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Everything posted by fabiyun

  1. Thanks for offering some insight into the decision to make these changes. As I understand what you've written, the problem is that on your list of dps targets all tanks regardless of gear are overperforming in both PVE and PVP. This is why you will be decreasing damage across the board. To compensate the loss of threat you will increase tanks' threat generation. Then there is the problem of skank tanks equipping dps gear when they shouldn't and thus per your words are 'greatly overperforming' in PVP. I don't see any specific change that addresses tanks equipping the wrong gear or stats and thus overperforming in PVP. I understand that big changes like changes to the overall meta are not done in any .x update but are reserved for a big game update. As such there will not be any changes to how the classes or stats fundamentally perform and for now little more will be done than tweaking the numbers to come to the targets that you had set out for the last big game update. Taking the above into account I do have some questions: - Are you decreasing the dps output of tanks more than would be proportionate to meet your dps targets in order to address skanks overperforming in PVP? - Are the changes to address the tanks equipping dps gear in PVP still coming? As there seems to not be any specific action taken against those, current actions tweak dps numbers for tanks in both PVE and PVP. - Are operation bosses scaled to the targets you have set before the previous large game update or to how classes are currently performing? - Is the above going to lead to you tweaking the operations? (After all the damage is being significantly altered, and tanks have functions in operations beyond holding aggro, sometimes they are required to take on a group of adds by themselves, which may now no longer be possible). Personally, I would ask you to reconsider these changes. They do not make dps gear any less attractive for tanks in PVP, they may make it more attractive as you are decreasing tank dps output while not changing the advantage of defensive stats. Those changes to stats may be reserved for the big game update, but as these coming changes do not deter tanks from equipping dps gear in PVP and greatly affect the damage and roles tanks can play in PVE, I would argue you will be breaking more than fixing. The decrease in dps output of tanks is going to affect PVE in operations, flashpoints and uprisings, story chapters, levelling and others.
  2. My old AMD HD4670 doesn't display any of the problems that the newer cards display. The problem is also definitely in the swtor AA engine, and specifically in the way it handles the UI. Because when overriding these settings the card is perfectly capable of supporting proper AA in the UI elements. But somehow whatever they programmed in Austin is causing problems with the newer cards. They may be relying on old DirectX 7 or 9 APIs that aren't properly handled through the swtor engine. The problem isn't just in flickering bars, when you change your UI elements in the UI editor you'll see that when you move some elements around they seem to be leaving parts of the textures on places where they aren't supposed to be. Random blue blocks and lines, and then those blocks and lines missing from where the rest of the UI elements are located. Overriding the swtor AA engine corrects all these issues. As for the original topic. There are certainly outlandish stories going around in the game, the game's community and the gaming community in general. Yesterday I saw a someone say you cannot play the game on anything less than a GTX 1070. This is complete and utter nonsense. I am running the game on a Ryzen 5 1600 with an AMD rx470 graphics card and I can max out all settings, override AA to Super Sampling, and get good framerates. The CPU isn't even close to half utilisation, the game is written in x86 and cannot use large amounts of memory or multicore CPU functions. You will not see a difference between a midrange quadcore cpu + a midrange videocard and the very high-end cpus and gpus. The game simply cannot use that power, it is limited because of old programming. If you happen to have a few thousand dollars lying around and are really into playing the latest games, knock yourself out, buy whatever you can afford. But especially if you only or primarily play swtor then you do not need to spend that kind of money. Especially right now when graphics cards and ram are so incredibly expensive.
  3. The work around for the flickering and corrupted UI issues for SWTOR on AMD video cards of Rx series is to disable the Anti-Aliasing in swtor and override it in Crimson Settings. You need to manually add the swtor.exe file as it loads the launcher.exe by default in which case your settings won't do anything. So add swtor.exe and then in the AA mode select override application settings. Pick a setting that you're comfortable with, personally I use Super Sampling at 8x on my rx470. There are still drawbacks to this work around, if you play windowed then the cutscenes will have a white glow around the border. Otherwise the game will no longer have UI problems and look better overall as the AA of the swtor engine isn't great to begin with even on highest settings. Also, be sure to turn morphological filtering off, it makes snow textures on Hoth, Ilum and Belsavis at distance look off. BW doesn't seem to be bothered to change this, it's been like this for over a year already. And it's a swtor problem, no other games I play display these problems.
