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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

20 bucks for a one use dye, REALLY?


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These things will sell like hotcakes and will resell on GTNs like hotcakes as well.




This. People don't realize that there are people that play video games that have more money than they know what to do with. If you (or your parents) earned a couple hundred thousand a year ++, 20 bucks is a drop in the water tower. Its normal income people that are complaining. Its very easy not to spend 20$ and still get the dye. It's called the GTN.

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This. People don't realize that there are people that play video games that have more money than they know what to do with. If you (or your parents) earned a couple hundred thousand a year ++, 20 bucks is a drop in the water tower. Its normal income people that are complaining. Its very easy not to spend 20$ and still get the dye. It's called the GTN.


As I said in my previous post, it's likely that these dyes will drop to as low as 800k before the end of the first month.

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Complains comes because this game is not about Star wars anymore, it's about Cartel Market and money !


There's so much bugs left in this game and things to add too improve the game that are put in the corner to focus on CM that nobody needs !


Then they wonder why people leave the game to see is the grass is greener somewhere else !

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Complains comes because this game is not about Star wars anymore, it's about Cartel Market and money !


There's so much bugs left in this game and things to add too improve the game that are put in the corner to focus on CM that nobody needs !


Then they wonder why people leave the game to see is the grass is greener somewhere else !


That's another issue entirely. Bugs have nothing to do with the new dyes available from the CM

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Complains comes because this game is not about Star wars anymore, it's about Cartel Market and money !


There's so much bugs left in this game and things to add too improve the game that are put in the corner to focus on CM that nobody needs !


Then they wonder why people leave the game to see is the grass is greener somewhere else !


So true. Perception is reality. Still having crashes on esseles and black talon for over a year now. Dreadtooth at 10 stacks can't handle 24 people on the screen. CZ198 gets some very interesting lag spikes when heavily populated. The CM just seems to be getting worse. The price just shows that it's all about the microtransactions and EA trying to milk every extra cent they possibly can. Odd how it's more than full gear sets. I was disappointed they way dyes were done after trying out GW2 and having a totally customizable color options. I am surprised people still spend real life money to buy hyper crates and packs to sell all of it on gtn. I am amazed that people keep going for the reskinned stuff that comes with every new pack. It seems like very little is ending up to be rare and can be sold for a decent amount of creds on the gtn. I'm wondering how long people will put up with this pattern.

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Which in turn is cheaper than it was before. Much cheaper. I fail to see what people are complaining about...?


For $20, the dye packs should be in the collections page. Period. No argument, no excuse. As is now, its $20 to change a piece of gear from, lets face reality, a ****** colour scheme to something decent. A month down the road something new comes out? $20. A month after that? $20. Etc, etc, etc. This is ontop of an active subscription.


Most of the new and shiny things that people like/want have been released with rather terribly looking original colour setups. Intentional or not, this forces players to change their looks repeatedly at a, currently, prohibitive cost. I have personally now bought 4 of those black/black dyes off of the AH, and use them across multiple characters. My BH was forced to buy a Black/Black dye for her boots, as Bioware completely broke the secondary colours on them. I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to just unlock it on my collections page once and for all, seems to be that THIS was what the tab was designed for. Yes?

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For $20, the dye packs should be in the collections page. Period. No argument, no excuse. As is now, its $20 to change a piece of gear from, lets face reality, a ****** colour scheme to something decent. A month down the road something new comes out? $20. A month after that? $20. Etc, etc, etc. This is ontop of an active subscription.


Most of the new and shiny things that people like/want have been released with rather terribly looking original colour setups. Intentional or not, this forces players to change their looks repeatedly at a, currently, prohibitive cost. I have personally now bought 4 of those black/black dyes off of the AH, and use them across multiple characters. My BH was forced to buy a Black/Black dye for her boots, as Bioware completely broke the secondary colours on them. I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to just unlock it on my collections page once and for all, seems to be that THIS was what the tab was designed for. Yes?


