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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Leveling too fast!!..did i just say that?


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Find myself wanting to do all the extras and side quests, but then i'm out levelling my storyline content. :(


Wierd request but a "Less exp plz" tick box would be awesome




Even by not doing pvp or bonus in missions, you still outlevel content if you do all side quests. This is pretty lame since Im avoiding mobs for now until the game catches up with me and not pvping or doing space mission. Just too much exp catering to casuals where you are force to skip content Bioware wants you to experience.


I dont understand how Bioware did not catch this or if they even cared.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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Even by not doing pvp or bonus in missions, you still outlevel content if you do all side quests. This is pretty lame since Im avoiding mobs for now until the game catches up with me and not pvping or doing space mission. Just too much exp catering to casuals where you are force to skip content Bioware wants you to experience.


I dont understand how Bioware did not catch this or if they even cared.


lol, you can go back and run the quests as greens or grays. Seriously though I dont know how you guys are leveling up so fast, however I have not done pvp warzones or space combat yet.

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lol, you can go back and run the quests as greens or grays. Seriously though I dont know how you guys are leveling up so fast, however I have not done pvp warzones or space combat yet.


They are grey allright. Its not really fun 2 hitting mobs and dropping elites/champions in seconds and the gear being worthless lower than my level. No challenge and quickly turns into doing it just because I have to.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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Find myself wanting to do all the extras and side quests, but then i'm out levelling my storyline content. :(


Wierd request but a "Less exp plz" tick box would be awesome


Also /signed. I avoided killing anything extra and still nearly overleveled the next area. Some grind should be needed. Personally, I'd prefer a lot of grind needed, but I would settle for a level or two per area.


I would be considered casual btw, time-wise.

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Also /signed. I avoided killing anything extra and still nearly overleveled the next area. Some grind should be needed. Personally, I'd prefer a lot of grind needed, but I would settle for a level or two per area.


I would be considered casual btw, time-wise.


Thats really all I ask for to be atleast max 2 levels higher instead of 5+.......

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Force everyone to do all quests? Grind forever? Make this game a linear saga or make it a grind fest, will have it in same stage

Jeff did with SWG, i will quit in a sec and i promise i will not be the only one.


Doing all quests in WoW or any other mmo will have you over levelled and lots of grey quests.


Some ppl want to do them and some will just grind for ages.

you have always 3 groups in a mmo.


1 want to do all the quest

2 fine as it is

3 less quest more grinding.


who will win?


I vote 2: I think if you let them do the job they will fix the issues for everyone later, ffs

the game is 3 days old.

And Tons of 50 already? they are alone up there and have NOT listen to any quests at all.

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Levels come a bit too fast. I was level 29 by Nar Shaddaa (Republic) just from running all the coruscant &Trader taris missions (minus 4 Heroics and FPs), running a few warzones didn't exactly help. I was getting way too much exp from pvp.


Really? I finished all of the quests in every area before moving on (excl heroics and FP's) and I was level 25 when I finished Nar Shaddaa. I'm currently on Tattooine at level 28 and still have a ton of quests to do. I haven't done any warzones yet though.

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It's even worse if you pvp. The amount of xp you get from warzones is just nuts. Spend a night pvping and then find you out leveled your current quests and the flashpoints you wanted to do.


All made worse by the fact that it seems like once you are 1 or 2 lvls above npcs they are trivial even in flashpoints.

So there is a short window when they are fun which is easy to miss.

Edited by greenmartin
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It's even worse if you pvp. The amount of xp you get from warzones is just nuts. Spend a night pvping and then find you out leveled your current quests and the flashpoints you wanted to do.

All made worse by the fact that it seems like once you are 1 or 2 lvls above npcs they are trivial even in flashpoints. So there is a short window when they are fun which is even to miss.


This stops being true once you get around 32+.

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So you guys basically complain that there is too much content in the game? This is the most ridiculous whine I have ever heard. How about leaving out some quests then? Leave some for the twinks so that you do not have to do all the same again if you level an alt?


A stop xp option... well, why not, if it makes you happy.


But never, never ever complain about too much content!

You might get heard!

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Not signed, you people will complain about ANYTHING. Your all pathetic. As a single voice, hear me devs. DO NOT cater to this idea. Just because your outleveling zones doesnt mean you cant still do the quest and enjoy story/lore.


I dont care what reason you have, your all being dum. The quest are still there irregardless your level.

I hate the forums, but I have to make sure some sane voice is in existence.

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