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What is a INTERNET TROLL? Learn before you accuse someone of trolling.


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So, lately (as in since beta) I've been trying to help people on these forums. Trying to get information from them about their issues so I can help my fellow players get back in the game. What do I get in return?


Now you are just trolling. They accept it's their problem and i'm happy with that. We don't have to convince you because you are nobody.


good day.


This is just the latest thing where I have been accused of trolling for trying to help someone. Now, maybe in my trying to help I don't know everything, or maybe people don't always understand the point I'm trying to make, but I've noticed it many times lately people are way too quick to throw the accusation of "TROLLING" on these forums (and to a lesser degree, in game).


Another big accusation was a thread where we were discussing gambling packs and the odds of getting a varactyl. I explained the Gambler's Fallacy concept and someone kept saying that the more packs you open the more likely you are to get a varactyl. By the law of averages, yes. However, since each pack's contents is independent of previous packs you've opened, your actual chance to get a varactyl never changes. ) That is the Gambler's Fallacy. That if there is a 1% chance of getting a varactyl and you open 100 packs you must get a varactyl. So, the guy then accused me (and another user trying to get him to understand how your odds of getting a varactyl never changes) of trolling because he kept quoting the law of averages and calling it the Gambler's Fallacy.


So, I give you a few definitions.


submit a deliberately provocative posting to an online message board with the aim of inciting an angry response.


Being a ***** on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.


Answer: Internet 'trolling' is the anti-social act of causing of interpersonal conflict and shock-value controversy online. Named for the wicked troll creatures of children's tales, trolling is purposely sowing hatred, bigotry, racism, misogyny, or just simple bickering between others.


Now, some think that you can "accidentally" troll because you don't understand the community. Maybe that's my problem, however I've been here since beta and have continually tried to help my fellow gamers as best I can, so if that's my crime... However, I am of the camp that trolling requires intent.


So please, before you accuse someone of trolling, please be sure they are actually trolling and not just doing a bad job of trying to help you. :D

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You realize that you basically just took the bait of a troll to the extreme by posting this thread?


You may beleive so, but I do not. Troll is a polarizing word. Even if someone is not trolling, a false accusation of it puts them on the defensive (which I fully admit, is what this thread is...) and further spirals the issue out of control.


Is it a troll tactic to call someone a troll who is not trolling? I'm sure it is. But, many times it's merely because people don't understand what a troll is, they just throw it at anyone who disagrees with them or continues to try to argue an important point that the other isn't understanding.


Excellent observation. I'm personally getting sick of people calling everyone and their mothers a, "troll," for no good better reason than a simple disagreement.


Exactly, which is why though this thread may be controversial and some may not understand the intent or may even very well accuse me of trolling by posting this very thread, I still feel it needs to be addressed for the good of the community.


I come to these forums to try to help out my fellow players as best I can. Sometimes my advice doesn't work, sometimes it does. But, if when it doesn't (or when people refuse to even consider my advice since I'm not a Bioware employee admitting fault and immediately fixing the issue) and I am then called a troll, how long before I quit trying to help? Should I just quit now? I'm not ready to quit trying to help, but the false troll accusations need to stop.


If you call an apple an orange is still remains an apple.


Much like "pay to win", fanboi and hater, troll has become a one size fits all word.


Unfortunately, that's true. If you aren't saying you hate Bioware and EA, you're a fanboy. There is no middle ground.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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I also get some times called a troll, I don't mind it. Don't see it as an insult. For me trolls are people with an opinion that is not the norm and thus create reactions from others with the posts. Sure, some intentially post to provoke emotional reactions to make others look like fools, while other trolls just try to make the trolls look like fools. basically trolling is just a form of communicatio on the internet, which helps some discussions to continue while it derails others. It is not just a bad thing, it can be a good thing if used right.
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Ha! Nice thread TROLL! We can see right through your thinly veiled attempt to incite anger and outrage, but we're better than you cuz we're not n00bs to the interweb! Better luck next time!!! LOLZ...err...LULZ!


(I KID!!!!)


Nice post OP :)

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OP: a troll is someone who tries to sow discord on the internet by attempting to provoke an emotional response in others for no reason other than their own amusement. By making this post you have succeeded in giving them exactly what they want. They win. You just automatically lost.


You cannot win against trolls. All you do is refrain from feeding them.

Edited by Projawa
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OP: a troll is someone who tries to sow discord on the internet by attempting to provoke an emotional response in others for no reason other than their own amusement. By making this post you have succeeded in giving them exactly what they want. They win. You just automatically lost.


You cannot win against trolls. All you do is refrain from feeding them.


She is not addressing the actual troll, but outing the behavior. That is not feeding, just identifying the varying sub-species. ;p

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