You don't have to buy it if you don't agree with it.

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I think there are several intermingled points being made here. Many folks, myself included, are upset by the cost of the dyes. Particularly, since they are single use. And even more so when compared to the prices for other items in the GTN. When I can purchase an expansion to the game for less money than a single use commodity, there is an issue with pricing. That's like saying, here's a fishing rod, bait, and tackle for $10, or you can buy this fish, that you'll eat and it'll be gone, for $40.


The defense that I have seen most is, "well, people will still buy them like hotcakes, causing the GTN price to drop, so why are you complaining." I have an answer for that. First, at a lower CC price, they would also sell (like even hotter cakes) and the GTN price will also drop. So, saying we shouldn't complain about the CC cost because we'll be able to buy it on the GTN for less, is a little disingenuous. Since, that would be the case no matter what the CC cost of the dyes. They will inevitably end up on the GTN. So, why not put the CC cost of a one time use item at a more reasonable level.


Which brings me to the second defense of the price. If, on the other hand, the concern is maintaining the "specialness" of the black/black and white/white as a "status symbol" for those that need such things, then it makes sense somewhat. However, to that I ask, why use the dyes as a status symbol at all? And further, how is it a status symbol if one can simply buy it off the GTN or from the Cartel Market directly. I would argue that colors are not (or at least shouldn't be) added to the game so that some players can lord their color over another, but rather so that people can enjoy expressing themselves and try out various color combos. Or, heaven forbid, follow traditional color lore and use black on their sith and white on their jedi.


The status symbols in the game should be those things that you get from accomplishing things IN THE GAME. Like the rare mount that only drops from Nightmare Scum and Villainy. Or the armor that can only be earned by finishing the Macrobinoculars and Seeker droid missions (albeit to a lesser extent). Anything that can be purchased from the GTN and/or the Cartel Market, is not and should not be a "status symbol" in the game.


Don't get me wrong, I understand that Bioware is in this to make money. And the dyes will sell, so overall, that's on us as the consumers of the product. But any arguments for why the price is what it is, other than "because Bioware can make it that price" are flawed. Which ultimately brings us back to the original complaint that the price is too high for what it really is. Unfortunately, it just won't matter, because people will still buy it.

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Thank you for spending the time and not bothering to read a single thing I posted, your feedback is appreciated.


No I read it and it pretty much came down to this.


"20$ is too outrageous if we pay this it'lll $20 all the time from now on in the future!"


But if you don't agree with it and don't buy it, then perhaps you could send a message to your supposed corporate overlords and really stick it to the man.


Otherwise please continue to support your local cartel market and pick up some fresh produce today!

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Don't get me wrong, I understand that Bioware is in this to make money. And the dyes will sell, so overall, that's on us as the consumers of the product. But any arguments for why the price is what it is, other than "because Bioware can make it that price" are flawed. Which ultimately brings us back to the original complaint that the price is too high for what it really is. Unfortunately, it just won't matter, because people will still buy it.

Agreed, the only reason that matters is "Because BWEA says so." But the ultimate power is in players' hands. They can simply choose to not buy it. Companies do not lower the price of a good or service simply because customers ask or demand it.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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The price sounds absurd, yet if you buy cartel packs, sell them on the GTN for credits, then buy a Black/Black dye on the GTN today, chances are you would have spent about $20 (or more). The prices are roughly (it varies per server of course) current market value. They didn't just make them up.


If they are wrong about the price, they will drop them (like they did with that terrible armor set a month or so back). Even if they do sell, they will certainly go on sale at some point. What's most likely is that mathematically impaired people will buy them and sell them on the GTN for far less than the going exchange rate, just like they already do for all the expensive unlocks.

Edited by XavinNydek
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No I read it and it pretty much came down to this.


"20$ is too outrageous if we pay this it'lll $20 all the time from now on in the future!"


But if you don't agree with it and don't buy it, then perhaps you could send a message to your supposed corporate overlords and really stick it to the man.


