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Time to ungimp assassins


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Yea, see your profile. You seem to need a refresh. Better yet check your post history.


If ONLY you could follow your own advice I am willing to bet Aspirin and Scotch stock would drop 20 points overnight.


If you cant keep on topic then please dont post here

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If you cant keep on topic then please dont post here


I don't think I'll let you decide if I post here today mmjarec.


Again, take your own advice.


Let's try to get back on topic yet again.....I still question whether or not a "majority" exists for concerns about Sins and DPS. I think most folks are at least ok with how they perform at the moment. Just my slant.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Yea, see your profile. You seem to need a refresh. Better yet check your post history.


If ONLY you could follow your own advice I am willing to bet Aspirin and Scotch stock would drop 20 points overnight.


That said...back on topic....there is no doubt that the PVP community needs some love. They have received little to no attention since launch, and a common complaint from PVP folks around the MMO market seems to be that PVP is not very good in this game...and I agree with that.


I actually think it's far to easy for my tastes, but I like what I consider real PVP...and MMO pvp is not it.


I would welcome any buff and probably dread any nerf based on PVP feedback. I would prefer, overall, to see PVP changes made that effect ONLY PVP.


Agree, and that is the quandary isn't it. When they make changes it affects both PvE and PvP. So they are reticent to make the changes. And when they do... its QQ nirvana. But Shadows/Assassins dps need help on both sides. Don't think you will see many complaints this time if they were to buff up the class.

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You want a op class sorry I am not going to support this. Every class I ever played I can run the first two planets without need of my companion. So try doing that with a merc, then tell me the assassin should be the class getting a buff up? They can cloak, they can force run, they can come out of cloak and put a large hit on there enemy, and then disappear again. If they buff up the tanking I dont mind that. Absolutely NO DAMAGE increase, or more crowd control, and for that matter no buffing on the cloaking side.


I got vanguard which needs its ranged increased, two of its animations replaced, because they do not look anything like a trooper ability. I cant fire when kneeling, I can not fire when prone, hell I cant even go prone in this game. It would be like a Sniper having everything perfect but a shadow/assassin having no force cloak, no force run, and no lightsaber. It just would not feel right. Then again who cares about a trooper right, Sith and Jedi thats where the moneys at.


There is other things I could mention that need worked on but I dont feel like creating a wall here.

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You want a op class sorry I am not going to support this. Every class I ever played I can run the first two planets without need of my companion. So try doing that with a merc, then tell me the assassin should be the class getting a buff up? They can cloak, they can force run, they can come out of cloak and put a large hit on there enemy, and then disappear again. If they buff up the tanking I dont mind that. Absolutely NO DAMAGE increase, or more crowd control, and for that matter no buffing on the cloaking side.


I got vanguard which needs its ranged increased, two of its animations replaced, because they do not look anything like a trooper ability. I cant fire when kneeling, I can not fire when prone, hell I cant even go prone in this game. It would be like a Sniper having everything perfect but a shadow/assassin having no force cloak, no force run, and no lightsaber. It just would not feel right. Then again who cares about a trooper right, Sith and Jedi thats where the moneys at.


There is other things I could mention that need worked on but I dont feel like creating a wall here.


If by op you mean comparable to any other class then yeah i want an op class. Im sorry where are your supporting facts. Oh wait its just your unqualified opinion based nonsense. Like i said i base my statments on facts and its beyond argument that they are gimp

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You want a op class sorry I am not going to support this. Every class I ever played I can run the first two planets without need of my companion. So try doing that with a merc, then tell me the assassin should be the class getting a buff up?


Stupidest arguement against fixing Sins I've ever seen...that and this has been done on a Merc...so just L2P your class better? idk.


Also...I knew this thread would turn into this. I suggest we all go to the proper forums for this...and threads started by people other than the OP.


Yes, I know you'll attack me and probably call me a troll or w/e even though my Main is a Sin and my secondary is a Sorc (both gimped classes atm) but your threads do quickly deteriorate into...this.

Edited by Hockaday
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I got vanguard which needs its ranged increased, two of its animations replaced, because they do not look anything like a trooper ability. I cant fire when kneeling, I can not fire when prone, hell I cant even go prone in this game. It would be like a Sniper having everything perfect but a shadow/assassin having no force cloak, no force run, and no lightsaber. It just would not feel right. Then again who cares about a trooper right, Sith and Jedi thats where the moneys at.



Ok, I had to reply to this before I left this thread. This is just too good. You want a melee class (Vanguard / PT is melee) to have more ranged...and you're complaining about an animation. You do know you can't even go prone in this game, correct? Even if you could...it would make no sense for a vanguard or PT to prone. At all. At most it'd make sense for a dps buff for snipers that was temp or something...that's it.


So yes, please go on and tell me how bad your life is that you can't do something that isn't part of the game (besides for npcs) and that one animation is apparently bugged...why you would crouch while in combat is beyond me for anything but a sniper / gunslinger but do go on...


