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Darkness PvP Build


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From the testing we've done Sins in Dark Ward that abuse Crackling Blasts, Energize and Chain Shock together with a duplicity Maul are going to be the most arena viable. (Too many stubborn tank sins still think they need force pull, drop those archaic ideals, RWZ are over- welcome to the Arena)


Deception sins are just outclassed by Marauders, fact. The variation/hybrid sin that brings dps-type burst spikes while still being able to guard seem to be the most arena viable by far. This simply means Juggs provide the most protection for the group, PT provide the most AOE damage and Sins provide the best Single target burst- from the tanking crew. We'll be running one of these exact type Sins once 2.4 goes live.


We'll be streaming although I'm not sure our Sin will be, he usually isnt a huge fan of it.

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From the testing we've done Sins in Dark Ward that abuse Crackling Blasts, Energize and Chain Shock together with a duplicity Maul are going to be the most arena viable. (Too many stubborn tank sins still think they need force pull, drop those archaic ideals, RWZ are over- welcome to the Arena)


Deception sins are just outclassed by Marauders, fact. The variation/hybrid sin that brings dps-type burst spikes while still being able to guard seem to be the most arena viable by far. This simply means Juggs provide the most protection for the group, PT provide the most AOE damage and Sins provide the best Single target burst- from the tanking crew. We'll be running one of these exact type Sins once 2.4 goes live.


We'll be streaming although I'm not sure our Sin will be, he usually isnt a huge fan of it.


What type of hybrid are you running? I am always open to learning a new spec (I run full deception atm)

Edited by lordnathanial
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I want to respond to the last 10 posts so bad. What I will do instead since I got the next week off from work is just get my rear in gear and finish this damn vid. I really wanted to get some quality duels and 2v1's in regs and some arena footage. As of late it seems finding good opponents is rare as most are on their alts. And the last week or so even when I did get in a good situation my pc wanted to run fraps at 10fps.


Anyways, Ill wait on the duel guides and the arena footage and just get the guide portion polished. At least this way you guys can see my spec and rotations. I can also show you the potential of both specs I am showing off. To be as fair and unbiased as possible, I will also go over the disadvantages of these specs. A lot of you guys are far better at pvp than I am, I am sure you guys can see my examples and be able to assess for yourself the effectiveness in pvp.

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What type of hybrid are you running? I am always open to learning a new spec (I run full deception atm)


It's basically a combination of the 3 skills presented. Crackling Blasts, Energize and Chain Shock. Exact spec might slightly vary.


1) Crackling Blasts- 50% Crit Damage with Shock

2) Energize- Auto Crit Shock and another 50% Crit Dmg with Recklessness (220%-225% Crit Shock we're talking about)

3) Chain Shock- This one might be a bug, but the second Shock benefits fully from Energize and Crackling Blasts. (meaning it also auto-crits)


Follow all that up with a Duplicity Maul (with 30% crit dmg) and possibly a second Maul if you spec 31 points after a low slash. Also, in the current game, Low Slash > Spike for tank peels. We're talking about a crazy amount of burst from a "Tank."


If you are terrible scared of dying fast don't be. I mean look at what Deception gives you. (6% dmg reduction, 30% Aoe dmg reduction and 25% dmg reduction with Blackout) Imo, this will become the go-to Arena spec for assassins.


Disclaimer- I am not an Assassin but my Arena team will be using this Assassin spec for Arena. Our Assassin thought it up and it's been awesome in application since. It looks like our team isnt the only one who has discovered this craziness though.

Edited by Xeraz
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It's basically a combination of the 3 skills presented. Crackling Blasts, Energize and Chain Shock. Exact spec might slightly vary.


1) Crackling Blasts- 50% Crit Damage with Shock

2) Energize- Auto Crit Shock and another 50% Crit Dmg with Recklessness (220%-225% Crit Shock we're talking about)

3) Chain Shock- This one might be a bug, but the second Shock benefits fully from Energize and Crackling Blasts. (meaning it also auto-crits)


Follow all that up with a Duplicity Maul (with 30% crit dmg) and possibly a second Maul if you spec 31 points after a low slash. Also, in the current game, Low Slash > Spike for tank peels. We're talking about a crazy amount of burst from a "Tank."


If you are terrible scared of dying fast don't be. I mean look at what Deception gives you. (6% dmg reduction, 30% Aoe dmg reduction and 25% dmg reduction with Blackout) Imo, this will become the go-to Arena spec for assassins.


Disclaimer- I am not an Assassin but my Arena team will be using this Assassin spec for Arena. Our Assassin thought it up and it's been awesome in application since. It looks like our team isnt the only one who has discovered this craziness though.


Do you know where the points are being placed? Is it a hybrid deception/darkness?