Otherwise please continue to support your local cartel market and pick up some fresh produce today!


No. You continue failing to grasp the basic premise of what I am saying and I strongly suspect you did little more but skim(if that) through my post. I have bought and used the dyes repeatedly, I have extra's sitting in my bank as it is.


However, the moment Bioware placed the dyes in the cartel market they changed the equation. Currently, as designed and implemented by Bioware, any purchase you make off of the cartel store is unlocked the instant you equip it on your collections page. If you don't believe me, or simply are not aware of how the system works, I recommend you go try it and come back once you've muddled your way through.


Dyes, however, are a very noticeable and without a doubt intentional exclusion to that very system.


I, as a paying customer and pion who's life is at the mercy of our corporate overlords, am simply pointing out the absurdity its exclusion (considering the rather steep price tag now associated with it.)

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Complains comes because this game is not about Star wars anymore, it's about Cartel Market and money !


There's so much bugs left in this game and things to add too improve the game that are put in the corner to focus on CM that nobody needs !


Then they wonder why people leave the game to see is the grass is greener somewhere else !


This is and always has been a vehicle for profit. I challenge anyone to find something based on Star Wars that is not designed to generate profit....there might be a few examples here and there, but I bet the vast majority of things in this franchise are profit vehicles.


This game is no exception.

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No. You continue failing to grasp the basic premise of what I am saying and I strongly suspect you did little more but skim(if that) through my post. I have bought and used the dyes repeatedly, I have extra's sitting in my bank as it is.


However, the moment Bioware placed the dyes in the cartel market they changed the equation. Currently, as designed and implemented by Bioware, any purchase you make off of the cartel store is unlocked the instant you equip it on your collections page. If you don't believe me, or simply are not aware of how the system works, I recommend you go try it and come back once you've muddled your way through.


Dyes, however, are a very noticeable and without a doubt intentional exclusion to that very system.


I, as a paying customer and pion who's life is at the mercy of our corporate overlords, am simply pointing out the absurdity its exclusion (considering the rather steep price tag now associated with it.)


Lol, my collection is very extensive with the amount of crap I've unlocked.


The dye system hasn't been added to the collections since it was implemented. I strongly suspect these two dyes won't be added either since you know there isn't a Dye tab on the collections page currently.


Now like I said before. You don't have to buy it if you don't agree with it. Don't understand why this is so hard to grasp.

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Lol, my collection is very extensive with the amount of crap I've unlocked.


The dye system hasn't been added to the collections since it was implemented. I strongly suspect these two dyes won't be added either since you know there isn't a Dye tab on the collections page currently.


Now like I said before. You don't have to buy it if you don't agree with it. Don't understand why this is so hard to grasp.


I'm going to dumb this down as far as I can. We are having a failure to communicate. You are talking about something that isn't even part of the conversation.


I don't have a problem purchasing things from the cash shop. The last pack saw me drop $80.


ALL previous cartel market purchases have been added to the collections page. Again. ALL. As in EVERY SINGLE ONE. Its part of their own design. The collections page was MADE by Bioware to work that way. By adding the dyes, Bioware themselves have placed those items in the very same category. They and, honestly, neither do you get to play pick and choose.


This is an exception, and it is a ridiculous exception. If I, as a customer, am giving them my money which, and because I fully expect this to yet again be lost on you I will repeat, I have no problem doing I expect a certain level of customer satisfaction. This, from the perspective of someone who regularly spends money in the cartel store, is a rip off.

Edited by SammuelSK
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Are B/B and W/W dyes really that desirable?


I wanted B/B myself, I suppose, on my SW and SI, but the eradicator and diabolist sets scratched that itch. And I found a brown/white dye for cheap that gave my shadow a white robe.


It's mostly because it gives more neutral colors to aesthetics that are otherwise using a crayon box, two-tone color system. Would rather have no color than a lot of the colors they come up with!

Edited by Gaff
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