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SWTOR is #1 in at least 1 category!


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He's not wrong. It's the correct procedure to report people and by ignoring them you take them out of it. Playing the parent may work sometimes but often enough it doesn't and only makes things worse and it only encourages that behaviour when you try to police things.


Really, just because you think you were successful a few times doesn't mean, he's wrong about reporting and ignoring. Those things are there for a reason, so using them is very much appropriate.


I'm sorry, when did I say not to report? I very clearly stated that you should report.

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So, After playing MMO's for 14 years now and playing pretty much every western MMO release (and some eastern) under the sun, I can honestly say that SWTOR is #1 in at least one category - The Most Vile Chat of any MMO I have ever seen.


Let me first say I am specifically talking about PoT5's Imperial Fleet Chat. Honestly, I have played everything from old school "Barrens" chat to 1999 FoH flame boards and I can honestly say I have never seen so many references to killing people in RL, male anatomy, or creative way's to defecate on ...anything.


I just have to wonder, does no one from Bioware ever just take a minute to go and read those chats? Understand I have pretty thick skin - I have never once "muted" or "closed" a chat in any MMO I have played and I have 0 people on ignore (outside of spammers) in every MMO I play, but for the first time ever I seriously thought about closing out of this particular chat.


I am sure I will be flamed for this thread and whatever, anonymity allows anyone to be a tuff guy and say whatever they want, but I just wanted to point out how absolutely horrendous the PoT5 Imperial Community (or at least the vocal ones in chat channels) are.


I hope it is isolated to just that server and that faction, the Pub side on POT5 doesn't seem quite so bad, but if this is how the general SWTOR community is then I have to say it is #1 in Worst Chat Channels Ever for any MMO out there (IMO).


I totally hear you there, man. There was a point when I had my chat window minimized just because of all the crap people say. Don't get me wrong there are TONS of people on general chat who craft in the fleet and answer questions for newbies or help people who need something. But there is a ton of bs on there. The majority of people on gen chat is sarcastic and annoying. Just a-holes for no reason. I switched to pub side and was like 'WOW, people are nice here." But no it's the same lol. But that's just the people who obviously have nothing better to do. I can't tell you how many times I've asked for help on general chat and a stranger went above and beyond to help me out. Say please, say thank you, and ignore the tards and you'll be cool. But I get where you're coming from because it did bug me for awhile.

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You're wrong, absolutely and unequivocally. You are the one perpetuating the problem. That's why you see such a high level of trolling on your fleet. On my fleet? Not so much.


Right, you're the galactic police and trolls on your server are scared to do their thing cause they might get shot down by your witty retorts. Do you actually read stuff you write before hitting submit?

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So, After playing MMO's for 14 years now and playing pretty much every western MMO release (and some eastern) under the sun, I can honestly say that SWTOR is #1 in at least one category - The Most Vile Chat of any MMO I have ever seen.


Let me first say I am specifically talking about PoT5's Imperial Fleet Chat. Honestly, I have played everything from old school "Barrens" chat to 1999 FoH flame boards and I can honestly say I have never seen so many references to killing people in RL, male anatomy, or creative way's to defecate on ...anything.


I just have to wonder, does no one from Bioware ever just take a minute to go and read those chats? Understand I have pretty thick skin - I have never once "muted" or "closed" a chat in any MMO I have played and I have 0 people on ignore (outside of spammers) in every MMO I play, but for the first time ever I seriously thought about closing out of this particular chat.


I am sure I will be flamed for this thread and whatever, anonymity allows anyone to be a tuff guy and say whatever they want, but I just wanted to point out how absolutely horrendous the PoT5 Imperial Community (or at least the vocal ones in chat channels) are.


I hope it is isolated to just that server and that faction, the Pub side on POT5 doesn't seem quite so bad, but if this is how the general SWTOR community is then I have to say it is #1 in Worst Chat Channels Ever for any MMO out there (IMO).


I call BS on this. You clearly never played on Tyranny the first year after AoC's launch. Because if you truly played every western MMO for the past 14 years, you'd know exactly what I mean and you would never make this kind of post.


Tyranny, again a PvP server, had to be actively monitored by Funcom AT ALL TIMES for absolutely atrocious behavior. In-game and out.

