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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why does this game receive so much hate?


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Indeed there are. As a fan of this game and forum member since March of 2009, I've seen a lot of great constructive criticisms. The "morons" you speak of I too identified here (also see link) as Cyberthugs. I am on neither side of the fence with regard to debate, and am just as prone to report either side for malicious attacks. It's the ones who cross the line, then go all vendetta for getting caught, that could stand to be elsewhere.


Oooooo....Cyberthugs? That's laughable jingoism designed to belittle and denigrate anyone who fails to believe what you believe. It's, sadly, standard procedure around here to attack anyone who dares to offer any dissenting opinion. It's also standard tactics to attack in indirect methods so as to skirt and exploit the forum rules, such as by making up ******** words and never actually naming anyone.

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Oooooo....Cyberthugs? That's laughable jingoism designed to belittle and denigrate anyone who fails to believe what you believe. It's, sadly, standard procedure around here to attack anyone who dares to offer any dissenting opinion. It's also standard tactics to attack in indirect methods so as to skirt and exploit the forum rules, such as by making up ******** words and never actually naming anyone.
One's perception being taken personally is usually a sign that it hit something imagined to be untouchable. For that I apologize. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I guess I am a "fan boy" I have grown up totally addicted to Star Wars. And while a few things irritate me about the game...the only way I will stop playing is if the game goes under. Which, in time, it will. But until then I will voice my OPINION about parts of the game I enjoy and the parts I feel could be fixed. Any game will have a part of the community that has nothing "nice" to say, while others will defend the game until death. Look at the D3 forums...that is a ton of hate.

And most of these posts are by people that find a fault in the game and voice it over forums. And why not? Sure you can post on the positive parts of the game. but that is basically " hey. this part of the game is fine." Not too helpful as far as development goes.

I feel the negative posts do help in a way. BW/EA can look at it and say " is this a trend? Will we need to rethink parts of the game?" Thus making the game progress with new content..

I will defend this game, but I will also not be shy if I find an issue that I feel needs to be addressed.

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When one's perception is taken personally, it's usually because it hit something that wasn't supposed to be hittable.


Or, because someone insulted them. I'm not saying you did, only that your logic is flawed. There are plenty of unwarranted insults flung around all the time on the internet, and realizing you were insulted does not imply that the insult itself is true.

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Or, because someone insulted them. I'm not saying you did, only that your logic is flawed. There are plenty of unwarranted insults flung around all the time on the internet, and realizing you were insulted does not imply that the insult itself is true.
True that ... if the stated perception was actually intended as an insult. In my experience here, it's the same dozen or so people who seem compelled to retaliate with regularity. For me, an insult would have to be a personal attack. Everything else is opinion imho. Edited by GalacticKegger
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It receives hate because its bad bottom line.


Sorry everyone is entitled to their opinions and all but the majority of the people playing the game as of right now only play it because unless you wanna go back to WoW or play FF there's nothing much else to play at the moment.


I guess for people who love lore back story and all that jazz the games great but you can do that with a singal player game like skyrim or fallout much much better. Too much time was spent on leveling and story and less time was spent with end game content in mind and class balance.

I love star wars loved the KTOR games but the name brand alone isn't enough.

its just bad in most peoples minds.

Edited by mfourcustom
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It receives hate because its bad bottom line.


Sorry everyone is entitled to their opinions and all but the majority of the people playing the game as of right now only play it because unless you wanna go back to WoW or play FF there's nothing much else to play at the moment.


I guess for people who love lore back story and all that jazz the games great but you can do that with a singal player game like skyrim or fallout much much better. Too much time was spent on leveling and story and less time was spent with end game content in mind and class balance.

I love star wars loved the KTOR games but the name brand alone isn't enough.

its just bad in most peoples minds.


Oh, please enlighten us oh wise one of the net!

Let your wisdom flow from your effervescent cranial dome.

Enlighten us and show BioWare how to make this game perfect.


Aside from that, it sounds like you are saying it's the best thing out there. So I guess if I was BioWare, being called the best MMO currently available, is a good thing.


Also, Thanks Kegger! :D

Edited by Thylbanus
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It receives hate because its bad bottom line.


Sorry everyone is entitled to their opinions and all but the majority of the people playing the game as of right now only play it because unless you wanna go back to WoW or play FF there's nothing much else to play at the moment.


I guess for people who love lore back story and all that jazz the games great but you can do that with a singal player game like skyrim or fallout much much better. Too much time was spent on leveling and story and less time was spent with end game content in mind and class balance.


its just bad in most peoples minds.

