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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"If you're a PvPer you will LOVE update 2.4"


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This will be posted on every forum as the Devs obviously don't listen to the player base...at last the PvP playerbase!


If I'm banned oh well not like I am missing out on anything NEW!


The PvP content of game update 2.4 consists of....





 8v8 Ranked Warzones have been removed from the Ranked Warzone queue. For more information on this change please see our Developer Update regarding Warzone Arenas.

 To ensure proper matchmaking, players are no longer able to change Skill Tree points while in a Warzone queue or match.

 Bolster has been adjusted to account for the addition of the new Obroan and Dread Forged gear.


 4v4 Warzone Arenas are now active! These small scale PvP maps reward victory to last team standing in the best of three rounds. Missions and rewards are provided in the same manner as current Warzones.

 The following Arena maps are currently active:

 Orbital Station Arena

 Tatooine Canyon Arena

 Corellia Square Arena

o Arenas count as a single Warzone in the Unranked Warzone queue rotation. (Each map is not weighed individually.)

o Players can queue for Arenas in Ranked Solo or Ranked Group modes via the PvP queue button on the UI minimap.

o Czerka VX-736 Injector can no longer be used in Warzones.


3 Arena's at the cost of 8v8 play, No addition to address the "story" of PvP. PvP is just random skimishes with no real purpose to play.


{QUOTE]Items and Economy

o Obroan is a new tier of PvP gear obtained via Ranked Warzone Vendors on the Republic and Imperial Fleets. Itrequires Ranked Warzone Commendations as well as the associated Conqueror piece.


2 tiers of PvP gear vs 20 (exaggerated) tiers of PvE. Bolster all but eliminates the drive to earn new PvP gear. I know I don't want to grind for it, it isn't fun!


Missions and NPCs


o PvP missions have been updated:

 [WEEKLY] missions no longer require wins and now advance with one point for a loss and two points for a win in an Unranked Warzone.

 Ranked Warzones no longer count towards [DAILY] or [WEEKLY] mission progress.

 Mission requirements are now as follows:

 Under level 55 [DAILY] PvP missions: 2 completed Unranked Warzones

 Under level 55 [WEEKLY] PvP missions: 5 completed Unranked Warzones

 Level 55 [DAILY] PvP missions: 4 completed Unranked Warzones

 Level 55 [WEEKLY] PvP missions: 15 completed Unranked Warzones


So the same missions we have had just get a bit of a tweak and do not address the desire to level through PvP. There is NO PvP story outlying the conflict and the forces waging war in game. PvP is a farce not the force! You are saying as the Republic vs Republic announcer does in VS "Oh so close, but everyone is a winner at heart!" BS line that makes it ok to lose a match as you still win in the end.


Star Wars is AWESOME but you have made me lose interest in what could have been!

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I think you missed that this was typed in the font style "sarcastica"

Sarcasm in written form looks stupid, IMO.


I also unsubbed. The sub on my main account ends very soon, then I'll enjoy the sub I didn't have to pay for for this account and post on these forums. Heck, these forums are a lot more fun than the PvP in SWTOR.



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Every pure PvP player could quit this game and it wouldn't even notice a drop off. The PvP crowd is literally a very small group in the gaming community.

In the gaming community? We are a minority when it comes to this game, but what you said about it being the gamig community is nothing more than a baseless statement.



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In the gaming community? We are a minority when it comes to this game, but what you said about it being the gamig community is nothing more than a baseless statement.




Not really, I should have said MMO gaming community and it would have been true. I have played nearly every MMO that has ever been released and PvP players are always in the minority.

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I love the changes they made and love the pvp in this game....even more than ever now. I hope the minority of loud whiners don't make them change it.


This patch is the worst thing ever to happen to PVP in this game, making the mess of 1.2 look like "those good old days".


All we do now is pander to casuals, with no concept of objective play or understanding. Therefore, arenas suits these people perfectly, how about we let them queue separately so I don't have to watch them not doing their jobs correctly.

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Not really, I should have said MMO gaming community and it would have been true. I have played nearly every MMO that has ever been released and PvP players are always in the minority.

Unless you can provide factual evidence like statistics and charts, then your whole point means nothing and is just pure conjecture.

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Just gonna casually mention the part where they reduced the number of comms we get per wz and then "conveniently" added medpacs and adrenals to the cartel market... Dot dot dot.


Haha, the more little things we remember really does lead me to believe they are taking PVPers for mugs.


The Star Wars name can only keep people happy for so long.

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Unless you can provide factual evidence like statistics and charts, then your whole point means nothing and is just pure conjecture.


It's conjecture that apparently Bio supports.


Nothing against PvP nor those who enjoy it, but Bio dev's had said in the past that this is a PvE focused game. period. doesn't mean that they won't add PvP material, nor even make changes that impact PvE for PvP's sake, but I think the serious PvP players have to realize that they aren't the primary focus.


There's nothing wrong with a game that emphasizes PvE instead of PvP. Just like there are MMO's that do the opposite out there (Aion, GW to name a few), this one is PvE > PvP.


