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Chair Emote Put It In The Legacy Vendor


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Dear Bioware, stup punishing your RP community and just put the chair emote into the legacy vendor oke? like how we buy the doublelasers emote etc, i wanne bring over this message nice but F cartel market man, RP'ers have been waiting for since launch for this option and you milk them out now if it comes in the cartel market, dear bioware your the worst **** ever man if you do that and alot of other RP'ers are angry on the emote coming in this '' random RNG milk money box ''


So please do something with the legacy tab, put the emote's there, no one whants emotes to get into cartel packs, and dont make those emotes like 2 mil, 200 k is enough or what ever you whant so RP'ers can afford buying you know they are not realy rich so oke.

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Oh please, the emote will pop on GTN few days after release for reasonable prices (like everything else does) and then you can simply unlock it in collections. People crying about how much they want it will actually drive the GTN prices up (supply and demand, look it up).
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I agree that although the emote isnt exactly game breaking stuff, people play MMO's for differenct reasons.


Some like PVE and as such enjoy the content but all things PVE mean a great deal to them


Some like PVP and enjoy that content to them more war zones are very important and requested allot


Some like RP and enjoy the emotes and animations on offer and the sit is very important


Doesnt matter how you like to play the game there will be always important parts that should mean no more or less than any other.


I personally think this should be given free of charge as it a very basic emote that should of been arround since release. But putting as a legacy unlock would be allot better than making the emotes only obtainable through packs.


Also on most servers the emote will sell quite reasonably but on the RP servers unless the emote is INCREDIBLY common it will sell for near millions!!

Edited by Hodsy
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Oh please, the emote will pop on GTN few days after release for reasonable prices (like everything else does) and then you can simply unlock it in collections. People crying about how much they want it will actually drive the GTN prices up (supply and demand, look it up).


It really depends on how rare they are. On the Progenitor both /backflip and /flourish first came out at around 150k+, and their price only increased with time.

The Portable Relaxation unit came out at around 300k and quickly spiked to 1mil, and hasn't dropped since.

Edited by blooddodo
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Oh please, the emote will pop on GTN few days after release for reasonable prices (like everything else does) and then you can simply unlock it in collections. People crying about how much they want it will actually drive the GTN prices up (supply and demand, look it up).


lol "reasonable prices" ******** xD


i agree, i'd like for it to be in the legacy vendor.

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It really depends on how rare they are. On the Progenitor both /backflip and /flourish first came out at around 150k+, and their price only increased with time.

The Portable Relaxation unit came out at around 300k and quickly spiked to 1mil, and hasn't dropped since.


Rare emotes on the Progenitor are insanely expensive. However, it doesn't seem as if anybody buys them, because I see the same names selling them all the time. Maybe they have duplicates available, but I doubt that. If an emote has 2 hours left and some hours later, it has 2 days left, it is the same item.


As for the relaxation unit. I sold one for over 3 million credits. Insane as well. Didn't expect anyone to pay that much.


On topic: It is mainly the RPers who want the chair emote. So, really, BW, you should value your remaining RPs and give them an other option to get this emote. The people who are into your packs couldn't care less about what emotes are in there as long as there are some new ones.


And yes, the prices for this emote will be high from the get-go. Everyone who sells cartel stuff knows there is high demand for this emote. We will get a lof of crying then, I predict. A pity, because unnecessary.

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lol "reasonable prices" ******** xD


i agree, i'd like for it to be in the legacy vendor.


I'm not disagreeing that putting it in a legacy vendor is a good idea, but yeah, most emotes turn up on the GTN for incredibly cheap, sometimes as long as 1k credits. The really rare ones like Beach Party might go for 200-500k, but I'd hope they don't put something as simple as sitting in the really rare category.

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It should have never been made an Emote in the first place.

We should just be able to click on a chair and sit in it. It is a joke to make and emote instead of just fixing the game so that we can sit in chairs like normal.

All we are going to have now is a bunch of players looking like they are sitting in a chair but nothing will be under them. Unless of coarse they decide to make a chair magically appear underneath them.

Also people are going to be making multiple attempts to try and line up there character just right so when they use the emote that they will look like they are actually sitting in a chair. Some may even get frustrated with having to try and line it up all the time.


The whole thing is stupid and lazy. Lazy because instead of taking the time to fix something they decide to make something else in its place as an attempt to get us off their case on asking for the ability to sit in chairs. It is something we have been asking for since the game started.

