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Everything posted by Vanarion

  1. Why a new ability anyway? To fill our skillbars? Does it add to the experience? Personally I do not desire any more skills. What I'd like for Sage/Sorc are changes to Balance/Madness: - more mobile, - cooldowns better aligned, - a better tactical - a good individual set bonus - and maybe one or two additional interesting skill synergies added. And to Seer/Corruption: - Change force restored by vindicate from 40 to 50 and force regeneration from 2 to 3 for 10 seconds. The keycap of that skill on my keyboard is alredy getting thin .
  2. Having the same problem. It's all in the best traditions of this games QA though... Motivation killed ... again ... well done QA. Don't know when I'll pick up the new story again. Will be pissed for a good ammount of time, because this kind of stuff happened too many times to me.
  3. With the introduction of the new augments and a component needed for them gated behind ranked PVP (drop rate from CXP boxes is pretty low) it was totally predictable that people would start win trading to obtain said components. I think the idea was to create something similar to the equipment tier we once had for PVE nim mode. Something you can only get effectively by participating what is considered the most challenging content. Thing is you got to be able to actually kill the respective bosses in nim mode. And with the old system you would have got a certain pieces only from certain bosses. In PVP you can just win trade. What is now happening was absolutly predictable. I hope that the market will get saturated with the PVP components while being short of the ones from operations. Just another design descision by the actual bioware team that I can only describe as questionable.
  4. ... to the Bioware quality management team. We're glad to have you on board again to battle in the frontline of pre release bug hunting. For this we granted you early access to the newest and hottest Content this game has to offer! To keep things interesting we have hidden at least 10 new bugs for you to find, that have guaranteed nothing to do with new game content or game changes. Enjoy! ... Sorry Bioware staff and fellow subscribers, after all the years I had to do this
  5. Hahnenkampf ? Also ich muss sagen es freut mich, dass Revan auf unserem Server endlich auch liegt. GZ an dieser Stelle Grüße Silan
  6. To be honest, I don't understand why there's the need to add a new skill every time when there is a new level cap. Especially when it fits so badly into the specc. 18, 15 and 12 sec cooldown. At best that means a sequence will repeat after what ... 120 seconds? If you play like a machine that means. Next time just another skill to shift through the classes rotations? Just to add to the quantity? Complexity in numbers? Will we end up using tools that tell us wich button to press next? Really I wish SWTOR would not go this road...
  7. It's not not only that Balance is severly underperforming. It's not nice to play anymore too. For max damage you need to include Force Serenity, wich has a 12 second CD. Force in Balance and Vanquish got 15 seconds. Weaken Mind and Sever Force got 18 seconds. That leads to a massiv shifting of CDs through the rotation. That much that at least I have to permanently check my skillbar AND the enemy debuffs. Add some movement and you totally loose any feeling for your priorities. This sucks. It's totally unintuitive.
  8. Mich haben bestimmt alle lieb. Ich bin ein kleiner dicker Cherub und singe täglich mein Hosianna und spiel auf meiner kleinen Harfe dazu. .... In diesem Sinne: Frohe Weihnachten!
