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Reasons why SWTOR will be F2P in 6 mos


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Wait, I thought that wow didn't launch the LFG tool until just before LK? I could be wrong, and SWTOR wont be FTP at 6mons lol, your crazy. There are too many players out there that are hardcore SW fans that will stick it out at least a year. & this game is head over heels better then wow was at launch.


FYI - to this day WoW doesn't care about its client base. When they came out with that last instance before cata was released it was totally bugged, released before it was ready and I never saw a single post about how it was bugged and why. So whats this about wow listening to its subscribers?



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Whats funny is, by your post, wow should have failed when it launched. It had no endgame, next to no content, and had all sorts of game breaking bugs and glitches, as well as a horrible launch.


the diff is they didn't have over 100 mil spent on developing it, they didn't have access to new tech for mmo's and games in general. They didn't have many of the advantages bioware did during the dev of swtor.


Heres some facts we are going into week three and major things that the game shouldn't have launched with are still here.... i highly doubt they will be fixed next maintance... if they are great im wrong. But I doubt they will be.


What people dont understand is bioware is essentially the dev. EA and lucasarts largely control any and everything done to this game and where money is spent and how long they are allowed to spend it.


If after the first month they lose a large number of subs. I can almost garantee you that EA is gonna cut back on dev funds to make the game profitable because thats what it boils down to them making money. If bioware is sucking a large precent of profits from subs you can bet EA will lower their budget.

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I was wondering when someone was going to post their F2P predictions.


While self aggrandizing opining of "the state of the game" 2 weeks after launch is very tiresome, at least it's predictable.


Maybe there should just be a separate "Reason Why TOR Will Fail" forum for the whiners to post their indulgent idiotic ramblings.

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It is just like I said it was. LFG is not LFD reading comprehension is not your friend.


False, you said

It did not aid in finding a group, it just could just be used to get 3 out of 5 of the players already in the group to the dungeon entrance faster.

and as I linked, the meeting stones were originally created as the prototype of the current LFD.

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Although I disagree with about the 6 month F2P estimation....I could see it happening later on, maybe after 12-24 months.


Like the OP, I too have a less than great opinion of EA and how they treat their customer base. It's very "corporate 1%er type" atitude where the voice of the consumer matters nil compared to the voice of the investor.

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Can I list 6 reasons why the OP is wrong or would that be considered harassment?


Likely harassment.


I have been warned a few times by responding point for point against even the most insulting trolls. The board rules are basically: The original post is valid no matter how insulting to entire sections of the player base and defensive replies are considered trolling.


Simply posting a reply to these trolls who simply can't just leave without making a soap opera out of it, leads to them reporting you because you do not share their doomsday views.

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There's nothing inherently wrong with either model, but I still don't buy the concept that every game that's P2P will work better as F2P or that a "failing" game can always save itself by dropping to F2P.


To be successful as a F2P game you have to focus on a specific market (so that all content that's released has a high return), as compared to the design of a successful P2P game which is to maintain a bit of everything for everyone (to maintain the largest active population you possibly can).

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the diff is they didn't have over 100 mil spent on developing it, they didn't have access to new tech for mmo's and games in general. They didn't have many of the advantages bioware did during the dev of swtor.


Heres some facts we are going into week three and major things that the game shouldn't have launched with are still here.... i highly doubt they will be fixed next maintance... if they are great im wrong. But I doubt they will be.


What people dont understand is bioware is essentially the dev. EA and lucasarts largely control any and everything done to this game and where money is spent and how long they are allowed to spend it.


If after the first month they lose a large number of subs. I can almost garantee you that EA is gonna cut back on dev funds to make the game profitable because thats what it boils down to them making money. If bioware is sucking a large precent of profits from subs you can bet EA will lower their budget.



WoW was heavily outdated when it came out and oldschool mmo vets were sneering at it for how shallow the gameplay was and first complaint from powergamers was lack of endgame...I played wow from closed beta till 3 years ago.


My meaning is...every time new MMO comes around same complaints always occur. SWTOR is first game after WoW to actually bring massive amount of new players to MMO genre, that's how wow got big and thats how swtor will stay viable.

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I highly doubt this will go F2P in the near future.


However, I do agree the game was lazy to use such an outdated engine. I mean, I see the logic, MMOs need to appeal to all sorts of computers not just high end ones, so they needed an engine that can manage it... but this has led to a more cartoony-style that I loathe.


I am finding it difficult to immerse in the story as most of the non-class quests are boring and some of the crew crafting skills are pretty much not beneficial at all to have. Space combat is a write off. Tanking PVE is horrendous, and there is still a lot to hammer out bug wise.


I actually still feel SWG was a superior game in gameplay and addictive value when it was in it's prime (though severely unpolished), and at the same time I played WoW for 6 years. This game is neither. I don't know what it is yet... I'm giving it a solid chance and time will tell if it's worth playing in the long run.

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(The original thread was nuked for violating forum TOS for referencing religion, so here is your religion-free version)


So after playing beta, EGA and the first few days of launch, I predict that SWTOR will go F2P in about six months.



