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Patch 2.3.2 - Emergency Fleet Pass with No Cooldown?


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That is fantastic.


yeah, it's one of the best changes they could have done imo.

that and letting everyone buy outrage for 1c so they can more accurately show how they feel about the dye pricepoints

Edited by oaceen
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You are in fact reading the patch notes correctly. We really felt like these cool down Legacy Unlocks were underwhelming as they were, and wanted to really pep up their bonuses (along with an extra kicker for subscribers).


Have fun fleet passing!




Very nice addition Rob

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Except not everyone has a smart phone or app-using device. Even if I did, I'd prefer the physical security key.


Ditto, I prefer having the physical copy, besides it was what...3 bucks? Oh noez


On the other hand, that is very awesome to hear Rob, thank you for the awesome addition, makes me happy I'm a sub.

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How to use Physical Security Key:

1) Press button


How to use Security App:

1) Turn phone screen on.

2) Open app.

3) Press button.





Sure but you also have to keep track of an extra physical item. Well unless you only use the phone for logging into the game I guess...

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You are in fact reading the patch notes correctly. We really felt like these cool down Legacy Unlocks were underwhelming as they were, and wanted to really pep up their bonuses (along with an extra kicker for subscribers).


Have fun fleet passing!




Who was the dev responsible for this? I MUST KNOW, FOR I WILL NAME MY FIRST BORN AFTER HIM/HER!

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How to use Physical Security Key:

1) Press button


How to use Security App:

1) Turn phone screen on.

2) Open app.

3) Press button.





How about logging into the game/website from somewhere other than your home desk. I also have the security key for my blizzard account (no I don't play WOW silly) and another one for my remote work login. I'm not going to carry around 3 key fobs with me wherever I go, but yet I always have my phone with me.

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Sure but you also have to keep track of an extra physical item. Well unless you only use the phone for logging into the game I guess...


Having lost four tokens from another MMO that uses these (I won't mention it, because uttering its name could earn it new subscribers, and we don't want that) I am tickled pink about being able to use it on my phone. One of those times, I kid you not, I fumbled that key fob for a good two seconds before it landed in my large cup of soda.

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I vastly of approve this change..


now if we only had a "orbital drop ship pass" that would take us *back* to where we just "*fleeted from*" .... i even agree to a 1 hour time on that.


It would allow a leveler to fleet out, get gear off the gtn or clear the gear he/she has collected and "drop" back where they left off.







Fix the RED text.


Edited by captpickles
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You are in fact reading the patch notes correctly. We really felt like these cool down Legacy Unlocks were underwhelming as they were, and wanted to really pep up their bonuses (along with an extra kicker for subscribers).


Have fun fleet passing!




This is awesome. Maybe not SSSP awesome, or free Varactyl mount awesome, but still awesome. It gives me a reason to actually unlock these cooldown reductions, as before they were just meh. For me, it'll be a great little time saver, as I like to log out in the VIP room at the fleet for convenience.

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How to use Physical Security Key:

1) Press button


How to use Security App:

1) Turn phone screen on.

2) Open app.

3) Press button.





If I'm at home, sure. But if I'm at work, or a friend's house, or on the road in the airport, I may not have the key fob with me / easily accessible. On the other hand, I always have my phone.


But different strokes for different folks. My reasons for preferring the app version are good enough for me. Your reasons for preferring the physical key are good enough for you.

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Besides, with the key a person gets a 100 coin bonus. To me that more than makes up for any losses I had from buying passes.


No matter if you prefer the physical key or the app, this is the real reason to have a security key. Free cartel coins. Oh, and less chance of someone taking over your account, that's important too. :D

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