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How do you kill a scoundrel?


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QFT.... And also what the devs have lost sight of. The basics of roshambo.


Tank guard should buff mitigation and healing. Also an increase passive mitigation across the board is needed for tanks to actually win DPS races against DPS Specs.


If they increased trauma by 10%, give slightly larger immuntity uptime for the other two heal classes, nerf smash, buff other DPS, and made the above change, then we would be getting somewhere.


What is it with you and roshambo? Do you have some kind of groin kicking fetish? If you want a rock paper scissors roshambo based game, play pokemon it fits 100% in what you like (at least it did when I was 7, don't know how it is now).


The reason there are other players who can work together, LoSable objects and the ability to move around-and do moves while moving-is for it to NOT be a simple "I kick you in the groin, you kick me in the groin and the first one to fall loses" game. I don't know about you, but that sounds boring (and stupid) to me.


I don't remember anyone announcing that this is how an MMO has to be, that's just something you assume it should be.

Edited by sithBracer
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What is it with you and roshambo? Do you have some kind of groin kicking fetish? If you want a rock paper scissors roshambo based game, play pokemon it fits 100% in what you like (at least it did when I was 7, don't know how it is now).


The reason there are other players who can work together, LoSable objects and the ability to move around-and do moves while moving-is for it to NOT be a simple "I kick you in the groin, you kick me in the groin and the first one to fall loses" game. I don't know about you, but that sounds boring (and stupid) to me.


I don't remember anyone announcing that this is how an MMO has to be, that's just something you assume it should be.

Well why discuss balance at all if YOU feel this way and do you understand what "hard counter" mean?


Yes the balance of MMO has always been balancing between heals, damage, and mitigation. This game is not any different, besides the fact that the devs have royally screwed up this basic principle on multiple occasions.


Tanks should be a minimum soft counter to ALL DPS specs. Are they?

Damage should be a hard counter to Heals.. Are they?

Healer should counter Tanks (though healing through tank damage)? Are they?


There is only one yes answer in those and that "balancing" is an outright joke.


"Paper facetanks rock all the time, but scissors, oh scissors, it got u covered too."


What is really boring is the healfest scenario when only two or three classes are present. So is this what you like? Imbalance and only a few specs in PvP?

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Yes the balance of MMO has always been balancing between heals, damage, and mitigation. This game is not any different, besides the fact that the devs have royally screwed up this basic principle on multiple occasions.


By adding more randomness and forcing people to actually work together?


Tanks should be a minimum soft counter to ALL DPS specs. Are they?




Damage should be a hard counter to Heals.. Are they?




Healer should counter Tanks (though healing through tank damage)? Are they?




And please do not tell me "because that's the way it should be".


What is really boring is the healfest scenario when only two or three classes are present. So is this what you like? Imbalance and only a few specs in PvP?


The only spec I see overused is smash-and even that is not as overused as people say. I play on a sorc healer and with sorc healers all the time. People still die on any occasions, and very rarely are healers able to keep up with focused damage.


Obviously a ranked A team will only consist of the best classes which atm is marauders/juggs/snipers and op healers, and people will coordinate with voice, make very few mistakes and will not be dumb enough to chase kills, which will result in stalemates sometimes. This is not because of class unbalance, it is because of class balance and classes working together to prevent death and achieve objectives. Inbalance would be if one class can easily kill another in 3GCDs which is what you seem to be advocating. Once again if you want a 1 v 1 roshambo r/p/s style game, play pokemon, if you want a game where you have to coordinate with others, use each others strengths and focus on the other teams weaknesses then play an MMO. From all the raging you have been doing, it seems like you want the first.


It seems like your entire reason for raging is that this games mechanics are not what you believe they should be and you are scapegoating one class/spec for it. You make up arguments, offer nothing to back them up (except maybe one set of numbers which you yourself don't seem to understand and refuse to listen when people explain them to you), and just go on raging about groin kicking being the best MMO and how everything should be that.

