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20 bucks for a one use dye, REALLY?


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Which had absolutely nothing to do with this MMO either. You can't make a connection, so stop trying.


A lot of people do not like EA for a lot of different reasons.. but SWTOR today is not one of them. If anything.. SWTOR is positive to the overall EA image now given the recovery of the MMO from it's nosedive last summer.


Stops with the facts, it hurting the rhetoric.

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No. I applied logic.


He attempted to make an unsubstantiated connection between the faux vote for worst company on the internet and it somehow being related to this thread topic.. a product that during the voting period was not even broken out and listed in the EA earnings calls.


He made a baseless claim driven by his conflation and I called him on it. Of course he will not respond because I am on his /ignore list.. but I don't care.. my comment was for other readers not him.




EA won the worst company vote for a second time in April 2013. Cartel Market was released late 2012. Whatever your opinion on the validity of that particular vote, the connection can indeed be substantiated.


So it does have relevance to this thread, not the specifics of the dye pricing of course, but the wider Cartel Market issues we've been discussing.

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Which had absolutely nothing to do with this MMO either. You can't make a connection, so stop trying.


A lot of people do not like EA for a lot of different reasons.. but SWTOR today is not one of them. If anything.. SWTOR is positive to the overall EA image now given the recovery of the MMO from it's nosedive last summer.


EA just made Bioware release this game 1 year before they should release.

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EA won the worst company vote for a second time in April 2013. Cartel Market was released late 2012. Whatever your opinion on the validity of that particular vote, the connection can indeed be substantiated.


So it does have relevance to this thread, not the specifics of the dye pricing of course, but the wider Cartel Market issues we've been discussing.


Someone is, once again, not checking on facts.


In any case, nowhere in my post did I say that EA was voted the worst company because of swtor, but that their practices in this game do not help their public perception in any way. That was the point. Also once again, someone cherry picks one comment in a post, ignores the rest, and goes on a tirade with pseudo facts.

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Where is all the continued outrage over this? First they mislead us and say they'll be available on the CM, then they back track and say it was only for a limited release? I unsubbed immediately after this debacle and do not intend to resub until something is done about it.


The 2k CC cost is pretty steep, but I could live with it if it were bound to your legacy and not only a single use! The fact that it's a single use vanity item for $20 is the absolute definition of insanity and greed! What ever happened to the MICRO in microtransactions? Get with the program BW, DO SOMETHING to make your fan base happy.


And anyone who's as peeved at this as I am, the only way to make them understand is to stop buying their stupid gambling dye packs, stop supporting the CM all together, and unsub. The choice is yours, but unfortunately they'll never listen until you impact their bottom line.

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Where is all the continued outrage over this? First they mislead us and say they'll be available on the CM, then they back track and say it was only for a limited release? I unsubbed immediately after this debacle and do not intend to resub until something is done about it.


I'm guessing people ran out of hot air after it turned out these are randomly appearing 'hot sale' items that few took advantage of.


Course if more people take your stance there will only be less outrage over time as you can't post if you don't sub :p

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The 2k CC cost is pretty steep, but I could live with it if it were bound to your legacy and not only a single use! The fact that it's a single use vanity item for $20 is the absolute definition of insanity and greed! What ever happened to the MICRO in microtransactions? Get with the program BW, DO SOMETHING to make your fan base happy.


Whatever happened to NOT buying the things you consider overpriced?

Whatever happened to NOT raging over the most insignificant things?


yes, sometimes I do wonder.

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Where is all the continued outrage over this?


It's all on you now... make it happen. :)


First they mislead us and say they'll be available on the CM, then they back track and say it was only for a limited release?


to be fair.. being on the CM was a true statement. They were. Limited release was not communicated, and so there was nothing to back track on YET. You cannot make an assumption into a backtrack. You have to say something and then retract it to make a back track. You can however, backtrack your incorrect assumption at any time.. since it is yours and you own it.


I unsubbed immediately after this debacle and do not intend to resub until something is done about it.


Whose going to carry the pitchforks into battle then??


And in other news... the cost of B/B dyes has fallen to around 2M credits (persistently) on Harbinger.. and there are way more of them listed on the GTN. That's a good thing.. for people who would like to spend in game wealth to get them instead of real life wealth. Prices will continue to drop I'm sure as more sales cycles pop on the CM... since everyone will know to watch for them and grab them that wants to buy them directly from the CM.

Edited by Andryah
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I'm guessing people ran out of hot air after it turned out these are randomly appearing 'hot sale' items that few took advantage of.


Course if more people take your stance there will only be less outrage over time as you can't post if you don't sub :p


Don't know if you've noticed but there is WAY less outrage (and praise) being posted now. Either subs are way down, or people stopped caring.

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Well, I was never doing the howling but I was responding. And I stopped simply because it seems both sides got tired.


On the other hand, I got my a White/White module for 700k from a player selling them on the fleet. So... I didn't spend any real additional dollars and got the over priced, over hyped dye by just playing the game. Perhaps others have started to use the same tact.

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Don't know if you've noticed but there is WAY less outrage (and praise) being posted now. Either subs are way down, or people stopped caring.