  9. Erm how shall I read your "rotation" Boroth? Two times disturbance after a Vanquish on Procc? And Force Serentity isn't in it either. And a rotation you say? The lengths of the cooldowns don't allow for a static rotation. You surely shifted abilities over time, didn't you? So pls take a closer look on what you've written. The only information that makes sense to me is that you used Vanquish and Disturbance on proc wich is the obvious way to use them. I don't think there is any special trick in our balance/madness discipline. - Use Force serenity on CD when Weaken Mind is up (obvious because of the damage it does with just a cast length of a GCD and it's internal damage also) - Use Force in Balance on CD - Renew Weaken Mind and Severe Force when ran out - Vanquish on procc over disturbance on procc - Fill with TKT My bet for the best use of Force Potency is Force serenity and FiB. (Edit: changed order) Minuses and pluses of 3.0 compared to before: - No more 6% crit chance bonus to Telekinetic Throw - No more 25% damage bonus on Telekinetic Throw to targets affected by Sever Force - 6% damage bonus to Telekinetic Throw from Empowered Throw - No more +30% critical hit bonus damage for Dots and FiB - No more telekinetic focal point (stacked up to 4% alacrity bonus + 36% bonus damage to rippling force) - Force Supression damage bonus to dots down to 10% (from 20% before) - Bonus damage of Presence of mind to Mind Crush and Disturbance down to 25% (from 35% before) against + 5% crit chance bonus to Force Serenity nad Disturbance + global dot damage bonus up to 10% (from 9% before) + 15% dot damage to targets below 30% max health + Force Serenity skill that does 25% more damage on targets that got Weaken Mind + 12,5% dps to base Telekinetic Throw (see * bellow) + 10% AOE damage bonus to Targets effected by FiB + 5% force damage bonus to force atccks applied by Vanquish I don't know how this sums up after all (the devs should usually simulate the outcome), but maybe the discipline is one of the few that met the design goal of "doing the same dps as before when geared out" and all those that parse over 4k now with just mediocre 3.0 gear are broken . *For those who still not understand that "TKT does 25% less damage" thingy: The bare skil yet does more DPS. Lets assume it would do 5k over full 3 sek: 1. TKT over 3sek => 5000 / 3 = 1666,7 DPS 2. TKT over 2sek 25% less damage => 5000 * 0,75 / 2 = 3750 / 2 = 1875 DPS) But it lost it's damage buffs from one passive (6%) and a skill effect (25% from Sever Force)
  10. Machtgelassenheit ist ein Skill in der Gleichgewichtsspezialisierung. Der erste Setbonus wirkt also hier in der Disziplin. Der zweite Setbonus ist nicht wirklich der Rede wert oder? Egal welche Disziplin. Erschütterung kann man in Gleichgewicht nach vier Treffern (ein kompletter Channel ohne Verfehlen) von Telekinesewurf sofort auslösen und bekommt dann 25% Schadensbonus. Auf meinem PVE Gear hat TK-Wurf 4600 Schaden (über 2 Sekunden) und Erschütterung 2939-3067 Schaden (1,5 Sekunden Castzeit bzw. GCD) . TK-Wurf macht also 3450 in der selben Zeit, die Erschütterung braucht. Ohne Procc ist Erschütterung also ein DPS-Verlust. Mit 25% Schadensbonus macht Erschütterung dann max. 3833. Das macht eine Differenz von max 383 mehr Schaden mit Ershütterung. Nicht mehr so dolle wie vor dem Patch, aber immer noch lohnend. Die Verkürzung des Cooldowns von Machtwirksamkeit durch den Setbonus macht den Einsatz von Erschütterung für Gleichgewichtsgelehrte dann aber wieder zu einem Muss. Da jedoch Telekinese momentan deutlich besser parsed als Gleichgewicht und eigentlich keine Nachteile bezgl. Bewglichkeit mehr hat, spricht im Moment eher weng für Gleichgewicht. Im Moment sollte man sich meiner Ansicht nach nicht zuviele Gedanken machen. Das Blancing der DPS passt nach meinem Eindruck vorne und hinten noch nicht un wird noch einige Änderungen erleben. Das ganze inklusive Setboni hat für mich im Moment noch frühen Beta-Status.
  11. I bet it was brought up in the beta. And I highly doubt it was a design descision to nerf balance. Seriously developers should easily be able to simulate the outcome of dps changes. It's all math and with the new skill system there isn't even any considerable variation in speccs any more. I really wonder how it is possible to fail that much. Given that the design goal was sutained speccs to parse better than burst speccs to a certein degree, the actual outcome hints that noone actually did the math. TK seems to be the better sustained AND burst specc atm with also no disadvantage in mobility. I also doubt that any of the developers has seen that disturbance will become pretty useless, even though it is quite obvious. It should do more damage than 3 ticks of TKT (1,5 secs) to be effective, shouldn't it? I can only partly follow the argument that it would be problem to fix balance, because of damage increase being multiplied by additional AOE hits. TK is heavy in AOE and already parses a lot better single target. AOE damage in over 90% of the cases apllies to mob groups wich don't even stand half of the 18 seconds the dots tick. Compare that to the effectiveness smashers or TK-sages. Burst AOE will still be king that discipline. I bet in a matter of days we will see that not only sage/sorc has serious balance issues. My personal conclusion: It's just sloppy work. Same as all the revived bugs we see everytime they bring out new content (code management could do magic really), new bugs wich they just seem to ignore in beta and localization getting worse every new content (chunks of text simply missing, wrong values and desciptions in tooltips and so on). What we se here is an aspect of the issues in quality management Bioware has.
