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You like to hear yourselves talk? Fitting the only memory of your kind will be a single scream stretched out through history.

For all your bluster you simply cower away, a pest that is beaten down whenever it arises.

You are the sad kings of a barren ash-choked wasteland, howling through the toxic dark for galaxy to bend knee in supplication while everyday your palace looks more like your mausoleum.

It was I who saw through the nightmares Styrak had woven and I ground his bones into the dust of Darvaniss. His failure was the beginning, your deaths will be the end.


I have seen the future assualt on your fortress and the sacking of your palace, your council fell to my hand while they cowered, impotent and unable to respond.

It is said you only fear what you do not understand and I understand you, your machinations, powers and limits are laid bare to my eyes.


No more talk, your words are as empty as your future.

Dostus comes for you.

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Hey DMs,


First, love the outfits. They're adorbs. Second, could you shoot me a mail and let me know where you guys caught the Kell Dragon? I love the Kell Drakes, but I do need a full size Dragon to complete my collection. If you could also let me know where you found that cool arm cannon you gave Kephess on Asation, that'd be great. I'd like to slap one of those on my Kell Dragon's back. I dug the interior of the Palace too, though it seemed like Bestia's throne could use a new coat of paint after our little skirmish in there. Fun times...real fun times.


Anyway, see you guys again on Tuesday!





PS: You probably don't go down there often, but the drain in your council room is clogged!

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Mastery of fear is not enough. You must know humiliation. You must be hollowed out by despair, allowing all that you are to leak out so that our union may find purchase and make you what you can be.


OK BioWare ... what? The Dread Masters are humiliated crybabies? Please find someone new to manage your RP posts.

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Mercy is slavery by a kinder name. You think to gain power over us by exploiting regret or doubt or hesitation.


Perhaps there is promise in you yet...


Never! Your madness ends here, one way or the other! Your Empire's a slave pit, breaking apart, and you're nothing but scum that seeped over the top. Your Seeds are broken. Your slaves are gone. The Dark Side has failed you, just like it did your Emperor.


Surrender or die.

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Hey Dread Masters. I hope the rest of you are a bit tougher than Styrak. He was a faceroll and you should all be ashamed of calling yourself his brothers. When he saw my lightsaber, he immediately bent over. After that I'm a bit curious to what you actually use your time on in the Dread Palace.


Looking forward to seeing you in a few days, xoxo

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You will be the only ones humiliated Dread Masters. When we meet in the walls of your palace you will know true despair. The Emperor demands your heads and I will fulfill his command! Your world will burn! Your Dread Guard will be dispersed into the wind and your legacy will be commanded by me! The Wrath and the Last Dread Master!
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ATTN: The Dread Masters

CC: Mom; Dad

Subject: Applying to The Dread Masters


Hi how are you?


I have a wide variety of skills that could prove useful in your quest to sow fear and misery across the galaxy. Some of which include but not limited to janitorial skills, photoshop skills, administration and typing skills. I can also type quite fast for any paper work you might need done. However I think I am truly worthy of your organization because my powers can conjure up your worst nightmares and bring them to life right before your eyes. I can drive people mad with paranoia and shred the sanity from their feeble minds. I embrace the dark side because it is about survival and unleashing my inner prowess. It would be my darkest honor to engulf the galaxy in darkness with you as an extra-curricular activity as soon as I finish with the admin and clerical job that I am applying for.




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I am worthy because I can offer you more power over the galaxy. Having a seat on the dark council, if you let me join you, I could warp the councils mind to your will. A legion of the most powerful Sith Lords, at your disposal, shall be yours upon accepting my allegiance.


Humbly Yours,


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Styrak may have fallen, but your victory is an empty one. We are the Dread Masters. We are your nightmares incarnate. No longer contained by the Empire or the Republic, we will terrorize the galaxy as we please. It is futile to resist.


You have a choice - become one of us or be swept aside. But the magnitude of our power is more than most can bear. You must tell us why you are worthy of us.


Choose your words wisely. We will be watching.


Pffft please!


I have bacon at my disposal. :rak_03:

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Styrak may have fallen, but your victory is an empty one. We are the Dread Masters. We are your nightmares incarnate. No longer contained by the Empire or the Republic, we will terrorize the galaxy as we please. It is futile to resist.


You have a choice - become one of us or be swept aside. But the magnitude of our power is more than most can bear. You must tell us why you are worthy of us.


