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goodbye 8v8 rwz


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Thought this was a troll when I first read it. Anybody else?


Anyway, it could very well be the best move for SWTOR PvP, but regardless of whether or not we agree with the decision it's essentially admitting defeat in a major way.


I had a similar reaction when organized world PvP in Ilum was removed from the game over a year ago. Overall, it was probably the best decision but it still stings to know that another option for PvPers has failed.


Best case scenario this decision results in 2 steps forward, 1 step back. The optimistic approach would be to adopt that line of thinking, but I'm not sure if it's the logical one.

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I don't know why you are comparing one and the other in terms of numbers... you realize arenas and warzones are nowhere the same right? In one you kill, in the other you kill to obtain something with it.


I'm not comparing one or the other. I'm stating a fact. Arenas are popular, and I guaranteed there will be twice as many teams queuing in 2.4.

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At least they are honest about it - the feature lacked enough player interest on a single server level. As said above, cross-server WZs would solve this issue, and would in my opinion be worth sacrificing other PvP content even if they practically brought nothing new except shorter queue times.


The honest part was when they said they didn't do jack s*** to support 8v8 RWZ. If they had, there might have been more interest.


It is a self evident fact that (as BW says) it is easier to put together a 4-man team than an 8-man team. While I'll miss competitive play in 8v8 RWZ, I'm hopeful of more participation and better match making in rated Arenas.


EDIT: speaking of "not enough population to do good WZ matchmaking ..."


But wait! There’s more!

What about PvP post-2.4? What is coming next, you wonder? Well it wouldn’t be a dev post without some teasing! Here are some of the things on the horizon we have in store for PvP.

  • Removing the F2P restriction for entering the Warzones

Edited by funkiestj
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I'm not comparing one or the other. I'm stating a fact. Arenas are popular, and I guaranteed there will be twice as many teams queuing in 2.4.


You'll be dissapointed when you find out arena's in swtor will become the biggest fail in mmo gaming history.


People might be queueing, but people that actually know *** they do will very quickly run out of opponents.


Ever been at or above 2700 rating in WoW? Even in that game those queues are 20 bloody minutes and up. What do you think it'll be like here with not even a 10th of the playerbase?


Forget it, game has signed it's own death-sentence.

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You're clueless. So don't even try to argue about things you have no experience with.


Clearly Roudy knows how to macro and use clickers because he openly admits it on his stream multiple times that three out of 8 of his teammembers uses it.


And still they can't get the ball from poor poor tyre2ers.


RIP roudy.


Too soon?

Edited by Sammennn
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Forgive me here, I've read the blog a couple times now and I'm a bit confused on something. They have said they are removing 8v8 que from ranked WZ's, but they are adding a 4 man ranked que for Arena's. They only said Arena's, now, hopefully I'm just being a total derp here, but it seems like the only option for a ranked style of play moving forward is going to be Arena's. Am I just being an idiot and reading this wrong? I hope I am.


I, personally, don't have much interest in Arena's, I've always enjoyed the objective aspect of the PvP in this game, the struggle of taking something and how to best do that. I haven't done many ranked matches, but the few times I did get a chance to jump on a guilds VOIP system and participate was BY FAR the most fun I've ever had in this game, I love the coordination and teamwork and challenge this brings. Now, let's be honest, super queuing 8 guys against a random group is not only unfair, it's also notvery fun, not something I'll do, that type of play belongs in a competitive environment that Ranked play provides. I can't see 4v4 arena's providing this to me. Will there be great players? Of course. Will I be one of the best? Of course not! In the end though, to me, it's a watering down of what we have now, less people to keep track of, less map to have to cover to succeed, less enemies to worry about, and no objective to be aware of, just burn this guy, then this guy, then this one, they won't be too far off and again, not as many to keep track of.


Oh well I guess, can't please us all, right? I won't leave or anything (my computer can't handle GW2 or PS2 :p), but I'd ask that BioWARE considers leaving 8v8 in if enough people feel similar to the way I do. Also, can we maybe have an option to not be queued for Arena in the solo que should some of us try it and decide it's not for us? I fully intend to give it a shot but it is quite contrary to what I really like about WZ's in the first place and I'm not one to quit a match just because I'm not really feeling a map or something at the time, but an Arena is almost a whole different style of play than a WZ, ya know?


Anyway, my $.02 on the subject. :)

Edited by Razamatazz
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You'll be dissapointed when you find out arena's in swtor will become the biggest fail in mmo gaming history.


People might be queueing, but people that actually know *** they do will very quickly run out of opponents.


Ever been at or above 2700 rating in WoW? Even in that game those queues are 20 bloody minutes and up. What do you think it'll be like here with not even a 10th of the playerbase?


Forget it, game has signed it's own death-sentence.


This makes no sense if you think about it with even a crumb of reason. There are players in 8v8 ranked that have reached 4k rating. That's about as stratified as you can possibly get. How does it then follow that increasing that pool of players with a more accessible game type would be anything like signing a death-sentence? You are aware that on many servers ranked completely died because of one dominant team?