  4. My TRE legacy storage is also missing. File a ticket, message EricMusco. Wait for a fix. And please, if this happened to you, do file a ticket, it's the only way they'll see there's a problem.
  5. Yea I cannot find mine either. I've read several people from TRE lost their legacy bay contents. @EricMusco: I've filed a ticket under items/loot. If you want to look into it this is where you can find my ticket.
  6. Eric, I've now logged into almost all of my toons, and I cannot find my legacy stored items from TRE. There is no red button in any of those inventories. What is going on?
  7. I'm quite disappointed by this really. To the devs: Can you at least announce these price changes in patch notes or in a developer blog? There are expected prices based on item type and rarity. I was expecting a much lower price for the silver items as well, so I sent them to an alt, bound them, so I could unlock on main and save another login, only to be faced by a much higher account unlock than previous items of the same type and rarity. And tbh, I wouldn't have bothered in getting the entire set, and account unlocking it if I'd known before what the price for that would be. I think it's too steep. I feel cheated, I'll get over it, and I've learned my lesson. Won't be doing those unlocks anymore, and won't bother with a full set anymore either. On another note, why can we not see the prices of an unlock until we've unlocked the set? It's really untransparent and can cause very akward surprises. Nobody likes stores that do not have price tags.
  8. Ah, you must've gotten everything you've learned from the PVP Forums then, that explains it.
  9. Cisgender is used as a tool of oppression. Ethnicity is also a social construct. In fact, even Wikipedia calls it: "Ethnicity or ethnic group is a social group of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, cultural, social, or national experience. (Membership of an ethnic group tends to be associated with shared cultural heritage, ancestry, history, homeland, language (dialect), or ideology, and with symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style, physical appearance, etc.)" To rephrase: Ethnicity is a social construct with mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion using a framework of criteria determined by those most privileged. Now ethnicity is in itself a laden term. That is because whiteness is an ethnicity, though it does not describe itself as such, instead it labels everything else as "ethnic" with which it excludes everything non-white from whiteness and marginalises it. Ethnicity is more often than not only used as a nicer word than race. Ethnic is used in similar ways as words like tribal, as a means to other and exotify people, it has to many non-white people a negative connotation because white people use words like ethnic to put other people lower on the social scale than them. Whiteness is the standard, it doesn't need a name, it is the normal, everything else is ethnic, different, not the norm, a bit strange, or exotic, or less civilised. It is important to pay attention to Intersectionality. An ethnic group can be both oppressed and or marginalised by another group, and yet use the same mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion to oppress and or marginalise others.
  10. The problem with it is that women have to at all times be men's sexual object. The default in this game is male, therefor a few men may be available to men, men are the default after all, and all women need to be available to men, men need to be pleased. It didn't come to the minds of the men that perhaps women playing the game might also like to romance men, so the male NPC are therefor not bisexual. But since they had to put in SGR flirts, a lesbian was made, but hey! *** why can't men romance the *****, men need to romance the *****, what about men?! So Lesbians don't exist, all girls are bisexual. It's sexism. On every level. Men are the default, everything female needs to please men, female exists for males.
