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Please increase the Elite/Ultimate Commendation cap!


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I understand why you think they are needed, even if I don't agree with that. Personally, I am very much against inhibiting players in any way, including limiting the commendations they can obtain per week. But that is not my main problem here.


Real reason I'm making this thread is that 2.4 added two new Operations with their respective weeklies. Our guild did a 16man SM run of both operations on Tuesday/Thursday, then yesterday we did 4 other weeklies in 16man (EV HM for the Classic weekly, TFB SM weekly, SnV SM weekly and TC SM weekly). I did the Flashpoint weekly as well at some point during the week.


I am complaining because I cannot turn any of the completed quests in. Just from commendations looted from various bosses (plus the two Dread weeklies), I have already reached my Elite Commendation cap (200/200) and 142/150 for Ultimate Commendations. Turning any of the weeklies in would just waste those commendations, so now I have four finished weekly quests sitting in my quest log I can do nothing with.


It is obvious that these caps were not designed with so many Ops weekly quests in mind. The two new Operations definitely warrants a significant commendation cap raise!

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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I'd have to agree, I reached my limit for elite commendations yesterday already and very close to reaching max on ultimate comms. It stopped me playing my main because there's no point really. Compared to how many ops there are now, which by itself is great, the weekly cap is too easily reached. If they raised caps for elite and ultimate comms by 50 comms for the weekly cap I'd be a lot happier.
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  • 3 weeks later...
BW you are leaving us with no choice but to play other games at the end of the week. I capped my elite comms Tuesday night this week and my Ultimates are at 142/150 . It's the topic of discussion in my guild and no one is happy with this. Elite cap should be 400 and Ultimates at least 200. This is something that should have been foreseen, but wasn't. Now it needs to be fixed and soon.
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I don't know if it needs to be that much. The idea behind the caps is to make sure that people don't ride a hockey stick curve to end game gear, and end up whining and crying about lack of content when they've used it all up months early.


That being said, anytime they add new content, such as: two new operations. They should really increase the weekly progression by an amount equal to the total comms available in boss drops, and the weekly quests linked to those new operations. That way, if you're in an active guild that clears all available content in a week, you don't end up capped so quickly.

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I don't know if it needs to be that much. The idea behind the caps is to make sure that people don't ride a hockey stick curve to end game gear, and end up whining and crying about lack of content when they've used it all up months early.


That being said, anytime they add new content, such as: two new operations. They should really increase the weekly progression by an amount equal to the total comms available in boss drops, and the weekly quests linked to those new operations. That way, if you're in an active guild that clears all available content in a week, you don't end up capped so quickly.


I agree with this, caps could use a bump.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't know if it needs to be that much. The idea behind the caps is to make sure that people don't ride a hockey stick curve to end game gear, and end up whining and crying about lack of content when they've used it all up months early. .


That's a flawed idea because whining and crying will be done by a minority and the rest of us will play other toons, explore planets, hunt datacrons and lore objects, farm companon kills and the likes. Believe it or not, there are many things to do in the game beside farming comms to get gear.


As for the commendations cap, it doesn't need to be raised. It needs to be removed.

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I agree that cap needs to be removed (or at least brought back to original 1000).


why? there is already a soft cap on how many commendations you can possibly get in a week with a single character, by sole virtue of running out of lockouts - you can only run an operation twice a week, tops (and for most people its just once). no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to get more, at least with ultimates. and elite coms? well if you are so hell bent on farming as many as possible, then either you'll be hopping alts to compensate, gearing companions or.. whatever really.


coms and gear are just means to an end. for some people, doing content once is enough and they feel like they have nothing to do, com limits or not. for other people - doing things in game, even repetitive things is fun, especially when done with people they enjoy.

