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Carnage Gaming Looking To Combine Forces


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Probably one of the more subtle recruiting threads I've seen.


Carnage is a raiding guild. That means (should you be accepted) you show up to a raid: on time, stimmed, with adrenals. You are expected to already have a certain level of gear. There are minimums for DPS and tanks. I assume they use DKP for loot. You're expected to have a minimum (high speed) internet connection. You're expected to stay until the raid lead calls it. Too many "family emergencies"? Just lost your spot next week.


If this doesn't sound like your guild that's because it's not. You're not in a 'raiding' guild you're in a progression guild. Big difference.


As I said though, this thread served its purpose. Now all the folks posting will go back and say:


/g "Hey did you know Carnage is looking to merge?"

/g_Random_individual: "Who's Carnage"

/g: "Top-end raiding guild"

/g_Random_frustrated_player: "Oh really?"

/random_frustrated_player puts in application to Carnage


This is how raiding guilds work. They pick off the cream of the crop from the server and keep on going. (EQ was horrible about this, WoW not so much as everything was dumbed down.) I wish you luck. I've walked that road in two different MMORPGs.

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Probably one of the more subtle recruiting threads I've seen.


I'm not sure what bridge you crawled out from under but your whole bit there is totally incorrect.


We don't do dkp, I've never dropped anyone from the raid due to family emergencies, this is not a recruitment thread. I'm not running this future guild, I won't raid lead it, I'll hardly raid in it myself.


I've said it before and I will again. I'm doing this for the raiders in my good, the people on this server, who are not living up to their full potential due to fragmentation. The good will not be carnage at the end of the day.


If you don't believe me, fine. You'll just have to wait and see.

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My in-game character name is Evorus, and I am in the guild Supernova (Assistant GM). We are a recently new guild on the server, and frankly I can sympathize with the OP and much of what the replies in this particular forum have posted. The wall we are running into is we do have members, but much of those members seem dis-interested or jaded.


For weeks now I have been attempting to rally the troops so to speak in order to start progression, however there appears to be a lack of interest. I think this has to do with what several previous post have already implied. The server is in disarray right now. People are watching guilds or rather (guild shopping) If they do not see what they like then they move on.


I will be honest Supernova is a casual guild but we do harbor hardcore members within our guild, who want to hit the ground running. I am one of those, and there are roughly 15 or so in our guild that currently share this same desire. Most of our members are extremely friendly and helpful, however I think as a server wide issue people are disenfranchised at the moment with the state of the game. What I have noticed with Shadowlands is people tend to be pretty tolerant, and very helpful.


I guess the insight I am looking for from our guilds perspective is how should we then move forward. We do want to progress in content, but we are seeing the same issues the OP mentioned as well.

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I tentatively would like to schedule a meeting for those interested for tomorrow, Monday, at 8pm. If people cannot make that time I can provide a summary and other discussions. I've had a few people reach out to me by email and pm and I'll do my best to reach out to everyone that contacted me.


We can use the carnage mumble, all who want to attend are welcome:

Server- MBL7.gameservers.com

Port- 10004

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Hey all, apologies for not getting the summary out immediately after (like an hour ago). The general point of the meeting was to gauge interest, which for most of the guilds there, seemed there.


General creation-

We are going to decide on a name ASAP - we will use Carnage (I will be paying for the guild name change) as the base guild. I will change the name of Carnage to the name of choice as soon as one is decided.


All members of the contributing guilds (the guilds that are joining) will be able to bring over all members interested, including PvP and social players. However, you will be limited to bringing only your main and your first alt (one that would actively raid / PvP).


The old guilds would not need to be deleted, they can house the remaining alts or any casuals who do not want to come over. However, anyone wishing to participate in any raiding will need to move their main over. If second alts or further alts want to raid, they are welcome to, just not as a part of the progression raid unless they move guild tags.


Beyond the main 16 raid group, there should be a ton of opportunity to do 8 man raids throughout the week. The two most likely raid times for the 16 man raid group is Tuesday and Thursday - if I had to guess, the start time would probably be around 8pm and end around 11:30PM (just a guess).


We will be creating a general chat channel so that you can communicate across the republic even when you are on a character outside the guild.


For individuals who end up looking for a home that is more casual, Covenant of the Phoenix has extended an invitation to join them. For individuals looking to house toons on the imp side, Immortals has extended an invitation as well.


We have two deadlines:

Friday, August 30 - Statement of interest (merely saying that your guild intends on participating in the mega-merger)

Monday, September 2 - Player count and nominations/officer choices (See below for what you are nominating)


So these are the couple main points we decided on, more or less-

Each participating guild would get:

-One officer

-One GM nomination (can be the officer or someone separate)

-One 16 man raid lead nomination

-One person who would vouch for their current raid base, in terms of who they thing would ultimately be a part of the "main 16" raid group


You can email me / PM me / message me in game regarding any of these things (or hop in mumble and someone will relay the info to me).


Lastly ...


Guild Name

This is the thing we need to determine most immediately. My suggestion of Shadow Republic was decently received. Other suggestions were, "Heal to Full" and "Make Them Pay." I think the general consensus was that we would try for a more neutral name.


So Shadow Republic is currently the top choice - but I would love to hear other suggestions. So if you are interested, go to your guild, gather some ideas (and throw Shadow Republic out there too) and let's see what we come up with. I'd like to change the name of Carnage to the new choice by the end of Wednesday.



On the first deadline, when I receive definitive word of interest, I will begin listing the guilds that will take part in this. The second deadline will be the final chance for any other guild who didn't initially indicate they were interested to take part.

Edited by Nibbon
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We will be creating a general chat channel so that you can communicate across the republic even when you are on a character outside the guild.

I was going to suggest this as I was reading through the thread, it has helped my guild and our friends on JC. Have all interested guilds post "/cjoin xxxx" in their MOTD after the merge so everyone can stay in contact, be found even on their alts if you need a fill in, etc. Even guilds that don't want to merge but would be interested in helping out filling any no shows, etc.


but make sure you do "/create xxxx" before anyone does /cjoin, this is the only way you can have mod privileges in the channel.



Cheers, and best of luck.

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i would of loved "heal to full" or "learn to play" or "make them pay" but that would probably not be the best since nibbon is going to be posting questions later as the class rep


dragon slayers


serious dragon slaying


dragons must die


die dragon die


soa was glitched


pve is srs bsns


youtube the fight


my parse is higher


epeen battles



my ideas so far, will add more later.

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dragon slayers


serious dragon slaying


dragons must die


die dragon die


soa was glitched


pve is srs bsns


youtube the fight


my parse is higher


epeen battles



my ideas so far, will add more later.


In response to your suggestions, I pose:


Obvious Troll


Class Balance


U Mad Bro




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As I stated to Nibbin during the meeting, I think our guild name should be a one-word name. Guilds out there like Synergy, Absolution, Onslaught.... you get the idea. Maybe they're over used but, meh Im still a fan. All-in-all I'm not really too hung up on the name. I'll be fine with whatever.
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Even after transfers still feel the need to troll The Shadowlands because you wasted money transferring?


u mad bro?





I never xfered, knew it was a waste of $ to reward bioware for their incompetence. You have me mistaken for someone else.

All in good fun, no animosity intended, just saw low hanging fruit :D


(plus I <3 Eavn)

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