Yeah, I get it, you are raging right now, don't let me stop you. But to argue against arenas based on queue times is utterly absurd. Have you met 8v8 RWZs? There's no reality in which arenas is not an improvement in that respect.

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This makes no sense if you think about it with even a crumb of reason. There are players in 8v8 ranked that have reached 4k rating. That's about as stratified as you can possibly get. How does it then follow that increasing that pool of players with a more accessible game type would be anything like signing a death-sentence? You are aware that on many servers ranked completely died because of one dominant team?


Yeah, I get it, you are raging right now, don't let me stop you. But to argue against arenas based on queue times is utterly absurd. Have you met 8v8 RWZs? There's no reality in which arenas is not an improvement in that respect.


that is because the rating for 8vs8 doesent mean ****. teams with 4k face teams with less than 1k

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Sounds like they are doing the right thing getting rid of it then, yeah?


Not really.. I don't know a single player that actually gives a damn about his rating in this game. There is a reason guilds don't ask for it.


Playing rated warzones because of who we can meet there. And it's fun because of that. Rating plays no role, never has, never will.

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On the Bastion most of the Ranked Warzone teams are going to stop playing Ranked Warzones as soon as Arenas come out. This means that nobody is going to queue for Ranked Warzones.


There are 2 reasons for this:

1. The warzone maps weren't properly designed for competitive play. Look at Hypergte - many games go to the 16th round and end in a tie because teams split to the sides every round.

2. It is easier to get a 4v4 than an 8v8.



Therefore, it won't be a big deal to remove something from the game that nobody is going to actually play.

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On the Bastion most of the Ranked Warzone teams are going to stop playing Ranked Warzones as soon as Arenas come out. This means that nobody is going to queue for Ranked Warzones.


There are 2 reasons for this:

1. The warzone maps weren't properly designed for competitive play. Look at Hypergte - many games go to the 16th round and end in a tie because teams split to the sides every round.

2. It is easier to get a 4v4 than an 8v8.



Therefore, it won't be a big deal to remove something from the game that nobody is going to actually play.


We can say this a 100 times but the ones mad about losing a feature that was already dead is not going to understand.

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Not really.. I don't know a single player that actually gives a damn about his rating in this game. There is a reason guilds don't ask for it.


Playing rated warzones because of who we can meet there. And it's fun because of that. Rating plays no role, never has, never will.


Hold on so you were arguing before that arenas are bad because the rating will produce a situation in which queues take a long time, a situation that has already occurred in gametype defeating proportions with 8v8. And you are stating here that rating plays no role in anything. Can you just flick your own ears for me.


You don't see the problem with a competitive system where the rating is pointless? New plan: everybody goes to the world series this year.

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As much as it sucks for the teams that have been working on their rated game over the last year and a bit, at the end of the day the 8v8 ranked system was a failure and at this point I would guess less than 1% population que up for ranked on a regular basis so its time they took it in another direction. If the arenas are fun it will spark life into pvp again, if they balance classes a bit better and not make team comp the cookie cutter they are today it has the possibility to be fun with many teams participating. My only concern is that they will make que's for reg 8v8 warzones longer than they are currently. Edited by dego-harmonium
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I'm not comparing one or the other. I'm stating a fact. Arenas are popular, and I guaranteed there will be twice as many teams queuing in 2.4.


I'm just going to point out that if there were twice as many teams queuing, there wouldn't be any more people than before. You know, since teams for 8v8 are twice the size.



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I'm just going to point out that if there were twice as many teams queuing, there wouldn't be any more people than before. You know, since teams for 8v8 are twice the size.




You realize there are a lot of people for numerous reasons that do 4 man groups but very rarely or never do ranked right? There are probably twice as many people like that than actual full blown ranked teams.

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You realize there are a lot of people for numerous reasons that do 4 man groups but very rarely or never do ranked right? There are probably twice as many people like that than actual full blown ranked teams.


You do realize that isn't what you said, right? I'm not questioning whether arenas will or will not attract more players because of smaller team sizes, only that if you are hoping for twice the teams, you are almost guaranteed to get your wish.


Not to mention, it still does not offer a basis for removing 8v8 ranked warzones.

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You realize there are a lot of people for numerous reasons that do 4 man groups but very rarely or never do ranked right? There are probably twice as many people like that than actual full blown ranked teams.


You realise that many teams stopped doing ranked 8v8 simply because they were getting farmed?


This is precisely what will happen with arenas too. The end result being that they will have pissed off a load of people just to maintain the status quo.

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BW is simply eliminating all objective based game to one form of game play; survival, even though class balance is not built around it (will be all playing ops & sins vs ops & sins). They are removing ranked from objective based WZs and separating ques between arenas and and objective based, so ques are going to go from long to dreadfully long for regular WZs..


I refuse to play non-objective based PvP. It has no strategy. Just find out which composition is ideal (again will be all playing ops & sins vs ops & sins with current class balance), then smash buttons asap.


I will probably stay around to 2.4 to see the new PvE content then unsub.

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