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Why I quit this game... dissapointed...


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Yea I get that, what I'm saying is if you treat what he's saying as making sense - you're accepting what he's saying at face value. That he is, in fact, an above average player.


If it wasn't clear, I was implying that he was falling very much victim to the effect, as he is very clearly wrong. Basically supporting what you said.

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That's because you understand the game better than he does. Guys, you have to attack each target equally to pressure the enemy healer into having to heal everyone, even guarded targets. Healers think they can get off easy and not have to heal guarded targets, prove them wrong, and kill them when they're weak!! You know what else bothers me? When my teammates use stealth to guard nodes. I always tell them not to use stealth because if their opponents see the nodes are guarded they won't come. People need to L2P.


That's freaking brilliant advice! As we all know, WZ's are all about the objectives, nobody does them to "fight"...showing you're willing to defend an objective is a massive deterrent. I wanna WZ with you my friend!


So basically... you redux the concept of focus fire to it's lowest common denominator.. self. :)


What about when a premade decides to give you a gank spank? :p


MANO Y MANO Andryah...it's all about ME...MANO...UNO...ME'O! When that happens, I simply complain about premades on the forums. Works too...I take credit for the coming arenas...you're welcome ;)

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Decided to leave this comment as I feel an unsatisfied feeling about all this. I played quite a while and build fully geared top level character mostly showing more then average results in wz. i was mostly dedicated to pvp. PvP aspect of the game feels to me most disappointing, not to mention low frames in wz even on a decent pc. Illogical balance of power between classes. For instance a sage that can take damage more then a tank and then heal himself in seconds or sniper that practically impossible to kill even in melee combat. Sentinels that dies as if they where naked and in general do damage less then a healer. This can be continued on and on..


I started playing this game because had a strong sympathy for Star Wars thing. But unfortunately this game in my opinion is not worth it's name...


In reading this I have just one question for the OP. Do you keyboard turn?

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Exactly. I never like to see people go, but these complaints don't jive with what actually occurs. Sent bring squishy is great no wonder there's all the nerf Sents/Mara threads do to their DCDs that are best in game on a DPS class and will be the predominate choice for DPS in arena.


What complaints really do.


My favorite...folks that said they were hitting the cancel button because sprint was moved from 14 to 1. Folks will always find things they don't like, for some it's enough to leave.

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