball, nothing else.

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Lol! You've shown that a pyro can stack armor to 50% at the cost of having DPS far below that of your average healer.


I just don't want anyone to get confused here and think that it needs to be nerfed.


It's a silly one off spec that can run a huttball, nothing else.


Full 36pt tank runs the huttball better than any other PT spec........

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Lol! You've shown that a pyro can stack armor to 50% at the cost of having DPS far below that of your average healer.


I just don't want anyone to get confused here and think that it needs to be nerfed.


It's a silly one off spec that can run a huttball, nothing else.


Switching to Ion cell is definitely a special purpose maneuver but I also think it highlights how little foresight the devs put into things like this. I really doubt their intention was to give Pyro PT's a way to be invincible.

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The amount of misinformation this thread is amusing.


  1. Hyrbid does NOT tank better than a full tank.
  2. Hybrid does NOT DPS better than a full DPS.
  3. Hybrid talents recieved few changes since 2.0.
  4. The introduction of Arenas (metagame), and not actual changes, has made PTs seem more powerful.


All of these assertions are easily proven by their respective pieces of evidence below:


  1. Hybrids don't take tank gear, nuff said
  2. Hybrids miss out on ~11% overall damage, not even including the extra heat. Nuff said.
  3. Total changes for AP talents ever since 2.0:
    • Retractable blade recieved a significant nerf
    • Immolate recieved a significant buff in return for an insignificant nerf on heat cost.
    • Rocket punch recieved a rather insignificant crit chance increase
    • Flame thrower recieved a significant buff in both overall DPS, burst, and heat cost.

Most of the talents for AP have been the same since 2.0, but nobody whined then, leading me to believe....

[*]That you all are just mad that you're losing now that powertechs can do stuff now. AP hybrids have been in the game ever since people realized HEGC is bad, which was launch.

Edited by Zunayson
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Why? I don't get it! PT's must be OP! What are these maras and sents doing wrong?

* They don't time their CC's to coincide with heavy cleave moves.

* They waste their DCD's at bad times.

* They don't interrupt or taunt.

Thus they are average players who thought they were better than they actually are, and it hurts. So they come here and have a good cry.


Damn right they don't! Noobs :D

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o_O The only advantage hybrid tanks have over other DPS is the fact that they are recognized as a DPS by the queue, so different comps. With any Group Ranked comp, a hybrid tank is just like any other tank (somewhat weaker maybe).


Actually Ezio, this is Srotarius /wave!, the issue they are referring to is tank stance. Tank stance is not tied to a certain tree so they can run in tank stance while using DPS tree. Think a smash warrior with the benefits of soresu which ofc they cannot do since the benefits of smash are tied to shii-cho. The dps loss they get for being in tank stance is minimal. This has received testing and feedback was given on PTR with regard to how strong it was but ofc received no attention. I did not follow the group running vanguards abusing this forever so this may have changed but last I saw they were undefeated running their vanguard combo. Read all vanguards. They do nearly the same DPS as a DPS focused vanguard while running around with the mitigation of someone who is focused on tanking. That is actually a fairly large problem.

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From my experience any class can be dangerous with the right person at the helm but they just buffed them since the majority of the PT's sucked.


Personally I am fine with the changes. No more PT/VG complaining that thee class sucks.


Well, the class kinda sucked.... and it doesn't suck any longer, sooo.... But ap/tactics, the spec being *****ed about blew chunks and according to some it no longer does.


Personally, I thought there would be more bishing about assault/pyro again but I suspect people still don't know how to play them.

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They are not that big of an issue in team games, but this hybrid is basically ruining solo arena role-matching. Even in DPS gear difference between guarded an unguarded healer ability to heal team is significant to make teams unbalanced. Edited by Arunas
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lol this is just a bad argument. powertechs had close to horrible dps post 2.0 pre 2.4, now when they are given a buff to put them on a competitive level of dps people are saying that they are op? They needed their buff. i mean lets be serious, would you rather them be as strong as pre 2.0?


but im guessing you probably would like barrier, guarded by the force, dodge and stealth added to only your toon as well am i right?


i dont mean to be such an ***, but there will never be a middle ground as far as buffs & nerfs.