Praise doesn't really get posted, not in the same capacity outrage does. So it seems to me the more likely thing is no major boneheaded dev moves lately. That or school :p

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Don't know if you've noticed but there is WAY less outrage (and praise) being posted now. Either subs are way down, or people stopped caring.


Ah! The sky is falling! (again)


I still see plenty of people and instances on every planet I visit. I do not see large population drops, so I suspect we are doing just fine. The rage waves tend to eb and flow. We'll see more sooner than we need to.

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Ah! The sky is falling! (again)


I still see plenty of people and instances on every planet I visit. I do not see large population drops, so I suspect we are doing just fine. The rage waves tend to eb and flow. We'll see more sooner than we need to.


It was just an observation. Used to be you couldn't find a post on this forum if it went half an hour without some one replying to it.

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It was just an observation. Used to be you couldn't find a post on this forum if it went half an hour without some one replying to it.


That.. was quite a while ago my friend. The forum is on average a much more level headed discussion forum these days compared to the venom festing against Bioware a year ago. We don't always agree, but at least for the most part thoughtful topics get thoughtful discussion. We still get some silly personal rage threads though.. but they are fewer and many of these don't go anywhere anymore except into the nether pages.


But no worries.. each patch has at least one or two horses worth a good flogging and slogging in the forum. :)

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Don't know if you've noticed but there is WAY less outrage (and praise) being posted now. Either subs are way down, or people stopped caring.


Yeah....the rage subsided because subs are down.



You covered your *** with "or people stopped caring".


But seriously, where do you come up with this stuff?


This posted fell off main page somehow might equal subs are down??? It might also mean half the planet died from mutant bacteria. Somehow I think both are highly unlikely.

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Yeah....the rage subsided because subs are down.



You covered your *** with "or people stopped caring".


But seriously, where do you come up with this stuff?


This posted fell off main page somehow might equal subs are down??? It might also mean half the planet died from mutant bacteria. Somehow I think both are highly unlikely.


Posts are down. Perhaps the problem is you are reading what you think I am saying and not what I am actually saying.


Stop and think. Lay off the personal attacks please.

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Posts are down. Perhaps the problem is you are reading what you think I am saying and not what I am actually saying.


Stop and think. Lay off the personal attacks please.


Please post the official forums metrics. Thanks.



If anything the forums are more volatile than ever...I can't even begin to guess the actual activity. But until you can add data to your argument beyond the obvious (like a dead forum) I'd say your argument is DOA.


And I pretty much say what I want here within reason...and it wasn't a personal attack. Cheers.

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Don't know if you've noticed but there is WAY less outrage (and praise) being posted now. Either subs are way down, or people stopped caring.


I can tell you I am still peeved at this debacle but I have given up voicing my opinion on it as much anymore. It isn't as if Bioware or EA listens to us anyway. Crumbs is all we get. Then there's the whole other issue of armor we ask for only some genius from the WoW team goes and puts on ridiculous shoulders. Still waiting on those Jedi robes too. Or the hood toggle.


So I have realized it is pointless to discuss this. Not to mention all the drones that continually defend them on this nonsense as if they will be rewarded for taking up arms and defending Bioware and EA.

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Whatever happened to NOT buying the things you consider overpriced?

Whatever happened to NOT raging over the most insignificant things?


yes, sometimes I do wonder.


Insignificant to you, not to others. Looks are important to people in games, they are to me, and I don't understand why it is so difficult to look the way you want to look. Sure there should be rare items and armors and hard to earn or exclusive pieces, but dye's and $20 single use dye's at that is just plain insanity.


To be fair.. being on the CM was a true statement.


It was deceptive and not the full truth... which is misleading. That's all I meant :p


And in other news... the cost of B/B dyes has fallen to around 2M credits (persistently) on Harbinger.. and there are way more of them listed on the GTN.


Yes price has fallen, but 2M for a single use item you can't even extract and keep for YOUR character is ridiculous. They need to make dyes collectible and bound to legacy. I think I could live with the prices then.


As for the # of black/black's on GTN, I believe you will see that fall more and more. I'm not sure how well they sell or how fast they move, but I believe plenty of people purchased them during the short window they were available from the CM and that is why you see more posted on the GTN. For a week and a half time prior to their limited release, there were no black dyes on GTN for my server.


I can tell you I am still peeved at this debacle but I have given up voicing my opinion on it as much anymore.


Never give up or it will never change. I know how you feel, but the only way they will truly listen is if you impact their bottom line. So long as fools keep falling for their gambling packs and over priced CM garbage, things will never change. But if you unsub and tell em why and spread the word here. At least that is doing something. It's their choice if they hear us, but it's our choice if we continue to support their game. If enough people feel that way, then they HAVE to change.

Edited by AdamGe
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Please post the official forums metrics. Thanks.



If anything the forums are more volatile than ever...I can't even begin to guess the actual activity. But until you can add data to your argument beyond the obvious (like a dead forum) I'd say your argument is DOA.


And I pretty much say what I want here within reason...and it wasn't a personal attack. Cheers.


Not everything is an argument. Some things are just observational opinion.


It used to be that any post not receiving constant replies would rapidly drop several pages down the list. Now they can stay in the top two pages for hours with no activity.


I'll get NASA on the case of getting you metrics.

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