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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How come I don't get any perks for being famous in-game?


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By now I'm sure you're all well aware that I am Sir Marty the Magnificent of Prophecy of the Five. I'm the guildmaster of the professional gamers-only guild <Gaming Legends>, and am the most famous player on my server and probably in all of The Old Republic.


What does that get me though? Absolutely nothing. It gets me nothing, so I'm coming here to ask... why is that?


You see it all the time in real life. A-list celebrities getting all the perks... you see them sitting in the front rows at major sporting events, getting a slap on the wrist for breaking the law, being able to cut lines just about anywhere, etc.


What do I get for being famous in one of the most famous MMOs? I still have to wait in queues like normal gamers. I still have to take slow taxis to where I want to go. I still have to sell on the GTN to make credits.


Perhaps you should have been playing City of Heroes before it got shut down. One of the little bits of immersive content that you would encounter was that, as you traveled around Paragon City or the Rogue Isles, you would occasionally see comments from the civilian NPCs pointing you out and referring to something you'd done recently, as if your actions were newsworthy enough that random citizens on the street would know about you (i.e., things like "Look! Isn't that Screaming Eagle? The one who defeated Archon Assunta? I feel a lot safer knowing he's on the job!"). With the random bystander chat in SWTOR being voice work, though (for example, the conversation about Evocii being punchworthy that you overhear coming out of the Nar Shaddaa Imperial spaceport to the taxi pad), it would be much harder to do in SWTOR unless you limited it to generic role references, since there would be essentially no way to get enough voice acting to be able to pronounce every possible character name correctly -- and I'm sure people have listened to enough bad text-to-speech examples to understand how offputting a badly-mispronounced name or word can be. For example, one of my characters is named 'Csejthe', which is Hungarian, and is pronounced "chay'-tay" -- a text-to-speech program I tried it with pronounced it 'kuh-sedj-thee".


I suppose that the recognition could be restricted to text that appears in your chat window, but that would feel like a half-assed implementation for a game that's made the voice acting such an integral feature of the game. Pity. I suppose that you'll just have to get your shipdroid to roll out the red carpet in front of you and come up with some way to get your inactive companions to run around hitting people on the head to make sure that they bow and scrape appropriately when you walk by.

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At first i was like :rak_02: but then i was like :tran_eek:


I believe gaming legends should participate on interviews just like the devs, remember this guy "leeroy jenkins"? i mean what did he even do right? still he got interviews and was hired by blizzard, even skype conversations with gaming legends could be an improvement.



This game lacks the community aspect, we dont even have a place where to advertise our best screenshots or fan arts (forum threads are not the answer, we need a website dedicated section), giving interviews to our best players could help with this.


PS- not talking here about a developper blog, i mean a REAL interview.:rak_03:

I have to admit.


This really made me LOL.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Your wish is my command, from now on whenever new content comes out, all new gear items are mailed to you so you don't have to work like the rest of us, also everyday that you play you will be paid 1 billion credits.


On a different note, if you are a professional gamer, does that mean that you are paid to play the game?

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He's a Gaming Legend, that's why. As Gaming Legends they can do whatever the **** they want.




But he isn't.

He is a liar.


I can 100% dispute his UO nonsense since I was in the guild and knew the guy that killed British.

When I pointed out all the inconsistencies in his last thread, the entire thing was deleted.

Edited by TheLexinator
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Dont worry, we know you arent Sir Copperfield. He is actually witty and original, while your Sir-Marty alter-ego is not :D

Both Sir Marty and Sir Copperfield are witty and original. It's just been proven that Sir Copperfield has a bigger fan-base, while Sir Marty is more skilled in PvP.


Funny thing is, I have quit this game. I doubt Sir Marty or Sir Copperfield would quit too. :D

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