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Reasons why SWTOR will be F2P in 6 mos


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you arent' serious right?


the critics based on


a) flawed facts and personal opinions

b) imaginary world or worst imaginary game

c) criticism without suggestion


is moving game forward ??? man where u live? how old are you? there IS a reason that companies DO NOT implent more than 10% from forums dont' you think ?


To trolls and "waaaaaaaaah" kids, people who have patience and know how RL and the MMO industry works are fanbois. So arguing with a child who only comes to a game forum to flame, it's really pointless. To soem people saying "This game sux, gimme LFD or this will be F2P in 6 months" IS valid criticism.


Unfortunately, till they don't implement Forced Vasectomy, we will have to live with it...

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Opinions are not facts, take them in, and let them go


Constructive criticism helps developers, wild inaccurate claims about one of the fastest growing MMO's on the planet going F2P in 6 months, doesn't make it into the constructive criticism camp

Edited by Lonewolf
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To the people saying WoW was more polished/had less bugs in Beta and at release:

what are you smoking?? This is the proof that you weren't playing WoW, then.


WoW had for months:


- loot/gathering bug, you would get stuck and only relogging would fix it

Yes loot bug was there and still is sometimes there but its not like it happens every mob, it happens maybe once a week or so, so dont exxagerate things pls

- blink would screw up

How ? You could fall thru the world but that only happened in some places and like Ive said , Ive played since closed beta and was the overall 3rd lvl60 and this happened maybe twice in closed beta and later in relase a few times after playing what ? 7 Years ?

- arcane missile didn't work properly for years (you kept on seeing in Patch Notes "Arcane Missiles now working as intended" over and over

Hmm cant remember that one to be honest, somethng was wrong with them yes but dont remember it anymore so well

- loot lag, you couldn't loot for a few minutes, often you would end up disconnected

I never got disconnected while looting something, you only was stuck into the loot animation for a half minute or so which was annoying but like Ive said it didnt happen that often

- fight lag, where you prayed you weren't dead by the time the spike passed

Ive never have encounterd something like this ever, the only time this happened when huge city raids happened on PvP Servers thats why Blizzard reacted to it and added Battlegrounds which in the end is much funnier anyways.

- no form of organized PVP or Honor

Was added shortly after, at least honor, ranks and so on. Organized ? What do you mean by that ? You always could join a BG with friends together when they have implemented Warsong

- UI wasn't that great

LOL What do you mean by that ? Nobody has a problem if there arent all features in at day 1 of launch but look at SWTOR UI is a mess not because of missing features but because its SLOW, WoWs UI never was slow or clunky. WoWs combat, UI and camera always was so smooth as today

- bugged gathering nodes

Like in SWTOR today ? :) Even after the fix Ive found some, in Balmorra.

And that's just what I remember without really straining (has been 7 years...)


Again you didnt point anything out which was gamebreaking, alot of exxagerating also.


But SWTORs bugs are a complete different league, like Ive already said in my other post ...


Clunky combat, delay lags in skills, slow UI, very bad camera (nightmare to every serious PvPer), skills not firing off (happens the most on my sniper), or triggering the GCD when the skill not firing off, FPS drop issues, small hitboxes / models, TAB targeting not working like it should in PvP and alot more.


THESE are serious bugs / issues. Cause you dont know if these can be fixed, maybe they are deep in the engine and would need serious work. Maybe thats why the devs arent admitting these things.


The message is too short bla bla ^^, everything I wrote is bolded in your quote.

Edited by Nadeya
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Seems like constructive criticism to me :rolleyes:


want me to link you the threads that


SWTOR isnt' WOW2 And will die in 1 month threads ?

SWTOR isnt' the game the Way i like and will die in 1 week ?

SWTOR is crap and die in 2 days?


just read the 10 pages of general discussion forum


Do you forget in what thread you reply ?


