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The Super Secret Space Project is revealed... or at least teased!


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If you are sending it back to be cooked more then you are telling them how to cook it.


Using steak is a pretty terrible analogy to make, really.

The difference is that they ask you at the beginning how you like your steak cooked. If you asked for medium rare and they give it to you rare, they did not cook it long enough. Since steaks vary in shapes and size and the cooks can't cut the steak open to check if it was cooked to your desired perfection, the only way to know is for the customer to cut it open and look.


Telling someone how to cook a steak is telling them how to season it, what type of cooking method to use, how many minutes on each side it requires, and what the state of being cooked is ideal for everyone.


Also, anyone can easily make a steak and we probably would make it best ourselves anyway.

Edited by chuixupu
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And for the whole "not allowed to criticize" thing:

If I get a bad steak in a restaurant I don't walk back there and tell the chef how to make it, I send it back and ask for one that is more my taste. (e.g. medium instead of rare) I don't send a note to the kitchen head that says THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE STEAK.


no obviously first you rant to the entire dining room about how much of a moron the cook is and that its somehow all the company that owns the restaurants fault and a money grubbing conspiracy to make people buy the more expensive steak,


second you try to belittle him by asking rhetorical things like "have you ever even seen a steak" to no one in particular and very loud claim that the steak you were given is a slap in the face to every one in the restaurant,


third when people tell you to settle down or shut up you rave about how there paid by the owners and planted among the people eating to try and distract them from how bad the restaurant really is


forth you storm out waving your arms and telling everybody why you will never come back to this place or any of its other locations ever again... but come back the next night and order a steak :D


because that's how people do things in real life right

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Bad analogies aside, the fact is this: Arkerus claimed that many people say they could actually MAKE a better game than the devs, which is utterly false. What many people do is criticize the game and the devs in a disrespectful way. Is that wrong? Of course. But that is not the same thing as saying they could make a better game themselves. And my point is, just because you dont like the way someone says something doesnt give you the right to put words in their mouth that they didnt actually say. I highly doubt Arkerus would like someone doing that to him. Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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Bad analogies aside, the fact is this: Arkerus claimed that many people say they could actually MAKE a better game than the devs, which is utterly false. What many people do is criticize the game in a disrespectful way. But that is not the same thing as saying they could make a better one themselves. And my point is, just because you dont like the way someone say something doesnt give you the right to put words in their mouth that they didnt actually say.


Here is my quote:

From people claiming they CAN make a better game to personal insults calling the developers incompetent, idiots, sad, terrible, etc, people do it all the time. They claim they know better when in reality, they don't.


Notice the FROM and TO? Perhaps I can help you with your grammar?


The "from" and "to" reference is all encompassing (love that word) that covers anyone saying anything along the spectrum. It is not to say that "300 people said this" while only "20 people said that".


Its used to cover the spectrum that I am referring to. Anywhere from "I can make a better game" to personal insults. The point was in the last sentence, not the first. They claim they know better when in reality they don't.


The entire PvP forum is people who "know better" than bioware when it comes to class balance. Look at how they exploded claiming "bioware doesn't even play their own game".


So...anything else? Just ask yourself this: Would you want the people in the general forums actually making this game? I think I know the answer to that. I include myself in that. I am not a video game designer.


//This whole thing is rather amusing because you claimed I implied things I did not. Which is exactly what you referred to in your last sentence.

Edited by Arkerus
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no obviously first you rant to the entire dining room about how much of a moron the cook is and that its somehow all the company that owns the restaurants fault and a money grubbing conspiracy to make people buy the more expensive steak,


second you try to belittle him by asking rhetorical things like "have you ever even seen a steak" to no one in particular and very loud claim that the steak you were given is a slap in the face to every one in the restaurant,


third when people tell you to settle down or shut up you rave about how there paid by the owners and planted among the people eating to try and distract them from how bad the restaurant really is


forth you storm out waving your arms and telling everybody why you will never come back to this place or any of its other locations ever again... but come back the next night and order a steak :D


because that's how people do things in real life right


My compliments Vis-Tecum... you have perfected role playing the armchair wielding forum goer to the letter. :D