  12. I do actually both PVP and PVE and would find it rather boring to do only one of both. I'd categorize raids into three different types: Progressing: That's content my raid group is actually trying to clear. For new raid content fun is finding out about the boss mechanics and evolve the tactics ourself. For hardmode/nightmare it is fleshing out the tactics and to improve as a team until we master a boss. Raids to gear up: Raids we do regularly to get better gear. It's routine spiced up with jokes and smalltalk in TS. Fun Raids: Raids done to chill, maybe equip a twink or two and laugh a lot. We create our own level of difficulty by trying to creativly kill certain raid members or maybe wipe in an as absurd way as possible, completly ignoring mechanics, pulling as muss adds as we think we might handle or even more, doing 8/16 man raids with as small groups as possible. Such things. We are not the most disciplined lot . Sometimes I do some PUG raids to get acquainted to other people and guilds and to pick up some promissing players for our guild (of course only those without a guild ). All in all for me it's the people of my guild and friends that make raids fun.
  13. Der Bomber eignet sich in jedem Modus eine Stellung zusammen mit einem Kampfschiff und etwas Scout-Support aufzubauen. Zwei Bomber und ein Kampfschiff ergeben eine nicht so leicht zu knackende Festung. Diese Synergie ersheint mir, nach ersten Eindrücken, sogar etwas zu stark zu sein. Der Aufwand die Stellung zu halten erscheint deutlich geringer, als der sie zu knacken. Im Kuat Dominanzgebiet ist der Bomber an der Satelitenposition B ein guter Verteidiger. In Deathmatchgebieten, werden Mitspieler in Jägern lernen müssen die Stellung von Bombern und Kampfschiffen zu verteidigen und sie als Rückfallposition zu nutzen.
  14. Für den Schuken-DD brauchts zum Lenkrad bestimmt noch Pedale. Die Änderungen lesen sich nicht so, als ob der Prügel-Schurke / Messer-Sabo extrem stärker geworden wäre. Vlt. eher etwas mehr auf der Höhe mit dem Schatten? 'Nen Opener von zwei brauchbaren überlebt man halt im Normalfall nicht, wie zuvor schon auch. Die Änderung mit den Traumasonden scheint nett zu sein. Heilung auf Vorrat auf beliebig vielen Mitspielern. Mit wieviel tickt die nun im PVP? Ich hoffe ich war jetzt nicht zu sachlich für unseren Faden .
  15. My two cents: Evasion: An evasion build has 41% accuracy reduction, but as others mentioned that is not 41% chance that a weapon will miss. As a tradeoff it has -30% shield capacity resulting in a measly 910 capacity per arc. A strike ship with upgraded directional shields has 1980. A straight shot with a Quad Laser at a range of about 2500 will have an accuracy of about 115 to 120% given an accuracy bonus of 6% from a crew member. So the chance to miss in this case will be 21 to 26%. Given that this game doesn't seem to have different hit boxes for different types of ships, this represents the slippery nature of a ship of this type and equipment. Missles aren't influenced by accuracy and a few hits of those will easily blow an evasion scout. So will a gunships rail guns. Using the same Quad Lasers in close combat is a different story. Base accuracy will be about 110% + 6% from a crew member, but the -1.5% tracking accuracy have a large impact here. For the target being 20° of the center that accounts for -30% accuracy, leaving you with a chance of about 45% to hit. But (!) the tracking accuracy applies against every ship type. A strike fighter may have 11% evasion, wich will lead to a chance of about 75% to hit it under the same circumstances. Shouldn't the conclusion be that weapons like Quad Lasers are not meant for close combat? Same for the Strike fighter. It is not meant to excel in close combat. It has more shields, more hull, a magazine leading to more power for their guns or a larger munition pool than a scout and a bigger range. So maybe it's role is to fight targets at midrange, maybe for example fighters (and especially scouts) that are in close combat with team mates? Scout firepower: A scout with neutral energy distribution will be out of energy pretty fast. Redistributing energy to the weapons will lower the shield capacity even more. It's guns do the same damage as the same type used on a strike fighter. Srike fighters have a magazine supporting their weapon energy or ammo cpacity. Scouts