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By adding more randomness and forcing people to actually work together?














And please do not tell me "because that's the way it should be".




The only spec I see overused is smash-and even that is not as overused as people say. I play on a sorc healer and with sorc healers all the time. People still die on any occasions, and very rarely are healers able to keep up with focused damage.


Obviously a ranked A team will only consist of the best classes which atm is marauders/juggs/snipers and op healers, and people will coordinate with voice, make very few mistakes and will not be dumb enough to chase kills, which will result in stalemates sometimes. This is not because of class unbalance, it is because of class balance and classes working together to prevent death and achieve objectives. Inbalance would be if one class can easily kill another in 3GCDs which is what you seem to be advocating. Once again if you want a 1 v 1 roshambo r/p/s style game, play pokemon, if you want a game where you have to coordinate with others, use each others strengths and focus on the other teams weaknesses then play an MMO. From all the raging you have been doing, it seems like you want the first.


It seems like your entire reason for raging is that this games mechanics are not what you believe they should be and you are scapegoating one class/spec for it. You make up arguments, offer nothing to back them up (except maybe one set of numbers which you yourself don't seem to understand and refuse to listen when people explain them to you), and just go on raging about groin kicking being the best MMO and how everything should be that.

LOL its like talking to a second grader.


Because their needs to be clear deliniation between roles, duh.. Otherwise everyone role might aswell be able to everything in the game.:rolleyes: Once you deliniate then you balance them between each other. BW screwed up from the start by not giving role defining talents to the appropriate classes/trees. DPS Taunts, Sage DoT protection, etc, etc.


You fail to understand this again and again. I am adocating diversity of not just roles, but specs as well. Once there is better balancing of those BASIC principles of healing v dps v tank midi, diversity of roles and specs will take care of itself.


Its not a made up argument. I don't need to scapegoat... Look at your average WZ, and what classes are present, look at the optimal classes to use.. Then look at numbers across the board, then look at design changes that took place. All healer output is over the top under optimal conditions. The only reason Ops are singled out is because they are the worst out of the three.


TANKING<HEALING=DAMAGE is a problem when discussing PvP, when respawns and timers exist. You got to be a tard if you don't understand that. The more you speak, the more I get the feeling you are one of those pissed off DPS that rerolled..:D

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and still an useless stat.

the higest (still only second placed first place is a sorc) EHPS done by a scoundrel(cheryl-s) had an EHPS of 4857.59,.

87.36% of this has been achieved by slowrelease medpack and koltocloud aka hots. 11.45% has been the insta heal. those numbers combinded resemble without an dedicated singel target healer the entire raid is dead as those fluff heals dont help at all beside stroking your epeen.


Azerils parse is much more impressive, with 30% less fluffheal he achieves 300EHPS more ...


What fight is this again?

Also tab hotting =/= tab dotting especially in pve

In most if not all NiM raids the dps and healers are taking damage in some form, plus the all the damage going at the tanks. By tab hotting the operative is keeping the dps alive while still being able to focus on the tank. This works in PvP but to a lesser extent because of the random burst and target switching.

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LOL its like talking to a second grader.


You constantly talk about roshambo a 2nd grade game and yet I'm the second grader ?

You can't even do simple division and yet I'm the 2nd grader?

You constantly rage about meaningless nonsense and about how "things should be" because obviously you know better than anyone else, and yet I'm the 2nd grader?



Because their needs to be clear deliniation between roles, duh.. Otherwise everyone role might aswell be able to everything in the game.:rolleyes: Once you deliniate then you balance them between each other. BW screwed up from the start by not giving role defining talents to the appropriate classes/trees. DPS Taunts, Sage DoT protection, etc, etc.


There is a delineation. Tanks can soak more damage than others, dps do more damage others and healers heal more than others. Dps that have hybrid like specs like jugg do not do more damage than pure dps classes like marauders, same can go with mercs vs snipers. When it comes to healers op healers tend to focus more on single target gradual healing while sorcs are better at multi target burst, while mercs are kind of in the middle.


