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You must be really bored to pick at wording made in a petition almost a year old. Sorry that it bugs you so much. I tried to change the title. I can't, it's impossible.


I didn't see that it was that old and you did make a post on how you wouldn't have used that phrasing now so I won't comment on it further.

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I didn't see that it was that old and you did make a post on how you wouldn't have used that phrasing now so I won't comment on it further.


No worries, it's ok. The last thing I want, is to get on the wrong foot with people. That's why I tried hard to explain why it was the way it was. So I hope things are ok then. :)

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[Ton of posts about using "We"]

Normally using "we" is a pet-peeve of mine as well, since it implies the person is speaking for the community as a whole when they could just as easily have said, "hey, here's what I think we need" and let people judge on the basis of the idea.


But the first word of the thread title is "Petition". I would have thought it's generally understood that in the context of a petition, "we" refers to the undersigned.


It seems completely legitimate and appropriate in this instance. "We" = LunaFox, adanthir, saremun, Dharius, Reno_Tarshil, and everyone else who wrote "/signed". That's kind of the basic concept of a petition*.


(* Which is not to say petitions are ever effective, either in general or here on the forums :p)

Edited by DarthDymond
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(* Which is not to say petitions are ever effective, either in general or here on the forums :p)


True as that may be, it is noticeably by far the biggest recent topic on the forum and as much as BW will not cave to just a petition, it does give food for thought that this subject is apparently alive and well here.

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So you want it, but question is how much do you guys really want it?


Like say $50 for a single class story?


If so you might have the ears of the suits, otherwise...

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So you want it, but question is how much do you guys really want it?


Like say $50 for a single class story?


If so you might have the ears of the suits, otherwise...


If you are talking a story expansion comparable to the first 3 chapters compete with companion interactions, yes, I'd pay $50 per class. Not all at once, but one or two a month, definitely.

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So you want it, but question is how much do you guys really want it?


Like say $50 for a single class story?


If so you might have the ears of the suits, otherwise...


I would pay that in a heartbeat. I'd prefer to do it class by class then, and work through them as I get money. I've paid more than that for proper expansions.


But I understand, what I would pay is not the same as what someone else would pay, but if I had to I would.

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If you are talking a story expansion comparable to the first 3 chapters compete with companion interactions, yes, I'd pay $50 per class. Not all at once, but one or two a month, definitely.
I would pay that in a heartbeat. I'd prefer to do it class by class then, and work through them as I get money. I've paid more than that for proper expansions.


But I understand, what I would pay is not the same as what someone else would pay, but if I had to I would.

Well then, if enough people are willing to, and I do know quite a few hundred thousands would.


Then you could have this someday.


Now question is: will EA burry this game with their new SW open world game?

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  • 10 months later...
Almost a year since this thread was last replied to than BAM. Of course if the dude made a new thread people would be "there's already threads about this". Just can't win. Of course my post is completely pointless as well. I love talking to myself.
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You guys do know that Bioware no longer exists right? To ask for anything outside of the bottom line from EA is crazy.


I think you would have a better chance if you petition the White House and get the 100,000 signatures and have Obama put in his 2 cents. I mean this is Star Wars and he answered the Build a Deathstar request.


Incorrect, partially.

Bioware no longer exists as a stand alone company, it has been bought by a publisher (EA). Bioware is still a developer studio but no longer publishes its own games.


I imagine EA gives Bioware a certain budget on which to improve the game, and the Devs have to decide how to spend it. So asking this, reacting to it and rating it will put it on the devs radar.


/sign /sign /sign !!!

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I'm still awaiting for act 4+ as anything that BW has released so far hasn't been "Individual" class stuff other that the one convo on Rishi.. which I don't class as an act at all. More individual class stuff please and not planetary quests that you class as "Acts"
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Some things are just worth necro'ing, Ducky. :D


Yea but I was told that Makeb was the concrete mold they would follow for stories for any future content from here on out and that individual class stories were no longer a thing. The Key writers for the class stories are no longer with Bioware... Daniel Erickson, Drew Karpyshyn and Alexander Freed none of their writing cannot easily be matched.


We all know what happens when you constantly change writers in any visual mediums such as in games, movies or television shows everything starts heading in tricky territory on how something should be approached and it starts to drop in quality. See stuff like Walking Dead or Mass Effect 3.

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