don't. Being only effective at close range a scout consumes a lot of thruster power to get to and stay close to a target. So most of the time a scout that is actually fighting and not just evading will have energy redistributed either to weapons or thrusters and thus will be very fragile. Killing an opponent with energy redistributed to thrusters, wich is often is necessary to stay close to a target, requires good aiming, because otherwise the scout will find itself out of weapon energy before killing the opponent. Cluster missles: Here lies the true problem with Stings and Flashfires in my oppinion. The lock on time is really short and so is the reload time. A map with 5 or more ships using these missles can get pretty annoying. But those things aren't just working against other shiptypes than scouts. They also work against Stings and Flashfires. I find the mechanics to counter missles strange in GSF. Once launched they ignore collision objects, can not be outmaneuvred, don't seem to have a max range. Only using abilities helps. Actually it appears much easier to hit sb with thes things than with guns. I had a lot of games where with pilots flying pikes and flashfires who won't score near 20% hit rate with their guns but are still scoring 20k+ damage thanks to the blasted missles. I'd personally trade 20% more weapon and engine power regeneration for the secondary weapon of the Scouts. Tl;dr: - Evasion is ok. It compensates for the game not distinguishing hit boxes and for the ships lower shield capacity and hull - Firepower is actually lower than a strike fighters, because those have a magazine. - Cluster Missles are a nuisance in general and on Flashfires and Stings in particular due to their strange mechanics. They are actually more effective than guns for the most but the skilled players, making skilled players appear overly deadly in Flashfires and Stings.
  16. You most likely won't get a lock on the target you're in a dogfight with. But you'll have a good chance to put the nail in the coffin of the guy who is chasing your teams gunboat for example. Have fun. Silan
  17. Some possibilities for scout configurations to hunt gunships: Nova Dive "Detector": http://dulfy.net/2013/11/16/swtor-galactic-starfighter/?link=dGEAAAEMBAUABRAB8gHyAuAB9ALQAOAA4ALgAuA= + sensor range (detects sensor damping gunboats within 23500m) + weapon range + primary weapon burst potential + target disabling capabilities + gap closing capabilities Flight Deck officer Ban Keldo says "Use Targeting Telemetry and they'll all pop up". Nova Dive "Ninja": http://dulfy.net/2013/11/16/swtor-galactic-starfighter/?link=dGEAAAEMBAUBBRMB8gDqAuAB9ALQAuAA4ALgAuA= + some ability to approach undetected + weapon range + no missle lock warning will warn them + copilot ability makes all weapons pierce shields Flight Deck officer Ban Keldo says "You know where they'll hide. They won't see you coming". Have fun Silan
  18. Zum Counter für Sensordämpfung: Scout: Sensorreichweite Nova Dive: 17500 m Reichweiten Sensoren: +5000 m Gefährte (z.B. Elara Dorne): +2500 m ------------------------------------------------ Summe: 25000 m Gegen Kampfschiff: Dämpfungssensoren: -7500 m Gefährte (z.B. Iresso): -4000 m ------------------------------------------------ Summe: 13500 m Aktive Fähigkeit Zieltelemetrie Scout: +5000 m (10000 m aufgerüstet) ------------------------------------------------ Summe: 18500 m (23500 m) Der Scout hat also ohne Zieltelemetrie ein maximal getarntes Kampschiff in 13500 m Entfernung auf dem Schirm. Mit aktivierter Zieltelemetrie in 18500 Metern. Du bist also leicht zu entdecken Kicki . Für jeden, der mit Konfigurationen und Gefährtenauswahl rumprobieren will empfehle ich: http://dulfy.net/2013/11/16/swtor-galactic-starfighter/ Grüße Silan
  19. @MCaliban In the case you cited even with an equal ammount of fighters you'll be ending in what i described lower, everyone locking their missles on each other. It's the concept that I don't like. Missles as a well placed finisher or to stir up a camping gunship to give him a run are fine with me. But fights where everyone is buisy avoiding missle locks while trying to land their own missles is not what I like space combat to look like. @Maliken I would not post my point of view, if I would not like GSF at all. Over all I like it very much, but I think there are many things that could be improved.