There is delineation, it's just not the kind you want, so you turn a blind eye to it and rage against one class.


You fail to understand this again and again. I am adocating diversity of not just roles, but specs as well. Once there is better balancing of those BASIC principles of healing v dps v tank midi, diversity of roles and specs will take care of itself.


No you aren't, you are raging against one class, completely overblowing it, making up stuff about it and then suggesting outrageous nerfs to it just because you are too lazy to learn to play. When you are called out on it, you rage about how all games should be a simple "I kick you in the groin" game 7 year olds play.


Its not a made up argument. I don't need to scapegoat... Look at your average WZ, and what classes are present, look at the optimal classes to use.. Then look at numbers across the board, then look at design changes that took place. All healer output is over the top under optimal conditions. The only reason Ops are singled out is because they are the worst out of the three.


I do, I explained the math to you, others have explained the math to you, it's not my fault you ignore it.


TANKING<HEALING=DAMAGE is a problem when discussing PvP, when respawns and timers exist. You got to be a tard if you don't understand that. The more you speak, the more I get the feeling you are one of those pissed off DPS that rerolled..:D


Then explain how my team was able to beat the enemy team (4 of them from 1 guild) which had 3 smashers, 2 scoundrel healers, a jugg tank and 2 snipers yesterday when we only had 2 sorc healers, 1 merc, 2 sins, no tanks, 2 sorc dps and 1 marauder?


Explain how when I dueled with a smasher jugg on my op healer the other day I lost 4 times and won only 2, ONLY because I LoSed the entire match? If my healing is so overpowered shouldn't I be able to just match him heal for blow? When it comes to skill we were pretty well matched (or I would not have won at all), his gear was only a little better than mine (maybe 109 expertise higher and a little higher main stat than mine). I mean if op healers are so almighty, why did his attacks always out do my self heals? It was probably my lack of skill at pushing my 2 EXTREMELY overpowered 4300 heals per tick (even less after trauma). Yup that must be it.

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LOL, show me the screenshot of that. Until then, cool story bro. I guarantee there was an issue somewhere and you just go ostrich style and bury your head in the sand.


How exactly did a Smasher not beat you 100% of the time, yet you claim smash needs nerfing?



Hint: you should have ZERO chance.


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You constantly talk about roshambo a 2nd grade game and yet I'm the second grader ?

You can't even do simple division and yet I'm the 2nd grader?

You constantly rage about meaningless nonsense and about how "things should be" because obviously you know better than anyone else, and yet I'm the 2nd grader?

You obviously have no idea about the priciples of the role triangle. It was invented in pior games under the vary roshambo principal described. BW took the triangle but decided that swtor didn't need the roshambo balancing between class roles, which has led to increasing discrepancies in spec balance throughout swtor history.



There is a delineation. Tanks can soak more damage than others, dps do more damage others and healers heal more than others. Dps that have hybrid like specs like jugg do not do more damage than pure dps classes like marauders, same can go with mercs vs snipers. When it comes to healers op healers tend to focus more on single target gradual healing while sorcs are better at multi target burst, while mercs are kind of in the middle.


There is delineation, it's just not the kind you want, so you turn a blind eye to it and rage against one class.

Firstly, BW has expressidly stated that there is no hybrid tax in this game, all dps specs are supposed to be able to perform within 5% of each other. The bonus of pure dps classes is they have unique group utilities such as healing debuffs, bloodthirst, predation, and scrambling field.

Secondly how are operative the single target healer? Mercs are the single target healer, they only have one little AoE that's only really for the healing buff it puts on target. Sorcs are AoE burst heals? Wow dat 700 heal every other second is so bursty. Operatives have a instant AoE heal that's better than the mercs, it can put HoTs on his entire team, not to mention dat emergency medpack spam.