Want to see what OP posted?


seriously get your clues straight i didnt' say ALL criticism is wrong ?

critisism with suggestion is always and will be always helpfull no matter if it gets implented or not....did you see anything of that in THIS post?


seriously get your clues straight and learn to read

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you arent' serious right?


the critics based on


a) flawed facts and personal opinions

b) imaginary world or worst imaginary game

c) criticism without suggestion


is moving game forward ??? man where u live? how old are you? there IS a reason that companies DO NOT implent more than 10% from forums dont' you think ?


If we don't tell a company how bad a game is, then they will never improve it. It's like Dragon Age. If people go and eat up the abomination that was Dragon Age 2, then Bioware will think that we want terrible games. If we tell them that Dragon Age 2 was a horrible game with terrible graphics, a stupid story, The WORST RPG fighting mechanics I've seen, poorly written companions and that it seems like more though was put into the romances than the rest of the game, then they might listen and actually change things.

You are just dismissing flaws from your "Perfect" MMO and just telling critics that their arguments are somehow flawed.

You can't say that you can't have opinions, you have opinions as well and you are attempting to force them on people by saying that "Your opinions are wrong"

Lots of people DO suggest what they want, a fix for the ability delay, more respect from the customer support, Dual spec and so forth. Finally, I don't even understand part B.


This Community is really silly. They defend everything Bioware does. It is to the point of insanity. People are seriously defending putting same sex romances in before fixing all of the bugs. People are defending Game Breaking bugs. PEOPLE, ARE SAYING THAT 0.5 SECOND DELAY IS WORKING AS INTENDED. The forums are our way of talking to Bioware, so we need to criticize them and tell them what they did wrong. So don't tell me that I'm just spouting "Opinions" when I am making valid criticisms of the game. I wish for this game to be fixed, I want Bioware to dig themselves out of the whole that they are in, and I want to be able to help them without getting pounced by people just saying "This bug is only buggy in your opinion, its working as intended."

Some of you need to stop acting like children, if you don't want to see the flaws, that is fine, but at least let the rest of us try and get this game fixed.

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i love how we get so much haters after not even a month of game release and they still pay to play. oh the irony, why post if u hate it? go back to your old game if you don't like it, fo real...


I am pretty happy if they keep on paying to post stuff on the forum

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What I really hate is when someone is pointing out flaws in the game which are really gamebreaking for many of us. And then someone comes and say BUT WOW had also bugs at release and then go and make false statements just to make SWTOR look better than it currently is.


UGH, why the **** you ppls cant stay on the truth ? These ppls are really Fanbois for me.

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No, it won't go F2P anytime soon, but, it will lose a huge amount of subscribers over the next six months. SWToR brings absolutely nothing new to the MMoRPG arena but flashy lights and light sabers. In fact, if you take the IP and the flashy graphics away, there is nothing more than a rudimentary multi-player game.


The problem is not really Biowares. It is the players. Gone are the days of grinding mobs in huge zones to get exp. Players, especially the younger ones, want instant gratification, which is why it is fast to level via quests which are nothing more than wrappers around a bedtime story book. These same players then whine there is no end-game content!


The fact is, if any publisher released a game where it took you months of hard play to get to max-level, the only players sticking it out would be the veteran players from as far back as EQ1.


There is also a problem that the fanbois look at things through rose tinted glasses. WoW was crap at launch, xxx was crap at launch, ergo, any game being launched now, can be crap at launch. What the fanbois conveniently omit is that if they bought a brand new modern car today that was the same spec as something from 7 yrs ago with the same support service, they'd scream blue murder. And while we have fanbois willing to counter every in justification with reasons why we should all give the publishers another 8 months to develop something that should already have been developed, the publishers are laughing all the way to the bank, at our expense.


So, the bottom line is; If you're willing to keep subscribing to an unfinished game, by all means do so, it is your or your parents money. If you are not willing, terminate the subscription and move to the next would-be half-assed, half-developed and half-supported launch.

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The message is too short bla bla ^^, everything I wrote is bolded in your quote.