Unless you want to do that with other players, which is what Mega Multiplayer Online games are all about. They aren't intended to be single player, though some do offer a full palette of content for solo enthusiasts. SWTOR happens to be one of them. Story is what Bioware has loudly touted as the game's signature since the first press release, so it being the game's focus should have come as no surprise.


I've been here since 2009, and my characters first went live on day one of early access. I have 5 level 55s (Jugg, Mara, Merc, Guardian tank & Guardian PvP.) The classes I have yet to level notwithstanding, I still haven't seen about 30% of the game.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Still don't get it, I mean these games change as time passes to please the gamers or become better, few games of any other genre' do this any if at all. If thats really the only reason people are still against this game, so long after its launch, then thats not a reason its an excuse, and a pretty sh**y one at that


Guess that explains that then, not really the answer I was looking for (guess I expected more, ironic huh) but glad to hear I wasn't just a MMO noob who was missing something major


Most people wanted KOTOR 3, I wanted SWG refined and retooled. We all wanted different things then what the game actually presented.



My biggest gripe with TOR was the lack of immersion outside of your characters storyline. There is no point in revisiting planets, and most of the planets are tunnels rather than open worlds.


I also hate the fact that we have to spend so much time on the republic fleet, it would be so much better if planets had vibrant custom communities.


Space combat, or Starfox limited... was a major disappointment. Space should be such a huge part of star wars it isn't even funny. No pvp space combat, no customization of ships, no buying/selling of ships.


Open world pvp is also non existent, Ilum was a major failure. Pvp combat has been buggy since day 1 with tons of rubberbanding. Rated warzones are being taken out for rated arenas... Makes zero sense to me why you would ever pay someone to remove content.



My solution to bringing back subs and growing the game?


1. Free roam space combat. New profession: Spacetech, build/sell custom ships, parts, color designs etc.


2. Create new planet areas, separate from storyline mission areas.. Large sandbox areas for exploring and freeroaming, building/creating guild communites. (Imagine having a town on tatooine that your guild funded and custom designed.) This would create a huge timesink for endgamers, guild members could pool resources together to upgrade their communities.


3. Create guild spacestations that players could freeroam travel to.


4. Mount/speeders racing, give podracing a chance. In fact, just make our mounts/speeders upgradeable and build a physics system. The amount of time subs would spend RPing on planets is astounding. Add things like topspeed, acceleration, and handling. Also make cruisers that allow players to ride the same mount!!


6. Clean up the rubberbanding and glitches in PvP. Add more capture the flag type warzones, and throw in some team deathmatch.

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Over the time that I've been playing on SWTOR (since launch), I've got the impression that the cardinal reason many people have come to abhor the game is the lack of community because of the dungeon/tunnel-like planetary environments that keep you on a single track, concentrated solely on your character and the story chain alone, coupled with the whole way the game's leveling process has been designed. My experience with Makeb only went on to reinforce that impression: it's a planet that is only designed to shoot you from level 50 to 55. You don't have to be a genius to figure that out. There are mobs at every single place you go, and no hotspots for socializing with the rest of the players. And that isn't restricted to Makeb. It's evident at nearly every single planet you go to.


I recognize The Old Republic is a different game, and has a style and vibe of its own, but they should have used the open, expansive planetary environments of Star Wars Galaxies as an example.


Despite all this, though, I can clearly see when comparing the state of the game from launch to what it is now that the developers have indeed listened to a major chunk of the pleas and suggestions of the player base.

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Oh, please enlighten us oh wise one of the net!

Let your wisdom flow from your effervescent cranial dome.

Enlighten us and show BioWare how to make this game perfect.


Aside from that, it sounds like you are saying it's the best thing out there. So I guess if I was BioWare, being called the best MMO currently available, is a good thing.


Also, Thanks Kegger! :D

Telling the devs how to improve the game? That has been done since beta and you know what noone cares. So why bother?

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Most people wanted KOTOR 3, I wanted SWG refined and retooled. We all wanted different things then what the game actually presented.



My biggest gripe with TOR was the lack of immersion outside of your characters storyline. There is no point in revisiting planets, and most of the planets are tunnels rather than open worlds.


I also hate the fact that we have to spend so much time on the republic fleet, it would be so much better if planets had vibrant custom communities.


Space combat, or Starfox limited... was a major disappointment. Space should be such a huge part of star wars it isn't even funny. No pvp space combat, no customization of ships, no buying/selling of ships.


Open world pvp is also non existent, Ilum was a major failure. Pvp combat has been buggy since day 1 with tons of rubberbanding. Rated warzones are being taken out for rated arenas... Makes zero sense to me why you would ever pay someone to remove content.