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Of course BW would want to influence progression and prevent a progression that's too quick. But we also have a Weekly LockOut. The cap should be based on the weekly lockouts. If the cap remains this low, then to stop the complaining perhaps they should create a single lockout for the classic operations. Or make one lockout for an operation instead of the story and hard/NiM. One thing needs to change for sure, it's disappointing after completion to be confronted with caps.
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I understand why they put caps , however since we have legacy shells which we can use to transfer mods between toons it is actually a detriment for those who like to play only one character. I have atm 8 lvl 55 toons , im able to gear pretty much 1½ toon per week with nearly full ultimate gear and get 2 filled up with elite gear. So the cap doesn't really affect me.


I like the legacy system, but if anything it doesn't prevent people from progressing "too fast" and putting artificial limitations such as the commendation cap is just a way of either forcing people to create alts to keep up in gear progression with others or just stop playing the game for the rest of the week.


The best thing to do was maybe to get rid of the cap and increase the cost of each piece ? I don't know . If they would do that i am pretty sure people would complain about "grinding"

Edited by tekhiun
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Actually this would be less of a problem if the mods on the Verpine and Oriconian gear were properly designed. Not BiS on each item but at least make each BiS armoring/mod/enhancement available on 1 item.


99% of the gear on that vendor is getting ignored because not a single piece of gear from the Ultimate vendor has a proper Adept (power/surge) or Initiative (accuracy/power) Enhancement 34! Not a single one! Come on, devs, you know that nobody wants ****** Critical/Alacrity Enhancements and Implants! DPS want Accuracy/Power, Healers want Power/Alacrity and they both want Power/Surge. Yet these are not available from the comms vendor in any shape or form just critical, critical, critical, critical and some more critical. (BTW thanks for nerfing crit into uselessness in 2.0 then making crit the most promiment stat on the new tiers!)


And don't even get me started on tanking enhancements. Accuracy/Absorption? Absorption/Alacrity? ***? Do you think any of the tanks would EVER touch them? What's the point in even adding something so blatantly useless?


So everyone in our guild buys two power/surge implants, an offhand barrel or armoring and NINE sets of bracers/belts! Don't you find it ridiculous? NINE sets of bracers without ever touching any of the other gear pieces. So we have commendations overflowing in our currency window but can't spend them due to the fact that THERE IS NOTHING TO SPEND THEM ON! And if we want to send gear to alts, we're only buying bracers again!


But I guess since my post (and the million others written about the same thing) does not concern the Cartel Market, you'll just ignore it.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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The best thing to do was maybe to get rid of the cap and increase the cost of each piece ? I don't know . If they would do that i am pretty sure people would complain about "grinding"


The game should be about content, story and enjoyment not "progression", especially since that's only a euphemism for repetitive grinding of the same old bugged content.

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I have seen other games use an unlimited com system and simply roll the ultimate coms into elite to make the grind start over again for every new raid they release. That way the people who choose to grind out the coms really fast can and the coms would be converted into a lesser com later when an update releases a new op. But the BiS may still be a problem with this game as people would still buy 9 sets of bracers or belts for the mods due to the price differential of the other pieces.
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Actually this would be less of a problem if the mods on the Verpine and Oriconian gear were properly designed. Not BiS on each item but at least make each BiS armoring/mod/enhancement available on 1 item.


99% of the gear on that vendor is getting ignored because not a single piece of gear from the Ultimate vendor has a proper Adept (power/surge) or Initiative (accuracy/power) Enhancement 34! Not a single one! Come on, devs, you know that nobody wants ****** Critical/Alacrity Enhancements and Implants! DPS want Accuracy/Power, Healers want Power/Alacrity and they both want Power/Surge. Yet these are not available from the comms vendor in any shape or form just critical, critical, critical, critical and some more critical. (BTW thanks for nerfing crit into uselessness in 2.0 then making crit the most promiment stat on the new tiers!)


And don't even get me started on tanking enhancements. Accuracy/Absorption? Absorption/Alacrity? ***? Do you think any of the tanks would EVER touch them? What's the point in even adding something so blatantly useless?