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Let me first say I am specifically talking about PoT5's Imperial Fleet Chat. Honestly, I have played everything from old school "Barrens" chat to 1999 FoH flame boards and I can honestly say I have never seen so many references to killing people in RL, male anatomy, or creative way's to defecate on ...anything.


It's a PvP server.... and the medical droids put Axiron in the Bacta Tanks. It helps keep the natives on edge and at each others throats with chest_hair contests 7/24. :p Where else would pimple faced button mashers hang out? :p


Bioware to add a /soap_in_your_mouth emote IMO. :D

Edited by Andryah
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I'm also going to add OP has clearly never played Tera either. Now THAT'S what a bad community looks like. Or Aion. Or WoW on the Illidan server.


Funny cause I actually play on Illidan - My current main is a warlock named Zebuxoruk...you can armory that - or Trevalon, Trevalen, or Deake - all my characters on Illidan.


I have never in my 2 years on that server seen Illidan's chat anywhere close to what I see on POT5 - and I spend a lot of time sitting in Orgrimmar/Shrine....


I also played Aion for the first couple months of launch got my Templar to 50 and decided that I couldn't do the Korean grind again and moved onto other pastures.


In your defense, I only played Tera's beta...so perhaps your right on that one.


I was also a Guide for EQ1 for over 3 years ( was one of the oldest guides when I retired) on the Innoruuk server. So I am absolutely no stranger to the worst of the worst when it comes to players - considering I used to be the guy who issued warnings for these kinds of things.


All I am saying is I am not a "noob" . I was just point out that in all my experience (and I have a lot of experience) the chat on POT5's Imperial Fleet is the single worst chat I have ever seen ...even topping all 3 years I spent as a Guide for Everquest (And one of my jobs was to go sit in the bazaar ((yes, Bazaar, we had MMO's before Auction houses were invented!)) and wait till people cursed or got out of line and to issue warnings to them for that behavior...).


If you don't play on POT5 Imperial side then honestly you just don't know - if you don't care then I really don't care what you think either. I am just pointing out (and hoping maybe some CSR reads this thread) that it is one of if not the worst chat I have ever seen.


P.S. I do report people who get too far out of line - Cussing (In moderation) I don't care, telling someone to "go die" I don't care...


Graphically describing how one would kill another persons family and then go and graphically describe how to remove another persons genitals and turn their desecrated corpse into a toilet...That goes a little far ...and gets a report from me...and this particular person was fairly minor compared to some other stuff that goes on.

Edited by Trevalon
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I call BS on this. You clearly never played on Tyranny the first year after AoC's launch. Because if you truly played every western MMO for the past 14 years, you'd know exactly what I mean and you would never make this kind of post.


Tyranny, again a PvP server, had to be actively monitored by Funcom AT ALL TIMES for absolutely atrocious behavior. In-game and out.


Your right I didn't play on Tyranny - I played on the Zug server. Actually I was the guild leader of the guild Reverence which was the first U.S. guild to kill Kylikki (1 Euro guild beat us by like an hour and Burrower didn't count cause everyone exploited him).

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This is amazing. You are playing on Imperial side and you expect people to be nice and kind? Are you serious?


No I don't expect anyone to be nice, or kind. There is a difference between being "mean" and what goes on in POT5 Imp Fleet Chat.


Mean =/ Vile - two very different things.

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Everyone, learn the rules of MMO chat.


RP server? The chat rarely goes bad and people are generally nice.

PvE server? Its a mix. A little worse than a RP server but not as bad. Still good.

PvP server? Its bad. You get all the trolls and your chat will be bad about 90% of the time. Why is this? Nobody knows. My theory is PvP attracts trolls and bad people.


Just the ways of MMOs.


On a side note, I've seen imp chat is worse in this game than republic side no matter what server you're on.

Edited by norlof
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General chat... You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We should proceed with caution.


Okay, I don't know the exact quote to that...


Naw, you pretty much nailed it, friend. It ends with "we must be cautious", but close enough. I think it would win on Jeopardy. LOL


Its the one quote I seem to remember very well.....it just sounds so cool.

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