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Solo mode for heroics...my thoughts


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I always have unfinished heroics from a planet as it is hard to get a group. When people call for heroics I'm either not at that story level or I've done that heroic. The low player numbers on certain planets also play a role. And the lack of chat with the online player base causes problems. Sometimes I'll be on the fleet with those heroics in my mission list and a bunch of people are calling out for those heroics on the planet not knowing there's a player wanting to do the same heroic too. And we both end up having unfinished heroics in our mission log. It can also be that I'm on the planet and that person is on the fleet or some other planet.


This is why I've been asking for global chat channel or something that gives us all a way to connect to the other players for certain content. So far, in the game, planets segregate the player base into small planet communities and this is why SWTOR has been criticized as too solo orientated. They point out to instances but the truth is ... it's lack of communication caused by planetary chat. Need to have a common chat channel where everyone in the galaxy can chat with one another from any planet. For those who don't want to socialize and do things alone it's all okay for them ... but those who expect socializing within the MMO have been very limited in these situations. Sadly many players don't want the social aspect but grouping is rather a necessity for personal loot and progress so people group and then move on and if given the chance not to group .. will definitely not do so.

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I agree with the idea.


on the 1st few days before game launch, on the developers diarys they mention that this was going to be as if SWTOR 3,4,5,6,....etc so all those single player gamers looking for good content need not worry this is an MMO.


I feel that promise was not entirely delivered, is there way more content than a single way would have? yes,

is there enough content that would make for several games? NO


And I know Im kind of Sidetracking a bit there, so going to the main topic

Does the game feel like a solo-able game most of the time for those that want that kind of gameplay? MOST DEFINITELY NOT


Some of the other comments were saying, "no because you give them this then they would ask for way more"

Well of course dude, thats what the hole point of a forum is... hearing players, what do you want? what do you need? what can we make for you that you would want to keep paying your monthly fee that is making Bioware rich :)


I guess the real question is not if this is wanted, but does the majority of the population think the same?

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Why do people like this even bother playing mmo's in the first place?


Maybe it's just me...but I never play a game simply because it has or doesn't have the MMO label.


I play for the game itself...the genre, the content, the gameplay.


If you're against the idea of content being soloed...that's absolutely fine.


However, I never understand how people can simply say "play a different game" or "why even bother playing" just because someone proposed the idea of making soloable versions of group content.


For me, I love that you have the option to group up in this game...but I still play solo most of the time.


In my opinion...grouping should be something you want to do...not something you need to do.


Do I want soloable versions of Heroic-4's? Yes.

Do I NEED soloable versions of Heroic-4's to enjoy the game? No.


There is no reason to be ignorant and act as if we want a completely different game by suggesting something like this.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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I like your idea, LordArtemis.

Makes sense and would be a nice improvement, especially in zones where there's not enough players to form groups (all the level 20-45 zones have 5-15 players even in prime time, and most of them arent interested / arent in the area of the heroic)

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. All future Heroics should be Heroic 2+ and behind a phase wall. More players increases both mob health and the chance for better loot and commendations to drop.


This way, people can solo the heroics if they want to do so. But, it's always better to get in a group for better loot and comms. At the very least, it's easier to find one person to help than it is to find a full group.

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I like grouping for heroics. I really do. However in my experience, the further you progress the harder it is to find groups for planetary heroics. I hate leaving things undone. I also hate waiting around forever trying to find a group. I am an active player and I want to be doing things, not waiting around for nothing. So yeah, I would support making planetary heroics solo-able. It's not about gameplay style, or "this is an MMO," or wanting to solo everything, or anything else. It's just about being able to get things done.
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I find it hilarious people argue against making them able to be done solo because they can be done solo if you do X,Y,Z. By this argument your proving that making these group content is not working and thus requires players to workaround an obvious problem rather than FIX the problem.


If you want to do the content... come back when your way over-leveled for it - Thus making the content worthless and only ends up with an ongoing chain loss.

Cant do the Heroic on the Starter Planet ? - just skip to the next planet and come back

So the player then has the same problem on the NEXT planet and so on until you cant workaround and now your stuck with heroics you cannot do.

Thus players should just level to endgame and then go back to do all the heroics and flashpoints they missed resulting in the problem being amplified.

Players wait until they can do it solo and thus cant or wont find groups to do the content since they are either skipping it for later or completely.


All heroics should be scaled to +2 and allow players to use companions to compensate if they cannot find people to group with.

IF people want to group up for these heroics they should then scale to the size of the group and the rewards. Thus the content can be done solo but highly encourages players to group with better rewards.

Now the content can be done properly and does not require stupid non-solutions like skipping it entirely or coming back when it's relevancy is diminished.

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Yea, the idea is really to slow down progression for casual players....to give them more content to consume that has already been created. The money was spent. It's not getting a proper ROI right now IMO because I am speculating that too many players are skipping them due to the lack of players to group with.