So everyone in our guild buys two power/surge implants, an offhand barrel or armoring and NINE sets of bracers/belts! Don't you find it ridiculous? NINE sets of bracers without ever touching any of the other gear pieces. So we have commendations overflowing in our currency window but can't spend them due to the fact that THERE IS NOTHING TO SPEND THEM ON! And if we want to send gear to alts, we're only buying bracers again!


But I guess since my post (and the million others written about the same thing) does not concern the Cartel Market, you'll just ignore it.


This will be one of my rare rip jobs. Its extremly lazy way of extending the content in intentionally making the mods in the gear terrible. I can live with maybe not having it optimized like too much surge or something like that but when its a stat that your class doesnt even use.


Also the amount should be increased. Unless you do fp's 20 hours a day you need to do ops to hit and there are already lockouts for those so its like you care getting wacked twice for it

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It's not realistic to change the weekly cap of comms, because the highest tier of non-set bonus items (Oriconian) cost the same amount of Ultimate comms as before (Verpine). Now you just have more choice which of the 4 lvl 55 Operations you will run, instead of only 2 like it was before.
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The game should be about content, story and enjoyment not "progression", especially since that's only a euphemism for repetitive grinding of the same old bugged content.


I would settle for progression instead of cartel market any day of the year :p. I agree with you on the first part but progression is not really grinding. It's about improving personal skill and team work to go through the content , the gearing part is also part of it , but not really important it will just make progression easier.


But as it was mentioned this is just one of the many lazy and lame ways of extending gameplay, i.e 1 - commendation cap , 2 - bad itemization on ultimate items. If they want to make worth getting the raid items then maybe the should make the set bonus worth getting, in some classes you can completely ignore them tbh.


As for non bugged content, well I don't expect much from it. It is true that the cartel market and the content team (pve, pvp , class balance ) is not the same. But bioware clearly invests more on the cartel as it is the feature that yields most profit. A good representation of this was a few months ago there was only 1 guy working on the pvp balance afaik, mean while we were getting tons of cartel packs released into the game.

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Actually this would be less of a problem if the mods on the Verpine and Oriconian gear were properly designed. Not BiS on each item but at least make each BiS armoring/mod/enhancement available on 1 item.


99% of the gear on that vendor is getting ignored because not a single piece of gear from the Ultimate vendor has a proper Adept (power/surge) or Initiative (accuracy/power) Enhancement 34! Not a single one! Come on, devs, you know that nobody wants ****** Critical/Alacrity Enhancements and Implants! DPS want Accuracy/Power, Healers want Power/Alacrity and they both want Power/Surge. Yet these are not available from the comms vendor in any shape or form just critical, critical, critical, critical and some more critical. (BTW thanks for nerfing crit into uselessness in 2.0 then making crit the most promiment stat on the new tiers!)


And don't even get me started on tanking enhancements. Accuracy/Absorption? Absorption/Alacrity? ***? Do you think any of the tanks would EVER touch them? What's the point in even adding something so blatantly useless?


So everyone in our guild buys two power/surge implants, an offhand barrel or armoring and NINE sets of bracers/belts! Don't you find it ridiculous? NINE sets of bracers without ever touching any of the other gear pieces. So we have commendations overflowing in our currency window but can't spend them due to the fact that THERE IS NOTHING TO SPEND THEM ON! And if we want to send gear to alts, we're only buying bracers again!


But I guess since my post (and the million others written about the same thing) does not concern the Cartel Market, you'll just ignore it.


I hear you on the poor stat itemization on comm gear. The issue is, those aren't meant to be used as viable replacements for the gear drops on HM bosses. This is why most of the Underworld rating drops in operations are still upgrades over the Oriconian commendation pieces. The mainstat and endurance are greater, but the secondary and tertiary statistics (the stuff that matters most to us progression folks) resides on the gear drops.


