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Solo mode for heroics...my thoughts


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You replied to yourself.


God forbid that in an mmo, people group up to do stuff.


Heroics are there for the social challenge imo, and should remain a social feature.


Giving folks a soloable option for those would murder the purpose.


Just wait until we reach I Am Legend mode in TOR.

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But are heroics needed to level up? I dont think so. It's optional way to level up or entartain yourself.For everyone his own tune, some ppl likes just solo normal quests (and its better xp.min), from the other side if you are healer you will have short time in compleating group so more FP/HE for you. No need to change that.

Some better search tool would be nice of course.

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Since some of us are paying for all the content in game, hiding missions behind the group only thing is cheating us of content.


If they were to scale heroics to Solo in secret and just let people find out on their own, all the groupers wouldn't even be aware it had been done.

Edited by Thlaylie
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Since some of us are paying for all the content in game, hiding missions behind the group only thing is cheating us of content.


If they were to scale heroics to Solo in secret and just let people find out on their own, all the groupers wouldn't even be aware it had been done.

That's a bizarre claim. It's like saying you've been 'cheated' of content because a given mission's setting violates lore in some way and it disturbs your immersion. Or that you've been 'cheated' because you only play male characters and refuse to play female ones, thus closing half of the voice acting options to you. Or that you've been 'cheated' because of the existence of PvP, which also constitutes 'content'.


BioWare made no claims that this game could be fully experienced in every way by solo players - quite the opposite. If your expectations for the game haven't been met, it's not because you've been 'cheated', but because you have unreasonably high and idiosyncratic expectations. You are a consumer, not a fiat dictator; purchasing a game does not entitle you to be able to access all the content of that game on whatever terms you desire. Even if you were, your ranting about making all group content solo-accessible would be negated by the demands of other consumers, who don't want it to be solo-accessible and who think that the very idea is preposterous. They're paying for this game, too.


And even then, the amount of content that you can't do solo is very, very small. Almost all quests on any given planet are solo quests. The centerpiece of the game, the class stories, are also completely solo. With only two exceptions, all of the faction planet quests, the main storylines outside of class stories, are completely solo as well. Furthermore, almost all quests that require grouping can simply be outleveled and outgeared and then completed solo anyway. The only heroic quests that can't be soloed, as far as I know, are the capstones to the seeker droid and macrobinocular lines, and Long Shots/Aurora Cannon in Section X. That is a vanishingly small number compared with the hundreds of solo quests scattered across every planet in the game. All flashpoints can also be completed solo, at least in Story Mode, again by outgearing the content.


Plus, grouping is usually pretty harmless anyway, and I cannot for the life of me understand why some people have such a huge aversion to it.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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A soloplayer outgearing the level 50/55 Flashpoints ...


Cool Story, Bro

I'm not a 'bro'. Thanks, though.


The level 50 story-mode flashpoints - BI, FE, KUS, and LI - were designed for groups of four with level 50 blue modded-armor. They're not hard to outgear at all. People were actually completing the level 50 hard-mode flashpoints solo before 2.0 dropped. It was very, very rare, sure, but it was still possible. If they had to rely on Campaign and Dread Guard gear to do HMs, you can most certainly use Arkanian and Underworld gear to do SMs with your companion. And 69/72 pieces are available to solo players through crafting and the GTN. It's not easy to gear up that way, of course - you'd need to do a fantastic amount of dailies and crafting - but it's eminently possible for solo players.


There are only two level 55 story-mode flashpoints, and they were both designed for groups of two people with relatively poor gear for endgame. They drop blue 66 pieces; outfitting yourself and your companion in 69/72s, let alone 78s, make them a breeze.


Anyway, even if you disagree that the flashpoints can be soloed, that doesn't really address my main point. Flashpoints or no flashpoints, the vast majority of this game's content can be accessed by solo players, and a small minority - operations, PvP, late-game world bosses, a couple of heroic quests on endgame planets, and maybe flashpoints - cannot.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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First, I would ask if you believe folks skip heroics while leveling, and second, if you say yes, I would ask why you think that might be the case.