Well. I am glad you predict. So does DIon warwick. Your a tool.




This is perhaps the biggest misstep. Biowhore and Evil Arts cut corners by licensing the HeroEngine instead of developing their own. Now, as a developer professionally, I would normally say "Good for them," but it is painfully clear not much money went into developing this engine into something for a AAA MMO. As of 9/2011, the engine still does not support multiple cores nor a 64-bit client. Even WoW supports multiple cores and a 64-bit client.


This is sloth, and the fact that BW/EA did not bother to invest in the backbone of this game. Players will burn through your content and dialog. And when they get into the routine of playing the repetitive parts of the game, they will really start to notice how little was put into this engine.


Maybe your just used to beign spoiled. This game runs fantastic on my PC. The visuals and scale of the worlds is amazing.



Ignoring your users


The community management sucks. The interaction is canned corporate responses. There is no detail, the only admitted problem is Taris and that's only because quite literally hundreds of players have fallen into a figurative black hole on that world. This is a poor way to treat your community. To treat them like children. As if giving them information is something they could not handle. Your customers are not asking you to cater to their every whim (well, most of them), but they do enjoy having information that allows them to make informed decisions... like... do they actually need to upgrade, or do you have a really crappy, inefficient engine that you'll eventually patch and do we just suffer or spend our money to get new hardware. Stuff like that. This smacks of pride.


Do you have any real evidence they have ignored there playerbase or users? or is it just that they ignored you?


Being greedy


Another major misstep here was the revocation of a grace period and only reinstating a small span of time after the community set you on fire for it. Given the insanity of the postal services during this time of year, the seven day grace period would have shown forethought and consideration. Can't let those players play an extra week! They could be giving us money instead!


Given the fact that this is EA, if the cost of maintaining a viable player base, due to initial craptacular implementation or lack of project planning, costs more money, they are going to court the players until they at least make ends meet so they can save some face in front of the investors. Then they will begin hiking back resources to adding or supporting this game and ultimately F2P with microtransactions.


One of the reasons WoW did so well was that Blizzard had all its eggs in that basket. SCII and D3 were not coming out for a long, long time and SC:Ghost was scrapped. They had to stick it out and make it profitable and look at it now. Be sure, if EA can figure out the numbers to make their enterprise more profitable that does not involve SWTOR (in the short term), they'll cut this project quick.


Three parapgraphs of mumbo jumbo. Again you state no facts. only opinion


Fostering anger in their community


This one is on the community management again. They foster this environment. Poor details, poor handling of users, poor customer service. Closing duplicate threads with the snarky "Go here" as if to hide the sheer number of pissed off people. It all contributes to the community's anger at how this is being mishandled. Eventually, that anger is going to translate into people not staying past the free 30 days.



Really? What a bold statement1 You mean because less then 1% of playerbase comes here to forums and complains they are fostering anger. I am sure you have access to all the internal data to support these claims.



WoW Clone, Family Guy Style


This game is WoW without all the bells in whistles. It starts out sleeker than WoW, but is missing things that are pretty integral to WoW's success during the end of Vanilla and Burning Crusade. A solid end-game, both PvE and PvP. Better community tools like a group finder (I mean a group finder, not a cross-faction hullabaloo) and so forth. Three years and 100 million dollars for a watered down WoW clone with an exhaustible story and thoroughly abused IP.




Engorging your servers


I chalk this up to servers. Yes, everyone has launch issues, but given the fact that they put us through that painful EGA, you would think they would have put in the infrastructure to migrate your character to a different one, put in some server caps to prevent qs and everything else. Nope, not happening. So instead they have engorged themselves on players and we are all suffering for it.


And with these missteps, I call it here and now. F2P in 6 mos. It will not go away, but I seriously doubt you will see much more polish.


Better then all your servers being empty.



You sir, are in Fact. A retard.

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Another worthless post and ridiculous opinion. star trek online lasted 2 years as p2p and was one of the worst MMOs in history. I played at launch was terribly let down. This game has the most subs at launch in history, is very well polished, has to work on things of course yes. This game will be p2p for years and will continue to grow. The asians will love this game too, your prediction is pathetically awful.
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Another young doom sayer posts a thread....*sigh*


The reality is this game isn't made for hardcores or to be F2P for a small community. Its made for casual players who will keep it going a long time in the state it is in and as it grows.


So learning how to be negative with a bunch of erroneous reasons you probably read on MMORPG.com doesn't matter.

Edited by Drallbait
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Another worthless post and ridiculous opinion. star trek online lasted 2 years as p2p and was one of the worst MMOs in history. I played at launch was terribly let down. This game has the most subs at launch in history, is very well polished, has to work on things of course yes. This game will be p2p for years and will continue to grow. The asians will love this game too, your prediction is pathetically awful.


Ahhh...STO...I still have a Lifer sub to that pile of steaming bantha poodoo. Considering that Cryptic STILL hasn't implemented a real Klingon faction campaign that they promised before launch I would say you are correct in calling that the one of the worst MMO's ever made.


SWTOR is nothing like STO was/is...if this goes F2P then something has gone terribly wrong with the universe.

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