One of our tanks is still using Arkanian implants from instance drops because the comm vendor items are so bad for tanks. It's a tough road for the devs to gear us through operations.

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So, I've been thinking about this problem a lot. I think I've come up with a solution, but maybe some feedback will help me polish it a bit.


Spend your commendations.


Pros: All your companions can get tricked out in some good gear.


Cons: You'll be maxed again when you turn in your weeklies.


Feel free to give feedback.

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So, I've been thinking about this problem a lot. I think I've come up with a solution, but maybe some feedback will help me polish it a bit.


Spend your commendations.


Pros: All your companions can get tricked out in some good gear.


Cons: You'll be maxed again when you turn in your weeklies.


Feel free to give feedback.


you mean the way planetary coms work right now but with current max limits? I would personally be ok with it.

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It prevents you from saving up unlimited amounts so you can instantly gear up when something new comes out.


not if they set it up the way planetary coms work now, with current limits.


aka, you can only hoard so much before you have to start spending or lose coms.


right now - you lose them after very short amount of time, whether you spend them or not, through extremely low weekly limit.

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So, I've been thinking about this problem a lot. I think I've come up with a solution, but maybe some feedback will help me polish it a bit.


Spend your commendations.


Pros: All your companions can get tricked out in some good gear.


Cons: You'll be maxed again when you turn in your weeklies.


Feel free to give feedback.


The issue isn't spending the comms, its the fact that by the time you do the FP weekly, all the Weekly OPs (Classic, SnV, TFB, DF and DP) you end up maxing out the Elite and Ultimate comm weekly limit and therefore have wasted comms because you can't accept anymore.


Why penalize those of us who like doing the weeklies with guilds by not allowing us to run all those OPs because we will cap on commendations? I'm active in my guild and love helping my guildies get through the content and experience it. Yet, while I'm helping them gear to attempt the HM OPs I'm finding myself capping on the commendations (especially Elite comms) and having to switch toons to continue. Then I cap on comms on that character.


If they are going to increase the number of OPs, it'd be nice if they would also increase the number of commendations allowed in a week . It only needs to be 20-30 comm increase so we can run them all because we LIKE the game and LIKE running the OPs.

Edited by Lumpyone
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I think you are looking at the limits from a wrong perspective. Nobody is punishing you for clearing the content. You are welcome to do so and enjoy the loot. The commendation, however have to be limited and it has nothing to do with reward or punishment. Commendations HELP you gear up for the harder content and are provided in limited quantities to ensure the process takes time. Edited by ELRunninW
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The issue isn't spending the comms, its the fact that by the time you do the FP weekly, all the Weekly OPs (Classic, SnV, TFB, DF and DP) you end up maxing out the Elite and Ultimate comm weekly limit and therefore have wasted comms because you can't accept anymore.


Why penalize those of us who like doing the weeklies with guilds by not allowing us to run all those OPs because we will cap on commendations? I'm active in my guild and love helping my guildies get through the content and experience it. Yet, while I'm helping them gear to attempt the HM OPs I'm finding myself capping on the commendations (especially Elite comms) and having to switch toons to continue. Then I cap on comms on that character.


If they are going to increase the number of OPs, it'd be nice if they would also increase the number of commendations allowed in a week . It only needs to be 20-30 comm increase so we can run them all because we LIKE the game and LIKE running the OPs.


If you LIKE runnign them, you should LIKE runnign them without the comms dropping because you are having fun and getting gear drops off the bosses anyway.


I'm sorry, am I using PvPer logic on you too early in the thread? PvPers don't get dropped loot or gear the way raiders do, nevermind all the money. We get our own comms, comm gear, and a pittance of credits. Yet we play anyway, and if youa re pvping pre 55...comms are more or less pointless, no drops, no fancy new gear, yet we play it because we LIKE it.


If you LIKE and enjoy it anyway, you should be willing to run it without the shiny carrot. Nevermind that you already have a carrot with the dropped non-comm loot.

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