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Taking their Guild rank, and the game, too seriously....


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We expect our members to be respectful with their behavior and their language. While some of you may disagree with this, it is the way we have set this up from the beginning. Eeryone that join on recruit status until I see what type of person you are.


Ranks are given very cautiously and they have to have my approval before anyone is given a new rank.


Officers are there for a reason. We trust them and they have been with us since we started the guild.


There is no reason to have a profanity filter on in guild chat. You should always check with the rules before joining any guild. I make sure all new members know what I will and will not tolerate at the beginning.


Yes it could been handled a different way but from what I read this is not about the language that was used, this was about the attitude OP showed. He didn't use bad language but he started off on the wrong foot by disrespecting an officer of the guild by the statement he made.


If this happened in our guild and our officer kicked someone we would back them 100% . They are officers for a reason.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Don't cause drama, OP. Especially not on your second day when the guild has zero investment in you. Treat it as a learning experience and move on.


This should be rule #1 of ALL guilds. Save your drama for where it matters...the forums!

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These responses are just hilarious to me.


Let's just lay out the story in steps:

1. OP joins a guild based on good interactions with a few of the members.

2. Two days later, another guildie swears in guild chat.

3. An officer points out that swearing is not permitted.

4. OP offers a suggestion that officer turn on the profanity filter.

5. OP receives attitude from the officer immediately (at least according to his story).

6. OP responds to that attitude in kind.

7. OP is kicked.


A couple of points that everyone seems to have missed or ignored:

1. OP may not have been aware of the no profanity rule. He was pretty much brand new to the guild. It's possible that he legitimately didn't know about the rule.

2. He may not have known that the offended party was an officer.

3. The OFFICER initiated the attitude. Rather than calmly and politely explaining to a brand new guild member that the guild rule is no swearing and that as an officer, he's enforcing the rule, he gets snarky with the "did you just seriously..." line.


The way I read the OP's post is exactly how he did, and I can understand why he gave attitude back when he received it. Any good officer would have handled the situation much differently. Not to mention, the officer could have been on an alt. So, even if the OP knew who all the officers were within two days of joining, he may not have known everyone's alts.


I just find it funny that everyone jumped down OP's throat for his attitude, but completely overlooked that he was responding to attitude that he received initially. It was bad leadership and people skills on the part of the officer. It may not have warranted the response it received from the OP, but I can certainly understand where the OP is coming from.


Or maybe I'm just all alone in not memorizing every rule and officer's name (and alts) within the first two days of joining a guild.

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These responses are just hilarious to me.


Let's just lay out the story in steps:

1. OP joins a guild based on good interactions with a few of the members.

2. Two days later, another guildie swears in guild chat.

3. An officer points out that swearing is not permitted.

4. OP offers a suggestion that officer turn on the profanity filter.

5. OP receives attitude from the officer immediately (at least according to his story).

6. OP responds to that attitude in kind.

7. OP is kicked.


A couple of points that everyone seems to have missed or ignored:

1. OP may not have been aware of the no profanity rule. He was pretty much brand new to the guild. It's possible that he legitimately didn't know about the rule.

2. He may not have known that the offended party was an officer.

3. The OFFICER initiated the attitude. Rather than calmly and politely explaining to a brand new guild member that the guild rule is no swearing and that as an officer, he's enforcing the rule, he gets snarky with the "did you just seriously..." line.


The way I read the OP's post is exactly how he did, and I can understand why he gave attitude back when he received it. Any good officer would have handled the situation much differently. Not to mention, the officer could have been on an alt. So, even if the OP knew who all the officers were within two days of joining, he may not have known everyone's alts.


I just find it funny that everyone jumped down OP's throat for his attitude, but completely overlooked that he was responding to attitude that he received initially. It was bad leadership and people skills on the part of the officer. It may not have warranted the response it received from the OP, but I can certainly understand where the OP is coming from.


Or maybe I'm just all alone in not memorizing every rule and officer's name (and alts) within the first two days of joining a guild.


Then the OP has the option of starting his own guild. Obviously this wasn't a good fit for him. It's not "funny"...it's stupid. The Officer did what he felt was right, the OP did what he felt was right...neither is in the wrong. The OP doesn't have any right to do as he pleases in someone else's guild...the Officer clearly did. End of story.