No you aren't, you are raging against one class, completely overblowing it, making up stuff about it and then suggesting outrageous nerfs to it just because you are too lazy to learn to play. When you are called out on it, you rage about how all games should be a simple "I kick you in the groin" game 7 year olds play.

Wow I thought election season political advertisements where bad.




I do, I explained the math to you, others have explained the math to you, it's not my fault you ignore it.

What math? You haven't used any math, you used some random number figures that came from heaven knows where. Math is functions, addition, subtractions, DR curves etc.



Then explain how my team was able to beat the enemy team (4 of them from 1 guild) which had 3 smashers, 2 scoundrel healers, a jugg tank and 2 snipers yesterday when we only had 2 sorc healers, 1 merc, 2 sins, no tanks, 2 sorc dps and 1 marauder?

Well obviously they where incompetent. But I have a feeling that you are exaggerating on their exact composition anyway.


Explain how when I dueled with a smasher jugg on my op healer the other day I lost 4 times and won only 2, ONLY because I LoSed the entire match? If my healing is so overpowered shouldn't I be able to just match him heal for blow? When it comes to skill we were pretty well matched (or I would not have won at all), his gear was only a little better than mine (maybe 109 expertise higher and a little higher main stat than mine). I mean if op healers are so almighty, why did his attacks always out do my self heals? It was probably my lack of skill at pushing my 2 EXTREMELY overpowered 4300 heals per tick (even less after trauma). Yup that must be it.


Awesome roshambo role balance at work. Dps>healer

Except that only smashers can do it. so its more like,

Good smasher>operative>everything else


Also I wish my commando could do 4300 heals per tick without casting.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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When people say scoundrels are "impossible to kill" I just take that as code for "in reality I just suck or am too lazy to learn the proper technique to killing them". How about we ask bioware to just give you a button that will instantly kill anything you want, and fire a laser from a satellite to scratch your butt for you?


Yes, because.. you know..


It takes 1 paragraph to learn how to play an Op healer.



It takes a novel to learn the technique for bringing them down, and then you had better have a teammate who ALSO has read the aforementioned novel.


Give me a break.


It's the same story with Maras.

Edited by maverickmatt
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LOL, show me the screenshot of that. Until then, cool story bro. I guarantee there was an issue somewhere and you just go ostrich style and bury your head in the sand.


How exactly did a Smasher not beat you 100% of the time, yet you claim smash needs nerfing?


There are no screenshots, we fought to the death in outlaws den. But if you are really really interested I can pm you my server, you can come there and I will introduce you to the person I fought and the person who watched us. The point is not to make myself look great (and with a 5-2 record I honestly don't think I did).


And to answer you, because I LoSed. By keeping him away from me I was able to heal up just enough not to die and attacking from a distance with frag grenades and shots, shiving for the extra speed and going back to LoS. That combined with the stun (that he broke), mezz which let me heal up and sap cap which restored my health and energy was what helped me win. The first two times when I fought him in the open more, it wasn't even close.

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That's all I needed to hear.... You obviously have no clue what balance means in PvP.


While you accuse me of wanting to "3GCD" healers, and try to sensationalized my stance, it is also obvious that you can't fathom simple PvP balancing.


BTW what valor level is your Op healer, reroller?

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You obviously have no idea about the priciples of the role triangle. It was invented in pior games under the vary roshambo principal described. BW took the triangle but decided that swtor didn't need the roshambo balancing between class roles, which has led to increasing discrepancies in spec balance throughout swtor history.


I played pokemon when I was 7, I understand the whole triangle. And you are right, bioware did not put it in. What is your point again?



Firstly, BW has expressidly stated that there is no hybrid tax in this game, all dps specs are supposed to be able to perform within 5% of each other. The bonus of pure dps classes is they have unique group utilities such as healing debuffs, bloodthirst, predation, and scrambling field.


Forgive me if I misread, but pure dps do have a bonus right? Great, my point is still in tact.


