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Poor bioware..


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This is all EA charging 2000cc for a dye lol **** not bioware, however i would like to add people should stop this "if you dont like it dont buy it" attitude. Dont you love that? the whole "i think i know more than you attitude" to all of you just go and do one!


Truth is i like many people i want to spend money on the cartel market ! trust me i do ! i would happily spend 600cc on the dyes but 2000cc is beyond the biscuit ;)


no one buy this scat!


bioware grow some coconuts and tell EA what is what ! remember who made your game ! not EA! we did! we are the reason you are still here!!!



that is all...


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I'm with the "if you don't like it don't buy it" crowd...


2000CC is actually a huge discount over how many CC most people needed to spend on random dye packs trying to get one...


Going by the average CC to in-game credit conversion rate based on GTN prices, this will also make them more affordable in-game so it's a win-win-win for everyone. The game makes money, people with money get dyes for cheaper than if they buy the random packs in the hopes of getting one, and people with credits get dyes for cheaper because people with money want credits.

Edited by Panegyrist
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What I don't understand is what kind of in game economy scale they are working with. You bring more flies to honey. Digital goods have a value point that when reached then basically turns into free money.


Why not sell the things for 300cm and watch players buy 7 of them for all their toons and make the same $21 from the player versus setting the price at 2000c and watching 10% of the player base buy one?


Further, there seems to be no consistent value on CM items. A mount is $20, a dye is $20, a transfer is $20. It feels like I'm walking into Apple and everything is $29.99 no matter what it is.

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This is all EA charging 2000cc for a dye lol **** not bioware, however i would like to add people should stop this "if you dont like it dont buy it" attitude. Dont you love that? the whole "i think i know more than you attitude" to all of you just go and do one!


Truth is i like many people i want to spend money on the cartel market ! trust me i do ! i would happily spend 600cc on the dyes but 2000cc is beyond the biscuit ;)


no one buy this scat!


bioware grow some coconuts and tell EA what is what ! remember who made your game ! not EA! we did! we are the reason you are still here!!!



that is all...



you're kidding right? Stop the if you dont like it, dont buy it attitude? Thats the way the world works, kid. I really like Ferrari's but ya know what I cant drop 500,000 bucks on a car. Dont hear me whining about Ferrari charging too much. I'd like to live in a castle, but guess how much that costs? Wouldnt mind a 70 foot yacht while I'm at it. Stop whining and complaining how much they charge for something. They get to set the price, it's theirs. Get a better job.

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you're kidding right? Stop the if you dont like it, dont buy it attitude? Thats the way the world works, kid. I really like Ferrari's but ya know what I cant drop 500,000 bucks on a car. Dont hear me whining about Ferrari charging too much. I'd like to live in a castle, but guess how much that costs? Wouldnt mind a 70 foot yacht while I'm at it. Stop whining and complaining how much they charge for something. They get to set the price, it's theirs. Get a better job.


hahahahahaha such a comparison what an idiot

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you're kidding right? Stop the if you dont like it, dont buy it attitude? Thats the way the world works, kid. I really like Ferrari's but ya know what I cant drop 500,000 bucks on a car. Dont hear me whining about Ferrari charging too much. I'd like to live in a castle, but guess how much that costs? Wouldnt mind a 70 foot yacht while I'm at it. Stop whining and complaining how much they charge for something. They get to set the price, it's theirs. Get a better job.


If you think any of those are actually comparable, you probably need some actual help. Y'know, in the head. Seriously.

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*le sigh* To all those -If you don't like it don't buy it

-If you don't like it leave the game


Seriously though that attitude is just down right harmful considering how many left over the time this game is running. So stop that please...

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Truth is i like many people i want to spend money on the cartel market ! trust me i do ! i would happily spend 600cc on the dyes but 2000cc is beyond the biscuit ;)

If it were 600, you'd be asking for it to be 400.


*le sigh* To all those -If you don't like it don't buy it

-If you don't like it leave the game


Seriously though that attitude is just down right harmful considering how many left over the time this game is running. So stop that please...

The game is not going to fail because people tell others "If you don't like it, quit." And even if it did, so what?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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If it were 600, you'd be asking for it to be 400.


I was expecting it to be 800-1000, actually. If it was 600 i would have been pleasantly surprised.


Compare it to other things. Cathar unlock is 600. you unlock Cathar forever for all characters. The dye you get once and is no reusable. It just makes no sense.

Edited by chuixupu
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It's EAs test to see how much we will throw at the dye. If people are crazy enough to do it, then they will keep adding more and upping the price. They better up my monthly grant :D


Same way PGI are with MWO.