  11. Ehm what? Being the beneficiary of a system is an inherent quality you poses, you have to do nothing to receive it. Are you trying to say that cis-het whiteness is in your DNA? That's very offensive. Whiteness has nothing to do with DNA, race is a social construct and colour is too. In fact in America a lot of people with light skins, are white in Europe, but Hispanic in America and treated accordingly (i.e. with racism, less than other white people). Also in America not even a century ago Irish people, Italian people, Russian people, Polish people, were not considered white people. White people, in the colonies, are traditionally only people from English, Scottish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Belgian, German and French decent. All other "caucasian" people are people of colour, i.e. not white people. In Europe not every person with a light skin is a white person. Eastern European people, Turkish people, any people from countries before the EU Enlargement are considered non-white people. Whiteness is a system of oppression that has nothing to do with DNA. Cisness is a system of oppression that has nothing to do with gender-identity or DNA. And gender is not in your DNA! Gender is an identity, it is different from sex. And sex is only biological, it is not gender, it has nothing to do with gender-expression or gender-identity and it does not reflect how people feel. You can be male and have a cl*toris, or any other combination, or one may be intersex. It has nothing to with DNA. It has everything to do with society and systems of oppression. As a person of privilege you can decide to be offended by being called out on your privilege, that's a choice, a choice people whom are marginalised do not have. And an FYI to everybody, you are on the internet! It is one of the most liberating and educating advancements ever made. Use it! Google is very easy to navigate to, you may use it daily! It can help you find a wealth of information.
  12. They've been promising SGR(A) stuff since launch, but it hasn't really happened the way most of us would have like to see it, i.e. with companions. There's an NPC flirt with Makeb, a flirt on the Bounty Event and a bisexual flirt with the female quest giver of Czerka. I don't know what the future will hold really, Oricon didn't see any flirts, BW's said there'll be another Makeb sized expansion this year, and we'll have to see what will happen there, there might be one flirt there too. Or maybe not. But I very much doubt there'll be an SGRA companion with it.
  13. Wow cishet white men thinking they are marginalised when their privileged position is being named, nothing new, get over it. (In the week of Piers Morgan gate, this is not surprising especially) Oh and while we're at it. These forums are a discussion place for anything that is cishet white male. Every other topic gets deleted or referred to this thread. But do continue to tell marginalised people that they need to take your privilege into account and give you the privilege you deserve in the single place they can post! They much appreciate it.
  14. Actually, I recently got it on an alt and I had to spend 3 days searching on Tarris. I'd never had this much difficulty with getting these parts before, I already have HK on my other 55s. Changes have been made last year to the HK quest and I think they broke something. And I also agree with the time it takes, it takes about 30 mins per planet, except Tarris which is unfindable on some days, and I think that's a tad bit long.
  15. It is especially important to mention cishet men, because of the implications that are made; i.e. cishet men isn't the normal, so using the word normal to describe cishet men is at the very root of the problem, they are normalised, but they aren't normal, and to the marginalised it is important to make that disctinction and actually name things the way they are. If a person is offended by that, then clearly they need to check their privilege.
  16. I've played through 4 classes now, 2 male chars and 2 femals chars, and I can see why removing the "gender-check" cannot happen. Mostly this is because of Austin's sexism though. I can see the problems they've created for themselves and understand why changing any of it will be a very time consuming task. That said, this doesn't compute at all with their other statement that the inclusion was somehow still forth coming and didn't happen because of time and budgetary constraints at initial release. They put other lines in there, and they made the stories different depending on the gender of your character. They made it hard on themselves. And this gendered approach doesn't make a better story, I felt like the female Warrior was treated childlike, as if she is some kind of innocent tween whom desperately needs a girlfriend to go to the bathrooms with because going alone is not really girl-like. Female equates girl, whereas male equates man. This difference is classic sexism. Either all characters should be approached as children/teens and there is a Sith Warrior boy and a Sith Warrior girl, or both are considered adults, and there is an SW man and an SW woman. Of course that doesn't happen. Manhood is Warriorlike, female warriors are threathening and non-sexy to the male