It's a very narrow window of interest. Sure, you can return later and grind them out as grays, and perhaps there are players that do that to generate comms for alts...but I am speaking to the leveling process for casual players, one of the few draws to casuals in this game IMO.


So, this idea at least allows players to experience the content with SOME reward at proper level, not as much as a group. The alternative is to give us Groupfinder for each planet.


I think either one would work.

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Heaven forbid you get forced into grouping in the single most solo friendly mmo on the market. Nobody os forcing you into it. Over level it and then do it as a high level or golly gee make some friends that will go with you. You cant be anti social and expec to be able to solo GROUP content
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with a solid understanding of game mechanics and class mechanics, there is not a single heroic 2 that cannot be solo'd with any class.


and I would say 50% of heroic 4's are soloable with most classes, the rest doable with 1 other person

Edited by Gwence
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/Agree. This is exactly what would it would evolve into.


Besides.. a lot of Heroics (not all) can be done these days with a well equipped player and companion. Some people actually find challenge in doing so.


And another thing... this represents a "dumbing down" of content. Rift did it.. and I personally did not like their solo content dumb down of group content. They also dumbed down the rewards and made them a joke.


People do group and do run heroics in this game. They do it with friends and guild mates most often. It's only the random folks on a planet that are having an issue.. and frankly... the heroics waste more time then then any return in reward from my experience.


Some people don't want to be forced to group in order to complete content. It doesn't mean they shouldn't be playing an MMO. MMO's should provide an option to play with others, not force you to.


I myself like grouping up, but I can easily understand the OP's point and frustration here. As for dumbing down content and rewards? That ship has already sailed so far away it's left the map.


Nowadays I don't get better gear to kill opponents, I get better gear to kill them faster. I can now solo HM BP faster than I could solo BP story when I was in Rakata gear and you could ride the bike through.

Edited by Elfa
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Well if you dont accept other peoples thoughts then dont expect us to accept yours. We gave yo the alternatives but obviously you only accept what you want to hear instead of the truth. If you want to solo go play a solo game or make friends and run it. They arent going to cater to you just because you wat to be antisocial.
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Well if you dont accept other peoples thoughts then dont expect us to accept yours. We gave yo the alternatives but obviously you only accept what you want to hear instead of the truth. If you want to solo go play a solo game or make friends and run it. They arent going to cater to you just because you wat to be antisocial.


The problem is that your thoughts are completely close-minded and extremely one-sided.


You're not offering any real substance to the discussion. You're simply saying that OP, and all who think like that, are wrong...and that they should go play another game.


It's beyond absurd...and really, no one should accept those kind of thoughts.

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Well if you dont accept other peoples thoughts then dont expect us to accept yours.


I don't expect anyone to accept anything I say. I've made that clear many times. I think I've also made it VERY clear it is likely I will NEVER accept any notion you present. Pretty much anything you post will be rejected by me...I'd say your posting history stands in evidence of that. We are NOT of like mind.


We gave yo the alternatives but obviously you only accept what you want to hear instead of the truth


You gave me opinions. Unfortunately I can make up my own mind. Others have given their opinions as well. The only fact of repute IMO is that some folks have trouble, others don't.


If you want to solo go play a solo game or make friends and run it.


I don't think I'm going to be allowing you to tell me what to do today mmjarec. In fact I'm sure of it.


They arent going to cater to you just because you wat to be antisocial.


Well, lets see...first, you don't speak for Bioware. That much I'm sure of. Second, I'm not asking to be catered to, I'm making a suggestion...and it seems some folks, not all, but some like the idea. Third, you do not determine, define or report what my intentions are. I am more than capable of doing that myself.


Take some time to CONSIDER what your posting before you post it. Put some thought into it. It might help you express yourself in a proper manner.


Diatribe tends to fall by the wayside. I would have thought you would have learned that by now.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Yes you are expecting to be catered to there is no other reason form them to redisgn a team game other than your anti social tendencies. You can expect more of the same. Asking to solo group intended content is like going to mcdonalds and asking why there is no gourmet low fat menu. Or expectigcto find a new aston martin at a used car dealer


Im not being closed minded im thinking within the confines of the genre which if you had it your way would never interact with another human. Im pretty sure anyone who says its a multiplaye game ment to be played by groups of people would align with biowares philosophy otherwise theyd have made another kotor single player game. Dont come here expecting kudos for some grand idea that is about as practical as me buying a plane ticket and expecting the pilot to drive it on its wheels to my destination

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Yes you are expecting to be catered to there is no other reason form them to redisgn a team game other than your anti social tendencies.


Pure and utter hyperbole. Nothing more. Your wasting your time and just making yourself look silly mmjarec.