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My guild LT cannot kick without my permission. Clearly the OP was in a guild where the officer had too much power.
Where that officers has too much power, maybe. I have the power to invite or kick, but I don't think I have too much power because I am not going to abuse the trust that my GM or my guild has put in me. I do however expect to have the ability to remove someone that has violated guild rules to a point that would justify them being removed from the guild. If I can get a hold of the GM or other officers, I will discuss it with them first, but if someone is abusing, harassing, bullying or stealing from the guild or it members, I expect to have the authority to end the drama right then. That said, I have never booting anyone from anything and we have only kicked one person from our guild and that was done by the GM after talking it over with the officers and even some raid leaders. I wasn't even a officer at the time, but they got my input on the subject, can't tick off the guild healers or something. :p Edited by mikebevo
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My guild has actually not booted a single person in swtor since the game launched. It helps that we don't do any open recruitment, we generally only invite people we are already familiar with. :p


Personally I don't like it when people "pull rank" in an argument. The officer could have dealt with that situation better with a little humor or simply explaining the problem thoroughly and restating the importance of following the rule. Telling someone to turn on profanity filter is going to ruffle anyone's feathers, though. We all know it exists, if the guild felt that was sufficient they wouldn't have created a rule about it.

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These responses are just hilarious to me.


Let's just lay out the story in steps:

1. OP joins a guild based on good interactions with a few of the members.

2. Two days later, another guildie swears in guild chat.

3. An officer points out that swearing is not permitted.

4. OP offers a suggestion that officer turn on the profanity filter.

5. OP receives attitude from the officer immediately (at least according to his story).

6. OP responds to that attitude in kind.

7. OP is kicked.


A couple of points that everyone seems to have missed or ignored:

1. OP may not have been aware of the no profanity rule. He was pretty much brand new to the guild. It's possible that he legitimately didn't know about the rule.

2. He may not have known that the offended party was an officer.

3. The OFFICER initiated the attitude. Rather than calmly and politely explaining to a brand new guild member that the guild rule is no swearing and that as an officer, he's enforcing the rule, he gets snarky with the "did you just seriously..." line.


The way I read the OP's post is exactly how he did, and I can understand why he gave attitude back when he received it. Any good officer would have handled the situation much differently. Not to mention, the officer could have been on an alt. So, even if the OP knew who all the officers were within two days of joining, he may not have known everyone's alts.


I just find it funny that everyone jumped down OP's throat for his attitude, but completely overlooked that he was responding to attitude that he received initially. It was bad leadership and people skills on the part of the officer. It may not have warranted the response it received from the OP, but I can certainly understand where the OP is coming from.


Or maybe I'm just all alone in not memorizing every rule and officer's name (and alts) within the first two days of joining a guild.


I suggest to the offended person that they turn on the profanity filter if it bothers them that much.


This is only his side of the story, but even as written, "turn on the profanity filter if it bothers you that much", isn't exactly the golden boy response. If that's the version he was trying to win us over with then I'd like to see what he actually said. Between this, the way he responded after the officer identified himself, and the fact that he came to the forums to complain about it, it sounds to me like he was just drama waiting to happen.

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We don't know how OP worded his offending statement (or do we?). Did he say something like "WTH, bro, turn on the filter. It's just words. Get a life. Duh?" Or was it "Why not just turn on the filter?" To the latter, the officer could reasonably say "This is a profanity-free guild. We don't want to have to turn on the filter to enjoy profanity-free guild chat." To the former, the officer could reasonably say "You don't seem to be a good fit here."
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Then the OP has the option of starting his own guild. Obviously this wasn't a good fit for him. It's not "funny"...it's stupid. The Officer did what he felt was right, the OP did what he felt was right...neither is in the wrong. The OP doesn't have any right to do as he pleases in someone else's guild...the Officer clearly did. End of story.


For the most part, I agree with you. I was merely pointing out that the key bit of attitude on which most folks in the thread were focusing was that OP got frisky with the officer. When he was just responding in kind to attitude he had received from said officer.


I agree that the OP and the guild likely weren't a good fit. But the folks that stand behind the actions of the officer 100% are a little skewed, I think. I'm not saying what he did was wrong, but I would hope there would at least be a discussion about what happened internally. Particularly if I'm the officer who invited the OP in the first place. And then to find out that one of my colleagues, rather than being patient with a new member and explaining things rationally, just immediately jumped down his throat, I'd be a bit annoyed with that colleague.


It seems to me that if your officers are yelling at any member of the guild, particularly a brand new member, then that needs to be addressed as well. Unless you're perfectly happy with the guild the way it is; in which case, I'd ask, why invite new members in the first place?


Granted this is all based on the story presented. I'm sure there's another side to it.

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We don't know how OP worded his offending statement (or do we?). Did he say something like "WTH, bro, turn on the filter. It's just words. Get a life. Duh?" Or was it "Why not just turn on the filter?" To the latter, the officer could reasonably say "This is a profanity-free guild. We don't want to have to turn on the filter to enjoy profanity-free guild chat." To the former, the officer could reasonably say "You don't seem to be a good fit here."