They put the in game items as rediculously expensive, but since ppl buy them, they stay high price. Its what the market will bear

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I was expecting it to be 800-1000, actually. If it was 600 i would have been pleasantly surprised.


Compare it to other things. Cathar unlock is 600. you unlock Cathar forever for all characters. The dye you get once and is no reusable. It just makes no sense.



Okay I just wanted to input the common logic of supply and demand here. Best case scenario is if no one buys it (which is unlikely) or very few buy it. They will place it on sale like some of the other items that are on the CC market. Worst case scenario, they take it off. lol Either way i don't see people rage quitting because of a price of a dye. If you are about to delete your account and rage quit and not a sub or preferred player. Not much difference anyways. There's my two cents for the day.



** so no one goes off the wall there was no reason for the quote i selected. I just clicked it ot easily post. (Lazy)

Edited by Tenerous
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Price is retarded, period. Another attempt at the money sink for ea to keep this game alive.

Again, you people who say dont like, dont buy it. Just shut up already. I can afford anything at anytime

in this game. I spend hundreds of dollars a month buying cm crap for my toons. I even get told not

to spend what I do.

And Im not wasting that money for 1 item, if it does not become bound to account, and collections, so I can use it anytime after when I want.

Most of you tards need to quit talking about what you dont know, or think you know, quite sad.

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I don't think people understand the ramifications that 2k CC for a dye entails. If the sale of this dye succeeds, it will simply give justification for future price markups. First its dye for 2k. Then its this mask for 3k. Then its some other cosmetic item for 4k and so on and so forth...


"How much is too much?" is debatable but consider this: are you prepared to give the company future leverage because you accepted such a price?

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I don't think people understand the ramifications that 2k CC for a dye entails. If the sale of this dye succeeds, it will simply give justification for future price markups. First its dye for 2k. Then its this mask for 3k. Then its some other cosmetic item for 4k and so on and so forth...


"How much is too much?" is debatable but consider this: are you prepared to give the company future leverage because you accepted such a price?


That's what so many people have been trying to say.


When people say "if you don't like it, don't buy it"...this is their point.


Yet we have simple minded people telling everyone to stop saying that or even going as far as calling them "tards". It's absurd.


What you do with your money will talk a whole lot more than complaining on the forums.


As one poster in one of the many threads on this topic said...their sales of said product will be the only outliner on whether or not they drop the price...not forum suggestions...or outrage.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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In the United States, we have this thing called a free market, the idea is that businesses are able to provide goods and services in exchange for money. You as a consumer, are free to pick and choose what you spend YOUR money on, Bioware is the business, trying to make as much money as possible. 20 bucks for the black/black dye is Bioware's opening price, not very many people will spend that money, but the idea is to keep Black/Black rare. Eventually the price will drop and more people will buy it, it's a simple supply demand graph.


If you feel 20 bucks for a one time dye is too much (I feel the same way) you are free to hold onto that money, nobody is forcing you to spend your Cartel coins. Wait until those people who will spend 20 bucks for one dye stop buying it, then BW will lower the price.


Standard Economics

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Okay I just wanted to input the common logic of supply and demand here. Best case scenario is if no one buys it (which is unlikely) or very few buy it. They will place it on sale like some of the other items that are on the CC market. Worst case scenario, they take it off. lol Either way i don't see people rage quitting because of a price of a dye. If you are about to delete your account and rage quit and not a sub or preferred player. Not much difference anyways. There's my two cents for the day.



** so no one goes off the wall there was no reason for the quote i selected. I just clicked it ot easily post. (Lazy)


Yeah, I'm not even that upset, just mildly disappointed and expressing my disappointment and confusion over the price they have chosen. I have my limits for what I'll pay for a type of item. There are bigger issues than this to get upset over. But I do hope that either 1) nobody buys it, forcing them to lower the price, or 2) so many people buy this and put it on the GTN that the price for credits becomes ridiculously low. ;) In any case I'll wait for it to go on sale.

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What I don't understand is what kind of in game economy scale they are working with. You bring more flies to honey. Digital goods have a value point that when reached then basically turns into free money.


Why not sell the things for 300cm and watch players buy 7 of them for all their toons and make the same $21 from the player versus setting the price at 2000c and watching 10% of the player base buy one?


Further, there seems to be no consistent value on CM items. A mount is $20, a dye is $20, a transfer is $20. It feels like I'm walking into Apple and everything is $29.99 no matter what it is.


This is an incredibly accurate and well thought out commentary on Bioware's pricing on the CC. The only way I would buy a black dye for $20 is if it was in collections and was unlimited.

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