gaze, so we have a female character in girlhood, innocence that is either to be corrupted for the male *****, or childlike sweetness that for some is fatherhood pride and others a *****. Playing through yet another class has not made me feel better about the writing in the game, it's not at the level of what I'm used to from BioWare. And I get that people say, this is an MMO, the writing will be weaker. Of course the writing of most quests is simplified because of the nature of an MMO, going through dialogue in a group can be tedious. But that doesn't excuse the writing of the class story, where it should've really been made to shine, nor does it excuse the writing of the companion stories, which are a single player affair. These stories have no excuse for being the way that they are. Okay, so I've come to agree with Austin that rewriting the companion stories is a very time consuming task. But.. I actually would like to see them changed, because the lack of SGRA isn't the only problem with them, many of these stories are extremely problematic from a woman's perspective, and they should be for men, but unfortunately we live in a rape culture, and these terrible power dynamics, lack of agency and consent are completely normalised. That doesn't mean that they are good though, they may be normalised, but they're still terrible. And that shouldn't just concern women, is there seriously any man whom is proud that all men are essentially rapists until proven otherwise? Are there seriously any men whom like to see rape scenarios over and over again in their games? I guess there are, but I do hope a majority will come to see there are better stories to be told. The Warrior's companion stories left such a bad taste in my mouth that after this set of stories, if they won't rewrite them, let them just please remove them alltogether. It's been suggested by people whom are terrified of SGRA to just remove all romance, and this is an option that at this point I can also live with. I'm sure there are plenty of rapists whom will still RP their power rape scenario with their companions, but please don't make us all go through it in cinematics. I've seen enough, thank you. And I'd rather not know that 13 year old children are playing through these, this is yet another tool of instruction for rape culture and the patriarchy, that is damaging not just to girls and women, but also robs boys of having the chance to learn a healthy way of relating to the other gender. Lots of boys will be acting out these scenarios and not understand that they are hurting the person that they are trying to have a romantic or sexual relationship with. That hurts girls, but it also hurts boys. It's not good for anyone. From all the class and companion stories that I've been through now, the SI, BH, SW and IA, the Imperial Agent is definately, and by far, the best one.
  17. 2 things about Artifact Gear. The gear pre 2.0 ROTHC requires an artifact authorization to be used if prefered or f2p. That includes the Classic Commendation Gear. If purchased and bound to you while a subscriber then you can continue to use it while you're prefered. ROTHC is a paid expansion, still for prefered and f2p today, though once purchased as f2p you become prefered. Artifact Gear from ROTHC does not require an Artifact Authorization to be used (after all, you paid for that content, why pay again to use the gear?). That includes the purple gear from the Makeb vendor that require planetary commendations. So purple gear rated 140 can be equiped, rated 146 and 150 (from Classic Operations) cannot be equiped, 156, 162, 168, 174 and 180 rated gear can be equiped. What does this mean if you're a former subscriber and got ROTHC; well you can continue to use, craft, equip, purchase all end-game level gear (with exception of 146 rated/classic com gear). In the case you describe, a purple augment of level 55 can be used while prefered.
  18. I think you need to pick up the priority mission and then go to Section X. That said, the little droid should have the starter for you. At the moment though I'm not sure how much good it would do you, I've been trying to get the part on Tarris for days, and I'm pretty sure it's unobtainable at the moment, at least on my server.
  19. The Story Mode of newer FPs are Tactical, but not the HM versions. We've seen this with Czerka, we don't know about an HM version of Kuat Driveyards yet, but my guess is that there will be an HM and that it will not be Tactical. As with the Operation Boss during the event, while SM might be Tactical, HM was not. If any new Operation would be Tactical for SM, then I think this would be great. There is still only a small pool of players that are doing Operations, many people are afraid of Operations, they think that they are too hard, that they do not have the gear or the skill, that they take too long, or whatever other fears. Mostly the point of an MMO is to be able to play together. If Tactical Operations for SM can bring more players into playing Operations, then that would be a good thing. Moreover it would also be in BioWare's interest to do so. Operations require either a subscription or a Weekly Pass. The more players that are doing Operations, the more players that either subscribe or spend CC on a Weekly Pass.