Secondly how are operative the single target healer? Mercs are the single target healer, they only have one little AoE that's only really for the healing buff it puts on target. Sorcs are AoE burst heals? Wow dat 700 heal every other second is so bursty. Operatives have a instant AoE heal that's better than the mercs, it can put HoTs on his entire team, not to mention dat emergency medpack spam.


Never said their AoE was burst, if I wrote it in a way that sounded like that, I apologize. They are single target burst, and using procs provide for quick multi-target heals. For the most part they are grounded due to the CD on their only HoT and have the weakest armor.


I personally like the Mercs AoE but I agree that the merc healer is a joke and needs buffs.


What math? You haven't used any math, you used some random number figures that came from heaven knows where. Math is functions, addition, subtractions, DR curves etc.


And division isn't math? I used random figures ... please point me to the random figures I used from the sky.


Well obviously they where incompetent. But I have a feeling that you are exaggerating on their exact composition anyway.


And now you are just becoming insulting and assuming.


Awesome roshambo role balance at work. Dps>healer

Except that only smashers can do it. so its more like,

Good smasher>operative>everything else


Also I wish my commando could do 4300 heals per tick without casting.


As I remember smashers shouldn't be the best at 1 v 1 combat so if a person played vengeance spec he should have even a better chance to beat me.


And as for you commando, sure why not, buff him up so he can do 4300 per tick (when under 30%), but reduce his armor and attacks to the same level as the op is.

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As I remember smashers shouldn't be the best at 1 v 1 combat so if a person played vengeance spec he should have even a better chance to beat me.



Which is true.. unless you are a Godmode Mara.


Then it becomes a test of the marauders awareness of his DCDs.

If he hits them.. at all... it's infinitely more difficult to bring him down. Not impossible, but certainly harder than it should be for a Single Target spec to bring down an AOE spec.

But carry on.

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Wrong... Smashers should be hard countered against tanks with force debuffs, Shadow Tanks. Soft countered at a minimum to ALL other tanks. They should be a hard counter for healers, and a soft counter for all other DPS specs because the whole point of the shared tree is to get some tankieness from the alt AC in the case of a Mara..
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Wrong... Smashers should be hard countered against tanks with force debuffs, Shadow Tanks. Soft countered at a minimum to ALL other tanks. They should be a hard counter for healers, and a soft counter for all other DPS specs because the whole point of the shared tree is to get some tankieness from the alt AC in the case of a Mara..


And you think it was easy? Why don't you try it sometimes. It was hard as hell and I was always 1 GCD away from death, it wasn't the OPness that saved me, but the LoS.

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tanks in this game can dps very well. The assassin tank tree and juggernaut tank tree can dps very well. There is no such thing as a triangle in this game.

The most instant damaging, high burst, and aoe damage is given to a class with heavy armor.

The highest damaging ability should be single target. In this game, it is an aoe and it is the best burst because it is easy to set up and combine with other abilities.


There is no triangle in this game.


PvP in this game doesn't get much balancing because it doesn't make this game any money. This game caters to the PvErs which is why we have bolster and expertise.

Edited by demystified
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And you think it was easy? Why don't you try it sometimes. It was hard as hell and I was always 1 GCD away from death, it wasn't the OPness that saved me, but the LoS.


Dumbdumb. Your OP healing enabled you to LoS bcause the damage outputs wasn't high enough for LoS to be irrelevant... LoSing a melee?

You should have no options to "survive" against a DPS, otherwise roshambo is conditional, which is against the very nature of this type of balancing.


Please tell me who/specs is the hard counter to Op healers.

This should be fun.

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Dumbdumb. Your OP healing enabled you to LoS bcause the damage outputs wasn't high enough for LoS to be irrelevant... LoSing a melee?


ummm what? The damage wasn't high enough to make LoS irrelevant? I'm not trying to mock you or anything (seriously), I honestly don't understand what you said.