  20. It's the scenario I described with mainly fighters capable of spamming at least cluster missles, wich do some reasonable damage if upgraded by the way, that I find frustrating. An example: Me and my teammates were attacking A, where some Stings and and a Quell were protecting it. It was just annoying. They actually where not capable to hit us with with their guns, but the missles did their job too well. 1.3 second lock on time is near nothing. No matter what you do, the lock on time of cluster missles is that short, that you'll eat some of these if you want to do more than just evading. To round things up a gunship joined them and we where not able to take it out without heavy damage and some losses to missles and even torpedos, with wich the Quell had no problems to get a lock given the open space around A and given the range of those things. A torpedo hitting mobile fighters 100% just because its engine ability is on CD is just freaking strange. Those things are like cruise missles. They should be avoidable. I reach up to 60% hit rate with guns in a scout and do very well in most situations, but when everyone is spamming missles it just gets frustrating. If at least they would not fly through massive objects. Also some kind of countermeasures would be nice. People should be forced to use their missles thoughtfully.
  21. Fights could be epic, if what matters most would be good flight and targeting skills. In my opinion rockets and one shot capabilities are working against this kind of epicness. The gap between those who totally rely on these and those people who can actually hit something with their lasers, while avoiding to get hit by lasers themselves, is not far enough for me. In my opinion, being able to get a target lock alone should bring you nowhere. Ever been in game full of Flashfires/Pikes/Gunships? Whats your experience there? Never ending target lock warnings and the fruitless attempt to evade while trying to fight your target. At the same time 2 or three gunships are camping in sight of each other and the satelite, protecting each other, while all the rocket spamming keeps you from picking them as you should be able to, even if you spot them. If both sides are set up this way the gameplay just comes down to kill and be killed by rockets/torpedos and a rail shot here and there. Maybe some people like it that way (I guess those people not being able to touch 20% hit rate with lasers are), but I don't. What could be done? - Rockets and torpedos should collide with static objects - Torpedos should be avoidable through good maneuvering and thus only be effective against slow or not moving opponents - Reload times for rockets and torpedos should be raised drastically, dumpfires being the only exception - One shot kills should no way be possible Fire and forget then reload is not the kind of space combat I like to be in.
  22. Why oh why do so many people not get it when somebody makes a humorous post that is disguised in the slightest way. Do people even read the funny details and notice the totally exaggerated arrogant tone? I liked the Hello Kitty Online part and the one about killing Lord British (wich acually happened due to a bug in the beta ) I give it 6/10 for the little funny details. Like the 27 medals in a warzone wich is more than having all offensive medals (6) + timing (6 for a < 5 minute win) + tanking (4) + damage (4) + kills (2) + killing blow + solo kill. Wonder if the other three medals were for healing or for defense (the only categories left).
  23. @Godly_CzL I'd aggree for the most cases, but when it comes to intensive none stop healing, our class has a problem. Take for example NiM TfB Dread Guards. The first phase requires intensive group and tank healing. A situation where we want to max sustained HPS while avoiding overheal. It's still eating up our resources, requiring a lot of force regen. The problem is not that we loose GCDs on Force regen, but that at a certain point we start to spend to much healing on our selfes. While rebuilding our resource in a still heal intensive Boss fight, our healing on the tanks and party members dops by a noticable ammount. The other classes have mechanics to compensate for burst healing by restoring a good ammount (50%?) of their resources with one CD. The overall number of HPS may seem in line but when you look at the ammount of healing taken by a sage/sorc in that fight, you'll come to the conclusion that the amount of healing spent on the Sage/Sorc himself is much higher, than on the other healing classes. In fact 2.0 has buffed our healing output by lowering the channel time of Healing Trance and the average activation time of Salvation. This is nice but also rises the ammount of resources spent. The regain of Noble Sacrifice however has not been raised and so we loose quite a bit of what we gained in healing on damage caused by our resource management.
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