You are wrong and didn't even understand what I said. Most of those issues were at launch and for up to 6 months after that. The problem with Blink was that you would press the button, the blink animation would fire and you wouldn't move an inch.


The rest of your answers are very confused, IF I tell you there wasn't organized PVP at launch why answer I could join my friends in WSG??

Are you sure you know what you talk about? If you hate the game to the point of making up stuff and denying that WoW was in similar if not worse conditions when it came out it's because you didn't play WoW from the beginning or you have some sort of issue with BW/EA

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Guess these "prediction of doom and gloom" threads are the new flavor of the day. Not much originality around here. Apparently a lot of people feel the need to take one of these posts, paraphrase it and clog up the forums with their own copycat version.
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want me to link you the threads that


SWTOR isnt' WOW2 And will die in 1 month threads ?

SWTOR isnt' the game the Way i like and will die in 1 week ?

SWTOR is crap and die in 2 days?


just read the 10 pages of general discussion forum


Do you forget in what thread you reply ?


Want to see what OP posted?


seriously get your clues straight i didnt' say ALL criticism is wrong ?

critisism with suggestion is always and will be always helpfull no matter if it gets implented or not....did you see anything of that in THIS post?


seriously get your clues straight and learn to read



So because some critics go about it the wrong way you dismiss all criticism? Yes, I said all criticism because my post that you quoted just said "critics". Not the OP, not any thread in particular, just "critics"


And I have seen what the OP posted, it's a little over the top because it needs to grab attention. Thats how things work on a forum that moves this quickly, welcome to the real world.


But beneath the OP's obvious frustration you can see a lot of constructive criticism, you just didn't notice it because you read the provocative thread title and then immediately dialed up the rest of the Bioware defense squad and started flaming away.


Since you lack basic reading comprehension abilities (and the ability to type simple english sentences) let me make it simple for you.


The OP suggests that Bioware needs to include:


Multi-Core support

64 bit client support

More detailed community responses

Give us an updated minimum systems requirement since Warzones seem to clog up significantly more resources than any other part of the game

Community admins should treat players with more respect

More end-game content

More servers/server transfers


Now, was that so hard?

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If we don't tell a company how bad a game is, then they will never improve it. It's like Dragon Age. If people go and eat up the abomination that was Dragon Age 2, then Bioware will think that we want terrible games. If we tell them that Dragon Age 2 was a horrible game with terrible graphics, a stupid story, The WORST RPG fighting mechanics I've seen, poorly written companions and that it seems like more though was put into the romances than the rest of the game, then they might listen and actually change things.

You are just dismissing flaws from your "Perfect" MMO and just telling critics that their arguments are somehow flawed.

You can't say that you can't have opinions, you have opinions as well and you are attempting to force them on people by saying that "Your opinions are wrong"

Lots of people DO suggest what they want, a fix for the ability delay, more respect from the customer support, Dual spec and so forth. Finally, I don't even understand part B.


This Community is really silly. They defend everything Bioware does. It is to the point of insanity. People are seriously defending putting same sex romances in before fixing all of the bugs. People are defending Game Breaking bugs. PEOPLE, ARE SAYING THAT 0.5 SECOND DELAY IS WORKING AS INTENDED. The forums are our way of talking to Bioware, so we need to criticize them and tell them what they did wrong. So don't tell me that I'm just spouting "Opinions" when I am making valid criticisms of the game. I wish for this game to be fixed, I want Bioware to dig themselves out of the whole that they are in, and I want to be able to help them without getting pounced by people just saying "This bug is only buggy in your opinion, its working as intended."

Some of you need to stop acting like children, if you don't want to see the flaws, that is fine, but at least let the rest of us try and get this game fixed.


VERY WELL SAID. Thats exactly what I hate on forums, not only here but also on WoW Forums or on others. If you complain on bad camera or on the slow UI / Delay in skills they will tell you to go back to for example WoW.