  20. I mean general on the forums. It's been erased, digitally incinerated. It's the new thing in Austin. I think the cold front in America has awakened a heat inside men that just needs to spray itself all over the place. On a different note. I find it somewhat sad that "unfortunate implications" keep on happening. I mean once is unfortunate, a second time could be a learning process, but really so many unfortunate implications just means that from the position of privilege they've been created there has been no learning curve whatsoever. At what point do sexist unfortunate implications, racists unfortunate implications and homophobic unfortunate implications make it abundantly clear that these things can be avoided by either stepping up your game and learning about your privilege and the different experiences of other genders, cultures and (sexual) identities or diversifying the workplace to get different input and feedback. I just wonder why though? Why is it such a terror from beyond to come to terms that there are other people in the world than white cis-het men whose lived experiences are different, but not alien, and that doesn't make them scum and villainy. But clearly once the first woman opens the eternity vault a great evil will unleash explosive conflict threatening the very existence of the white cis-het man. It's sad too, because I do quite enjoy the additions since czerka. Also, historical accuracy ... Mostly what they mean is the erasure of queer people, women and people of colour to create another hero's journey of the white cis-het man proclaiming supremacy of the white patriarch, martyring the white men who died in his service. And unfortunately that isn't exclusive to media but also to historiography.
  21. That's so funny, I was just going to PM you that video But anyway, I totally agree, trolls need to be challenged. It's also why I keep posting, even when it's futile. As for BWs moderation policies, I didn't expect anything else from them. They don't respond to tickets, they don't respond to PMs and they delete threads. It's nothing new. I've also said before on these forums that the best thing that could possibly happen is to have a thread full of flaming trolls. The visibility of the hate will influence the dismissive majority, and a new majority may arise of those that see that something indeed is wrong. Now, every time hateful comments are posted, they are deleted, they never happened. And the people who say it has, have no proof of the fact that indeed it did. I did feel bad this morning, seeing how one post in general, the space that is claimed and dominated by heterosexual men, has so upset them, that they need to enforce their views on us in whatever way they can. Which I can handle, but I felt bad for having a safe space be invaded by creatures from the underworld.
  22. GSF so far is great, it's been very helpful in providing for an alternative levelling process. I've levelled several characters doing the class story and flashpoints only, after having seen the stories enough times, the difference between levelling with flashpoints and GSF is that with flashpoints you always end up with a decent amount of commendations to purchase new gear. For GSF I'm running into problems now because I don't have the commendations to keep my gear up, and not enough credits to straight out buy them off the GTN. I'd suggest rewarding players below level 50 the same amount of commendations they'd get from doing the Flashpoint daily, namely 5, planetary commendations with the GSF daily to help them keep their gear up to continue their class quest. At this point, I'm so undergeared I don't even want to queue for a Flashpoint. Rewarding 10 for the weekly additionally would also make it on par with the FP weekly quest reward.
  23. There are those moments when you're not quite sure if it's willful ignorance or lingering homophobia with the Austin team. Today's was sparked by general chat. "the rakgay.. rakgoul virus is like aids" followed by of course more homophobic rants that face absolutely no consequences when reported. But these convos happen in between the announcement coming through the speakers that any person with the virus should get themselves incinerated. You know, like what the nazis did to those with the gay, oh right, rakgoul virus. It remains though, intentional or not, if this game had been another medium, like a movie, I'd have given it a very hard review for its sexism, heterosexism, neverending reproduction of tropes and cliches. It's not lgbtq friendly, it is often quite hostile, and if not the game itself, it is its users. Just another day of homophobia in swtor, nothing to see here, move along.
  24. They've been "fixing" this problem for me for 2 months now, and no solution. It happens to a lot of European credit cards. I use the same credit card to buy game time cards now elsewhere, and in the end it's cheaper. Too bad for BioWare. Not being able to buy Cartel Coins in game is only good for me, wouldn't want to impulse spend anyway. As for contacting CS, I call them with Skype, it's free.
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