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Please turn off Governor Saresh spam!


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Governor Saresh's introductory message on Taris is okay to listen to - once. But the trigger range is so large there's no way to avoid it going to and from your ship, and her voice's volume doesn't diminish with distance. You can hear it in outer space, and in conversations with other NPCs.


Each trip to Taris you're guaranteed to hear it at least twice. Multiply the number of trips by the number of characters and it's seriously annoying.


Please, please, please either reduce the range of her trigger so we can drive around it, make it a one-time proc, or subject her voice to the same distance diminishment as other NPCs.


Together we stand taller than any NPC spam. Let's turn her off - together.


Thank you.

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Lol! Yeah... it was oddly uninspiring because of its repetitiveness but I think it demonstrated her desperation.


Every conversation with her since then including the stuff on Makeb, I kept thinking about her mantra and it made me laugh. Therefore... I vote to keep it as is. Together, it makes the story humorous, together.

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It's also a bit disconcerting when one returns to the planet after hitting 50+ as Saresh has a different role in the Republic and wouldn't be hanging out on Taris any more. I know that's a bit problematic and theoretically the Empire's version of Taris happens after the Republic's version so things would have changed, but Pub players never get to see that.


Maybe if there was a post 50+ version of Taris (and Balmorra) that reflects the combined events of the previous levelling experiences, it would give a new planet for post 50 missions AND open up both planets to more open world PvP (which might reduce SOME of the lowbie ganking on Tatooine...)

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Lol! Yeah... it was oddly uninspiring because of its repetitiveness but I think it demonstrated her desperation.


Every conversation with her since then including the stuff on Makeb, I kept thinking about her mantra and it made me laugh. Therefore... I vote to keep it as is. Together, it makes the story humorous, together.


Everything about Taris is desperate and painful, I guess it makes sense that the player experience should be the same. Even so, I'd appreciate a muzzle on the Gov.

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Saresh would make a good raid boss. Here is to hoping we go after her next.


Special boss abilities


Pontification: Uncleansable AOE slow applies to all group members and adds a 15% debuff to endurance and mainstat for the duration of the fight.


Long-Winded: Projects sonic waves that inflict 7k internal damage to all group members in a 90 degree cone in front of the boss, and causes all affected targets to bleed from their ears for 9k over 18 seconds.

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This is just from personal observation, maybe some others will try it and confirm it....


I think her spam is annoying as well and when I was recently on Taris with a smuggler alt, I decided to make an effort to avoid it. Floating around each holostatue is a Customs Droid that scans you as you go by, I noticed that when the droid scanned me, Saresh spoke up. I started trying to avoid the droid's scan and when I was able to avoid it, Saresh said nothing.


As I said, this was personal observation, but if others can confirm that avoiding the droid scan will stop Saresh from spamming, this could be your workaround.

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I was always confused about governor saresh, and her "prominent" role afterwards, even more confused after I did the BH story (I would enter serious spoilers if I try to explain myself), it was good to see this thread and do a bit of google that cleared this out for me.


The time lines for each faction on each planet on each class is so confusing..argh. But well, let's stand up together to stop saresh spam. together. She is really annoying lol

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THIS lol. I hear that spam in my dreams.


Haha, the worst part for me is that they use the same lines in normal conversation with other Twi'Lek NPCs. Since the alien "language" in this game is just gibberish, hearing the Twi'Lek spam on Nar Shaddaa & then the EXACT same lines from a Colonel Twi'Lek on Balmorra is just a nightmare.

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Haha, the worst part for me is that they use the same lines in normal conversation with other Twi'Lek NPCs. Since the alien "language" in this game is just gibberish, hearing the Twi'Lek spam on Nar Shaddaa & then the EXACT same lines from a Colonel Twi'Lek on Balmorra is just a nightmare.


Yea, the real funny thing is to look at the translated dialog on Balmorra and apply that to the repeating message on Nar Shadaa.


I don't remember how it works out but it was pretty funny when someone posted it.

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This is just from personal observation, maybe some others will try it and confirm it....


I think her spam is annoying as well and when I was recently on Taris with a smuggler alt, I decided to make an effort to avoid it. Floating around each holostatue is a Customs Droid that scans you as you go by, I noticed that when the droid scanned me, Saresh spoke up. I started trying to avoid the droid's scan and when I was able to avoid it, Saresh said nothing.


As I said, this was personal observation, but if others can confirm that avoiding the droid scan will stop Saresh from spamming, this could be your workaround.


hug the wall farthest from the holo recording and you won't trigger her speech. works for me every time. if you use a speeder use the smallest one you have or use the rocket boots, a large speeder will still hit the trigger point.

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I really like the Governor Saresh statue as it adds much needed flavour to a game that isn't known for it.


Buuuuuut it does get old real fast. Maybe have her spam only occur if you click on the statue? And have a one-time mission that tells you to do just that?

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Maybe if there was a post 50+ version of Taris (and Balmorra) that reflects the combined events of the previous levelling experiences, it would give a new planet for post 50 missions AND open up both planets to more open world PvP (which might reduce SOME of the lowbie ganking on Tatooine...)


A complete third version of both maps as dailies areas accessible to both factions? That would be interesting. Although putting it that way I could see them just making them as new areas separate from the main maps (like what Black Hole is for Corellia and what Section X is for Belsavis). Either way though, present it to both factions as a continuation of those planets' stories (just like Black Hole and Belsavis).


For your bit about pvp, perhaps they could take a cue from the Gree event's use of its space on Ilum? Have a section of each map dedicated to some pvp dailies, have some other dailies that can be completed in the soloable zones, and make one or two of them so they can be done either way.

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