On top of that they decide to charge us for it. So in order to get the thing someone has to buy those packs. Even for the ones on the GTN, someone would have to buy the pack first in order to place it there. All they are doing is milking us for credits. They are more focused on the GTN then on actually fixing the game. That is what it looks like to me from what I have seen lately. But that is just my opinion.


Well enough about that. BioWare and EA are set in there ways on this and I doubt they will change it now no matter how many of use do not like it. :rolleyes:

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lol im so tired of BW milking there consumers like we are a bunch of F-ing cows. making us pay real money for crap that should be free as part of the CORE game just blows my mind. what ever game that started this quid pro quo of charging for emotes, thank you very much for thinking of just another way to rip off the consumer..as far as bioware is concerned they have took it to the next level and charge us for barber shop things...as I said before I understand charging for race and sex change, but to force the player to pay real life money to change hair color!?


GREED! this trend will continue and only get worse..maybe not BW but perhaps another game will take it even further..charging for more core game things like...well, who knows. charging for the chat window? time ingame? charging to be able to enter certain areas of the game? this all seems ludicrous now, but 10 years ago, it was ludicrous to charge for emotes and barbershop. ..will we take a stand now, and put a stop to it, or will we have consumers that will continue to defend BW/EA and there greed at any cost + continue to feed our hard earned dollars to the greedy companies.. as I see it now it seems a large percentage of the player base will sit back and let themselves get ripped off..


and no I will not respond to anyone defending BW as I have heard it all before. and using our free stipends as an argument is weak at best. mabye if our stipends were more then what we get now, it might change my way of thinking..but as it is now, there are far too many other reasons to save and spend them such as name changes and of the like..yes we get those important things for free if the consumer is a smart saver, but that doenst give BW the right to charge us for core game mechanics. things like this just keep devaluing the subscription model.


car dealer : " yes I know im over charging you on this car. I tell you what, since it is over priced, I will throw in the engine for only 100 extra dollars!!"

consumer " that's one heck of deal, ill take it!..what abour brakes?"

car dealer " that will be another 500...."

consumer " but, I thought I was buying the whole car, why are you charging me for things that should already come with the car?"

dealer " because you will pay it"

Edited by displaynamee
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How is this emote part of a game? You can absolutely play the game any time of the day without it and it will have no effect on the outcome. Would you like to play with the emote add on? Cha-Ching!


Buying CM packs only encourages CM team to add more content.


You want to take it further? how about the XBox One and it's market strategy, Helloooooo!

Edited by ELRunninW
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How is this emote part of a game? You can absolutely play the game any time of the day without it and it will have no effect on the outcome. Would you like to play with the emote add on? Cha-Ching!

If it's in the game, it's part of the game. But yes, "cha-ching."


lol im so tired of BW milking there consumers like we are a bunch of F-ing cows. making us pay real money for crap that should be free as part of the CORE game just blows my mind. what ever game that started this quid pro quo of charging for emotes, thank you very much for thinking of just another way to rip off the consumer..as far as bioware is concerned they have took it to the next level and charge us for barber shop things...as I said before I understand charging for race and sex change, but to force the player to pay real life money to change hair color!?

Don't like it? Don't buy it. If you want it, buy it. "Problem" solved.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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If it's in the game, it's part of the game. But yes, "cha-ching."


No way, for you it is only in game if you pay for it. It is not available otherwise. Consider it downloadable content, this is known concept. None of the CM content was available with the game at the release date. It is all pure add on. Other than it depends on who considers what part of the game.

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"Fleet pass" is in the game even if a F2P does not buy one. Black/black dye is in the game even if I don't buy one.


So you would rather not have them? I am seriously puzzled with your choice of argument. Just because you were granted these items for free does not make it ok to associate them with items you were not granted for free.

Also why don't we perform a little experiment. Go and use the black dye without buying it.

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So you would rather not have them?

I don't care one way or the other.


I am seriously puzzled with your choice of argument.

Not as puzzled as I am by yours.


Just because you were granted these items for free does not make it ok to associate them with items you were not granted for free.

What do you mean by "these items" and what do you mean by "items you were not granted for free?" And what does 'OK" have to do with anything? The game works the way BWEA says the game works. Anyone who does not like it is free to move along.

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