Also, if you want to start about animation / abilities. Try being a sin, where your useless 51 is bright pink, and so is your dark ward. Sorry, that tops all.

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Stupidest arguement against fixing Sins I've ever seen...that and this has been done on a Merc...so just L2P your class better? idk.


Also...I knew this thread would turn into this. I suggest we all go to the proper forums for this...and threads started by people other than the OP.


Yes, I know you'll attack me and probably call me a troll or w/e even though my Main is a Sin and my secondary is a Sorc (both gimped classes atm) but your threads do quickly deteriorate into...this.


Ya its funny that everyone attacking me provides baseless arguments to counter my facts and then somehow when i call them out and defend myself with facts im somehow the bad guy for wanting decent gameplay on my class. Trust me i have and others have posted numerous times on sin forums and bug forums suggestion forums. None get any attention. As this is the highest visibilty forum it would make sense for something more than gripes about over priced dyes and non primary content

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Ya its funny that everyone attacking me provides baseless arguments to counter my facts and then somehow when i call them out and defend myself with facts im somehow the bad guy for wanting decent gameplay on my class. Trust me i have and others have posted numerous times on sin forums and bug forums suggestion forums. None get any attention. As this is the highest visibilty forum it would make sense for something more than gripes about over priced dyes and non primary content


You are not the bad guy because you "want decent gameplay on your class". Defend yourself with facts? If you mean the parse, ok.


If you mean just about anything else you presented in this thread, well.....your not the bad guy for "wanting decent gameplay on your class", I'll say that.


And Ill leave it at that.


I will say, however, that I suspect you are not helping the cause to improve Sins. In fact, you are probably doing the exact opposite. Your behavior and forum history demonstrates you are probably not the best representative to promote what needs to be done.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I will say, however, that I suspect you are not helping the cause to improve Sins. In fact, you are probably doing the exact opposite. Your behavior and forum history demonstrates you are probably not the best representative to promote what needs to be done.


QFT /5char

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Yeah.. this is kind of the problem with threads like these.


IF.. all the game consisted of is a few extremely difficult end game raids.. the devs would be free to tweak exclusively to that content. Their job would be simple.


Problem is.. that's not the game. The game is more then that and has north of half a million active players playing many different parts of the game. The devs cannot simply tune a class for 1% of the content and 1% of the players.




And sins are fine. I've played one (darkness and deception) for the better part of a year. The class only suffers from 2 issues, madness sins' subpar dps and tank spikiness in Nim (which most players will never even try and even so, the hardest content has already been cleared by sins and shadows).


Deception is fine as is: monster burst out of stealth, reduced sustained. Want more sustained ? Fine but let's nerf the opening burst.

Deception is a game changer in pvp if you know how to pick your fights. The complainers are people who want to play their sin like a mara. Not happening guys.


Madness is fubar though.

Edited by Pathlight-
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And sins are fine. I've played one (darkness and deception) for the better part of a year. The class only suffers from 2 issues, madness sins' subpar dps and tank spikiness in Nim (which most players will never even try and even so, the hardest content has already been cleared by sins and shadows).


Deception is fine as is: monster burst out of stealth, reduced sustained. Want more sustained ? Fine but let's nerf the opening burst.

Deception is a game changer in pvp if you know how to pick your fights. The complainers are people who want to play their sin like a mara. Not happening guys.


Madness is fubar though.


Ok so apparently according to you and your non fact based argument its fine to do over 20 percent less damage and be unable to tank anything over hardmode. Please let me know what your main is so i can request a dps decrease and resriction from endgame content. Just because you played a class doesnt make you an expert. Thata why i provide an indesputable parse that your kind love to ignore. Still wiaitng on a fact based validation

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Ok so apparently according to you and your non fact based argument its fine to do over 20 percent less damage and be unable to tank anything over hardmode.


I agree on the DPS--it's subpar. No argument there. But it's not that they CAN'T tank Night mare Modes. They can. It just doesn't bring any benefit to the raid at the moment. All it does it put unnecessary stress on your heals etc.

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Ok so apparently according to you and your non fact based argument its fine to do over 20 percent less damage and be unable to tank anything over hardmode. Please let me know what your main is so i can request a dps decrease and resriction from endgame content. Just because you played a class doesnt make you an expert. Thata why i provide an indesputable parse that your kind love to ignore. Still wiaitng on a fact based validation


Factually untrue. You seem to cherish facts until they invalidate your little rants :rolleyes:

Edited by Pathlight-
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Factually untrue. You seem to cherish facts until they invalidate your little rants :rolleyes:


Factually true. Any class can tank anything just not succesfully sorry i forgot to say they cant tank successfully my bad. Not that they get the chance their suck is so well known every decent guilds passes on them for real tanks THAT DONT JEPOARDIZE THE WHOLE RAID

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Fact what fact trolls, seriously what fact, the op statement stated no facts only that the op wanted assassins ungimped. Secondly trolls I have a level 52 merc so yea my statement was based on fact. Thirdly little trolls the website states the vanguard is supposed to be a ranged tank not a melee tank at 10 meters. You guys have been complaining about your class being gimped on the general forums for well over a month now.


