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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The State Of PvP ( Warzones ) - Brackets Desperately Needed!


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dont need to say anything.


I rofled! Nice skills atm, but lets be honest you owned them, and they didn't react fast enough to kill you.


You was not on CC control at all, and was free to rome around doing what you wanted. Lets say a Assassin, a SI, and a BH is on you with CC, what then.


CHRISGG, that vid just shows you playing well. :)

Edited by Caeliux
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I mean you just made an entire post that is nothing but "I REALLY HATE WOW." Try to get some relevant arguments and you won't have to bring up other games.


Wait now I don't hate WOW at all. I love WOW, did I even say I hate WOW, where?


My post says if Brackets come, SWTOR is another Warcraft game when it comes to PVP.


At moment with Bolster and the way it is, it is it's own Beast, revamping it and changing it to a bracket system makes it just like Warcaft.

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Srsly...to the guy that posted this,despite agreeing or not wih the whole brackets situation,how can u LOVE the pvp in swtor rofl.The "pvp" is awfull,terribad and sucks...alot.Anyone that has ever Played pvp at a competitive lvl will tell u that.LAG,ABILITY LAG and FPS major DROP are THE man reasons Pvp in swtor ATM is the leas fluid exp ever.bad. Bad. Bad
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Srsly...to the guy that posted this,despite agreeing or not wih the whole brackets situation,how can u LOVE the pvp in swtor rofl.The "pvp" is awfull,terribad and sucks...alot.Anyone that has ever Played pvp at a competitive lvl will tell u that.LAG,ABILITY LAG and FPS major DROP are THE man reasons Pvp in swtor ATM is the leas fluid exp ever.bad. Bad. Bad


Lag is your computer, not the pvp. Ability lag again your problem, not pvp. Fps again your computer and server, and not a pvp problem.


Only thing bad here is well, your post..

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Lets try this.


Take 3 LvL 50s with PvP gear defending a "item", and let loos 3 LvL 15s who shal try kill the 50s. Anyone think the 15s will win? Anyone think the 15 will even have a chance if the 50s actually do have at least some PvP skills and experience?


or 7 50s vs 7 20s. If the 20s dont have a chance if they are equally "skilled" then there should be brackets.

The only defence of having no brackets is that a LvL 20 should have equally big chance of killing a 50 in a 1v1 combat.


But there will never be any brackets. That is because AE and BioWare is one of the worst companies when it comes to costumer interaction and community interaction.

They will never ever change it. Ever. They go their own line all the way. Does not matter how bad things are.

That can be a good thing, and it can be a bad thing. Good thing to keep to theyr own "theme", but a really bad thing if there is an imbalance some where and they wont listen.

Edited by Mamono
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I used to be one of the biggest supporters of bracketing the WZ's during the betas, but after running in them a while, it really isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I will say that I defiantly get rolled from time to time, and my highest level toon is only 25 atm, (i'm pokey when it comes to leveling) but I'm not experiencing the major balance problems with it that I originally thought it would be. I'm alright with it the way that it is now, and would be alright with it if they decided to bracket it differently. However one of the problems I see with the bracketing of it is what happens when a majority of people are at max level and running those toons only? Would that not kill WZ's pop time at low levels just the same. I'd rather be able to go in and play, even if it means getting rolled a few times, than to be stuck in PvE all the time. Another thing about it, even if you lose, no matter how badly you still get some Commendations, XP, valor ect.. Tough it out, get the rewards, go back at a higher level with the gear and goodies and settle the score imo. Edited by Sylentt
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You do understand that all the classes mirror each other right?


mirrored classes mean jack vs. actual class distribution. read the entirety of my post don't cherry pick



was just in a warzone where my team consisted of my 46 vanguard, another vanguard, a few sentinels, a few guardians, a few gunslingers, a shadow. sith team had 6 sorcerors.



tell me...who's healing? who sould i put guard on?

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mirrored classes mean jack vs. actual class distribution. read the entirety of my post don't cherry pick



was just in a warzone where my team consisted of my 46 vanguard, another vanguard, a few sentinels, a few guardians, a few gunslingers, a shadow. sith team had 6 sorcerors.



tell me...who's healing? who sould i put guard on?


You act like every match has to be your way, well if your puging it's roll of the dice, if it's pre-made the odds isn't in your favor, pick one or the other.


Here the thing, if you pug don't expect nothing, and be prepared for anything.


Here is a hint, join a guild that way you can make pre-made teams to nurture your wants, if you don't then the odds is against you.

Edited by Caeliux
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I can't wait for them to follow these suggestion to add brackets, because then PvP will dry up like it does in every other MMO.


This 1-50 PVP in the same arena with bolstering is something I haven't seen from too many MMOs. It needs some serious work and the bolster system should take into account items and armor.


I remember games like City of Heroes that allowed high level to come to down lower level, but they got their higher level powers removed since they were playing in a lower bracket. That solution didn't work, and today CoH PvP is dead. There were other problems that contributed to it as well, but the point is that brackets cut down on the player pool.


