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That doesn't make the root any less a main hand attack.

The root can be dodged.

And I also said that 105% is the safe bet and 110% is counter productive because it cost too much of other stats.


And the quote you linked on your article doesn't show anything.


There is no actual way to know how accuracy is calculated without checking the code itself or a Bioware dev to tell us directly the formula.

There is several ways it can be done.

And the most logical and less retarded way would be:


Random roll = new Random(100.00);

if (roll < 100 - accuracy) return "miss";

else { roll = new Random(100.00);

if(roll < accuracy * (defense/100))

return "dodge";


return "hit";


Or if you prefer, Accuracy% chance to hit. If you hit, then % chance to get a dodge from defense rating.


Dude, get torparse,

reset your skill tree and remove your stance so you have 91% accuracy

Go get a friend, and duel him using just white attacks (I would use a trooper with just hammer shot because it has many different hits per use)


Do this several times (if he is a healer you can just do it for as long as necessary, it needs to be about ten minute parse to bring results close to percent)


Torparse will tell you the number of hits the number of misses and number of dodges, and the percent of attacks for each.

With 91% accuracy

You will get approx. 91% hits, approx. 4% misses and approx. 5% dodged

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Yes this is PvP, not PvE.

Which is why a MISS is like pooping in your own bowl of cereals.

This isn't PvE. Rotation and DPS chart is for PvE.

A miss WILL screw up your arena when you need that ability to hit.

You realize that a miss is the worst thing ever for PvE, but in PvP the chance of that 5% miss occurring at a crutial moment is so indefinitely small that you don't ever gear for it



The reward of having 20/20 hits versus 19/20 hits (assuming we get perfect statistical results, which will never happen) is not worth completely killing your surge and thus reducing your potential burst

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You realize that a miss is the worst thing ever for PvE, but in PvP the chance of that 5% miss occurring at a crutial moment is so indefinitely small that you don't ever gear for it



The reward of having 20/20 hits versus 19/20 hits (assuming we get perfect statistical results, which will never happen) is not worth completely killing your surge and thus reducing your potential burst


Thank you. May your women be full breasted and may your Demo Rounds always crit. Maybe he'll get it now?

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So, now we do have 2 factions ?


One faction argueing that "power is everything"

and the other faction argueing that "there is more" ?


Looks to me like Democrats vs. Republicans in the USA right now ...

No it's more like snaple versus everyone else


Also we where referring to surge not power

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The root is applied on the activation of force charge, it is not tied in any way the damage effect of the charge.

Force charge is actually three effects in one ability


Interrupt and root are instant, the damage comes later


You're wrong on this point. Dodge will make a SW/JK leap miss, and you don't get rooted when the leap misses. I use it often for just that purpose, say when crossing fires or making a dash for the endzone, and seeing a warrior go flying past while you keep running never gets old. Particularly if he then sits in the fire with a confused expression.


Note the PT/Van tank leap is a Tech efect, so Dodge doesn't help with it.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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While I can appreciate a good derailment as much as anyone else, the point of this thread was to say that..



The combat team knows Marauders and Snipers have too much damage AND too much utility.


This means they will get a much needed nerf. Welcome to every other class in the game (and yes, I play a Guardian but I haven't spent even one hour playing Focus or Defense. Vigilance is far from OP or easymode or whatever else).

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Me: YEAH, I CAN'T WAIT... oh wait.... Did you see that?


Morde: No, what?


Me: The developers are buffing Deception Assassins


Morde: What??? But I want Concealment to rule the galaxy!


Me: No offense, but even without Deception getting a buff.... Concealment is is one of the worst specs in the game and would stand no chance against a person playing a Deception Assassins of equal skill.


Morde: :(


Me: :(

Edited by SithEBM
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You're wrong on this point. Dodge will make a SW/JK leap miss, and you don't get rooted when the leap misses. I use it often for just that purpose, say when crossing fires or making a dash for the endzone, and seeing a warrior go flying past while you keep running never gets old. Particularly if he then sits in the fire with a confused expression.


Note the PT/Van tank leap is a Tech efect, so Dodge doesn't help with it.


That's prob why, I haven't touched my warrior in forever, and my guardian is lowbie where people don't do that.

Used to my van's leap

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To be fair, it was the Combat Team who wrote that. Maras are much too powerful and can be played much too recklessly.


So, it's like this:


There isn't really anything terribly difficult to play here. You could say Watchman, Vigilance or Balance or Concealment, but overall it's not that bad.


The easiest of easy are Maras, Snipers, and Operatives.


A Melee, Ranged, and Healer.


Every game has those extra-low skillcap specs which are far too easy to play, but I can't recall another game for any system or console which allows low-skill specs to dominate all aspects of the game.


Easy-to-play should come at a price, and here it doesn't.