And yes, I LoSed a melee. I stood behind the pillar (water tank w/e) in the Outlaws Den pit and constantly ran around it making sure to keep him on the other side. When I felt safe I started the casted heal. Then when I had a chance I attacked, frag grenade, shiv, ran (sometimes jump turned and fire off a few shots and turn back before landing). When I need to run to the other one I slowed him, evasioned myself and rolled to it (to avoid another AoE slow). When he leaped, I stunned when I could to avoid his crit smash.


You should have no options to "survive" against a DPS, otherwise roshambo is conditional, which is against the very nature of this type of balancing.


You really need to accept the fact that the game does not follow your principle or the triangle principle. Like you I said if you want a game that does, play pokemon.


Please tell me who/specs is the hard counter to Op healers.

This should be fun.


I would probably say the hard counter is mercs or maybe a lethality sniper, who can cast a variety of dots to negate their healing (some of them un cleansable except only once with evasion), merc has electronet to stop the roll, snipers can detect their stealth, and both have powerful ranged attacks.


As for who can beat them? Any dps has can probably beat them in an open field. When they are LoSing, well that depends on the player.

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I played pokemon when I was 7, I understand the whole triangle. And you are right, bioware did not put it in. What is your point again?

Last I checked pokemon doesn't have tanks or healers, it just has attack types.

A better analogy would be rock/paper/scissors. The principal being each role counters another role but is countered a different role. However in a properly done roshambo balancing, it would only be soft-countering.


For instance a Tank would eventually beat out a dps but the tank would only have maybe 5% life left.


A dps would eventually beat a healer, but the healer would still be able to put up enough hps to drag out the fight.


A healer would invariably win against a tank (this is the only hard counter of the triangle cuase if heals where nerfed down to where the tank could get healer to 5%, the healer would be useless for everything else), but it would take the healer forever to do so.


In short Rock beats Scissors but only when rock plays just as optimally as scissors does, but if scissors plays a little better than rock then scissors wins. Same goes for scissors vs paper and paper vs rock.




Forgive me if I misread, but pure dps do have a bonus right? Great, my point is still in tact.

Your original post was implying that pure dps specs are entitled to higher dps output, not utility





And now you are just becoming insulting and assuming.

You said 4 where even from the same guild, which implies that it was regs, in regs such perfect team compositions as you described are insanely rare, however the number a people on the forums posting about such dream compositions is significantly higher. So its rather logical to assume that you are exaggerating for the sake of adding some "eye-witness" evidence to your argument.


If your story is completely true then it is obviously a case of Rock not knowing what he was doing, so he got outplayed by Scissors.


As I remember smashers shouldn't be the best at 1 v 1 combat so if a person played vengeance spec he should have even a better chance to beat me.


Yes, vengeance should be the better 1v1, and it is but only when it gets its RNG procs and its RNG crits, however barring that smash is better 1v1 because smash never has to worry about RNG.

(A interesting side observation is that snipers the king of ranged dps, are the only ranged dps to have zero RNG procs in their tree, the closest they have is lethality's execute proc, but given the number of times cull ticks, the sniper will almost always get that proc anyway. Coincidence?)


And as for you commando, sure why not, buff him up so he can do 4300 per tick (when under 30%), but reduce his armor and attacks to the same level as the op is.


Personally I would prefer significant differences between various specs, rather than making the different classes just reskinned versions of each other.

Not sure what you mean by nerfing his attacks and armor. The healer shouldn't be dpsing anyway. Plus heavy armor doesn't mean squat in this game, with all the passive armor pen talents and straight up armor debuffs flying around like candy. Even if it did, I think it would be a fair trade off for the merc not being able to combat stealth or barrier.

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ummm what? The damage wasn't high enough to make LoS irrelevant? I'm not trying to mock you or anything (seriously), I honestly don't understand what you said.


And yes, I LoSed a melee. I stood behind the pillar (water tank w/e) in the Outlaws Den pit and constantly ran around it making sure to keep him on the other side. When I felt safe I started the casted heal. Then when I had a chance I attacked, frag grenade, shiv, ran (sometimes jump turned and fire off a few shots and turn back before landing). When I need to run to the other one I slowed him, evasioned myself and rolled to it (to avoid another AoE slow). When he leaped, I stunned when I could to avoid his crit smash.