Edited by supermouthcml
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lol this is just a bad argument. powertechs had close to horrible dps post 2.0 pre 2.4, now when they are given a buff to put them on a competitive level of dps people are saying that they are op? They needed their buff. i mean lets be serious, would you rather them be as strong as pre 2.0?


but im guessing you probably would like barrier, guarded by the force, dodge and stealth as well am i right?


i dont mean to be such an ***, but there will never be a middle ground as far as buffs & nerfs.


Wrong, BAD powertechs had horrible DPS, i saw plenty of powertechs top the 1 mil mark after the nerf, i never saw a mercenary do that, or a jug, or sniper or assassin or Op, if a warzone ended with a 1 mill DPS scorer it was either a Mara, a Sorc or a powertech. don't ask me to explain it that would be speculation I prefer to talk facts.

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Wrong, BAD powertechs had horrible DPS, i saw plenty of powertechs top the 1 mil mark after the nerf, i never saw a mercenary do that, or a jug, or sniper or assassin or Op, if a warzone ended with a 1 mill DPS scorer it was either a Mara, a Sorc or a powertech. don't ask me to explain it that would be speculation I prefer to talk facts.


One mill damage are matches where the PT has a pet healer, with three or four healers on the other side, and nobody dies.


That's called fluff, caused by AOE and dots - and it's a poor excuse to keep them nerfed.


Pyro and AP are both fine IMO, especially because certain other DPS warrior classes are about to get the nerf bat. We don't want or need to be there.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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Wrong, BAD powertechs had horrible DPS, i saw plenty of powertechs top the 1 mil mark after the nerf, i never saw a mercenary do that, or a jug, or sniper or assassin or Op, if a warzone ended with a 1 mill DPS scorer it was either a Mara, a Sorc or a powertech. don't ask me to explain it that would be speculation I prefer to talk facts.


when i said bad dps i was comparing it to other dps classes in the game, sure the possibility of 1 mil overall damage was not out of the question, but when looking at the class's actual dps it was much harder for a powertech to achieve 1800 to 2500 dps than a sorc, merc, or mara. (not saying it was not possible).


and for instance if a mara and tech both achieved the same overall damage the tech would more than likely have less kills & kb's simply because they lacked burst.

but to fall back on what youve said, yes a good powertech will always be competitve that was not my point lol

i was just explaining that it was good that they got buffed in 2.4 :)

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Lol... I've had SCRUB pts in regs (bad players+27k HPs) take ~40 seconds to kill and this guy was by himself and had no healer in sight. Anyone saying PT is working right is clearly deranged.


For solo ranked right now, I feel a bit of relief when I get PTs in my team, since even the garbage ones are...helping the group a lot. I'm confident it'll get fixed up.

Edited by Seengularity
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Lol... I've had SCRUB pts in regs (bad players+27k HPs) take ~40 seconds to kill and this guy was by himself and had no healer in sight. Anyone saying PT is working right is clearly deranged.


For solo ranked right now, I feel a bit of relief when I get PTs in my team, since even the garbage ones are...helping the group a lot. I'm confident it'll get fixed up.


Because marauders die in less than 40 seconds all of the time.


I'm laughing at you, not with you.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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Because PT's are finally competitive? And now maybe you aren't as good as you thought you were because you can't faceroll them?


"Finally Competitive" ? The good ones kept owning past 2.0 and into 2.4? Maybe you aren't as good as you thought you were? (Hey you're "finally competitive" - lol'd to the bank with that).

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"Finally Competitive" ? The good ones kept owning past 2.0 and into 2.4? Maybe you aren't as good as you thought you were? (Hey you're "finally competitive" - lol'd to the bank with that).