You might try not saying L2p when you cant L2R, for the challenged Learn to read, so learn to read here.


Clearly states Ranged Tank not melee 10 meters. Also there is something star wars fans look for in star wars mmos in case your not familiar with the word immersion. I know its a strange concept.

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I think the OPs point is that in the very hardest raids the game has to offer, sins are not quite as good as other classes based on having slightly lower dps...


This means the entire class is gimped...apparently.




Although all of your responses seem to be nothing but taking cheap shots at the OP, do you think you can do it without signing "Driz" in all your posts? I mean, if you want to be called Driz, why not just change your forum name. Otherwise, nobody cares.

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Assassins are undesirables in all aspects of the game other than one...solo queue PvP. Nobody wants one in their Pre-made PvP groups for Ranked WZ's. Nobody wants them in their Ops groups, because everybody knows they lack the proper DPS, and as always, they have been shunned by the basic gaming community since day one of this game.


People can claim otherwise all they like, it does not change the general consensus of the class. Parsers do not lie, the acceptance level of the class by the typical player has a bad opinion of the class for a reason, and the only people who defend the class with, "They are fine as is" seem to be the very proud forum community. Opinions in game ALWAYS differ from the opinions I see on the boards.

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Fact what fact trolls, seriously what fact, the op statement stated no facts only that the op wanted assassins ungimped. Secondly trolls I have a level 52 merc so yea my statement was based on fact. Thirdly little trolls the website states the vanguard is supposed to be a ranged tank not a melee tank at 10 meters. You guys have been complaining about your class being gimped on the general forums for well over a month now.


You might try not saying L2p when you cant L2R, for the challenged Learn to read, so learn to read here.


Clearly states Ranged Tank not melee 10 meters. Also there is something star wars fans look for in star wars mmos in case your not familiar with the word immersion. I know its a strange concept.


Really? Selective read much? Apparently you ignored the numerous parses posted provig they are gimp. Still waiting on any fact based evidence from your side that they are fine other than " i played one and are fine to me". Your subjective opinion doesnt count towards a fact based argument because you provide no facts. I have zero sympathy for you when you say sins are fine and complain about your class when your class is heads and heels above what assassins parse for. Id gladly switch you spots for your supposed gimp class


Do you not see the irony in claiming problems with your class and saying my class is fine when you are already superior by far

Edited by mmjarec
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Assassins are undesirables in all aspects of the game other than one...solo queue PvP. Nobody wants one in their Pre-made PvP groups for Ranked WZ's. Nobody wants them in their Ops groups, because everybody knows they lack the proper DPS, and as always, they have been shunned by the basic gaming community since day one of this game.


People can claim otherwise all they like, it does not change the general consensus of the class. Parsers do not lie, the acceptance level of the class by the typical player has a bad opinion of the class for a reason, and the only people who defend the class with, "They are fine as is" seem to be the very proud forum community. Opinions in game ALWAYS differ from the opinions I see on the boards.


Because out of the three tank classes I play, my healers love it best when I tank on my Shadow. Maybe I'm just good or maybe.... They're fine.

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Because out of the three tank classes I play, my healers love it best when I tank on my Shadow. Maybe I'm just good or maybe.... They're fine.


Well either you arent tanking nightmare mode or your healers are stupid or you suck at other classes. Because clealry since one person pefers a sin tank they must be fine despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary

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Well either you arent tanking nightmare mode or your healers are stupid or you suck at other classes. Because clealry since one person pefers a sin tank they must be fine despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary


I have all 8 types of classes and know how to play all of them. It's not a L2P issue and my healers do just fine.


Maybe you suck and you need to learn to play? I mean three threads about this in the general forum? Are you as bad at the game as you are with your spelling?

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Well either you arent tanking nightmare mode or your healers are stupid or you suck at other classes. Because clealry since one person pefers a sin tank they must be fine despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary


I've tanked hard and nightmare modes with my Tankasin with no real issue. Yes they are spiky but it can be overcome.

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Here's the problem with this thread it doesn't start out articulating the issues, which to be taken seriously it should. The community is tired and sees the multiple threads across forums asking for as whining, they see us in regs being regstars blowing up bads and blowing all stuns to get a quick kill and they hate it. There is no sympathy really. If we get more substained in Deception we will loss burst in the end whether its at the same time or later. The best bet is to ask for madness to be changed for PvE DPS since it has little burst compared to Decep.


The other issue is people that play the class are prone to exaggeration now when they really have no idea they just jump on the QQ train. 1 poster, who posts a lot negatively, asking for buffs didn't even know what all the abilities are. Others say they can't tank Hard mode 50 FPs lol. We need to stop that and stay to the facts and prove the point through hard factual evidence. Stretching the truth will get us no where.


I am not talking about you OP but your thread would recieve a better response if it sticks to the basics and evidence. However we will end up losing some things for whatever we gain.


Anyway trolls troll on an op rage on, good luck on your quest.

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