Dont know what to say, too many idiots maybe on the net ? :(

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What I really hate is when someone is pointing out flaws in the game which are really gamebreaking for many of us. And then someone comes and say BUT WOW had also bugs at release and then go and make false statements just to make SWTOR look better than it currently is.


UGH, why the **** you ppls cant stay on the truth ? These ppls are really Fanbois for me.


"- UI wasn't that great

LOL What do you mean by that ? Nobody has a problem if there arent all features in at day 1 of launch but look at SWTOR UI is a mess not because of missing features but because its SLOW, WoWs UI never was slow or clunky. WoWs combat, UI and camera always was so smooth as today"


Who is going out of the way to make it look like TOR is actually worse than it is? Credibility ZERO

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This is perhaps the biggest misstep. Biowhore and Evil Arts cut corners by licensing the HeroEngine instead of developing their own.


Being greedy


Another major misstep here was the revocation of a grace period and only reinstating a small span of time after the community set you on fire for it.

Fostering anger in their community


WoW Clone, Family Guy Style


This game is WoW without all the bells in whistles. It starts out sleeker than WoW, but is missing things that are pretty integral to WoW's success during the end of Vanilla and Burning Crusade. A solid end-game, both PvE and PvP. Better community tools like a group finder (I mean a group finder, not a cross-faction hullabaloo) and so forth. Three years and 100 million dollars for a watered down WoW clone with an exhaustible story and thoroughly abused IP.


Engorging your servers


I chalk this up to servers. Yes, everyone has launch issues, but given the fact that they put us through that painful EGA, you would think they would have put in the infrastructure to migrate your character to a different one, put in some server caps to prevent qs and everything else. Nope, not happening. So instead they have engorged themselves on players and we are all suffering for it.


And with these missteps, I call it here and now. F2P in 6 mos. It will not go away, but I seriously doubt you will see much more polish.


"Lazy"? So you call them "biowhore" but are still willing to give them your money? That says more about you than them. It says you have no spine! If you don't like the company, then be a good consumer and don't give them your money!


"Ignoring your users"

You mean like them nerfing slicing because of all the whining on these boards? Or like your example of giving us this "grace period" that someone (in his excitement) screwed up and said there would be in an interview, but was likely never supposed to really exist.


Actually, the more I read of this the more it sounds like a child crying because they didn't get the gift they had really wanted for christmas.

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If we don't tell a company how bad a game is, then they will never improve it. It's like Dragon Age. If people go and eat up the abomination that was Dragon Age 2, then Bioware will think that we want terrible games. If we tell them that Dragon Age 2 was a horrible game with terrible graphics, a stupid story, The WORST RPG fighting mechanics I've seen, poorly written companions and that it seems like more though was put into the romances than the rest of the game, then they might listen and actually change things.

You are just dismissing flaws from your "Perfect" MMO and just telling critics that their arguments are somehow flawed.

You can't say that you can't have opinions, you have opinions as well and you are attempting to force them on people by saying that "Your opinions are wrong"

Lots of people DO suggest what they want, a fix for the ability delay, more respect from the customer support, Dual spec and so forth. Finally, I don't even understand part B.


This Community is really silly. They defend everything Bioware does. It is to the point of insanity. People are seriously defending putting same sex romances in before fixing all of the bugs. People are defending Game Breaking bugs. PEOPLE, ARE SAYING THAT 0.5 SECOND DELAY IS WORKING AS INTENDED. The forums are our way of talking to Bioware, so we need to criticize them and tell them what they did wrong. So don't tell me that I'm just spouting "Opinions" when I am making valid criticisms of the game. I wish for this game to be fixed, I want Bioware to dig themselves out of the whole that they are in, and I want to be able to help them without getting pounced by people just saying "This bug is only buggy in your opinion, its working as intended."

