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No more class balance till 2.5 or 2.6.... WTH


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Question 14.



They are aware of class balance issues, especially in PvP, but want to wait until 2.4 goes live, before they start tweaking. Don’t expect changes before patch 2.5-2.6



This is getting ridiculous, some AC's or specs have been doing terrible since 2.0 came out. 2.4 was suppose to have some nice class balance but we have to wait even longer? I hope the marauders, snipers and ops have fun in the new pvp content cause no one else will.

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Personally, I understand what is going on.


Per Round One questions they understand that the Marauders and the Snipers need some attention.


Fortunately classes such as the Sage/Sorc and the VG/PT are well balanced enough to off-set the concerns.

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ROFL - dude I just posted the same thing:


"They are aware of class balance issues, especially in PvP, but want to wait until 2.4 goes live, before they start tweaking. Don’t expect changes before patch 2.5-2.6."


Holy Crap, they ARE AWARE that there are issues - guess they weren't Sorc or PT issues though. Of course, Marauder and Sniper issues are legitimate by default and will be addressed first as is the norm. But the real question is: will there be anyone left by that point to see what a "AAA MMO Balanced AC" even looks like?

Edited by IronmanSS
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GG Bioware.


I'll continue to pay you $15 a month just for pity money until Wildstar comes out.


Just reading what they've said the past few days and what their plans on just shows how much of a joke they are and have no idea what's going on.


But I do hope they keep logging on the PTS to get owned and just dance on the fleet. That's super beneficial to the game.

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So 1.4 comes out October so that means that 1.5 comes out Jan or Feb? So at least another 5 months of my Sin tank getting one shot by Terror from beyond NM, awesome. Glad that jug tanks can pop 100 cooldowns and live forever through it.


Well look on the bright side, you have plenty of time between then and now to grind a Jug tank.

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What I find ridiculous is that for 5 months following 2.0 there have been basically ZERO class balance adjustments. Now with the 2.4 also offering next to none when it drop in 6 weeks, we will have to wait till 2.5 or 2.6 to see resolution from some issues that were grossly apparent since 2.0?


I guess real the question is: How much time should we give the "Class Balance Team" to produce ANYTHING regarding class balance? This is like forking over the cash to build a new house to a contractor, then returning in 6 months to see them drinking beer on your still empty lot.


"How's the house coming along guys?"


"Umm, we decided to hold off on digging the foundation for 6 months because we're not sure it will look perfect when we're done... hey, would you like a beer? It's on you, cheers!"


...We're also discussing the viability of introducing class changes without relying on major updates (like 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc). There are a lot of factors at play and this is still an internal discussion, so no guarantees, but know that we'd love to be able to get class changes to you guys as quickly as we're making them.


Heck, I would have been good with class balance updates that DID rely on coming with "major" updates like 2.1, 2.2, & 2.3. Except there were none to be had. Are we crazy to expect a simple step in the direction of resolving these issues after 4 major patches post ROTHC. I can tell you what IS crazy: to accept the class balance devs non-activity and general silence for months on end as "fine" and continue to pay them for essentially nothing.


All sarcasm aside, my intentions is summed up right here:

...most people don't want their class to be OP. People want to play what they want and not have to be punished for it....


I have seen SO MANY players leaving their class or the game in general over lack of any progress on class balance. It seems pretty obvious that balance can never be truly achieved in an asymmetrical game, but perpetually striving for it should be the goal. How can we excuse taking zero steps towards the goal for so long?


It upsets me that this game has such great potential but has such negligent stewards.


(yes, this has been discussed before but deserves another look)

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Tweak, based on what metrics? The metric that no sane person will ever queue arena with a sorc/sage? I can tell them that right now. So, there.


I never really considered BF4 but the way things are looking now that's what I will be playing until Destiny drops.


On another note, we all know that gaming communties rarely to never are completely satisfied but I have never played a game with a more dissatisfied playerbase...and I'm one of them. The only reason I've been putting up with this crap is because there are IMO more interesting things around the corner (the new consoles and all the new games that come with that, including the PC versions) and that I can't be arsed with putting time and effort into yet another game up until that happens.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Question 14.



They are aware of class balance issues, especially in PvP, but want to wait until 2.4 goes live, before they start tweaking. Don’t expect changes before patch 2.5-2.6


It was said at the event that they simply want to collect lots of data on the performance of players/characters in Arenas before they do anything. That's all.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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It was said at the event that they simply want to collect lots of data on the performance of players/characters in Arenas before they do anything. That's all.


They've collected lots of data in normal and ranked warzones so far, it hasn't helped them create balance whatsoever.

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It was said at the event that they simply want to collect lots of data on the performance of players/characters in Arenas before they do anything. That's all.


So they'll balance classes out based on arena. That should be entertaining. I can tell you already. Get ready for them huge Vanguard/Powertech nerfs.

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The reason why there is not as much PvP content as PvE content is, that PvE allways need new content to clear, while PvPers are generally happy, "as long as there is someone to kill".


bwahaha :) That's some huge lack of respect towards the player base. I think if we respect ourselves we should just stop subbing and playing. It's a waste of time with their current attitude.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Per Round One questions they understand that the Marauders and the Snipers need some attention.

We do. I find that it takes a lot of concentration to tank on my Marauder, and even then some players were complaining that I wasn't doing a good enough job, one even tole me I was no tank at all!


So clearly anything that addresses the problem ASAP should be top priority. Maras should be able to H2F.

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Without class balancing, arenas will fail.


^ Main problem ^


Without balancing classes for arenas when they come out, it leaves the new arenas extremely susceptible to fail hard. The main balance issues need to get done with arenas then small tweaks can come later. This was a great point brought up by a friend of mine:



This is what happens when you design classes for 8v8 objective-based PvP, balance them with utility and then expect them to work in a 4v4 deathmatch environment where their utility, and therefore class balance, becomes obsolete.


Let's not forget about picking some random individuals through a popularity contest to represent one class, who in return end up being obsessed with the "underpoweredness" of their class instead

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bwahaha :) That's some huge lack of respect towards the player base. I think if we respect ourselves we should just stop subbing and playing. It's a waste of time with their current attitude.


LOL Was going to post the exact same thing. Seems they are losing PvP content then.


EDIT: I will probably be around at least off and on for a while because I am waiting for EQ Next and it seems like a long way off yet.

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Question 14.



They are aware of class balance issues, especially in PvP, but want to wait until 2.4 goes live, before they start tweaking. Don’t expect changes before patch 2.5-2.6



This is getting ridiculous, some AC's or specs have been doing terrible since 2.0 came out. 2.4 was suppose to have some nice class balance but we have to wait even longer? I hope the marauders, snipers and ops have fun in the new pvp content cause no one else will.


It might be a good idea to wait. Here's why:


There will be more players doing arena on live servers than the PTS. This means the devs will be able to look more closely at class representation, which comps are strong, which comps are weak, which classes are strong and which classes are weak etc. Therefore balance changes in 2.5/2.6 give the devs time to make better changes.


That being said, there are glaring balance issues in the current game that will obviously be problems when 2.4 goes live including but not limited to:

Smash marauders are too strong

Operative heals are too strong

DPS Operatives are too weak

Merc/Sorc heals are too weak

DPS Assassins are too weak

PT's are still not where they need to be yet.


I believe that small tweaks Bioware can make in EVERY patch to move towards correcting these issues. Balance is a game of trial and error. The more trials you have, the more errors you correct.

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