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Everything posted by Troje

  1. If you go into the collections tab from the market you can view only the assault cannons. There you can try on any of the CM cannons that they have in game (even some not yet in game, when new packs are released). As far as the other ones... http://torf.mmo-fashion.com/assault-cannons/ =P
  2. I also find myself jumping into the air before I smash or sweep too. I agree with the other OP, the extra jump adds more damage and increases the demoralizing effect. I also have to run in circles around the enemy in PvE to further prove my dominance.
  3. By swapping forms you also have to remember the loss of the guard on a dps, which could lead to an overall decrease in raid dps. I just try to do what I can, popping combat focus and force stasis when I can for extra focus.
  4. Is it not the way of the Sith to seek true power, to obtain true mastery of the Dark Side and to use it to dominate all who would oppose you? Through all of my conquests there has always been one emotion that has truly ruled over all others. Fear. There is no emotion a being can feel that will break their will, or cripple their mind, as well as true fear. Those who can master fear, exploit it in others, can truly attain true power. Through my short experience with the Dread Masters I learned what true power was. I learned that that mastery of fear and dread, the mastery of the most powerful of emotions, was the path to true power. So as I said before, is it not the way of the Sith to be drawn to such power? This fallacy that we call the Sith empire can never last, my fellow members on the Dark Council have expressed this fear to me themselves. Together we could exploit this weakness and bring the Empire to its knees. In the end, all shall serve the Masters.
  5. You now address Darth Nox of the Dark Council. I have left only ruin and despair in my wake as I have tread through the galaxy. I have dominated a Dashade with my will, and have bound the spirits of the most powerful Sith in existence to my own. My name is known upon every planet in the galaxy, striking fear into the hearts of adversaries and allies alike. I have followers that worship me as a god, for fear of the power that I wield. Those who were not useful to me are dead, their ends each more gruesome than the last. Those who I find useful live in constant fear of the day that I no longer need them. When I ascended to the Dark Council, over the corpse of my predecessor, I vowed to take the Empire and bend it to my will. I grow weary of my "peers" and fear that the most useful relics of the Sith and Jedi have been destroyed throughout the millennia, their knowledge lost forever. So my endless quest for power has turned to you. As the five oldest and most powerful Sith remaining in the Galaxy, your knowledge of the Dark Side is far greater than any I can gain on my own. Upon slaying Dread Master Styrak, in the ways of the Sith, I have gained his position and power. Together, with my influence and our power, we can bring the entire galaxy to its knees. Darth Avai'ren (The Bastion) P.S. Or I could just have my Dashade eat you, he does love powerful force wielders.
  6. As it says in the title, looking for a crafter for the Underworld Relic of the Fortunate Redoubt. Contact me via PM or reply here, or mail to Troje (Republic) or Avai'ren(Empire) Thank ya
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