This. Exactly. The officer, while certainly within his rights as officer of the guild, could have handled the situation in a much better manner. Removing the drama, and at the same time setting a good example on behalf of the guild.

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This is only his side of the story, but even as written, "turn on the profanity filter if it bothers you that much", isn't exactly the golden boy response. If that's the version he was trying to win us over with then I'd like to see what he actually said. Between this, the way he responded after the officer identified himself, and the fact that he came to the forums to complain about it, it sounds to me like he was just drama waiting to happen.


You might be right. I just take issue with how the officer identified himself. That response (if it happened the way OP says it did) seems to indicate someone who is a little full of himself because he's an officer of a guild.


The whole issue could have been handled in a much more respectful and tactful manner than it was. The result may have ultimately been the same, but at least civility could have remained.

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I have one guild...my HM raid guild period. Most are decent people and the GM cares about the members. I have run the gammit of so called "friendly/helpful/looking to fill a 2nd and 3rd raid" guilds.


My take is: The "members" are what make or break your guild. Some guilds consist of the 8 butt buddy officers and gm that do everything together to the exclusion of others leaving them to flounder alone or pug anything they want to get done. These guilds eventually fail as the bored meander off to what they think are greener pastures. Unfortunately most of the time, they are not.


When seeking a guild to spend my time and raiding expertise with, I, yes I said "I" do the interviewing. If I hear a bunch of blabbing idiots talking over each other or dueling epeens on voice chat..I run like hell. I look for maturity and inclusiveness in a guild. The GM and officers should be there to provide a place for members to get together for whatever they wish and maybe provide some raid structure. They are not the boss...they are not all-knowing and sadly many consist of internet sociopaths that cannot function in the real world. You will spot these post-haste.


Luckily for now, I seem to of found a decent home for 4 of my Imp toons. The Rep ones, well..lets just say I'll go it alone ;)

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I am a guild leader and we expect our members to be respectful with their behavior and their language. While some of you may disagree with this, it is the way we have set this up from the beginning. I put everyone that join on recruit status until I see what type of person you are.


Ranks in my guild are given very cautiously and they have to have my approval before anyone is given a new rank.


My officers are there for a reason. I trust them and they have been with me since we started the guild.


There is no reason to have a profanity filter on in guild chat. You should always check with the rules before joining any guild. I make sure all new members know what I will and will not tolerate at the beginning.


Yes it could been handled a different way but from what I read this is not about the language that was used, this was about the attitude OP showed. He didn't use bad language but he started off on the wrong foot by disrespecting an officer of the guild by the statement he made.


If this happened in my guild and my officer kicked someone I would back them 100% . They are officers for a reason.


so if i didn't give a **** about you being the guild leader, and just wanted to have fun playing the game, you would kick me out? i show due respect to my guild leader, but that isn't any more respect than i show everyone else in the guild. we're just some people playing a game, and we all want to fun. i know my guild leader sincerely tries to keep everyone together, and raid leaders try to keep their groups progressing. for that, i do respect them. it is work, and they're making good efforts for the benefit of the group.


the guild officer who kicks someone out without first talking to them is a failure. they didn't do their job keeping the group together. they didn't do their job communicating to their group. why would any respect be given to a person like that? that's a hypothetical by the way. if events happened the way the OP said, i think that indicates the officer had no respect due to them, since they're made out to be a failure of a guild leader. when someone starts a sentence with "i'm a guild leader," that just kind of makes me jump to the conclusion that you think you're rank is important. it's not. what you do with that rank is important.

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I chuckle at the guilds who ban swearing. Really? We're mostly 16 and older (I'm much older) and if you want to control my way of speaking or ability to drop the occasional F bomb...you can go $&*&&^$%##.


Are you really so wound up tight that swearing offends you?


Oh, there are kids in the guild? All the more reason to not be in it.

Edited by Arkerus
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You might be right. I just take issue with how the officer identified himself. That response (if it happened the way OP says it did) seems to indicate someone who is a little full of himself because he's an officer of a guild.


The whole issue could have been handled in a much more respectful and tactful manner than it was. The result may have ultimately been the same, but at least civility could have remained.

Exactly right back ay you. If the OP's account is accurate as to how the officer responded, then the officer's attitude smacks of "I'm an officer in this guild! How dare you question me!" Little virtual Napoleons puffed up on t heir own ... stuff.

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I chuckle at the guilds who ban swearing. Really? We're mostly 16 and older (I'm much older) and if you want to control my way of speaking or ability to drop the occasional F bomb...you can go $&*&&^$%##.


Are you really so wound up tight that swearing offends you?