PvP players are not the majority. There's a small pool of them compared to those that PvE.


If you break them up into tiers, you break up the amount that can PvP at any one time.


If a player wants to PvP and has to wait for half an hour for one match for a piddly amount of advancement like every other MMO PvP system out there then you'll gut the potentional PvP population.



I think a solution would be to have the PvP system treated items based on their quality:


If you have purple/orange you at high end.

If you have blue you're at base.

If you have white/green you're at the low end.


Probably wouldn't work because players want the gear numbers to matter more than skill but it would be nice if we could get some type of system that could normalize gear in addition to the level bolstering and then see if the powers really affect matches that much.

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I don't really understand the whole queue system for the PvP in this game to be honest. Does it look for PuG vs PuG and then if can't make a team; lumps PuG vs Pre-made?


I think they should allow players to SEE the match up before the Warzones start:


1. The game grabs the players.


2. Shows them the match line up.


3. People can then bow out if they don't want to deal with that paticular match up.


Sometimes players don't want to feed a coordinated group points and would rather know if they are going against such a group, and just wait a bit longer for a match up.


There should probably be an option for PvP:


* Don't queue me against premade groups if I'm solo *


Then match maker will be able to narrow down its selection better.

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while i think the idea of non bracketed pvp is good in thoery, in reality it sucks.


Sure its cool to be able to join at 11 and be able to do decent damage to level 50s and crap, but under the surface there is a huge pile of issues that exist.


- Higher levels have way more abilites and talents, not to mention way more gear options

-Stats and Damage wise from 1-49 nearly everyone is equal. This is stupid. Whats the point in leveling or getting better gear to pvp with?

-Its really going to start sucking when level 50s get awesome gear and start rolling those level 10s


Honestly, I think bioware just went with the lazy option when it came to PvP. They couldnt be arsed with brackets so they just made everyone have the same stats.


What I suggest, is that they introduce brackets, (10-30, 31-49 and 50 at least, this will keep the queues short) but also keep the stat bolstering for the non-50 brackets. This way it will be much more fair and fun.


Seriously bioware, get it done, some of us live for PvP.

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Either balance the playing field in warzones, or increase the server population, so bracket warzones will have enough population. Plain and simple. I agree 100% with op. A lvl 50 already cleans house just strictly due to gear and skills. Lvl equalizer is a joke. /fact Edited by MarcusElliott
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I don't mind the no bracket stuff at the moment. I tried a few war zones and lagged to death anyway so I can't say what I'd be capable of doing ( except casting a few stray heals ) against higher levels anyway - but I like the idea. I can say, however, that I'd like to see a Level 50 or 45-50 bracket only.


I was told by a friend that there was word on a 50 only bracket in the future, when more of the population hits it, but they aren't around right now for me to bug them about sources. I know that when I hit 50 I want to be on a level playing field with other 50s, in comparable gear. By then I hope to have a better computer and I want an equal, fair challenge with gear, skills, all points spent, etc. If I stomp someone, I want to know we have all those same opportunities available to us.

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First people to 50 get to farm low level players in warzones and then later they'll bring in a high level bracket and people who get to 50 later will have to a significantly harder grind because they'll be up against overgeared enemy players.
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I don't care how they do it but not having brackets is RETARDED.


pug VS organized is enough of a pain in these "instanced" pvp garbage now add in PUG lowbies vs organzied 50ies and it is just /ragequit.



They also need to make an instance that is huge (25 vs 25) or something like that. I am on a PVP server but PvPing with a pet just generally blows IMO. Would love to see an "instance" that is not so small.

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This is not deserving another thread. There are already threads on the forums about this topic with heaps of ppl saying they are happy with the game as it is. Why is it only the people that are not performing at PvP feel they need to spread the word of their failures?


Yeah, there will be brackets. It won't matter how much you whine about it. Brackets, and then cross-realm Warzones to lower queues back to non-bracket levels.


Count on it.


I'm not saying it has to be this way because WoW did it. I'm saying that WoW did it for a good reason. Would you recommend that Toyota use triangular wheels just to avoid copying Chevrolet?

Edited by AlpsStranger
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Brackets = longer warzone queues. No thanks.


This. It already takes 5-15 minutes to get a WZ going. If they bracket it, times will become ridiculous. Star Trek online did the bracketing, a month after launch you had to wait hours for lowbie WZ to start.

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I think they are fine the way they are. Maybe people will learn their class by pvping when they have very few skills and its easy for them to learn to use everything they have to win one step at a time as they earn them through the levels. They will see the tons of CC higher levels are throwing out constantly on them. Then maybe they will learn to use their CC breaker and counter CC at the right time after getting crapped on all that time. It's the reason you get a CC breaker at such low level.



Although I do agree the secondary stats are a problem they need to buff these at lower levels based on spec, TBH.



The only way bracketing will work is cross server.

Edited by darttribal
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