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What would you like to see in game before 2014?


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I would add my vote for the above plus the following


5. Guild Capital Ships (guilds haven't had squat since release and even the Devs loved this idea).

6. Either more Ship choice (never liked that jedi classes and sith classes only get one ship between them) or Ship Customisation for all ships. Ideally both :)


I could go for those 2.


We have been teased since before launches about possible guild capital ships. Would be nice to see them implemented. Maybe they are part of the SSSP. One can only hope.

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1. I'm gonna jump on the Class content bandwagon. The storyline really sets this apart from other mmorpg games out there...gimme more!

2. More dye slots...maybe even in stuff not currently dye-able? (speeders? SHIPS? Hey, I can dream, right? :) )

3. ANY content that would allow more than one companion. I want to see my whole Havoc Squad in action, darn it!

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Why are you against "aliens" for companions? We get all the humanoid characters for playable characters so it's nice to have the aliens somewhere on our team.


I'm not. ;) I do appreciate having interesting aliens and droids on my characters' crews, but I prefer to use a more human-ish one as my "main" Companion. I was glad to see HK and Treek, even though I have zero interest in them, because I know they will be enjoyed by others. But since we have already gotten a droid and an "alien" alien for all-class Companions, I am hoping that the next one will be more to my liking, is all. It is just a matter of preference. :)

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Legacy storage as mentioned.

A way to save builds and shared them.GW 1 spoiled me.Certain areas you need certain builds so as long as you were in town you could change the build quickly.

I also would like the class stories to be continued.

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Tidying (spelling ? I always mix "y" and "i" in this word) up the loose threads from the class stories - but I doubt that this might happen before 2014.


The first Cartel packs coming back.


NO! Just no! Just, God screw this. Burn it, him and his post with fire! Down with the Cartel Packs! Burn!

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Player cities... yes I know this is not SWG and the engine probably can not support it, but it would be nice with some player generated content at level 55. Imagine a Hoth-like planet filled with player cities along with NPC outposts and have the entire planet restricted to level 55. Imagine being able to setup a guild community and perhaps take over the whole darn planet. Imagine even if then game would recognize the ruling faction by each year end and subsequently rewards those who has invested time there (guild).


Pssst... BW... player generated content - sandbox planet - doesn't need a lot of updates once in place ;)


*sigh* Never gonna happen I know.

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