Some of you need to stop acting like children, if you don't want to see the flaws, that is fine, but at least let the rest of us try and get this game fixed.


no friend you do not want the game to get fixed

you bash the game cause it isnt' what you IMAGINED it will be in the release date


i am really sorry for you not being able to understand the B) part, it is where the juice is


as already all players said (the mature ones) including me is (i will put in on signature, it will save me time for writing all over the game)


is SWTOR flawless: NO

is SWTOR Perfect: NO

is SWTOR bugless: NO

Does SWTOR need patches: YES

Does SWTOR is in unpolished state: NO

is SWTOR a promising product for the future: YES

does SWTOR deserves MY $$$: YES


you judge me that saying that other opinions are flawed, which i didn't i just remind them that it is THEIR OPINIONS and not FACTS


you miss my whole post and clearly you do not understand what i say and what you answered

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It was added in 3.3; the middle patch for Wrath of the Lich King, not "late WOTLK"


And any "veteran" MMO Player sees LFD as what it is — a useful tool for finding groups without resorting to primitive methods of spamming chat, and adding everyone with a Tank Spec to your friends list


This. So. Much. This. The current spamming is more destructive than constructive to the server communities.

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And I have seen what the OP posted, it's a little over the top because it needs to grab attention. Thats how things work on a forum that moves this quickly, welcome to the real world.


Since you lack basic reading comprehension abilities (and the ability to type simple english sentences) let me make it simple for you.


The OP suggests that Bioware needs to include:


Multi-Core support

64 bit client support

More detailed community responses

Give us an updated minimum systems requirement since Warzones seem to clog up significantly more resources than any other part of the game

Community admins should treat players with more respect

More end-game content

More servers/server transfers


Now, was that so hard?


Posts that are "over the top" may grab attention, but then that attention has to be held somehow. Nobody wants to read all of that. On boards like this you should grab attention but you should also be concise. The OP was trying to be poetic or draw on symbolism - practicing your writing skills are what blogs are for or even RP forums. For a piece such as this you should come at it from a technical aspect or nobody is going to fully read it.

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Posts that are "over the top" may grab attention, but then that attention has to be held somehow. Nobody wants to read all of that. On boards like this you should grab attention but you should also be concise. The OP was trying to be poetic or draw on symbolism - practicing your writing skills are what blogs are for or even RP forums. For a piece such as this you should come at it from a technical aspect or nobody is going to fully read it.


If you don't fully read the post, don't reply to it. Easy huh?

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(The original thread was nuked for violating forum TOS for referencing religion, so here is your religion-free version)


So after playing beta, EGA and the first few days of launch, I predict that SWTOR will go F2P in about six months.




This is perhaps the biggest misstep. Biowhore and Evil Arts cut corners by licensing the HeroEngine instead of developing their own. Now, as a developer professionally, I would normally say "Good for them," but it is painfully clear not much money went into developing this engine into something for a AAA MMO. As of 9/2011, the engine still does not support multiple cores nor a 64-bit client. Even WoW supports multiple cores and a 64-bit client.


This is sloth, and the fact that BW/EA did not bother to invest in the backbone of this game. Players will burn through your content and dialog. And when they get into the routine of playing the repetitive parts of the game, they will really start to notice how little was put into this engine.


Ignoring your users


The community management sucks. The interaction is canned corporate responses. There is no detail, the only admitted problem is Taris and that's only because quite literally hundreds of players have fallen into a figurative black hole on that world. This is a poor way to treat your community. To treat them like children. As if giving them information is something they could not handle. Your customers are not asking you to cater to their every whim (well, most of them), but they do enjoy having information that allows them to make informed decisions... like... do they actually need to upgrade, or do you have a really crappy, inefficient engine that you'll eventually patch and do we just suffer or spend our money to get new hardware. Stuff like that. This smacks of pride.


Being greedy


Another major misstep here was the revocation of a grace period and only reinstating a small span of time after the community set you on fire for it. Given the insanity of the postal services during this time of year, the seven day grace period would have shown forethought and consideration. Can't let those players play an extra week! They could be giving us money instead!