Oh, there are kids in the guild? All the more reason to not be in it.


So it's weird if someone creates a family friendly environment in their guild? You do realize that when you join a guild, you are joining them, not the other way around. It's like someone applying for a job doing data entry and then getting mad because they hate computers. If you don't like the environment created by a certain guild, go join another. There is nothing wrong or inappropriate about a guild discouraging profanity. I cuss like a sailor, but my get does not want profanity used while on mumble. So guess what, I try like hell not to cuss.

Edited by Thundernuts
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Newsflash to you: You were one of those kids, once.

Newsflash to you: he's not one now.


So it's weird if someone creates a family friendly environment in their guild? You do realize that when you join a guild, you are joining them, not the other way around. It's like someone applying for a job doing data entry and then getting mad because they hate computers. If you don't like the environment created by a certain guild, go join another. There is nothing wrong or inappropriate about a guild discouraging profanity. I cuss like a sailor, but my get does not want profanity used while on mumble. So guess what, I try like hell not to cuss.

This just illustrates that the "fit" runs both ways.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I chuckle at the guilds who ban swearing. Really? We're mostly 16 and older (I'm much older) and if you want to control my way of speaking or ability to drop the occasional F bomb...you can go $&*&&^$%##.


Are you really so wound up tight that swearing offends you?


Oh, there are kids in the guild? All the more reason to not be in it.


So don't be in it, then, yeah?


I'm in two guilds, one was started with RL friends of mine 9 years ago and has essentially no rules, the other is a large multi-gaming community that does have some strict rules about user conduct. Dropping an occasional F-bomb probably isn't going to get you kicked but if you swear like a sailor and make off-color jokes you'll be booted. It's just the rules. There are thousands of people in that guild over the different games and it's got a lot of families playing, you either want to be in that community and respect the rules or you don't, it's really simple. No reason to attempt to argue or discredit the guild for being that way, there are many other guilds out there that will suit your needs and personality.

Some people are very flexible with the way they deal with others, some are not.

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so if i didn't give a **** about you being the guild leader, and just wanted to have fun playing the game, you would kick me out? i show due respect to my guild leader, but that isn't any more respect than i show everyone else in the guild. we're just some people playing a game, and we all want to fun. i know my guild leader sincerely tries to keep everyone together, and raid leaders try to keep their groups progressing. for that, i do respect them. it is work, and they're making good efforts for the benefit of the group.


the guild officer who kicks someone out without first talking to them is a failure. they didn't do their job keeping the group together. they didn't do their job communicating to their group. why would any respect be given to a person like that? that's a hypothetical by the way. if events happened the way the OP said, i think that indicates the officer had no respect due to them, since they're made out to be a failure of a guild leader. when someone starts a sentence with "i'm a guild leader," that just kind of makes me jump to the conclusion that you think you're rank is important. it's not. what you do with that rank is important.


With your attitude I wouldn't even invite you to a guild. The lady you just jumped down her throat for stating she is a guild leader you are 100% off base. She is one of the kindest and giving individuals you would ever see. She has gone out of her way to help us but you see you are so pig headed and think you have a right to tell a guild how they can run their guild. You don't. You didn't build the guild.


When a person or person create a guild they have a right to make the rules. You don't like them don't join simple as that.


From what the OP said he was wrong by his comments to a guild officer. He had been there two days not long enough to understand the rules but yet he jumps in when someone was told not to use a specific language. If he had a question he had the same responsibility for communicating to the officer. He could have ask the officer in private about the rules instead of coming across as I will do things my way no matter what the guild rules are.


He failed as well as not finding out what kind of rules they had in the first place. You can sit here and judge but there are two sides to and from what I read he was just as wrong as you wanting to blame the guild officer.

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From what the OP said he was wrong by his comments to a guild officer. He had been there two days not long enough to understand the rules but yet he jumps in when someone was told not to use a specific language. If he had a question he had the same responsibility for communicating to the officer. He could have ask the officer in private about the rules instead of coming across as I will do things my way no matter what the guild rules are.

Did you even read the OP? According to him, he was not the one who swore. I will grant you we only have his side of the story, however.


He failed as well as not finding out what kind of rules they had in the first place. You can sit here and judge but there are two sides to and from what I read he was just as wrong as you wanting to blame the guild officer.

It's the responsibility of guild leadership to make members aware of unusual rules. "No swearing" is an unusual rule, given how common swearing is in in-game chat. Now maybe someone told him, or maybe no one told him.


Given my experience with guild leaders and officers in DDO, LotRO and a little bit here, I am very much inclined to believe it's a case of an officer taking him- or herself way too seriously. Thus, as I stated way back in the thread, why I don't bother with guilds any more.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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