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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The developers' responses regarding class balance are 100% justified...


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Good morning,


Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Sir Marty the Magnificent. I'm a professional Gaming Legend who takes video gaming very seriously. I am posting here today for one reason and one reason only. But first, allow me to divulge my credentials which prove my professionalism within the gaming industry.


Gaming Résumé:

  • 1997 Ultima Online – Was part of the famous fellowship led by none other than Sir Copperfield the Honorable himself, and stormed Lord British's castle and assassinated the so-called great king. This of course earned everyone apart of my fellowship a lifetime ban from all Ultima games, but it was worth it.
  • 2003 Star Wars Galaxies – I was given early access to each of the expansions released for the game due to the dedication I put into SWG. I was the richest player on my server, became the first Jedi in the whole game and was known as a fierce Bounty Hunter Force-sensitive.
  • 2004 World of Warcraft – Became the first levels of 60, 70 and 80 on 7 different servers. I also lead the feared and highly skilled PvP guild <Gnome of Warcraft> on the Shattered Hand server.
  • 2007 Halo 3 – Became the first 50 General and all the way through to 5 Star General in the whole multiplayer. I became the first General to 5 Star General in several playlists including Social Slayer, Lone Wolves, Team Snipers, and SWAT. I also received the Recon armor from Bungie devs due to my unrivaled skill within the game.
  • 2009 Hello Kitty Online – I was a Closed Beta and Founders' Beta tester. Became a 1 percenter but immediately following that, I sent a strongly worded letter to Sanrio Digital demanding a more luxurious farm with twice the amount of land I already owned. I gave them 72 hours and quit right after their time was up since they never responded.
  • 2011 Star Wars: The Old Republic – The first ever to achieve Valor 100 with the Elite Warlord title, the first ever to achieve level 50, and the first ever to obtain the Legacy Lv. 50. I once won a Warzone that was 8 against 4. My highest medals ever achieved is 27.
  • 2012 Halo 4 – The first ever to max pass SR50, and cleared all 8 Specializations and became the 1st ever to reach SR130. I'm also the first ever to get an Unfrigginbelievable with an Assault Rifle, BR, DMR, Magnum, Energy Sword, Ghost, Scorpion, and Mongoose.


Now, to get to the reason why I'm posting here today. Lately I've been seeing hoards of players posting "heal2full", other variations of "heal2full" and "make them pay", mocking BioWare for their... "short-sightedness".


I'm here to tell you that it isn't BioWare that is short-sighted. It is you, the player. As a player, it is your responsibility to adapt to any type of class changes and just plainly learn to play. BioWare may not say this, but I can. Did I complain when the DMR was nerfed in Halo 4? No. Did I complain when BioWare nerfed the Arsenal/Gunnery spec? No.


Even though I'm known as the top DPS on the Prophecy of the Five, I have leveled a Sage to 55, and still my skills are unrivaled; even on par with Sir Copperfield. I play an extremely advanced hybrid spec which enables me to virtually heal and DPS at the same time.


I've kept at it and learned to play and master many games since 1997. Being a professional gamer, I may have many advantages than all of you here don't have, but you people need to realize that this is an MMORPG of an extraordinary caliber. That being said, you all just need to take the hint and learn to play.

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Not your best but nice to see you still around. :)


All jokes aside it is the players faults for not knowing to to player thier classes, I'm glad you are reinforcing biowares stance on this.


You are completely correct. No one in the game knows how to play sorc and sage except this guy and someone else on PoT5 :rolleyes:

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Sir Marty is a good man.


Please show Sir Marty the respect he deserves.


Sounds like an incredibly arrogant person. There is no need to post what you have done in video games. It does not add credibility to anything he has to say. Sticking up for something ridiculous the devs have said.

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Sounds like an incredibly arrogant person. There is no need to post what you have done in video games. It does not add credibility to anything he has to say. Sticking up for something ridiculous the devs have said.


Did you make the game? No the devs did and if they say you need to L2P basically, good on them for showing some backbone.

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Why oh why do so many people not get it when somebody makes a humorous post that is disguised in the slightest way. Do people even read the funny details and notice the totally exaggerated arrogant tone?