Asking to solo group intended content is like going to mcdonalds and asking why there is no gourmet low fat menu. Or expectigcto find a new aston martin at a used car dealer


No, it's not. Again, here is where taking time to think about what your posting before you post it would come in handy.


Im not being closed minded


I'm pretty sure I didn't say you were.


im thinking within the confines of the genre which if you had it your way would never interact with another human.


I dont think the problem here mmjarec is that you are engaging in a thought process when you post this kind of diatribe. Again, the very LAST person that would ever define any intent I have with ANYTHING I do would be you.


Im pretty sure anyone who says its a multiplaye game ment to be played by groups of people would align with biowares philosophy otherwise theyd have made another kotor single player game.


Again, you do not speak for Bioware. They are more than capable of explaining their own intentions with the game's design. They do not need nor require your assistance I would expect.


Dont come here expecting kudos for some grand idea that is about as practical as me buying a plane ticket and expecting the pilot to drive it on its wheels to my destination


This comment is completely ridiculous. I really don't understand your absolute obsession with demonstrating such a patent lack of self respect.


You've made your opinion clear mmjarec. I am sure everyone in this thread knows where you stand. Let's leave it at that. You have the right to have your own opinion...as do I.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Oh yeah im prett sure i speak for them when i say its a multiplayer game ment to be played with groups for group content. Im not saying anything you havent said yourself


You want to solo heroics. Thats fine. If it weren ment to be a group instance and in the mmo genre. Unless im mistaken thats what you want is it not? So yes i do speak for them when i repeat what is in the game description on the box.


Why are you even playing an mmo if your intent is to avoid other players. You just sound like a fickle kid that wants to feel strong by pwning the ai thats ment for groups

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Oh yeah im prett sure i speak for them when i say its a multiplayer game ment to be played with groups for group content. Im not saying anything you havent said yourself


I'm pretty sure you don't. It's pretty ridiculous for you to even say it. My post history speaks for itself.


So does yours.


You want to solo heroics. Thats fine. If it weren ment to be a group instance and in the mmo genre. Unless im mistaken thats what you want is it not? So yes i do speak for them when i repeat what is in the game description on the box.


I want to suggest something. You do not determine what I want. Let's ask Bioware if you speak for them, shall we?


Why are you even playing an mmo if your intent is to avoid other players.


That is none of your business. I play for my own reasons, and I will not share them with a person that has a post history like yours.




And there it is. Ok, mmjarec...I tried to help you. I tried to point out to you why your posting style was not only a constant violation of forum rules, it was abrasive and toxic. But to no avail...unfortunately the concept of "insult the opinion, not the person:" seems to be lost on you.


So now you have forced my hand. It's unfortunate. Perhaps some day you will learn how to conduct yourself properly in a public forum.

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Heaven forbid you get forced into grouping in the single most solo friendly mmo on the market. Nobody os forcing you into it. Over level it and then do it as a high level or golly gee make some friends that will go with you. You cant be anti social and expec to be able to solo GROUP content


Are you completely dense ?


Your solution to people being UNABLE to find groups for group content - is to find a group or play the content SOLO

There are literally times on servers where the population of a planet is less than 4 so your solution to this issue that is OUTSIDE the player's control is to blame the player for being anti-social ?


Alternatively, your solution is to 'over-level' content and do it solo - Brilliant solution which ends up happening on planet after planet.

Result: Players end up going through the game missing chunks of the game because there is not enough people to group for the content then just soloing it themselves...


But of course your going to complain that content that people are already working around by doing it solo at high level should not be made solo-able on-level and thus remove the need for a stupid workaround in the first place.

These missions are part of the planet story and meant to be done as part of the time on the planet. Making people skip them is the equivalent of forcing people to skip chapters of a book.


It is bad enough that even with Group Finder it can be a pain to get a group for a flashpoint on the server but the heroics on the planets are even worse.

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I would consider supporting this feature if any of the Heroic 4/2 man quest actually had any story in them. Sadly, the vast majority of them have little plot value or interaction.


I think this is a cop-out for people who are antisocial trying to play an MMO by themselves.


It is important for people to understand:


If you want to solo in an MMO, solo to your hearts content. However, remember, there will be content out of your reach because it is tuned for people to acheive with friends.

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I would consider supporting this feature if any of the Heroic 4/2 man quest actually had any story in them. Sadly, the vast majority of them have little plot value or interaction.


I think this is a cop-out for people who are antisocial trying to play an MMO by themselves.


It is important for people to understand:


If you want to solo in an MMO, solo to your hearts content. However, remember, there will be content out of your reach because it is tuned for people to acheive with friends.


It's a good point. The intent is really to add content, or more accurately to increase usage of that content for casual players. As I said, an LFG tool for planetary use would work as well.


The intent is to get casual players to engage in the content...I think an LFG tool would do just that.

Edited by LordArtemis
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