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It's basically a combination of the 3 skills presented. Crackling Blasts, Energize and Chain Shock. Exact spec might slightly vary.


1) Crackling Blasts- 50% Crit Damage with Shock

2) Energize- Auto Crit Shock and another 50% Crit Dmg with Recklessness (220%-225% Crit Shock we're talking about)

3) Chain Shock- This one might be a bug, but the second Shock benefits fully from Energize and Crackling Blasts. (meaning it also auto-crits)


Follow all that up with a Duplicity Maul (with 30% crit dmg) and possibly a second Maul if you spec 31 points after a low slash. Also, in the current game, Low Slash > Spike for tank peels. We're talking about a crazy amount of burst from a "Tank."


If you are terrible scared of dying fast don't be. I mean look at what Deception gives you. (6% dmg reduction, 30% Aoe dmg reduction and 25% dmg reduction with Blackout) Imo, this will become the go-to Arena spec for assassins.


Disclaimer- I am not an Assassin but my Arena team will be using this Assassin spec for Arena. Our Assassin thought it up and it's been awesome in application since. It looks like our team isnt the only one who has discovered this craziness though.


Uh, no. First your Assassin did not come up with this spec, I did back in February. Second, the synergy in the talents is a pretty good explanation of the burst potential of the spec. However a little over a month ago a guildie of mine pointed out some hidden synergy of another ability that makes this spec even more nasty. Hopefully I will have a vid on that done today or tomorrow.



This is the first time I introduced this spec. For those that follow these forums they can testify that I have posted about this spec at least 100 times since then.

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Tried this 12/31 hybrid last night in some 4v4s and duels, its true the opening burst is stupidly powerful if you get the procs early enough. The build has one huge problem though, the force regen is the worst thing I've ever seen. To the point you're completely useless outside of that burst. Pretty difficult to do a hard target swap when you've got 30% force and are stuck with nothing but saberstrike.
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Uh, no. First your Assassin did not come up with this spec, I did back in February. Second, the synergy in the talents is a pretty good explanation of the burst potential of the spec. However a little over a month ago a guildie of mine pointed out some hidden synergy of another ability that makes this spec even more nasty. Hopefully I will have a vid on that done today or tomorrow.



This is the first time I introduced this spec. For those that follow these forums they can testify that I have posted about this spec at least 100 times since then.


Touchy, Touchy. It's all "yours" then. Wait, actually that doesn't make my statement false.. at all.. "It looks like our team isn't the only one who has discovered this craziness though."

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Touchy, Touchy. It's all "yours" then. Wait, actually that doesn't make my statement false.. at all.. "It looks like our team isn't the only one who has discovered this craziness though."


Fair enough. I guess it can be thought of be someone as easy as it was for me to think of it.


I'm first though!!! lol.

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Fair enough. I guess it can be thought of be someone as easy as it was for me to think of it.


I'm first though!!! lol.


Speaking of this spec and its force management problems, though... Why the bloody hell do you guys put 2 points in Static Cling and 1 in Magnetism (which are pretty much useless talents, all they do is slow down your target, basically) instead of putting 1 point in Static Cling and the other 2 points in Saber Conduit? I mean, 10 force each 10 seconds isn't much, but it's far better than putting points in slows, especially since this spec has such force management problems.


Tomorrow I'll test it, since I actually haven't tried it at all, but that's what struck me when I first looked at the spec.

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Speaking of this spec and its force management problems, though... Why the bloody hell do you guys put 2 points in Static Cling and 1 in Magnetism (which are pretty much useless talents, all they do is slow down your target, basically) instead of putting 1 point in Static Cling and the other 2 points in Saber Conduit? I mean, 10 force each 10 seconds isn't much, but it's far better than putting points in slows, especially since this spec has such force management problems.


Tomorrow I'll test it, since I actually haven't tried it at all, but that's what struck me when I first looked at the spec.


The variation our sin using doesn't go the full 31 points into Deception. Regardless some of those abilities you mention require surging charge.

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Xeraz, you keep talking about your team, streaming, etc. Who are you? I don't recognize the forum name and so I don't know how good you are or why we should care about the testing you've done. O.O


That's not meant to be rude btw. It's just that if I tested something with my team for, let's say 10 hours. And Exilove tested the same thing with his team for the same time frame we might draw different conclusions because he's way better than me and can play at a higher level.

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Xeraz, you keep talking about your team, streaming, etc. Who are you? I don't recognize the forum name and so I don't know how good you are or why we should care about the testing you've done. O.O


That's not meant to be rude btw. It's just that if I tested something with my team for, let's say 10 hours. And Exilove tested the same thing with his team for the same time frame we might draw different conclusions because he's way better than me and can play at a higher level.