Choose your words wisely. We will be watching.


You're power is weak compared to the wrath of the emperor prepare to die a most painful death!

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I sense great fear in you, Dread Masters. Just as I told Heirad and the Dread Guards just before I killed them -- WE are the Chosen. I have led armies through Denova, Asation, and Darvannis. Hunting you. Disrupting every move you make. I've killed more Trandoshan Trenchgutters than you can possibly imagine. Even Bo Zarran and his snipers and demolitionists couldn't stop me. I have recruited legions of the Empire's best snipers and marauders to continue this pursuit until every Dread Master lays dead at my feet. Releasing you from the Belsavis prison was a mistake, but that mistake will soon be corrected.


See you on Oricon, I will enjoy taking your palace for myself.

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Maybe you should've spent less time impersonating Spider-man villains and more time actually fighting, we've already killed most of you in the magical realm of the PTS. Future and the past, magical trees, chess boards that catch on fire, whateverrrr. See you Tuesday!




PS: I'll join you guys if you promise to get me away from Saros.

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Styrak may have fallen, but your victory is an empty one. We are the Dread Masters. We are your nightmares incarnate. No longer contained by the Empire or the Republic, we will terrorize the galaxy as we please. It is futile to resist.


You have a choice - become one of us or be swept aside. But the magnitude of our power is more than most can bear. You must tell us why you are worthy of us.


Choose your words wisely. We will be watching.


Full of hatred they are, after the loss of their ally.

A spark of fear, ignited within an ocean full of anger.

Fear off their own mortality, after learning of Styraks demise.

They claim to terrorize the galaxy, but yet they are only driven by the most primitive emotion....



Unbalanced they are, waved by the thought of defeating what frightens them most.

To take revenge on those, who killed one of their dearest and threaten to end them all.

Doubts are shattering their minds, broken confidence in their power, masked by arrogance and taunts.

Styraks death turned the Dread Masters strength into their weakness.


Caught off-guard they are, not realizing the full extent of the galaxy's forces.

The more strength they draw from their anger, the more frightened they are.

Prone to mistakes, unsure how to cope with their emotional state.

The intimidation of a darth, the fear of a child.


Futile attempts, to turn adversaries into allies, to turn fear into fortune.

A final confrontation lies ahead, it will be the twilight of the Dread Masters.


And they know it....

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Far be it from me to compete for that title, as I simply prefer wheat or whole grains as a rule. While I do love some of the blends with seasonings, cheeses, and the like, they are often too overwhelming for common consumption; much prefer a simple white or Italian than these fancier loaves. Pumpernickel is right out. As for more seasonal fare.....


oh! Dread Masters! nevermind....


Beware the Four Loaf Cleaver; used only cause I knead the dough!



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You now address Darth Nox of the Dark Council.

I have left only ruin and despair in my wake as I have tread through the galaxy. I have dominated a Dashade with my will, and have bound the spirits of the most powerful Sith in existence to my own. My name is known upon every planet in the galaxy, striking fear into the hearts of adversaries and allies alike. I have followers that worship me as a god, for fear of the power that I wield. Those who were not useful to me are dead, their ends each more gruesome than the last. Those who I find useful live in constant fear of the day that I no longer need them. When I ascended to the Dark Council, over the corpse of my predecessor, I vowed to take the Empire and bend it to my will. I grow weary of my "peers" and fear that the most useful relics of the Sith and Jedi have been destroyed throughout the millennia, their knowledge lost forever. So my endless quest for power has turned to you. As the five oldest and most powerful Sith remaining in the Galaxy, your knowledge of the Dark Side is far greater than any I can gain on my own. Upon slaying Dread Master Styrak, in the ways of the Sith, I have gained his position and power. Together, with my influence and our power, we can bring the entire galaxy to its knees.


Darth Avai'ren (The Bastion)


P.S. Or I could just have my Dashade eat you, he does love powerful force wielders.

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When the day comes that i lower my blade upon your throat and you refuse to beg for mercy i shall grant you such.

And as your rage overcomes your dread and fear and the madness begins to consume your very soul i shall pour more lightining into your chest than the storms of Dromund Kaas would have alloted in the years of your reign. And as your soul withers away beneath my onslaught of force strength i shall grow and you... you shall fall.

And the last thing you shall ever see before joining the great abyss are the red tendrils of Darth Flaymahi.

Prepare yourselves. Your time comes to an end.

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