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Thank you BioWare for the dye system!


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Just a quick shout out to the devs for the great dye system that was added in Game Update 2.1 "Customization".


I've been looking forward to dyeing armors to suit my tastes, and this new system really helps us accomplish just that.


Thanks for hearing our requests to add in this feature, much appreciated!

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Yeah.. the system is not perfect... but just imagine if they pulled it out of the game now.... the rage would far exceed even the worst of the "dye rage" threads we had back a few months ago.


Keep the new colors coming though Bioware.. because there are still color combos people want.

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Do your dailies. I have three characters that I do dailies on every weekend, takes me a few hours and I end up with about 900K per day, 1,8 million over the weekend. Want the dye so badly, work for it.


oh some people have life you know...

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Do your dailies. I have three characters that I do dailies on every weekend, takes me a few hours and I end up with about 900K per day, 1,8 million over the weekend. Want the dye so badly, work for it.


Very true. And to be honest never buy a new color scheme the day it is released. A little patience and you will get it at a fair price. As for the rares? They will always be high credit worthy. Nothing a few dailies can't take care of.

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Wow man!, how didnt i see that, your are a genius!


I loooove the Wisdom from the forums..


You are not very bright yourself, how can you judge anyone? or did you just copy that from somewhere else?

It is a simple problem and a very simple solution. Nobody likes the grind but that is what it is. Some things have to be harder to get than others. Why ***** about it so much?

Edited by ELRunninW
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Where is the rant... where is the QQ...where is the hate..






It seems that very few people buy those packs on my server. Many colors are most time not on the GTN.

The hype is over. Color trading is now broken.


And no! I will not buy them myself. Never!


As long as I am a subscriber: go away from my wallet!

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Guild Wars 1 dye, being all white or all black was a sign of prestige. Good or bad, depending on if you were affluent in game or not, I think it was neat.


GW2 dye system gives people way better prices in game, and alot more flexibility. I think it dominates any other game for a dye system; ease of use, reasonably priced in game, sense of progression collecting colors.

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It seems that very few people buy those packs on my server. Many colors are most time not on the GTN.


Get off PTS and play on a live server. :p


Seriously though... which server?


Granted, I'm on the Harbinger ... the server of buzz and activity... but we always have the rares up for sale and usually more then 80 pages of dyes total.

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Guild Wars 1 dye, being all white or all black was a sign of prestige. Good or bad, depending on if you were affluent in game or not, I think it was neat.


GW2 dye system gives people way better prices in game, and alot more flexibility. I think it dominates any other game for a dye system; ease of use, reasonably priced in game, sense of progression collecting colors.


Comparing GW's dye system to SW:ToR's dye system is pointless as they are two completely different games.


Would you rather have no dye system at all or be thankful that BioWare answered our call to implement a dye system?

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Well, I would say what I said in another thread.


It's not the best dye system I have seen, and yes, some of the colors are pretty rare and expensive based on market demand, but IMO it's better than what we had before this, which was nothing and an absolute refusal to even add it to the game.


I can live with how it is now.


Could it use some improvements? Sure, especially with respect to sub level 15 orange armor that does not have dye slots and is not lore armor....but overall I think it's sound.


Do I think GW2 has a superior dye system, and other games that have a similar one to that system? Yes. However, I concede that Bioware will put it's slant on just about anything it adds to the game, and I am OK with that as well.


Besides, IMO there are some benefits to how it is set up here...mainly going with the plug in idea that is similar to the mod system (so it fits) and is a mode for profit for those folks that got hit when the crystals were added to the CM.


And honestly, the more expensive or difficult a dye is to get, the more I appreciate having it.


There are caveats as well naturally, but overall I am happy with the system as is, though I would like to see more armor dyeable.

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weapons, mounts, armors, color crystals and even pets are worthy of being rare...but a dye?? a freaking dye?? that's beyond me. This system is nuts...even BW could gain more $$$ by putting every combination on CM instead of giving it by gambling.
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Comparing GW's dye system to SW:ToR's dye system is pointless as they are two completely different games.


Would you rather have no dye system at all or be thankful that BioWare answered our call to implement a dye system?


Honestly? I'd rather they didn't implement anything rather than the restrictive, cash grab of a system that we currently have.


Don't fool yourself that they implemented this because players asked for it. EA / Bioware decided that dyes implemented as gambling packs was a great way to milk a whole lot of cash out of the players. That's why it was implemented and in the manner it was, no other reason. There's nothing to be oh so grateful about. Something isn't always better than nothing.


And before anyone says "don't like the gambling system, don't participate", I don't. Most of my characters wear their gear with the original colours and the few who do wear dye, it's one of the crafted colours I've made myself. Only way to get anything changed as a consumer is to vote with your feet / wallet.

Edited by Cernow
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