Glory from Matchless Gaming. After our guild quit in 1.2 we have returned for arena and it should be relatively enjoyable until Wildstar. I could care less about the established players from RWZs as much of them seem pretty bad, tbh.


Take my advice or leave it, regardless I'll be streaming come Oct 1st.

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Glory from Matchless Gaming. After our guild quit in 1.2 we have returned for arena and it should be relatively enjoyable until Wildstar. I could care less about the established players from RWZs as much of them seem pretty bad, tbh.


Take my advice or leave it, regardless I'll be streaming come Oct 1st.


Pretty sure I've heard of you. :) If Arenas are kind of blah, I'm looking forward to Wildstar, too.

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Xeraz, you keep talking about your team, streaming, etc. Who are you? I don't recognize the forum name and so I don't know how good you are or why we should care about the testing you've done. O.O


That's not meant to be rude btw. It's just that if I tested something with my team for, let's say 10 hours. And Exilove tested the same thing with his team for the same time frame we might draw different conclusions because he's way better than me and can play at a higher level.


You can't dismiss someones opinion entirely on the basis of not recognising them, If you know them to be bad then its a different matter. But I'm willing to bet theres quite a few assasins on various servers can play to an extremely high level that have no intrest in forums.

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The variation our sin using doesn't go the full 31 points into Deception. Regardless some of those abilities you mention require surging charge.

And to expand further on this only the Recklessness CD decrease out of combat and the Maul surge bonus would be available in Dark Charge from the builds I linked.


The alternative would be to drop the Recklessness points and to pick up the slow talent and +10 force, but I thought my way was less useless. ;)

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If you cant win 1v1 playing as a tanksin in dps gear, you're doing it wrong.


I see this comment way too much and if you are beating Full deception as dps tank sin its because the player is either bad, undergeared or both. I've been beating Darkness Dps builds 1 vs 1 since before 1.4 when it was the OP Flavor of the Year spec. With the amount of defensive talents Deception has now and easy reset on Reck. you cant out live our burst period. I have old videos and new showing me beating it in 2 vs 1 scenarios. Stop posting this garbage ty.

Edited by Elyna_
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I see this comment way too much and if you are beating Full deception as dps tank sin its because the player is either bad, undergeared or both. I've been beating Darkness Dps builds 1 vs 1 since before 1.4 when it was the OP Flavor of the Year spec. With the amount of defensive talents Deception has now and easy reset on Reck. you cant out live our burst period. I have old videos and new showing me beating it in 2 vs 1 scenarios. Stop posting this garbage ty.


Oh I'm sorry sir. But you are wrong.


You see, any assassin/shadow that knows his own class any well knows exactly what the enemy player is up to. Hence why it is entirely possible for a darkness specced assassin to outlast those 2 burst phases.


It's not like you can chain them one after another effectively either. That resolve is going to be full before resetting is even worth thinking about. Not to speak about the fact that the enemy player isn't just going to let you pound him.



Saying Deception beats Darkness(DPS) 1v1 is almost ridiculous. Sure, when the deception player knows his stuff a lot better than the darkness player.. but in any other case the darkness player should come out victorious. The problem, once again, is just that it takes too %^#@ing long to work in any other place than a duel.

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Hey guys, evoike and elyna. Ive been asking for a sin v sin guide for awhile, asked xinka on her youtube channal, asked around the forums. This is pretty much the one match up I lose 100% unless Im fighting someone terrible who really doesnt know what they are doing.


Crit auto pushs shield and absorb off the combat table so a big part of the mitigation is gone when they Reck>discharge/shock you for 33% of your health pool. Thats just the opener and it goes down hill from there. Wither doesnt hit hard enough to cause pressure and if they are smart they save some resolve to screw up your harnassed darkness casts and GG.


If the two of you (or anyone else for that matter) would spend 5 minutes of your time, just walking through how to deal with this encounter it would be an ENORMOUS help to me. You both seem pretty confident you know what your talking about. Will...will you help?

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That was the main reason I responded to this post DarkKitten... People are telling you that your basically playing bad because you cannot win this match up when in essence you are the one with the disadvantage in this fight. Evolixe can say whatever nonsense they want but the fact is once your shroud is over you will eat our reck. crits. The Harnessed Darkness procs can be countered with Overload, Electrocute, Force Shroud, and Force Cloak. Even vs fully geared Tank sins my mauls crit for 7k+.... Your mitigation and Dps is not high enough to keep up especially below 30% HP. I don't play darkness but I can see if my friend Turrican wants to do some duels to show how the fight plays out. No promises on how quick I can pop out a vid since I been playing FFXIV 2.0. ^^;
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