I liked the Hello Kitty Online part and the one about killing Lord British (wich acually happened due to a bug in the beta :) )


I give it 6/10 for the little funny details. Like the 27 medals in a warzone wich is more than having all offensive medals (6) + timing (6 for a < 5 minute win) + tanking (4) + damage (4) + kills (2) + killing blow + solo kill. Wonder if the other three medals were for healing or for defense :D (the only categories left).

Edited by Vanarion
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Rainz killed Lord British alone, everyone knows this. I'm offended that you would imply it took multiple people to do so, and that you'd steal credit from the real mastermind. :mad:


Who knew all it took to earn the Mastermind title was pointing and clicking where you wanted your fire field to land :p

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The science or art of class balance is one awefully tough cookie to explain and accomplish, for there are so many vantage points to benchmark it.


Let's look at class balance on a one-on-one basis, a true fair and balanced system would be conductive at whatever class you played, and if all things equal (experience, gearing, ingenuity) then you would have a 50/50 chance at wiining or loosing, there would be in fact no superior class, just what personal preference as to style.


Let's look at class balance on a group-vs-group basis, now this is tough, for some classes have a capability/power multiplier ability that others does not, and this is were the wall commences to have cracks. Many players have often stated that in their opinion, a class that has a group multiplier should be nurfed on a one-on-one basis for the sake of some obtuse form of balance, a position not agreed to by the class getting nurfed of course.


If I look at the various classes and their dual specialization choices, I see issues from both perspectives (one-on-one and group vs group) and the math simply does not add.


But I will be the first to acknowledge, balancing does not come easy. The first mega-problem, is that too many players and developers are still stuck with the Gary Gigax group architecture of the late 1970s, that is fighter (tank), Wizard (dps), Cleric (heal), Thief (crowd control/filler). As a result you see this architecture replicated over and over and over, and of course each class came with their own arbitrary strenghts and weaknesses.


What breaks the Gigax architecture, is the player fun factor. Take the tank, nearly invulnerable, but supposed to have pityful DPS; while the Wizard was mega DPS but extremely fragile. The cleric was a compromise in mediocrity and the thief was reduced to comic relief. If you really were to play say a Sith Warrior Juggernaut, who can easily obtain huge damage mitigations, you should have nearly no damage potential, and say a Sith Inquisitor Assassin with virtually not much for damage mitigation should really do orders of magnitude more damage; but this is not the case. I finally leveled my Juggernaut to level 50 and have no issues with my DPS, and I sure can take a beating too. My Inquisitor is 55, and I can really dish it out, but if I gain aggroe and they come after me, it will be curtains if I don't eject out of the battle through the use of vanishing. When i compare my Assassin to my Juggernaut, I can benchamrk my tanks damage mitigation/evation to be about 3 times better as you would expect out fo a tank, yet my Inquisitor's damage is not 3 times better than my juggernaut, its only about 50% better.


With the above benchmark, think how boring it would be to play a juggernaut if their dps was reduced down to a third of its present ability? That would at least balance the damage mitigation to dps values among the two classes, but seriously who would play the juggernaut? On the other hand, can you imagine playing the game with an Shadow or Assassin who does three times more damage? Tough balancing act, here, maybe the tank should not be so tough or perhaps the dps class not be as vulnerable as they are, say a more practical compromise, such allowing the light armor classes to acquire evade more efficiently and be half as good as the tank, instead a third as good? Where does the proper balance lay?


I feel for the developers, its a tough spot to be at. Do I feel classes are balanced?


On a one-on-one, not even remotely.

On a group on group, perhaps...



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Sounds like an incredibly arrogant person. There is no need to post what you have done in video games. It does not add credibility to anything he has to say. Sticking up for something ridiculous the devs have said.


Sometimes being honest and truthful can come off as arrogance. Only SirMarty can stand up against an angry flaming mob and win. /Bow to SirMarty

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Please show me on the doll where the bad Sage/Sorc touched you...


I'm sorry I had to resort to chastising you all, but it had to be done. You just need to learn to play. Simple as that. Look, you may not be able to "heal 2 full" at the level of skill I can, but at least attempt to. BioWare gave this class a multitude of ways of keeping itself up while being able to dish out damage.


It's clear a lot of you here really need to take playing Sages/Sorcs more seriously...

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