But please, tell me how I'm wrong. Tell me how it's not stupid easy to play mara, throw up HUGE damage numbers and have godmode invincibility.


Tell me how it's not stupid simple to play sniper and dynamite people from cover with full CC and interrupt immunity, with massive AOE damage reduction.


Tell me how hard it is to play Operative heals, never run out of energy, put out massive heal numbers, and have utility a healer should NEVER have (heal from cover? ***. Out of combat mezz? I thought you were heals. Oh wait, you have a supergapcloser? No, no way you're a healer....)


I don't know what you have done in this game that makes you think you are a the authority on all sorts of design issues. I have no problem with someone who has experience in other games taking about this, but for you, for months, you have been talking about things with it being implied that you are "highly skilled". I have seen you around. I don't know when you started playing, but you would have been considered a noob when this game was decent.

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I don't know what you have done in this game that makes you think you are a the authority on all sorts of design issues. I have no problem with someone who has experience in other games taking about this, but for you, for months, you have been talking about things with it being implied that you are "highly skilled". I have seen you around. I don't know when you started playing, but you would have been considered a noob when this game was decent.


To be clear, I don't know who you are. Never have I ever said I was "highly skilled" or implied it at all. Please, link these things I said for me. I started playing in early access, stopped for a while, came back, stopped again, came back once more with a new account and I've been here every day full-time since 1.7 (I need a life). Am I an expert? Hell no, but it doesn't take an expert to draw the correlations. The easiest specs to play are also the most OP. It happens in some games, and in others (as I said) a tradeoff is made.


I wonder why you've resorted to personal attacks. I didn't make this up. The combat team came out and said that Marauders and Snipers were LOADED, and they would fix that. I do have a Marauder and a Sniper, and the fact is, MM and Smash are stupid easy to play, much more than any other spec in the game. If you want to attack my merits, feel free... but at LEAST stay on topic.

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Telling you that you don't know what you are talking about is not a personal attack. Your views are noobish. The reason I recognize your name is because you cry in "say" when you face a "premade" in "regular warzones" You don't have a lot of experience in these games. That is fine, but you shouldn't claim you know what you are talking about.


You make two claims:


Smash is OP.

Operative is OP

Team work is OP (based on your crying in reg warzones).


And these are the source of your woes. If somehow operatives and smash are nerfed you will find yourself finally winning. I don't know if smash is op or not. I know that there is to much burst in general.


Regarding operatives:


Here is a guarded operative dying in 5 seconds in a ranked match because a sniper and merc knew how to ffs.


If they nerf operatives no one will want to heal at all, and then the game is even more of a gib fest. You say operative and smash are easy. Where are you screen shots of ranked games with 2-3MM damage/heals? What is your ranked rating?


That leaves team work is OP. It is. You should try it.

Edited by doodbro
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Telling you that you don't know what you are talking about is not a personal attack. Your views are noobish. You don't have a lot of experience in these games. That is fine, but you shouldn't claim you know what you are talking about.


You make two claims:


Smash is OP.

Operative is OP


And these are the source of your woes. If somehow operatives and smash are nerfed you will find yourself finally winning. I don't know if smash is op or not. I know that there is to much burst in general.


Regarding operatives:


Here is a guarded operative dying in 5 seconds in a ranked match because a sniper and merc knew how to ffs.


First and foremost, they are not the source of MY woes. I simply said they are more powerful than others and easier to play. Something is amiss when Operatives are the only healer welcomed by the majority, and smash Mara is the only Melee DPS welcomed by the majority. They are very popular because of their power and ease of use. The combat team confirmed as much, so it isn't MY problem. It's a systemic issue, and to argue otherwise is.. as you say.. "noobish".


One more thing:


I took excerpts from the Mercenary Class Answers and posted them. That is all.

Edited by maverickmatt
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First and foremost, they are not the source of MY woes. I simply said they are more powerful than others and easier to play. Something is amiss when Operatives are the only healer welcomed by the majority, and smash Mara is the only Melee DPS welcomed by the majority. They are very popular because of their power and ease of use. The combat team confirmed as much, so it isn't MY problem. It's a systemic issue, and to argue otherwise is.. as you say.. "noobish".


You just don't get it. You cry because you are not good, not because operatives or smash are op. They may be, but that is not your problem.


Now you are trying to act all mature and high road when the thread title was "hahahahaah" and you make all sorts of stupid arguments.


You are a forum warrior. I am only here because I am having lag. I regret interacting with you. Hopefully I won't touch the forums for another year.

Edited by doodbro
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You just don't get it. You cry because you are not good, not because operatives or smash are op. They may be, but that is not your problem.


Now you are trying to act all mature and high road when the thread title was "hahahahaah" and you make all sorts of stupid arguments.