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no obviously first you rant to the entire dining room about how much of a moron the cook is and that its somehow all the company that owns the restaurants fault and a money grubbing conspiracy to make people buy the more expensive steak,


second you try to belittle him by asking rhetorical things like "have you ever even seen a steak" to no one in particular and very loud claim that the steak you were given is a slap in the face to every one in the restaurant,


third when people tell you to settle down or shut up you rave about how there paid by the owners and planted among the people eating to try and distract them from how bad the restaurant really is


forth you storm out waving your arms and telling everybody why you will never come back to this place or any of its other locations ever again... but come back the next night and order a steak :D


because that's how people do things in real life right


A++++ Would read again.

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what were we talking about... how awesome the SSSP is going to be and how EVERYONE should be super excited and all the cool stuff we hope to see :D


and does anyone think there will be any significant news or updates between 2.4 and December / January besides possibly the rakghoul event coming back

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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no obviously first you rant to the entire dining room about how much of a moron the cook is and that its somehow all the company that owns the restaurants fault and a money grubbing conspiracy to make people buy the more expensive steak,


second you try to belittle him by asking rhetorical things like "have you ever even seen a steak" to no one in particular and very loud claim that the steak you were given is a slap in the face to every one in the restaurant,


third when people tell you to settle down or shut up you rave about how there paid by the owners and planted among the people eating to try and distract them from how bad the restaurant really is


forth you storm out waving your arms and telling everybody why you will never come back to this place or any of its other locations ever again... but come back the next night and order a steak :D


because that's how people do things in real life right


lol. Perfect. :t_angel:

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what were we talking about... how awesome the SSSP is going to be and how EVERYONE should be super excited and all the cool stuff we hope to see :D


and does anyone think there will be any significant news or updates between 2.4 and December / January besides possibly the rakghoul event coming back


I know I am super excited. I can't wait for the wall of hate though...:rolleyes:

Bioware promised me a pony.


I hope you can man a cannon on one of the cruisers. I think that would add a nice element but just flying ships in free form is an awesome start.

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If this is exclusively pvp as people are claiming, I will give it a miss and completely ignore its existence just as I ignore the present on rails shooter. And continue getting my space combat fix in STO, where the ground combat totally sucks and I ignore the existence of ground missions as much as possible.
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I love how so many people come to this thread and try to tear down this annoucement by saying it's nothing different than the current rail shooter game, when all the evidence points to it and that it's pvp focus


1). It clear from the video itself that the camera follows the ship and not the ship following the camera.


Watch xletalis' Youtube video as he breaks down the difference in the current space game and the video from the teaser trailer:


2) There is a ton of datamined information on both Reddit and Werrit's datamine blogpost that point to it being Free flight space pvp.




Read swtor_minor's response in this thread and he post raw data file


Werit's Raw Data mining file on TORWARS.com



All the signs and datafile collected point to free flight space pvp of some sorts. This isn't just fans wishful thinking, there good amount of evidence to back it up

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Here is my quote:...


Actually, I was referring to the statement you made right before that:


I have criticized a lot of decisions and features in this game but I don't make assumptions that I can design a better one...which many people do.


See how you said you dont make assumptions that you can design a better game/system, then said "like MANY people do"? Hence my previous post:



Edited by The_Grand_Nagus
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no obviously first you rant to the entire dining room about how much of a moron the cook is and that its somehow all the company that owns the restaurants fault and a money grubbing conspiracy to make people buy the more expensive steak,


second you try to belittle him by asking rhetorical things like "have you ever even seen a steak" to no one in particular and very loud claim that the steak you were given is a slap in the face to every one in the restaurant,


third when people tell you to settle down or shut up you rave about how there paid by the owners and planted among the people eating to try and distract them from how bad the restaurant really is


forth you storm out waving your arms and telling everybody why you will never come back to this place or any of its other locations ever again... but come back the next night and order a steak :D


because that's how people do things in real life right


Lovely :D

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Actually, I was referring to the statement you made right before that:




See how you said you dont make assumptions that you can design a better game/system, then said "like MANY people do"? Hence my previous post:




Go read the PvP forums. I don't need more than that.