Given the fact that this is EA, if the cost of maintaining a viable player base, due to initial craptacular implementation or lack of project planning, costs more money, they are going to court the players until they at least make ends meet so they can save some face in front of the investors. Then they will begin hiking back resources to adding or supporting this game and ultimately F2P with microtransactions.


One of the reasons WoW did so well was that Blizzard had all its eggs in that basket. SCII and D3 were not coming out for a long, long time and SC:Ghost was scrapped. They had to stick it out and make it profitable and look at it now. Be sure, if EA can figure out the numbers to make their enterprise more profitable that does not involve SWTOR (in the short term), they'll cut this project quick.


Fostering anger in their community


This one is on the community management again. They foster this environment. Poor details, poor handling of users, poor customer service. Closing duplicate threads with the snarky "Go here" as if to hide the sheer number of pissed off people. It all contributes to the community's anger at how this is being mishandled. Eventually, that anger is going to translate into people not staying past the free 30 days.


WoW Clone, Family Guy Style


This game is WoW without all the bells in whistles. It starts out sleeker than WoW, but is missing things that are pretty integral to WoW's success during the end of Vanilla and Burning Crusade. A solid end-game, both PvE and PvP. Better community tools like a group finder (I mean a group finder, not a cross-faction hullabaloo) and so forth. Three years and 100 million dollars for a watered down WoW clone with an exhaustible story and thoroughly abused IP.


Engorging your servers


I chalk this up to servers. Yes, everyone has launch issues, but given the fact that they put us through that painful EGA, you would think they would have put in the infrastructure to migrate your character to a different one, put in some server caps to prevent qs and everything else. Nope, not happening. So instead they have engorged themselves on players and we are all suffering for it.


And with these missteps, I call it here and now. F2P in 6 mos. It will not go away, but I seriously doubt you will see much more polish.


Sorry OP but what a load of bollocks, you either haven't played the game or you're just a fool who has no idea what he/she i talking about.


The only real complaints you've got is group finder(make some friends whats wrong with you) and the grace period (tough **** be careful who you order from next time and learn). back to SWTOR:csw_deathstar:

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no friend you do not want the game to get fixed

you bash the game cause it isnt' what you IMAGINED it will be in the release date


i am really sorry for you not being able to understand the B) part, it is where the juice is


as already all players said (the mature ones) including me is (i will put in on signature, it will save me time for writing all over the game)


is SWTOR flawless: NO

is SWTOR Perfect: NO

is SWTOR bugless: NO

Does SWTOR need patches: YES

Does SWTOR is in unpolished state: NO

is SWTOR a promising product for the future: YES

does SWTOR deserves MY $$$: YES


you judge me that saying that other opinions are flawed, which i didn't i just remind them that it is THEIR OPINIONS and not FACTS


you miss my whole post and clearly you do not understand what i say and what you answered



Wait. Let me get this straight. I want a Yes or No answer for this. But it sounds like you are saying that by telling Bioware what they did wrong, what they need to add and what they should fix, that I don't want the game to get fixed. OK. Yeah. Ok. Alright.

I'm not going to get into your horrible grammar and punctuation, but I can defend anything by saying "Its an opinion, not fact".

Lets say someone likes eating poop. I would go "SERIOUSLY MANG, THAT'S DISGUSTING, STOP THAT", according to you he could just say "That's an opinion, not a fact!"

Finally. SWTOR is buggy, it needs patches. It is very unpolished. All of the bugs and problems show that. It might be promising, if they fix the things the smart members of the community ask for. Currently, it does not deserve my money. I might cancel at the end of the free month if they do not fix some of these problems.

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Multi-Core support

64 bit client support

More detailed community responses

Give us an updated minimum systems requirement since Warzones seem to clog up significantly more resources than any other part of the game

Community admins should treat players with more respect

More end-game content

More servers/server transfers


Has Multi-core support

Not needed

They have lots of detailed responses

Not needed

The community doesnt need more respect when they whine and complain with no constructive criticism and make TOR die in 6 month threads.

Duh? New planet next month.

Lots of servers currently, take your pick.

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