You really need to accept the fact that the game does not follow your principle or the triangle principle. Like you I said if you want a game that does, play pokemon.




I would probably say the hard counter is mercs or maybe a lethality sniper, who can cast a variety of dots to negate their healing (some of them un cleansable except only once with evasion), merc has electronet to stop the roll, snipers can detect their stealth, and both have powerful ranged attacks.


As for who can beat them? Any dps has can probably beat them in an open field. When they are LoSing, well that depends on the player.


Oh god... You are dumb as hell Leroy...

DPS Sages are based in DoTs which can be cleansed, they also don't have enough burst damage to counter heal output withthe other spec.


Non-Smashing Juggs, Ani Maras. See above.


DPS Mercs, PT, Ops? Lol, not.


Snipers are a ranged class, you are a melee healer... They should faceroll you.... But ahhh that LoS and troll roll..


The ONLY viable counter is a Carnage Mara. And as soon as you introduce lolroll, peels, resolve and immunity, that counter is only a soft one.


You have no hard counters, FOTM reroller. The only option is double and triple team by DPS because you have no true counter.


No wonder BW laughs at players of your ilk... I mean seriously, if they intend on not having triangle balance, why can't my Shien Guardian heal to full?

If you don't care about real balance, then drink this cup of shut the hell up and move on

Edited by L-RANDLE
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Oh god... You are dumb as hell Leroy...

DPS Sages are based in DoTs which can be cleansed, they also don't have enough burst damage to counter heal output withthe other spec.


Non-Smashing Juggs, Ani Maras. See above.


DPS Mercs, PT, Ops? Lol, not.


Snipers are a ranged class, you are a melee healer... They should faceroll you.... But ahhh that LoS and troll roll..


The ONLY viable counter is a Carnage Mara. And as soon as you introduce lolroll, peels, resolve and immunity, that counter is only a soft one.


You have no hard counters, FOTM reroller. The only option is double and triple team by DPS because you have no true counter.


No wonder BW laughs at players of your ilk... I mean seriously, if they intend on not having triangle balance, why can't my Shien Guardian heal to full?

If you don't care about real balance, then drink this cup of shut the hell up and move on


Vigilance CAN heal to full.


2 methods:

  • Enure + Medpac + Guardian Leap
  • Destroy them and whip out your kolto tank while they respawn.


Healed.. to... full

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Oh god... You are dumb as hell Leroy...

DPS Sages are based in DoTs which can be cleansed, they also don't have enough burst damage to counter heal output withthe other spec.


Non-Smashing Juggs, Ani Maras. See above.


DPS Mercs, PT, Ops? Lol, not.


Snipers are a ranged class, you are a melee healer... They should faceroll you.... But ahhh that LoS and troll roll..


The ONLY viable counter is a Carnage Mara. And as soon as you introduce lolroll, peels, resolve and immunity, that counter is only a soft one.


You have no hard counters, FOTM reroller. The only option is double and triple team by DPS because you have no true counter.


No wonder BW laughs at players of your ilk... I mean seriously, if they intend on not having triangle balance, why can't my Shien Guardian heal to full?

If you don't care about real balance, then drink this cup of shut the hell up and move on


And here come the insults and assumptions.


Ok, if it is so simple, create an op healer challenge a competent merc, or a marauder to a duel with no LoS and show us all how to beat them in an open field. If you can do that, I'll admit you are right. I'll just end it there because this argument is getting monotonous.


And since you are so desperate to learn about me, I did not reroll, the op was my third character, back before I even started PvP. My first, main and favorite character is my sorc healer, and my second is my jugg tank (dps for fun as well). I also have a merc and a jedi knight (mostly for the hk part) as well. I PvP with all 3 of them. Anything else you want to know?

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