An amazing player is going to do well in any spec, if they had played a Mara, sniper, or merc instead they would have done even better. Why? More DPS (still, even in 2.4). More CC (still) More DCD (again still).


One or two good players does not make a balanced class. Now can you honestly say that you didn't faceroll most PT's post 2.0? Laugh it up, but AP still isn't anywhere near within 5% of Mara or sniper DPS and survivability. So my question, why are you losing?


did you say finally competitive? en thesis on finally?


Do you honestly think PT's were anywhere near maras, snipers, and mercs post 2.0?


Seriously? Really?


Sure you could beat bad players on those specs, those who wouldn't or didn't know how to use their CD's. Anyone with half a clue however?


One of you saw a bad player last for 40 seconds as a PT. Even though 6-12 seconds of that was probably due to the bugged absorb relic granting 6 seconds of invulnerability per proc - the reaction is HEY lets nerf Pyro PT!

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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One or two good players does not make a balanced class


Nah. Same cats that were owning pre 2.0 with PTs kept owning post 2.0 and beyond... leads one to believe that many could put up 600-700k fluff dmg but only a handful were really playing it objectively and posting beyond the million - Only a handful really liked it for what it was, not for the 123 rotation and good output (à la smash).

One of you saw a bad player last for 40 seconds as a PT. Even though 6-12 seconds of that was probably due to the bugged absorb relic granting 6 seconds of invulnerability per proc - the reaction is HEY lets nerf Pyro PT!

And let me rephrase that. I'm seeing LEGIONS of fotm PTs. The specific case I wrote about, was a nooblet PT. Likely some guy who'd gotten his PT to 55 right before 2.0 and dusted it off for 2.4 (probably full partisan with some conq sprinkled around) - he had NO shield relic.


Unfortunately, so many people are not true to themselves, they don't gravitate towards what they really want to do. Just play the strongest class, not the one you like the most...

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An amazing player is going to do well in any spec, if they had played a Mara, sniper, or merc instead they would have done even better. Why? More DPS (still, even in 2.4). More CC (still) More DCD (again still).


One or two good players does not make a balanced class. Now can you honestly say that you didn't faceroll most PT's post 2.0? Laugh it up, but AP still isn't anywhere near within 5% of Mara or sniper DPS and survivability. So my question, why are you losing?




Do you honestly think PT's were anywhere near maras, snipers, and mercs post 2.0?


Seriously? Really?


Sure you could beat bad players on those specs, those who wouldn't or didn't know how to use their CD's. Anyone with half a clue however?


One of you saw a bad player last for 40 seconds as a PT. Even though 6-12 seconds of that was probably due to the bugged absorb relic granting 6 seconds of invulnerability per proc - the reaction is HEY lets nerf Pyro PT!


and are you really speaking as if the PT nerf was even remotely comparable to what they did to mercs in 1.2? let alone how fast they fixed your class vs how long it took them to fix mercs and merc heals are still to this day useless in the hands of most competent players. a couple of months being set back, oh, your a real martyr. And yes powertechs were fine, they had all the utility they needed to set up and take down all of my toons when they played right not that that happened often but it did and so it should, when the few who knew what they were doing played right but most don't, they just role through their meta rotation and expect to get a result. and BTW maras/snipers are also in for the nerf bat so you shouldn't be anywhere near them and mercs? now? OP? channelled AOEs arent hard to interrupt but il think you find other casters hit allot harder at least you can interrupt a merc you cant interrupt a sorc if he roots you and uses polarity shift, or an entrenched sniper, or a proc'ed chain lightning/death field with auto-crit. i could go on but im deverting from the OP


Also and feel free to correct me if im wrong but arent PTs supposed to be sustained DPS as aposed to burst? i mean that i see great survivability in DPS PTs, and really hard hitting shoulder rockets that you can use while stunned it looks like your more built to withstand bursts and out DPS the follow ups, maybe a little bursty for pyro but still an overall sustained CQC damage class but that's just guessing based on what iv seen since 2.0

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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