Because this thread is not about end game flashpoints, operations, etc. In fact it is not about any flashpoints....it is about planetary heroics.

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Greetings LA,


This is actually a really nice idea. The planetary heroics are part of the storyline for that planet. Finding a group for them - I have found to be a not so easy task. In that essence I do 100% support this idea. I used to look at Heroics a good way to practice team dynamics before moving onto FPs and end game content. But considering I have seen very few people who actually prefer to do these group content at lvl, may as well create a solo mode and allow other who want to complete them, complete them. But I am slightly averse to reducing the rewards. I actually wonder whether it would be possible that if you do the content at lvl in a group - you get unique rewards from the Heroics + achievement points. If you over lvl and come back and faceroll it for the sake of completion, you get nothing but achievement points, and in case of voss - reputation tokens. Also, If you do it at lvl the reward is scaled. In another words - if you solo the heroic, you get the current reward, but if you do it in a group (2 people for heroic 2s, 3-4 people for Heroic 2+ etc..) you get a purple reward, instead of orange reward along with a guaranteed class appropriate gear drop for everyone in the group at end objective. Voss onwards - the heroics can offer classic commendations when you group up as well as purple rewards. the idea here is to encourage people to group up and complete to content as a group for better rewards. Yes I am fully aware I am asking for gear to be thrown at people left, right and center in the heroics, but there needs to be a good carrot to dangle in front of the folks on that planet to do the content at appropriate level :D


I don't know if I have managed to express myself properly, but I'd appreciate some feedback on what you feel on the above idea.



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I've leveled quite a few characters, and I have to say that more times than not I skip the Heroic 4's and sometimes the Heroic 2's (just depends on the quest itself). Grouping for herocis creates several big problems. First is just logistics. Someone asks if anyone wants/needs that heroic, but you might not be on it yet, might not even know where to pick up. Another part of that is you have worked your way deep into a cave/quest area doing a quest and someone calls for help with a Heroic and if you join that group you will have to stop what you are doing, as no one really wants to wait for you to finish what you are doing as more often than not those quests take quite a while to finish. Last but not least, you are able to pry yourself away from questing but you now must travel over half or more of the map just to get back to the area where the heroic is not to mention fight your way through crap the whole way in most cases.

Once you get past logistics itself you have to actualy find 3-4 people who can/are willing to do the quest. The xp bonsus that you can now get you can do whole planets by just doing your class quest and never do any side quests and level up just fine. ALLLL Of these things lend to an on going problem of heroic-4's.

I feel that if we keep heroic-4's they should be added to the group finder and it should teleport people to the site of the heroic. Just like with flash points. (lets face it folks those so called flash points on Cerzka are nothing but herocis programed as FP's so you can use the GF system) If we are not going to provide this 'ease of use' system than program them to a difficulty based on who is in the group. Solo'ed means little loot, but it can be done for the simple 'quest reward' and story line. Done by all 4 gives extra loot. Simple as that. Otherwise the Heroics will contuine to go undone by people, and those who want acheviments will go back and do them later.

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Well, I strongly feel that each planet should have it's own groupfinder tool. I also think it would be a good idea to have a single terminal close to the entrance of every planets starport that would contain quests that lead you to the locations of every heroic on the planet.


Short of that I would like to see a solo mode. There are a few quests in the game where you get to use more than one companion at a time, and even some quests that give you NPCs to go on a mission with.

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I agree that this should NOT be something for Flashpoints, Ops, etc. Only for Heroics.


Heroics are Heroics because they require groups. if groups aren't required, they are no longer heroics. They have a term for this... they call them 'quests'.

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Heroics are Heroics because they require groups. if groups aren't required, they are no longer heroics. They have a term for this... they call them 'quests'.


Some quests require groups. And I am aware of how heroics are currently structured. The suggestion is to either allow solo play or to give us a planetary groupfinder.


They have a term for your post. It's called stating the obvious.

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