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Solo Ranked Queue


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Is there a reason why i spent close to an hour in solo ranked Queue without getting one single match. BTW i was in Q during main hours for the server. This isn't going to be very fun if i'm always having to wait this long just to not even get a match in.
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Can't stand arenas unless I have a strong team comp, and even then, I find them to be more frustrating in regards to PvP where people can hide for the entire match and come out with a win if the other team isn't expecting it. Even then, cookie cutter setups are even more prevalent in there than in 8v8, so you have to run with the right comp or the WZs are just terribly frustrating.


I'll play them at the end of the day if there's nothing else to do, but in all honesty, I've kind of stopped PvPing in WZs because arenas are frustrating with a dependable team and unbearable without one, along with the fact that there isn't a reward for having a rating anymore if you didn't buy the rated gear.


That, and I've found my new home on Oricon :D

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Can't stand arenas unless I have a strong team comp, and even then, I find them to be more frustrating in regards to PvP where people can hide for the entire match and come out with a win if the other team isn't expecting it. Even then, cookie cutter setups are even more prevalent in there than in 8v8, so you have to run with the right comp or the WZs are just terribly frustrating.


I'll play them at the end of the day if there's nothing else to do, but in all honesty, I've kind of stopped PvPing in WZs because arenas are frustrating with a dependable team and unbearable without one, along with the fact that there isn't a reward for having a rating anymore if you didn't buy the rated gear.


That, and I've found my new home on Oricon :D


They even removed the texture on the Firebrand gears D:


No more flashy belts for me :(

Edited by LaniAkavir
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I saw Grim Determination and Dead on Arrival yesterday in 4v4. I hate 4v4. Why is it down as a regular WZ?


Anyway, J'mpok, a lvl 51 Marauder (me) and three lvl 45's got thoroughly stomped. By a group led by another 51, but with three 48's with him. So.... *facepalm*


All I wanted was to play some Huttball or node cap :( But I got stuck with 4v4 for all TEN times that I queued solo. I finally got a full group and ran some node cap, but seriously?

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I saw Grim Determination and Dead on Arrival yesterday in 4v4. I hate 4v4. Why is it down as a regular WZ?


Anyway, J'mpok, a lvl 51 Marauder (me) and three lvl 45's got thoroughly stomped. By a group led by another 51, but with three 48's with him. So.... *facepalm*


All I wanted was to play some Huttball or node cap :( But I got stuck with 4v4 for all TEN times that I queued solo. I finally got a full group and ran some node cap, but seriously?


Arenas in regs are just terrible. They're VERY fun in ranked though.

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I actually don't mind the arenas while I'm queued for regs. I like having an opportunity to explore the arena maps a little bit in a lower-stress match to find good spots to hide, LOS, etc. Having spent over a year on the old 8 v 8 maps I know exactly where to go if I'm getting focused but having only been in the new maps for less than a week, I still need to figure out where I can escape.
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I agree, arenas in regs are terrible. If they got the matchmaking working it may be okay but the problem BW have is how to distinguish the players who play 1000s of WZs and have valor 100 with better players who are sitting with much lower valor.


Win/Loss record cannot be used due to the random nature of who you are queued with. Gear cannot be used as this is just a grind and allows players who play more to get rewarded.


There isn't really a reliable solution. The best they can do is try to make it so 4 solo or 2 pairs don't go up against a 4-man premade but this will cause longer queue times (I have been logged in for 3 hours solo queuing and still don't get a pop).


I think the arenas should be taken out of the 55 queue (or you can queue separately for them) and also the solo Q option should be taken out so that only pairs and 4-mans can queue ranked to give some semblance of co-ordination.

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If you guys wait that long you must just have bad luck. I love arenas', ranked or unranked. Nothing is more satisfying then stomping a pre-made with pugs. First round- Lose by choice to figure out how their stealth is positioning. Second round - note their attack order and outlast them by kiting and healing through poison. Third round - ROFL stomp them like the worthless pre-made group they are. >.<
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Solo ranked is kind of a crapshoot, I did one, I got a team that literally argued during the match over whether to focus fire. There are a lot of people who are missing the basics and will not be winning, I suppose they must hate 4v4.


Anyway I'd rather not carry around a score that is based to much on random Q luck.


I do like the PuG non-rated 4v4; you can get some bad groups, but "no one is keeping score" so no biggie.

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Well in the few days between the time arenas came out and my sub lapsed, I found 4v4 popped just fine the first night (didn't even play swtor until a couple days after 2.4 came out), and then the next day I couldn't get a pop at all, be it solo or in a 4 man. And the queues seemed to grow longer each day, including prime time weekend, until my sub lapsed and I couldn't Q ranked anymore.


In the old RWZ system, you could queue for normals and ranked at the same time. Yes it led to some serious matchmaking issues vs. pugs, but now ranked seems to have died a quick death because no one will wait an hour for a ranked queue to pop, when they can "downgrade" to regs and get an instapop. But it's nonsensical that you can't queue solo ranked and solo normals at the same time, because then having to worry about your premade upsetting the queue matchmaking balance isn't a part of the equation. (And it's not like Bioware ever cared about serious matchmaking anyway, 1 heal 3 tanks vs. 1 heal, 1 tank, 2 dps? rly?)


But as I let my sub lapse for reasons only tangentially related to arena none of this really matters to me anymore.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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