I don't have an issue with PvP...I jsut don't have any empathy for the serious PvP minority who thinks the game revolves around them. Now...I DO empathize with PvP players who love star wars...this is pretty much THE star wars game atm. So I hope at some point they develop a game for you. This one probably wont be it.

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It's conjecture that apparently Bio supports.


Nothing against PvP nor those who enjoy it, but Bio dev's had said in the past that this is a PvE focused game. period. doesn't mean that they won't add PvP material, nor even make changes that impact PvE for PvP's sake, but I think the serious PvP players have to realize that they aren't the primary focus.


There's nothing wrong with a game that emphasizes PvE instead of PvP. Just like there are MMO's that do the opposite out there (Aion, GW to name a few), this one is PvE > PvP.


I don't have an issue with PvP...I jsut don't have any empathy for the serious PvP minority who thinks the game revolves around them. Now...I DO empathize with PvP players who love star wars...this is pretty much THE star wars game atm. So I hope at some point they develop a game for you. This one probably wont be it.

For the bold part, they've NEVER said anything like that. Unless you can provide evidence to the contrary, then that's just another baseless statement thrown around by the rest of the vocal defenders (who happen to be avid PvE'ers).


As a competitive and hardcore PvP'er, I've come to realize that PvP is just very below their priorities and they really haven't managed it well at all. The most I could give them would be a "below average" rating, but that's if I ever felt any sense of mercy towards them or whatever.


I'm a huge, huge, huge Star Wars fan, but yeah, the time has come for me to leave. My sub ends soon and I'll be looking into other games that can better suit my play style and that I know I'll have lots more fun with. Unless BW can turn things around with PvP, I'll have no considerations coming back.



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Nothing against those who love it, but I've never understood treating PVP as the core gameplay for your MMO experience.


I play on a PVP Server and more weeks than not I'll complete the Weekly PVP quest, but its still always something that I do on the side for a bit of variety - and that seems to be in line with how BW treats it. I think this patch definitely expanded the PVP options and content, but in the end this just is not a game that's about PVP.


I don't mean this as a put-down, but honestly if all/most of what you care about is PVP, I don't know why you're playing *this* game. It strikes me as the equivalent of playing Scarlet Blade for the storyline and character development.

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Nothing against those who love it, but I've never understood treating PVP as the core gameplay for your MMO experience.


I play on a PVP Server and more weeks than not I'll complete the Weekly PVP quest, but its still always something that I do on the side for a bit of variety - and that seems to be in line with how BW treats it. I think this patch definitely expanded the PVP options and content, but in the end this just is not a game that's about PVP.


I don't mean this as a put-down, but honestly if all/most of what you care about is PVP, I don't know why you're playing *this* game. It strikes me as the equivalent of playing Scarlet Blade for the storyline and character development.

The PvP gameplay is lots of fun, but everything else is lacking. Very little WZ maps, removal of more PvP systems, very slow class balance, no matchmaking, and cross-server queuing (BW said this would be impossible atm).

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I like it so far. There is a ton of world PvP going on and 8v8 ranked was too exclusive so I don't miss it going away. My Vanguard almost feels playable again to boot. I'd like separate queues for arena and objective PvP but that is a minor complaint as I have mostly gotten the pops I wanted tonight.
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For the bold part, they've NEVER said anything like that. Unless you can provide evidence to the contrary, then that's just another baseless statement thrown around by the rest of the vocal defenders (who happen to be avid PvE'ers).


As a competitive and hardcore PvP'er, I've come to realize that PvP is just very below their priorities and they really haven't managed it well at all. The most I could give them would be a "below average" rating, but that's if I ever felt any sense of mercy towards them or whatever.


I'm a huge, huge, huge Star Wars fan, but yeah, the time has come for me to leave. My sub ends soon and I'll be looking into other games that can better suit my play style and that I know I'll have lots more fun with. Unless BW can turn things around with PvP, I'll have no considerations coming back.



No, they've said that their focus is PvE content. I'll get you that quote after I finish browsing the dev tracker for the last couple months.

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Not really, I should have said MMO gaming community and it would have been true. I have played nearly every MMO that has ever been released and PvP players are always in the minority.


this..unless it's an MMO that is focused on Pvp (DA:OC, WAR, etc) the pvp'ers are a very small portion of the community.


of course even so they're the biggest cryer's and the ones that cause the most changes to PvE

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Not really, I should have said MMO gaming community and it would have been true. I have played nearly every MMO that has ever been released and PvP players are always in the minority.


Are you sure?


I give you .....


Dark Age of Camelot - Mainly a PvP game, massive PvP community.

Guild Wars - Massive PvP community ... it still has.

Guild Wars 2 - Also a massive PvP community.

Warhammer Age of Reckoning - Bad game, decent PvP. Quite a large PvP community until it became clear the game was going nowhere and we abandoned ship.


Find an MMO that does PvP right and you get the players that go with it. Do PvP terribly and have a community that matches it.


I've been a PvP'er for a looooong time and only play this game for the PvE as the PvP is truly awful.

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Just gonna casually mention the part where they reduced the number of comms we get per wz and then "conveniently" added medpacs and adrenals to the cartel market... Dot dot dot.


Yeah actually I was so heated reading the post I missed that until after I wrote my posts.

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