My solution to bringing back subs and growing the game?


1. Free roam space combat. New profession: Spacetech, build/sell custom ships, parts, color designs etc.


2. Create new planet areas, separate from storyline mission areas.. Large sandbox areas for exploring and freeroaming, building/creating guild communites. (Imagine having a town on tatooine that your guild funded and custom designed.) This would create a huge timesink for endgamers, guild members could pool resources together to upgrade their communities.


3. Create guild spacestations that players could freeroam travel to.


4. Mount/speeders racing, give podracing a chance. In fact, just make our mounts/speeders upgradeable and build a physics system. The amount of time subs would spend RPing on planets is astounding. Add things like topspeed, acceleration, and handling. Also make cruisers that allow players to ride the same mount!!


6. Clean up the rubberbanding and glitches in PvP. Add more capture the flag type warzones, and throw in some team deathmatch.


I respect your ideas but what you have to understand is that TOR is built upon some very core gameplay fundamentals. Most of those fundamentals are a themepark like experience, directed at creating a story type environment. Creating entire sections of the game that are completely different than the core fundamentals of the game will create a disjointed and disconnect product. Its a classic mistake in game development: trying to be everything to everyone and not concentrating on your core.


That's not to say some aspects won't greatly enhance the product. I believe PvP space combat is going to be a huge hit because it adds to the gameplay instead of detracting. But make no mistake here, this will not be infinite free roam space. Its is going to be free roam within the confines of the environment. That keeps its connected to the themepark like experience.


There is definitely room for improvement and new features but asking for features that primarily belong in sandbox games don't really fit in the environment. This is a directed experience and I am quite sure it will stay that way. I could be wrong but we will continue to see themepark additions.


As for the PvP stuff...I think you got your wish on some of that.

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Constant broken promises, false statements, painfully clueless community teams, lack of listening to feedback on bugs, etc.


There are reasons other than "trolls" for a game, company, etc. to get negative word of mouth. To be honest EA/BW dug their own grave reputation-wise. That is why you tend to rarely see support beyond "defenders / white knights."


But I do recall a time when TOR got positive feedback....in Beta. :p

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Over the time that I've been playing on SWTOR (since launch), I've got the impression that the cardinal reason many people have come to abhor the game is the lack of community because of the dungeon/tunnel-like planetary environments that keep you on a single track, concentrated solely on your character and the story chain alone, coupled with the whole way the game's leveling process has been designed. My experience with Makeb only went on to reinforce that impression: it's a planet that is only designed to shoot you from level 50 to 55. You don't have to be a genius to figure that out. There are mobs at every single place you go, and no hotspots for socializing with the rest of the players. And that isn't restricted to Makeb. It's evident at nearly every single planet you go to.


I recognize The Old Republic is a different game, and has a style and vibe of its own, but they should have used the open, expansive planetary environments of Star Wars Galaxies as an example.


Despite all this, though, I can clearly see when comparing the state of the game from launch to what it is now that the developers have indeed listened to a major chunk of the pleas and suggestions of the player base.


Can you explain this to me because honestly I don't get it.


When I go to makeb I have zero expectation (and zero want) to strike up social conversations with other people. I am on makeb to finish the makeb story line and level my character. If I do need someone for a heroic area I will ask a friend or ask on public chat.


That has been the game's design from the very beginning. The social hub is the fleet while the planets serve a specific purpose. I don't understand why anyone would expect makeb to be any different. Its a directed story area. Just like every planet.


If we all know the design elements behind each planet, why do player continue to clamor for SWG features when its clear this game is not SWG?


I'm not bagging on you at all. I am asking a genuine question. This isn't to say we shouldn't see new features. I am pumped for space PvP combat but I am never surprised when each new planet is jus a story experience. Its how the game was designed.

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But I do recall a time when TOR got positive feedback....in Beta. :p


That seems like ages ago. They didn't listen to the honest, constructive feedback of the non-fanboy beta tester either.


I wish they would have archived that forum, just so we could see the predictions that some of us made near the end of closed beta, and how they all came true.

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Can you explain this to me because honestly I don't get it.


Its very simple. You see, different people like different things. And while you may not personally be interested in trying to socialize outside of the fleet base, other people may be. Me? I dont really play MMOs to socialize, although I enjoy having that option there. The reason I play MMOs is because unlike single player RPGs, they are always getting updated with new content for the life of the game. Even the best single player RPGs only get a couple of expansions at most. But again, that is just my personal reason for playing. If someone else has theirs, thats not confusing to me because I understand different people like different things.

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