You are a forum warrior. I am only here because I am having lag. I regret interacting with you. Hopefully I won't touch the forums for another year.


Smash spec is pretty ridiculous. I'm not against the spec having the highest burst output, but the spec in general does need a redesign. I mean just for fun I've been running smash spec in my tank gear the past few nights and I still get 6-7k smashes while running around with 36k hp. It's pretty funny actually.

Edited by Raansu
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Also we where referring to surge not power


You, Sir, are not able to read other meanings than what is literally standing there.


Me, for example, I was meaning "power" NOT in the sense of the stat, BUT in the sense of "might". I should have written, accordingly :


"Might is everything", while others say "there is more than that" ...


You just don't get it. You cry because you are not good, not because operatives or smash are op. They may be, but that is not your problem.


What classes are you playing in PvP ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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You just don't get it. You cry because you are not good, not because operatives or smash are op. They may be, but that is not your problem.


Now you are trying to act all mature and high road when the thread title was "hahahahaah" and you make all sorts of stupid arguments.


You are a forum warrior. I am only here because I am having lag. I regret interacting with you. Hopefully I won't touch the forums for another year.


Lol @ your entire thought.


I'm not here crying, fool. I just reposted what the combat team said. I pointed out that the strongest specs are the easiest to play, and said I don't disagree with the devs.


What part of that is crying?


I think you have a personal problem with me, and that's okay. This is a video game, so your opinion of me does not matter at all. My only question to you is... Who are you? You claim to know so much about my character and my skill level, yet you will not display your name or server or anything of the sort.


Callouts are fine with me, but if you're going to do that... have the decency to identify yourself. Otherwise you are an anony-hero, and your relevance in this thread is zero.


Maraduers will catch the nerfhammer; Get ready for it. No amount of personal attacks or name calling will stop them from unbreaking this.

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The point of DPS is to deal damage above all else.

Do they need some Defensive abilities? Yes. Do they need tankie abilities? No, unless it is spec specific, i.e. Mara Rage tree: tankie stuff from alt AC, at the cost of better offense from the other two Mara trees (and somewhat opposite for the Jugg Rage tree; better offense for lower defense than tank tree). This is why moving UDR to a speccable talent in the Rage tree is a significantly better approach. What I am saying is as a melee DPS you should have gap closers and escapes... That's it. Maras are like Delta Force. You are saying Delta Force should be able to stand in front of an entire brigade. Nope, it don't work that way.



Besides that, I still don't see how you interpreted my response as a utility buff. Do you understand the premise that "your offense is your defense"?




None of those have anything to do with utility.



Lore: 100% offensive, uses enemies attacks to increase its own attacks or reflect back to enemy.

Game related: Defense is built into the premise that damage is reflected to targets. If you are reflecting damage better in Juyo, do you need UDR? No..



Lore: 100% offensive, increased speed and force enhanced attacks.

Game Related: Defense is built in because your speed and force attacks should enable you to win DPS races at a faster pace. Do you need UDR if you kill the enemy? No.



The problem is that the Devs are fixated on making specs more "well-rounded", when they should be more specialized, and fit the lore better. I would not be opposed to giving these specs more escape options, but UDR, a tankie CD, should not be a baseline for this AC.


I am pleased that you have an understanding of lore. Your lore understanding is far better than mine. I will concede that.


Now, I think you must concede something. Your understanding of MMO's, class balance, and class mechanics, specifically when it comes to damage and melee vs ranged. You must understand that yes, melee needs tankie cds. ALL MELEE HAVE THEM. Now you look at sins, and they have a dcd that prevents 100% tech/force damage (btw that mitigates smash). The point is yes melee MUST HAVE tankie dcds in order to be effective. For instance, if you didnt have that, then why would anyone take melee? If dcds were homogenous among ranged and melee, then everyone would exclusively take ranged but they are less likely to die (see kiting, los, coupled with melee equivalent dcds). On the other side of the coin, if you have melee that dont have tankie dcds, then when melee jumps into a group of enemies at mid in Hypergate, then they would just die and not push anything back (see purpose of Melee). Because they are able to do that, then forces the enemies to have to choose who to target, the melee that is driving you back or the range that is free cast. Pros and Cons for both. But if MMOs worked your way, then there would be no choice. Target melee cuz they are squishy and will die quick, and wont punish us for choosing to target (no cons), and they are right here which means they can be stunned and rooted (cant kite and cant LOS).




Utility are skills that benefit the raid/party from a single spec/class. That is the definition. You need to rethink what you utility means before you start talking whats not utility. Sents/Mara are loaded with Utility, specifically Juyo and Ataru, and everything you mention, self heals, speed, roots. THOSE ARE UTILITY BY DEFINITION. But dont take my word for it, just ask webster.

Edited by Mikeieveli
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