And congrats, you almost got there. Keep going!

Edited by Arkerus
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Go read the PvP forums. I don't need more than that.


Not interested. Like I said earlier, the burden of proof lies with the person who is making the claim, not the person questioning it. It is very easy to copy/paste links to individual posts, so if you have examples of MANY people claiming they can design a better game, feel free to post them here. If not, then your claim means nothing.

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OK, Lemme guess how this will work.


1.) You will have to buy an expansion

2.) You will have to buy thousands of gambling packs

3.) Your subscription is due and doesn't cover any of this because everything is lumped under the headings of "extra" and "cosmetic" now no matter what.

4.) You will have to buy thousands of gambling packs



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Not interested. Like I said earlier, the burden of proof lies with the person who is making the claim, not the person questioning it. It is very easy to copy/paste links to individual posts, so if you have examples of MANY people claiming they can design a better game, feel free to post them here. If not, then your claim means nothing.


Here... Here is a game that will be 999,999,999,999,999 times better than the gambling pack garbage that EA will produce.




Elite Dangerous by David Braben. The man that started the entire genre of space sims and open world gaming. I guarantee you that it will be infinitely more inspired and won't include garbage gambling packs.

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Not interested. Like I said earlier, the burden of proof lies with the person who is making the claim, not the person questioning it. It is very easy to copy/paste links to individual posts, so if you have examples of MANY people claiming they can design a better game, feel free to post them here. If not, then your claim means nothing.

Just don't bother with him, he's just a troll.


He gets on anyone's case if they even so happen to be mildly disappointed with something, because he's too infatuated with his own ego.

Edited by Glumish
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Not interested. Like I said earlier, the burden of proof lies with the person who is making the claim, not the person questioning it. It is very easy to copy/paste links to individual posts, so if you have examples of MANY people claiming they can design a better game, feel free to post them here. If not, then your claim means nothing.


Oh look folks, we've gne full circle. I already explained my reasoning.


I covered the full gamut of insults from people claiming they can make a better game (or implying to) to just downright rude and obnoxious posts. It not 1000 posts of people claiming they can make a better game. That is just ONE example. Its an EXAMPLE. Its part of a bigger picture. How many people claimed the game FAILED outright and would close in one year? How many people called the devs incompetent? How many said game X has better balance because of XYZ without understand the designers intentions? I would hate to count it. You're splitting hairs in a statement about regarding the uselessness of such posts.


If you are too lazy to jump to the PvP forums, not my problem.


You want an example...

Here you go. Enjoy.





What I will NOT do is tow the forums pasting every single link. If you continue to just put your hands in your ears and go la la la, that's not my issue.



Btw, if you can make a better game. By all means...lol.


/watch him spin this again and take that WAY too seriously...

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Just don't bother with him, he's just a troll.


He gets on anyone's case if they even so happen to be mildly disappointed with something, because he's too infatuated with his own ego.


Because I call people out when they made ridiculous statements or have expectations beyond reason? Gotcha. Just wanted to be clear.


I think my favorite moment was the folks claiming this game was in the red and that's why they were milking it and not canceling it. After pointing them to the financial statements the back pedal was rather amusing.


The armchairs dev can't believe a video or entity sheet and they think its on rails. That will be a fun one once it revealed this is free form space combat.

Edited by Arkerus
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Because I call people out when they made ridiculous statements or have expectations beyond reason? Gotcha. Just wanted to be clear.


No, I made a simple post in this thread that I was disappointed with how the space combat appeared to be. You then posted a multi-paragraph long rant about how I was insulting Bioware (which I never did in that post) and felt I could design a better game (I also never did claim that).


In fact all I stated in my post was that I was displeased that it appeared to be a warzone, and hoped it could be better. When I posted that after you made an angsty rant about how ungrateful I was, you didn't even respond back. You were too infatuated with your morbidly obese trolling habits and whatever ego you still have that you didn't even bother with it.


I simply pointed out that we were asking for free flight for years before release, years. Do you know how long a year is? That isn't a ridiculous expectation, they simply didn't listen until now. I didn't attack them for that, though.


Get a life and grow up.

Edited by Glumish
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